posted on May, 30 2004 @ 12:30 PM
I predict, soon �Peak Oil� will gain the attention of the American people and challenge/ replace the political debate on Global Warming.
It will be the SOS; just a different topic.
A general overview of both issues reveals the same strategy and elements of argument will be in use. In the aggregate the argument can be described
as: �Yes it is.�; Vs. �No isn�t.� It�s the �dueling links� and the media�s �screaming heads�; and as Shakespeare said in his play Macbeth, �a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing�.
And if I make add, for the idiots who listen and participate in a new and appalling form of entertainment called �Political Debate�.
Allow me to digress to examine just what type of debate I refer to here. Debate is generally defines in the dictionary as �To engage in a formal
discussion or argument. See synonyms at discuss.
Looking further to �discuss� the dictionary says, �To speak with another or others about; talk over�; and /or �To examine or consider (a subject) in
speech or writing�. I take from the definitions of the concept that �to debate� has the elements of an honest examination of the facts by two
proponents of opposing points of view in an effort to form a conclusion or compromise in decision making or the setting of priorities. At least that
the way it used to be, generally.
But today it seems the form of debate fashionable to day is this one: �A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack
a given proposition�.
It�s what some use to do in HS or college. They have teams that compete, too. By golly, its just a damned game where you bang heads using anything you
can get away with using any means you can think of(Of course, and NOT get caught at) just to win � stealth and guile go a long way here. This form of
debate has nothing to do with truth, honestly, logical integrity, or honest thoughtful consideration � It�s just ALL about wining. Period!
Well folks, that�s all just fine and dandy if you�re in HS or college; or you�re on the street corner BS�ing and engaging in one of those knock down
drag out �Mine is BIGGER then yours� discussions. IT MATTERS NOT A TWIT. Even in politics �ABOUT SOME ISSUE � using this form of debate�.. It matters
Does it matter if the Post Office is named �The USPS Ronald Reagan Processing Sub-Station�? OR it is named after Jimmy Carter or Charles Manson? Just
don�t matter a twit. So go at it, Boys����knock yourselves out.
But I would suggest there are some things you just don�t argue about. PERIOD
One of the more obvious (At least obvious to some who are not easily distracted, have a mild commitment to honestly and stay awake) thing you don�t
argue about is things like
You�d be surprised just how many folks, yet, have mastered that concept. And these poor confused folks most often are gifted with personalities of
pigheaded assuredness � and have loud voices. They argue /till the cows come home � and then�ll be late to dinner.
Putting things in context: Global Warming and Peak Oil are examples of �2+2=4� waste of time arguments heard today.
One says �2+2=4�; while the other damned fools say, �Hell, no. Its 3! Or possibly 5! � But never 4! You�re an idiot.�(Did you say OTHER fool, you ask?
Sure did. Both sides are fools to waste the time � for different reason, �fersure. But till fools)
The other 2 things you don�t debate (off the top of my head) are issue where folks may die; and economic principles. But that�s a wholeeeeeeeeeeee
other kettle of fish���.
IMO (screw the H part of it.)