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Why do Christians worship the God of the Hebrews?

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:30 PM
Thank you for saying Hebrews instead of Jewish (who were His opposers and the sin He came to away with, from whom in standing and turning away Stephen looking intently saw Him!)
-even Israel would be fine as that is the lost sheep which were to be saved!

Hebrew is the Oracles from Abraham; the Iconic words and Calendar, the Alphabet and Covenant and Promise...

Israel are the Children of the Agreement at Sinai, of which Judah (with Levi, Simeon, Benjamin, and Reuben) would form the Judaea of the Lord and His tribe of nativity -which did not regain the mother Script or original Calendar after the captivity in Babylon.

The Israelites went out over the whole Earth with the Phoenicians(!), and they are only just recently coming to be found!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by octotom
reply to post by felonius

His teachings became horribly coopted by Rome. I doubt he would recognise his teachings in most of what happened even 300 years after his death.

In some churches he may not recognize the teachings, but in general, I truly think he would. We have manuscripts of the New Testament that date back to decades after Christ's teachings would have been given and the New Testament manuscripts are pretty well attested to. There is something like one or two percent variation, mostly coming from spelling errors/differences.

My point is, we can be fairly sure that the New Testament, especially the Gospels, with presuppositions and denominational baggage set aside, contain the teachings of Christ.

I think they do contain Christ's teachings, but not undistorted. Moreover, other texts (gnostic, apocrapha, etc.) were rejected at various councils. Those who believe these councils were divinely inspired may believe that these teachings were invalid from the beginning, but I personally think the exclusions were made for various human and political reasons rather than being divinely inspired. I'm not saying that everything (or even anything) rejected was necessarily the teachings of Christ, but the possibility should give one pause.

I think what Christ would have the hardest time with in our age is not so much the teachings of the New Testament as recieved, but rather the hypocracy of many (if not most) who claim to follow them.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU

Jews is easier to type, no offense meant.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 12:09 AM
hey srocker...everythng troubleshooter says and...look at reality this way.:
God is a spirit, and you can talk to him and He will lead you. just what you want, something supernatural and powerful...truth. so Godtried to find someone who would believe in him, be and live like he knew God was real.( and the one God) hGod found Abrham(Abraham). stay with me here....hehe...Abraham did something better to prove to God that he believed for real. a possible history of Abrahams dad...who was an idol maker, made em out of day a pile of idols, ready for delivery, were by the stove and barely were burning. Abrahams father told him to go save those gods.....but Abraham knew better, he had spiritual vision to see what our God is like, and not a stick of wood that can't save itself/.! God told Abraham to leave his father and go far..... a
alot of reading to get it all soaked in,huh!

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 02:36 AM
The thing I don't get about Christianity is that we have to apologise for being human? If he made us in his image then why do we have to apologise for things we do?

Fcuking stupid really..

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Baguette
The thing I don't get about Christianity is that we have to apologise for being human? If he made us in his image then why do we have to apologise for things we do?

Fcuking stupid really..

The phrase actually says 'as His image'.

Which is like saying I work 'as' a Bank Manager...
...or I work 'as' a mechanic...
...the Hebrew nuance carries the same meaning... be 'as the image' of God means you are to act as God in the world... are to act as God's image, imaging Him in the world... is simply a description of our soveriegnty and responsibility.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 03:42 AM
link to your ability be responding...
...even as a man thinks in his will he is...
...we shall be known even as we were knowing... the image of His likeness we shall be found to be...

Scripture rules!

[edit on 2010/2/8 by YeHUaH ELaHaYNU]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by OldThinker


Indeed. He is our salvation.

Pharoah himself was once believed to be God. His people lavished him as

"one born of earth and sky". This would make it extremely hard to accept

the fact that there really is a God, when you have spent your whole life

being spoiled and feared by everyone. Worshiped when ever you paraded

through the streets. Who of mankind would not believe they were a God

when from the time you were very young everyone has told you that

you are.

Everyone fussing over you from the time you first opened your eyes .

You would believe it. Everyone of us would believe beyond doubt that we

were God. Pharoah was no different. Let that soak in for minute.

Now, maybe you can imagine how hard it must have been for Pharoah.

Here is a man that out of all mankind that has ever lived, there has never

been anyone as far away from belief in the Hebrew God as Pharoah. No

one could possibly disbelieve more. Imagine Dawkins times 1000. People

have to see this is the message God is sending us in the book of Exodus. I

don't claim to know the mind of God. I do claim enough understanding of

the story to see what God is saying to us all in this story.

Look at the Pharoah of Who stood alone far beyond any of us in his

disbelief. No one could have anything on him for sure. No not even you!

Moses said to Pharoah, "it would take more than a man to free the slaves,

it would take a God". Indeed it did. This is the message from Pharoah to

all that do not believe in God. The Bible is just the vehicle of that message.

That message is the answer to your question.

Moses God is God.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Schleprock

History and facts actually tell us that the large religions, Christian\islam\hindu and more are worshipping the same god. All of the bibles are made from different places on the planet,but they all at some point containt the same thing. Same happenings,same names,same writing,same story ect,all identical. Why is that,? because the god they are talking about is annanukas- You will soon find that answer

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Schleprock

Good question

I myself have pondered this one. I always found it weird how many sermons would delve into the Old Testament and how they drilled the Old Testament fables into the heads of the young. Most children know the story of Noah and Moses before they know anything about Jesus.

The main answer is that Jesus claimed to be the son of God and so it is assumed he was referring to the God of Abraham, which makes sense (and even Jesus wanted them to pray Our Father, not to pray to Jesus himself). Then it appears Jesus, after his death, has his religion popularized, it is spread all over the place becoming a thorn in the side of the Romans. So the Romans then take over Christianity and the rest is history, it goes from popular cult to state sponsored religion. Rome was huge even when it was crumbling and Christianity was spread at the speartip of a Roman soldier. Later it was forced upon more and more people under penalty of death or imprisonment.

Eventually the God of the Israelites became the God of the world and the stories of his wrathful horrific genocidal bloodlust became the stories they teach our kids in Sunday School

And instead of following strictly the Gospels all sorts of nonsense is paraded as Christian. Like anything that Paul wrote. The Apostle Paul wasn't even a disciple, let alone Jesus himself, and yet everything he writes is considered part of the immutable word of God for no apparent reason. If anything all the Gospels they threw out, and the 4 we already have, should be the ONLY books in the Christian Bible.

[edit on 8-2-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 08:07 AM
God is the God of all creation. It just so happened that He used the Hebrews to preserve His word, and through their bloodline He chose to make Himself manifest.

Here is an old testament verse of the Father speaking to the Son, 600 years before Christ took on human form. (All non Jews are Gentiles)

Isaiah 49:6
And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

And of course John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

If He was simply the God of the Hebrews, the words 'world', and 'whosoever' would be meaningless

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by OldThinker


Indeed. He is our salvation.


Thks for the response....

It is sad that many, if not most IGNORE my post....

I am troubled by this recent trend....wonder why?

Is OT too OLD? outta touch?

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 08:14 PM
because he said would save all the people that would convert to christianity

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by hill 10
because he said would save all the people that would convert to christianity

Are you addressing me?


posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Baguette
The thing I don't get about Christianity is that we have to apologise for being human? If he made us in his image then why do we have to apologise for things we do?

Fcuking stupid really..

Quite often, as in this case, a few words say a thousand times more than all the ponderous speeches

The above quote should get Post of the Year, imo

But organised religion wouldn't like this attitude to spread, or it would mean the end of their God Industry, the end of their Afterlife Insurance industry and the end of all their claims

Great post, great comment, Baguette

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull


Powerful post by another indendent thinker

I agree with you, by the way, as I'm sure do many others

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by OldThinker

Is OT too OLD? outta touch?

I hope that isn't it OT. I don't believe it is either. I get the same thing so
don't worry yourself. If I had to guess I'd say the crowd has been watered
down with some cold azz water these days. Prolly just a phase.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Schleprock

Sorry I didn't bother to read all the posts but I thought I would respond to the OP question directly and then point out some errors by a few posts on the front page.

First, a bit of history...
Christians worship the Hebrew God because they recognize Him as the one, true God. The reason God set aside a people for himself was to make them so obviously different from the rest of the world that their very existence would be a witness to the surrounding nations who worshipped all sorts of false gods.

The Israelite people failed miserably at this as they broke God's commands numerous times and went into captivity over and over. Their lifestyle did not reflect the Holiness of God like it was supposed to. The Law that was supposed to be upheld and be their righteousness was now their accuser before God, as they could not maintain their righteousness. (This is why Christians focus on the grace and righteousness through Christ, because we need His sacrifice since no person is able to uphold these laws perfectly)

God does care about the people that were not Hebrews. He led Jacob to the promised land and in the process slaughtered numerous cities-worth of people. This is best understood as a cleansing like the flood where God was removing idol-worshipers and other evil people from the land promised to His people. Outside of that, it was very common for non-Hebrews to join the faith. They were not quite equals, but they moved along with the Hebrew people and followed their ways. They were most often called God-fearers. Followers of the Jewish faith without having been born Hebrew.

The Christians recognize that God's chosen people were the Jews, and that is even referenced in New Testament scripture. The apostle Paul, having been a educated Jew, acknowledged the Jews repeatedly in his letters and instruction.

Jesus' message brought the news of salvation to both Jew and Gentile (non-Jew). Some, but not all, Jews continued in the faith of their God, but with a new understanding of Jesus being the Messiah. It was just understood that they were worshipping the same God.

I hope that helps.

Somebody mentioned that the reason was simply that religions spread and so it is normal to just pick and choose...

This may be the case with some of the Christian TRADITIONS around the holidays and such, but the belief in YHWH as God was not simply a choice made to make things convenient.

Early Christians were persecuted fiercely for their beliefs, that alone should be proof of it not being convenient. Also, if the Christians decided to pick and choose, why would they keep around the Old Testament that so often describes the Jews as being God's people? Wouldn't they have gotten rid of that since tTHEY wanted to be God's people?

Again, hope it was helpful. Good question. I think that's about as good as I can do though. At least it is at 2 in the morning LOL.

God Bless and good night.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Dock9

Originally posted by Baguette
The thing I don't get about Christianity is that we have to apologise for being human? If he made us in his image then why do we have to apologise for things we do?

Fcuking stupid really..

Quite often, as in this case, a few words say a thousand times more than all the ponderous speeches

The above quote should get Post of the Year, imo

But organised religion wouldn't like this attitude to spread, or it would mean the end of their God Industry, the end of their Afterlife Insurance industry and the end of all their claims

Great post, great comment, Baguette

Yes, because organized religion is all so evil...

We were created in His image, but it is an image that WE have marred. God created us perfect and without flaw, just like HE is. We messed that up and now we have to pay the consequences of it unless we repent (in your words, apologize) and change our ways. It sounds liek an uninformed quote with a hateful agenda to me. It's that simple, and I do not wish to believe you to be slow or dull so I will assume you have simply rejected the message and are doing whatever you can to frustrate those who have accepted it. If it is truly something you didn't understand, hopefully that helped and now it will let you look into some of the greater truths.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 06:20 AM
I think they are referred to as Gods people because Abraham Was Highly Favored By God and they were in charge of spreading the faith.
Christians worship the same God because Jesus is the Messiah, however Jews are still waiting on their Messiah, many Jews are converting because many of the end time prophecies told in Isaiah are coming true.

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