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Is religion the number 1 killer of all time?

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 11:07 PM
Just for a second imagine the stress relief if everything was free and you just had to work as usual??

Why is this so hard to do??

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by one4all
Not we should help my friend,a global democracy that everyone has to join,you dont get to choose to help because your country doesnt own anything on the planet and neither do you,the planets resources all belong to humanity in equal proportions and our only goal in our lives is to forge ahead and create a world where there is true equality.

You see the concept that you have the power to CHOOSE to help or NOT help is insane.You were born with an obligation to spend your entire life helping others .

Dont you mean becoming a slave? I know what you said but didnt Pol Pot say that? And helping, I shouldnt be helping anyone that doesnt need the help. Help is need based like a widow down the road trying to raise kids I need to help her but not going to help some lazy ass or some big idea guy. You know this "something larger than self" bull crap thats been going around. And really I know what that means and also know it means dif things to dif people.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:12 AM
No, human nature is #1

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:29 AM
Statistically, no. The biggest killers of all time in terms of humanity has been the sabre tooth tiger, the mammoth and the house fly.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:30 AM
You were born a slave to humanity that is how we survive,when you step outside the boundaries of humanitarianism conduct you begin to fool yourself and become a threat to humanities survival.

What I am saying is simple,you dont get to save more nuts than you can eat,you cant steal other peoples nuts,you cant fool other people out of their nuts,and you cant accept their nuts in the name of your invisible friend,if no one can have more nuts than they deserve there is enough for everyone and balance ,when people start aquiring nuts in crooked,decietful ways to gain an advantage on the back of humanity ,they are comitting a crime,no hoarding or saving beyond your own personal consumption abilities.

Like I said we are all just nuts.

Oh we all get it all right and as I gifted in another post if you want to know humanities history gather yourself up copies of the top ten religous doctrines and sit down and u2u me,I will show you how to reverse extrapolate the truth and only the truth from all of these books and you will be left with nuggets of gold from each book that will all fit together and you can put your mind and heart to rest,what people fail to recognise is that if all these religons did this they would come together and release this imaginary god idea and embrace the real message in these texts,the message that says we are our own creators,our own gods.That the very existance of humanity is god,that all of our lives being connected is GOD ,that this living link IS ALL THAT GOD COULD EVER BE.

And most importantly if we destroy our planets environment and we die ,we kill god,we destroy everything.

God cant save us and he wont ressurect us,its really up to us to continue to survive on this planet AND TO KEEP GOD ALIVE AS LONG AS OUR SPECIES IS ALIVE.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by one4all

We must view EVERYTHING WE CONCIEVE OF FROM A GLOBAL DEMOCRACY PERSPECTIVE ,for the simple reason that we all have an equal right a say in the path of our species and an equal right to our share of global resources,it is a crime against humanity for one man to posess more material goods than another man UNLESS ALL OF HIS ENERGYS ARE DEVOTED TO EQUALISING HIS PRESENT STATE WITH THAT OF HUMANITY AS A WHOLE.

In other words the only way you get the good stuff is if you are contributing a greater amount towards the global humanitarian equalisation effort than others and even at that we are talking functional things that constitute more than your share,not personal posessions or material things.

It isnt quite so complicated in fact a lot of those ideas were motivated or created by fiscal obsession,these ideas were all created from within a reaslity revolving around money and at there very cores they are WRONG.

We need to reassess from a global perspective and create new ideologies based on this reality,we cant avoid it.

But what does this all have to do with the topic. I can see a trend of communism within your posts, but man just doesn't work that way. Maybe in a million years we might continually evolve into your Star Trek utopia, but today, man has a lot of flaws.

As old world as it is religion is it does teach morals in many ways, and I do not think man is inherently born with them, but learns them. This doesn’t mean man follows those morals as flawed as we are, but it is still a foundation to fall back on since man also have a tendency to correct back. We have seen just how evil man can get when society does away with religious morals and replaces it with nothing such as in communism, nationalism etc are all great examples of this situation.

You want to update the whole moral foundation into a newer, most likely purer state than what religion offers, but can this really be done anytime soon. I think not, it is wishful thinking just as the Star Trek world is. Even in your system you will still have the haves and the haves not. The vast majority of successful people today are that way because they put the most time and effort into their success along with having much better than average intelligence, ambition, motivation, charisma, vision etc and so greatly succeed in life where others fail.

In your system we would still have them and we would still have the person who does very little with their lives too as we see in rather large numbers around the world. Would this not set up once again those who work hard and reap the benefit and those who just drift through life getting little but what they deserve?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by one4all

You sound like a religious cult figure. Jim Jones maybe.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 08:09 AM
No..... Life is 100% fatal......

second line

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:48 AM
Non of the religion allow us to do any kind of violence,but in most of holy books it is written to have peace, it is only human who points out towards it to be excused.
cheap cosmetics

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 10:37 AM
Xtrozero,you seem to be working on the assumption that man is naturally a violent unreasonable savage species,you are wrong we dont come from a history of violence and we havent been getting more and more humane and HUMAN,not at all my friend.
We came from a team first environment or history or we wouldnt have survived to this point,team first not me first,

We avoided violence because even a small cut could kill us with infection,we werent stupid then,violence?maybe to get our food ,we all had to sacrifice EVERY PERSONAL WANT IMAGINABLE JUST FOR THE SPECIES TO SURVIVE.

It wasnt until the first human groups encountered population pressure that they began to compete with each other,and this competition got real serious with ONE SMART MAN OR WOMAN IN ONE GROUP THAT LEARNED ABOUT MANIPULATION,TRICKERY ,AND TOMFOOLERY.This was THE FIRST RELIGOUS LEADER.the first person that learned to convince people to believe in ideas based on a future tense ,and the first one to convince them that certain actions in the present tense could somehow affect the FUTURE OUTCOME OF THEIR REALITYS.

Its called BSing today,you know lieing,misrepresenting,fibbing,whatever you will and we know billions are victems but billions are victims of other things so there is no surprise at the scope of the illusion.

We came from peaceful to violent or we should specify,violence AGAINST EACH OTHER,which coincidentally is only possible because of religous illusions.

Killing the team members would be like shooting the last man in your line every minute while you are having a tug of war with mother nature for your very survival,but still smiling thinking you will win WHEN YOUR IMAGINARY FRIEND SHOWS UP.

Religon allowed us to form new teams and defeat our true nature of teamwork developed over centuries,so we were brainwashed into believing that we wer really shooting the last man in someone elses line every minute.

Do you see the deception,we have been manipulated into killing each other believing we are saving ourselves as we do it.It is all religon.

And to the poster who said I sounded like a cult member or whatever,one of my relatives started a new age religon which now has members numbering in the millions worldwide,the talent runs in the family with the reality that some if us use our natural tendencies to show people a new way to see their world that is positive,while others like my relative chose to party it up in religous cults,I refer to all religons in this statement as they are ALL CULTS.

If you want to learn about our history as a species then open your mind up if you dare,let me operate a little,dont be nervous.

Just kidding,get yourself a bible,a koran,and a copy of the rest of the top ten religous doctrines on the planet,go to your library if you have to but get the actual book it will be easier to accept the truth if you are actually holding it in you hands and you can feel the pages.

You need to read each book and as you read it you need to apply a simple principal called reverse extrapolation.I will teach you if you u2u me.

This will allow you to remove every layer of data that is not truth,if you apply my method to every page of these books you will find that from each doctrine you will be left with a small pile of nuggets of undeniable truth,each pile will have some similarities and some differences,but when you put them all together you will find the entire TRUE UNDENIABLE HISTORY OF HUMANITY.

You will have to change your shorts when you realise that these doctrines preach an incredible truth that will topple humanities perspective and reality without flying saucers landing on the whitehouse lawn.


The time has come to bring them all together.U2u me and learn how to reverse extrapolate,I wont post the method here because it would simply be to distracting trying to teach everyone here with an open forum,I need to be able to jump ahead of your thinking to be effective and I can do that here on the forum with as many people as choose to participate ,I can teach the majority but I might lose you,I prefer indivdual focus for a very short time as opposed to the traditional learning process of slowing everything down to accomodate different perspective or reality levels.

The time consuming components of our traditional communication methods are specifically designed to slow us down,identifing and eliminating these components is the basis of my method.

The same principals used to lure you into a religous perspective ARE USED TO LURE YOU BACK OUT AGAIN.

The point being that once you are out you will be IMMUNE to being lured back EVER,you are free forever once your eyes are opened.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by one4all

The time has come to bring them all together.U2u me and learn how to reverse extrapolate,I wont post the method here because it would simply be to distracting trying to teach everyone here with an open forum,I need to be able to jump ahead of your thinking to be effective and I can do that here on the forum with as many people as choose to participate ,I can teach the majority but I might lose you,I prefer indivdual focus for a very short time as opposed to the traditional learning process of slowing everything down to accomodate different perspective or reality levels.

The time consuming components of our traditional communication methods are specifically designed to slow us down,identifing and eliminating these components is the basis of my method.

Warning! This is a disingage brain routine. By the way will you need my credit card number?

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:24 AM
Logarock,the truth is undeniable,I cant possibly alter the truth or change it in any way ,I can only alter or change untruths or lies.

I am not challenging I am stating.

If you wish to learn how to reverse extrapolate I wont need your credit card number,you already know how you just forgot,it wouldnt be fair to take money for SIMPLY REMINDING YOU OF SOMETHING YOU ALREADY KNOW.

It should feel that way to you my information shakes the foundation of your reality or perspective and piques your curiosity.

Think about why you have the defensive reaction that causes you to attack without questioning first.

Its your curiosity,you cant stop yourself from wanting to learn and the more you learn the more upsetting it is ,but in todays world you dont have to remain exposed to anything you dont want to for very long so you find yourself flitting back to this stuff again and again.

It wont go away ,we all have the choice of acceptance or denial it is our picture we can paint it any way we want to,but the canvas will always remain the same,the truths will always remain the same wether as individuals we choose to embrace them into or reality or not.

The more you learn the further away from spirituality you will go until you seek it out yourself as a non religous resource or history.

We need to come back to that which is destroying us for the answers about how to save ourselves,we must make lemonade and right bloody now.If we take to much time trying to reach the most curious amongst us we will falter we must trust that that curiosity will encourage these believers to jog along beside us and learn on the fly.


At the end of the day all religous people have to kiss and make up and then they all have to have a group hug as they tell each other the truth,that we are all still searching for our creator,that we are all we have right now ,we have to accept that the human species creates its own reality by existing in cumulative paralell realities or perspectives,and that we can physically exist together but if our realities and perspectives conflict we will attempt to preserve our own by eliminating all factors of the competing reality even if that means your life.

So by continuing to struggle to maintain conflicting realities we will continue to kill each other,in fact this is the only reason we have ever killed each other and the proof is stark and prominent.

This is what is hard to accept ,I can lead you through these realities and keep your mind open for you but YOU HAVE TO DO ALL THE WORK.

Your mind keeps snapping shut like a steel trap,my method of reverse extrapolation will force your mind to stay open of its own accord,its like I keep tickling your feet while you type at your keyboard,at first it will be weird but after a while you will get used to it.You will find that if i tickle your feet as you type and you are used to it you will make LESS mistakes not more.Dont ask me why it works it just does.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by one4all

Its called BSing today,you know lieing,misrepresenting,fibbing,whatever you will and we know billions are victems but billions are victims of other things so there is no surprise at the scope of the illusion.

We came from peaceful to violent or we should specify,violence AGAINST EACH OTHER,which coincidentally is only possible because of religous illusions.

Prove it. Because of religious illusions we became violent? So are you sure it wasn't our old tribal ways? If you believe in evolution, you will know as humans started to spread competition became more aggressive. It had nothing to do with God, it was simply trying to feed your tribe by eliminating the competition.

Do you see the deception,we have been manipulated into killing each other believing we are saving ourselves as we do it.It is all religon.

Your principal to attaining true eutopia is flawed. Elimination of religion will not make this world any better. In fact, one could argue that without diversifying we could be living under a tyrant such as Stalin.

This will allow you to remove every layer of data that is not truth,if you apply my method to every page of these books you will find that from each doctrine you will be left with a small pile of nuggets of undeniable truth,each pile will have some similarities and some differences,but when you put them all together you will find the entire TRUE UNDENIABLE HISTORY OF HUMANITY.

So what you are saying is you will point out that writers lies. So who will point out and say you are lying? How do we know you are going to tell the truth and not lead us down a path full of illusions?

Well, you really can't. That would be following by faith, welcome to religion.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:36 AM
Not eliminating religon in its totality,freedom of choice dictates that that isnt possible ,however,Eliminating the power that religon has today ,the power that it bestows upon its members that defraud them into believing that they have a god given right to priorise their own personal belief systems and personal "wants"BEFORE THOSE OF HUMANITY.

The only reason that this has been able to occur without humanity naturally eliminating religon is that religons have all kept themselves existing as seperate entities and because of the false sense of entitlement that each propogates in a co-operative manner [because the only time they come together is to defend the right to freedom of religous expression]religons PREVENT HUMANITY FROM EVER ATTAINING A SINGLE PERSPECTIVE OR REALITY WE ARE NEVER ABLE TO TAKE A VOTE ON A SPECIES SCALE TO DETERMINE HUMANITIES FUTURE PATH AND TO CONTROL HUMANITIES PRESENT CONDITION.

Once there is a forum for a global democracy to EXIST UPON,and this is soon coming because it is the only viable option,humanity will be able to voice its true wishes ,TRUE NOT MISREPRESENTED BY THE CHURCH OR REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS.

Once this happens the illusion that religon exists within as it is today will disappear because there will be no environment for it to exist in.


Wha La !!

No more religon,point made,but remember I mean religon as it exists today,we havent discovered how or by whom we were created yet!!!!

Hold the fort,we need religon ,FOR SURE,just not this crap that people are mistakenly defending when they are very aware that change is needed.


Or no religon at all,HUMANITY FIRST,no compromise,individual freedom of expression MUST NEVER BE PRIORISED OVER THE HEALTHY SURVIVAL OF HUMANITY AS A WHOLE.

Think about it who the heck would fight if there were no religons ,AND IF WE HAD A GLOBAL DEMOCRACY THAT ENSURED WORLDWIDE EQUALITY OF LIFE AND STANDARD OF LIVING FOR ALL HUMANS,there would be no reason to fight,only a reason to heal all of the wounds caused by religons uncontrolled rampage through humanities history,a rampage caused by the manipulation of information and the withholding of education and knowledge from the masses.

The internet has created a forum through which A REAL TIME EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION CAN OCCUR WORLDWIDE AND SIMULTANEOUSLY,this eliminates the environment in which religon has survived in LONG PAST ITS NATURAL DUE DATE.

As I said religon is all BS,and I come from a long line of humans with the ability to quantify all of these perspectives and to illiterate them and communicate them to the masses myself,ANYTHING THAT MUST REMAIN HIDDEN AS RELIGON DOES WITHIN THE DATA STREAM IS BS,the only place BS and religon can exist IS WITHIN OUR FORUMAND STRANDS OR STYLE OR METHODS OR TYPES OF COMMUNICATION.

Eliminate the environment and you eliminate the problem,ALL SALUTE THE INTERNET AND HUMANITIES FREEDOM .

Equinox99,I will teach you how to tell if YOU ARE LIEING TO YOURSELF,never mind if I am lieing to you,and all writers do not lie,but there can only be one right and one wrong ,remember that ,this is the basis for what I am saying,you cannot help but unravel the truth if you remember this premise.Dont forget that I AM NOT SAYING THERE IS ONLY ONE RIGHT AND ONE WRONG FOR ALL OF HUMANITY AT ANY GIVEN TIME I AM SAYING THERE IS ONLY ONE RIGHT AND ONE WRONG WAY FOR YOU YOURSELF TO PROCESS DATA AND TO QUANTIFY THAT DATA IN YOUR PRESENT TENSE OR IN YOUR CURRENT LIFE.

I dont want to lead anyone down a path,but everyone sometimes needs a little help seeing the path clearly,if you are forced to travel the path with blinders on YOU WILL BELIEVE YOU ARE RECIEVING FULL VALUE FOR YOUR JOURNEY,however if you have a full view of the possible perspectives or realities around you you you will experience a greater degree of freedom of choice or will,this freedom if left to flourish within humanity would creat a peaceful world,it is the inhibition of the higher degrees of freedom of choice and will that allow these 'BLINDERS" to exist.

I want to show you how to see the path clearly enough to take your own personal life and the interests of humanity into consideration when you choose which turns to take and which ones to reject during your juorney or life.

Most of you have been taught by religous leaders who were VERY GOOD AT THEIR JOBS,to view the path with blinders on ,to view the road and all its twists and turns from only from YOUR OWN PERSPECTIVE[they encourage this through binding you with informal grey area moral contracts that allow you to be selfish first,damage humanity,and answer to god and be forgiven SECOND--then repeat the cycle for your life eternally gaining personal fulfillment at a cost to humanity ,at least until your carcass turns to dust that is.],they have FORBIDDEN YOU TO INCORPORATE HUMANITIES NEEDS INTO YOUR REALITY BECAUSE THE MOMENT YOU DO YOU REJECT RELIGON AS IT EXISTS TODAY.

As I said I have a family history and communication is the key and I believe we inherit some component of our communication abilities or potential .I will show you if you will listen and apply.I will never ask you to change or omit anything from your reality or belief system ,I will only ask you to ADD POTENTIAL PERSPECTIVES TO YOUR CURRENT DECISION MAKING DATA BANK.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 14-3-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 14-3-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 14-3-2010 by one4all]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by djbj597922

I think it might come in third behind automobile accidents and death by prescription drug over dose. And I think religion is a good the right hands but it has been perverted. I never read a Book filled with more inconsistencies and contradictions as the holy Bible.

I think someone came along and edited the first draft so that it means something completely different, it says what they wanted it to say and by some quirk or breach of trust or something they were not allowed to remove the truth becuse it is in there too.
They were only allowed to cover up and gloss over the truth with so many lies - you couldn't find the truth in there if you tried.

Read words in red. Christ didn't lie and they could not pervert this part of the book either.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:18 PM
The truth is found in the communication methods used .There is only one right and one wrong,it isnt like a jigsaw puzzell,even if you were blind and deaf you would have a 50/50 chance of subscribing to a truthful reality,many people on earth do it today and arent even aware of it.

You are almost there ,now just accept that amongst all of those lies there is ONLY ONE TRUTH,now that you know there is only one truth you can simply look for areas where the multitude of ideas or data lines intersect in a supportive nature,this is your scent trail,a confalagaration of data streams ALL CONTRIVED TO SUPPORT A COMMON PERSPECTIVE WITHIN THE DYNAMIC OF THE REALITY YOUR ARE EXPERIENCEING.the word I think is extraneous,you just need a starting point to determine what is extraneous.

I will show you how to take off the blinders and determine what information is extraneous.

You must undestand that we MUST BE MISLED TO MISS OR NOT KNOW OF THIS PERSPECTIVE,and we have been so sadly misled that we believe we are experiencing an EPIPHANY,when we finally see clearly without blinders on.

The only way to find the truth is to seek it through the reverse extrapolation of ALL MAJOR DOCTRINES ,it is a secret purposefully hidden within all doctrines for the specific reason that ONLY PEOPLE WITH THE ABILITY TO ACCEPT AND PROCESS THE NEW REALITY OR PERSPECTIVE WILL EVER IDENTIFY THE MANNER IN WHICH THE SECRET IS FOUND AND INTERPRETED.

And this isnt a hollywood movie either.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by one4all]

[edit on 14-3-2010 by one4all]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by one4all

Think about it who the heck would fight if there were no religons ,AND IF WE HAD A GLOBAL DEMOCRACY THAT ENSURED WORLDWIDE EQUALITY OF LIFE AND STANDARD OF LIVING FOR ALL HUMANS,there would be no reason to fight,only a reason to heal all of the wounds caused by religons uncontrolled rampage through humanities history,a rampage caused by the manipulation of information and the withholding of education and knowledge from the masses.

Who would fight if there was no religion? All did not believe in God and thought religion was poison.

1. Mao Zedong (over 40 million Chinese starved in "Great leap forward" late 1950s - early 60s), and like you mentioned in question
2 Josif Stalin (over 20-30 million Russians murdered, 1930s-1953),
3. Pol Pot (killed up to 50% of Kampuchea's population)
4. Ho Chi Minh (caused Vietnam War, one of bloodiest wars of 20th century, as 3rd after World Wars, which later created massive refugee problem)
5. Kim Il-Sung (caused Korean War, North Korea's despot from 1949-94, who corrupted communist ideology to became a fedal family dynasty)
How many in total got killed in Vietnam or in North Korea under those commie despots are not known...

Manipulation of information will always be around and controlled by the elite. If religion disappears the elite will still be here to use the same tools they have before.

Democracy would not be able to work worldwide. Too many greedy people will starve out the poor.

Equinox99,I will teach you how to tell if YOU ARE LIEING TO YOURSELF,never mind if I am lieing to you,and all writers do not lie

Sorry, I had to laugh at this. Never mind if you are lying? Come on man, are you serious? you are telling me to stop following those liars and start following this one. All writers do not lie? Do some research.

but there can only be one right and one wrong ,remember that ,this is the basis for what I am saying,you cannot help but unravel the truth if you remember this premise.Dont forget that I AM NOT SAYING THERE IS ONLY ONE RIGHT AND ONE WRONG FOR ALL OF HUMANITY AT ANY GIVEN TIME I AM SAYING THERE IS ONLY ONE RIGHT AND ONE WRONG WAY FOR YOU YOURSELF TO PROCESS DATE AND TO QUANTIFY THAT DATA IN YOUR PRESENT TENSE OR IN YOUR CURRENT LIFE.


Sorry, you don't make much sense to me. It would be ludicrous for me to follow the teachings of a man who doesn't know what he is talking about. I can make some philosophical nonsense and act superior as well.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by djbj597922

Just look at the history of the US continent for the answer. Since 1492 Hundreds of American Indians were wiped out in the name of the church. Where the cross has gone, death has followed. In the 1490's the pope even said that if the Indian would not convert or allow themselves to be taken as slaves (same thing) they were to be wiped out. For more info read any book by Vine Deloria, Jr. God is Red is a good one. Also, Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Skid Mark

What about death in the name of science? More people have died with science advancement than that evil Vatican. The Roman catholic church is evil, but what about those crazy Nazi scientists? Go do some research please before saying death follows the cross.

Science invented nuclear weapons, guns, warships, cigarettes, chemicals, and etc.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Equinox99,there is nowhere for any religon to hide and I believe I was refering to all religons as a blanket statement and as they exist today specifically,I believe religon is not something that can or should be controlled or regulated by law,UNTIL that religon posesses fiscal power or until the religon or its philosophys create situations that produce negative results regarding humanitys best interests,in otherwards NO RELIGON SHOULD EVER BE ALLOWED TO EXIST IF IT PROPOGATES A NON-HUMANITARIAN PERSPECTIVE.


What i am really saying is we need a global power big enough and democratic enough to legally allow for the dismantling of and the disempowering of all organised religons as we know them.

IN OTHER WORDS ONLY A GLOBAL DEMOCRACY WILL DO ,and the major religons are well aware of this fact and constantly propogate war and conflict to ensure they are needed and they can survive.

Yes buddy a power big enough to tell every christian or every muslim that if you lift a hand or threaten to lift a hand or claim to have a divine right to lift a hand AGAINST ANOTHER HUMAN BEING ANYWHERE ON EARTH,we will absolutely regulate your actions in the NAME OF HUMANITY.

A power big enough and backed by the voices of the majority of humanity,and happily most of those voices dont subscribe to the same religon so it should be pretty easy to sway the global vote in favor of disenfranchising organised religon as we now know it.

You can worship your gods but both you and they barring a true miracle WILL LIVE UNDER THE LAW OF HUMANITY .And if a reality or perspective is fostered or encouraged that threatens the welfare of humanity ,it will be regulated immediatly ,IN THE NAME OF HUMANITYS WELFARE.

You see once you give a voice to the powerless and manipulated majority your religons dont have a chance of survival through natural attrition,blame the internet for exposing these frauds,dont blame humanity because the BAND IS MARCHING ON.

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