I'm going to have to go with Seekerof on this one. I have done quite a few posts about this subject. Check them out:
The article
Asleep at the Switch (the time article that talks about Canada's burgeoning oil sands industry) is available at this link:
Unfortunately, you must have a membership with Time to view it.
Also, another good article is,
The Great Energy Scam, available at this link:
Again, you must have a membership.
The Great Energy Scam is all about the fake "Synthetic Fuel" industry, and how it only benefits certain companies and people in the corporate
Oil kind of reminds me of a quote from the book
Dune, "Whoever controls the spice, controls the universe!" Just replace spice with oil, and
you get the picture. Its all about control and monopoly. Disinformation is a great thing for those with money and power - it makes controlling the
economy and people much easier.
My father used to work in the "Syn-Fuels" industry and can vouch for everything in the article
The Great Energy Scam. He can also vouch for
the article
Asleep at the Switch. He's known quite a few petroleum geologists, and he will tell you that they are told not to tell the truth
about whats really going on with most oil "reserves."
Incidently, that link that Seekerof posted, it says Mikhailo Lomonosov in 1757 proposed the notion that oil is a "fossil fuel." That is true, but
what the article fails to mention is that one single man had that put as "fact" in the history books for schools: John D. Rockefeller. Mr. Oil
Tycoon himself.
You see, he knew that if people knew oil was very abundant, and not going anywhere any time soon, that he'd have to keep his oil prices very low.
So, what did he do? He marketed Mikhailo Lomonosov's "fossil fuel" theory as "fact." If people believed the oil to be a finite resource, and to
be running out as quickly as we use it, then he could keep his oil price$ at a rock solid level. He then lobbied (bought people out) to have this
"theory" put into all school history books as "fact" (or taught as "fact"). The point? That even after his death, most people in future
generations would be kept ignorant (there are many other things he did to the education system, purposefully). Even today, most people think that
"fossil fuels" are a reality.
Since many of the world's richest people are rich because of black gold, why would they spend any money looking for or developing alternative sources
of energy? Keep the people ignorant, jack up prices, pocket the riches. Greed and self-interest is an inherent evil in 99.9999% of humans,
The oil is very far from running out, if ever, and I'm not pipe dreaming. Read up on
Colorado shale. Here is an interesting link on it, from
Its not that they can't pump the stuff out, its that they don't want to spend the money to make money. They'd rather do it easy, and spend
"less" money on liquid oil "reserves." Colorado shale is estimated to have billions, if not trillions of barrels of oil (the trillion barrel
estimate is the most excepted one - 4 times that of Saudi Arabia's oil "reserves").
The point is: Don't believe what the government or oil cartels tell everyone. They are all in on this.