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36% of Americans have a positive view of socialism

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:46 AM

Socialism may be tossed around like a dirty word these days, but it turns out more than one-third of Americans have a positive image of socialism.

A new Gallup poll shows 36 percent of those surveyed have a positive view of socialism, while 58 percent have a negative opinion.

No surprise that there is a big partisan gap here - most Democrats and liberals have a positive view of socialism, compared to the negative image held by most Republicans and conservatives.


I in a sense am pretty liberal. But I don't like those figures, I am not a fan of socialism. I think that if you want or need something, the best way to get it is to work for it.

Here’s my question to you: What does it mean if 36 percent of Americans have a positive view of socialism?

To me it means that there is something wrong with this country. I have always been taught that there is no such thing as a free lunch. I have always been taught that the way to success is through hard work and determination. I have always been taught that if you do something you love, the money will follow. Lies all of them, but the concept is good, and it made this country one of the greatest countries in the world. But has America lost it's way? Have we given up on the American dream and seek not to better ourselves, but to wait for the bailout?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by whatukno

To me it means that there is something wrong with this country. I have always been taught that there is no such thing as a free lunch. I have always been taught that the way to success is through hard work and determination. I have always been taught that if you do something you love, the money will follow. Lies all of them, but the concept is good, and it made this country one of the greatest countries in the world. But has America lost it's way? Have we given up on the American dream and seek not to better ourselves, but to wait for the bailout?
The problem with America is that you believe the dream that is sold.

Tell all of the above to the elites that put down those who work hard on great new ideas that are destroyed to protect what the eiltes have. They will laugh.
Tell the elites there is no fee lunch after they all got bailed out by the Gov. and the fed. whilst the average hard working freedom loving citizen saw the value of their homes tank, their investments dwindle and their jobs go. again the elites chuckle.
Tell the Elites that the only way to succeed is hard work and they will throw a cheque book at you that they call hard work, but buys what they need done, like electing Presidents, Buying Networks, Invading Countries and destroying opposition.

America has not given up on the dream, it is realizing that it is one big lie told by the few to control the many. The same dream you dwell in debt for, that you consume endlessly for.......that you will idolize presidents, both parties, your armies and your country for.
That is why 36% think socialism is o.k.
The dream is no longer about ME, it is becoming about WE.

Star and Flag 4 the concern evident in your disposition.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by Derised Emanresu]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by whatukno

The Poll
To add a link to the poll as Cafferty didn't bother to provide.

It was a top of the mind question with no definition or explanation. What this says we can only speculate.

This could mean a number of things as such: people do not know what socialism is, they instinctively thought of such programs as; Social Security, Medicare, etc., or they honestly think positively see it as a good path.

Me personally I believe the question would have to dig deeper into actually finding out the nature of the mindset. While a reactionary question will produce a generalization.

As for what it means...for me it is a scary notion as I am with you on if there is something you want, whether it be a job, money, cars, private school, etc., you go out and work for it.

Ownership in the things you achieve is an individualistic trait that seems to be waning. The "Gimmie" generation, along with the "I have to have it now" generation have all but abandoned such noble characteristics as a good days work, digging deep to provide, etc.

While I have generalized, I believe it is a correct generalization. How many people state they are unemployed but will never work in a fast food establishment? in the fields? take a 2nd job?

Hard work, perseverance, tenacity, guts, and sacrafice are falling to the wayside of handouts and bailouts.

Good find whatukno

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:08 AM
What percentage of Americans actually know what socialism is?

That shouldve been the first question

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

That is a very interesting poll. If you look at the numbers it would seem that a majority of democrats endorse socialism, but also endorse small business.

Now we all know that America's economy is built on the backs of Small business, so if it's true that left leaning people and Democrats support both small business, and socialism, wouldn't it be prudent to use socialist reforms to prop up small business?

Of course I believe that there is freedom in manual labor, for some odd reason.

[edit on 2/6/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by brainwrek

Well, that really wasn't part of the poll. The poll was purely reactionary. Sort of word association if I may.

While your question brings light to the underlying issue of knowing actual word definition, who knows what these people were associating in their minds when they heard the word "Socialism" and then were told to give either a positive or a negative reaction.

There are many that would give a positive reaction to programs such as Social Security, Medicare, VA Benefits, Student Loan programs, etc that fall on the right and left of the political spectrum.

There are many of those same people that would give a negative reaction if you include Health Care, bailouts, Government ownership of production, tax-distribution.

While that is the deeper implications, the surface numbers are still intriguing.

As whatukno pointed out....

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:33 AM
I just don't believe that even 33% of Americans have an accurate picture of what socialism is.

Look at the first response where communism/marxism/socialism is compared... Any European must have laughing fits reading such bull#...

Why would Americans know what Socialism is? The last proponents of non-centrist Socialism in the USA stem from the late 20's and 30's.

But whatukno has a point. Americans, in general, are far less reactionary than they are made out to be. At least you give them a choice ( and if they don't expect the world to collapse tomorrow) that is so....

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
I in a sense am pretty liberal. But I don't like those figures, I am not a fan of socialism. I think that if you want or need something, the best way to get it is to work for it.

And it is being worked for. The "welfare queen" myth is just that - a myth. There ls also the fact that because some people abuse the system, does not mean the system itself is bad. There are people who abuse our legal system, would you say that we should avoid even having a legal system because of them? of course not (At least, I hope not).

To me it means that there is something wrong with this country. I have always been taught that there is no such thing as a free lunch. I have always been taught that the way to success is through hard work and determination. I have always been taught that if you do something you love, the money will follow. Lies all of them, but the concept is good, and it made this country one of the greatest countries in the world.

Wait, what? Seriously, what? "I was lied to, everything I listed is false, but it still makes us great"?

Man, that's not true! if anything these myths make us MORE miserable, MORE stressed, sicker, and give us LESS incentive to do our best. it leads us to a blame the victim mentality, even if we're the victim, ourselves.

You know that there's no truth to the whole "Anyone can be a billionaire if they work hard and are determined!" You know that. When people work hard and throw all their determination into their work and STILL don't "make it" the response from you - and themselves! - is that that person is defective. That something is wrong with them, that despite everything, they DESERVE poverty, they DESERVE to be unhealthy, they DESERVE to be homeless, they DESERVE to spend 16 hours a day busting their butts for nothing. And after a while, you swallow the bitter pill that yup, you're worthless, you'll never "make it" so why keep trying?

A happy lie is still a lie, and all lies are harmful. Even little lies about santa clause make your kid go "Well, what ELSE are you lying to me about?"

But has America lost it's way? Have we given up on the American dream and seek not to better ourselves, but to wait for the bailout?

Hate to break it to you but a move towards socialist policies WOULD better America. It would elevate our quality of life, it would stabilize our economy, and it would reduce poverty. Would it be a utopia? 'course not. But it would be an improvement on the predatory, exploitative state we have now.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by TheWalkingFox]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 03:42 AM
My view is that liberals (true liberals) and conservatives (true conservatives) both want the same thing. Freedom.

A conservative minded person doesn't wish to see a person poor any more than a liberal minded person. A lot of the separation of views just comes from where the help is derived. This is also why the country on a whole is largely middle of the road with slight conservative principles.

Most do not want a far-left country nor a far-right country. Upheaval sets in when the pendulum swings too far in either direction. As of late (past 15 or so years, the politicians in Washington have been trying there hardest to figure out ways to swing it in either direction fully.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

But some people work hard for a decent living for their families and themselves. Sure the dream of being a billionaire exists, but a lot of people are happy to be able to make a decent enough living.

You know that there's no truth to the whole "Anyone can be a billionaire if they work hard and are determined!" You know that. When people work hard and throw all their determination into their work and STILL don't "make it" the response from you - and themselves! - is that that person is defective. That something is wrong with them, that despite everything, they DESERVE poverty, they DESERVE to be unhealthy, they DESERVE to be homeless, they DESERVE to spend 16 hours a day busting their butts for nothing. And after a while, you swallow the bitter pill that yup, you're worthless, you'll never "make it" so why keep trying?

Well, that's the ultra conservative ideology at work. It's not my view. Like I said, I do lean to the left, but I do believe that a person should be able to work for a living and better themselves. The opportunity should be there for people to seize. Not to be given to them.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Socialism doesn't mean free lunch. In fact there was law in Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) that every adult must be employed - it was derived from old idea that work is human right but mutated somehow. Please also make distinction between socialism as guiding idea and "real socialism" which was mere state capitalism with central planning. This central planning of economy was the real trouble.
Also is quite interesting that in many former Soviet satellites more than 50% of citizens think that socialism was not so bad and are tending to some mixed model. It is too late - corporations took power everywhere ...

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by brainwrek
What percentage of Americans actually know what socialism is?

That shouldve been the first question

Typical American pro-Socialism:

"Everything will be free. Free food, housing, car, air conditioning, healthcare, guaranteed job where I can sit and play solitaire all day on my free iMac."

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Typical American anti-socialist:

They's commies.. REDS! that's unamerican! Patriots hate reds! free beer here! They's all gay...! THey're all jews... JOOOOOS!!! GAY JEWS! Not in my country! Git the rope!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:19 AM
Only technology can make liberals and conservatives happy. Eventually everyone will have health care and it will be so cheap that it will be idiotic to argue about it. This is similar to most everything progressives want, the problem is they want it now and don't realize by getting it now it ruins or staves off the possibility of it happening in the not so distant future naturally...

That's my opinion although there are other factors i think...

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

They's commies.. REDS! that's unamerican! Patriots hate reds! free beer here! They's all gay...! THey're all jews... JOOOOOS!!! GAY JEWS! Not in my country! Git the rope!

Well, no, you just described an American Bigot Redneck. There is a difference between a Bigot Redneck and a Conservative.

reply to post by thisguyrighthere

"Everything will be free. Free food, housing, car, air conditioning, healthcare, guaranteed job where I can sit and play solitaire all day on my free iMac."

And this, is an example of a communist.

Extremes don't fit the bill when it comes to everyone.

A balance can be achieved. I believe in Free Education, not the best education you can afford. But I don't think that your job or your car or your house should be given to you.

I also think that healthcare should be free.

See the balance? Education and Health Care should be free to all. Why? Because that betters society. The more educated a society is, the better it does. The healthier a society is, the better it does. Other than that, your on your own to provide the lifestyle that you deserve. A person should have the opportunity to win or loose at the game of life.

You want 12 kids? Well if you can afford them, go for it. If the education is available for you to get a job that provides you with the means to support 12 kids, then by all means have those 12 kids. Don't expect the taxpayer to support your litter. They will have the opportunity to be educated, they will have healthcare, other than that, it's up to the parent to provide for those kids.

Wanna be a drugged out looser? If you can afford it, so be it. But don't expect the taxpayer to feed you or house you.

Are you a poor child but in all actuality are the next Einstein? Here's the education you need to reach your full potential, what you do beyond that is up to you.

Do you see the balance that can be achieved?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Don't they prefer to be called "sons of the soil" nowadays?

(gotta love the simpsons)

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by whatukno

The fact that there is such a thing as Democratic Socialism escapes many Americans because the American political spectrum is so tilted.

Most European countries are Republics ruled by democratic principles implementing Socialism... It's all about the definition of words, where I live no one would see a conflict between republicanism, democracy and socialism.

And what I never get is that under this terminology many aspects of the American Government have been "socialist" for a long time and are very well accepted by most Americans.

Sometimes branding can be a confusing thing.

[edit on 6-2-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

[edit on 6-2-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
You want 12 kids? Well if you can afford them, go for it. If the education is available for you to get a job that provides you with the means to support 12 kids, then by all means have those 12 kids. Don't expect the taxpayer to support your litter. They will have the opportunity to be educated, they will have healthcare, other than that, it's up to the parent to provide for those kids.

From a blank slate this is fine. But if you cant afford a litter and have one anyway and those kids end up living solely off of the free low quality stuff. Having been further diluted by the litter of even lower quality now than it was.

Meanwhile, the couple who plans and can afford it send their kid off to private school.

Already a massive class gap is forming only because one couple planned and one was reckless. There are far more reckless people than planners. eventually this gets s right back to where we are today with the LCD voting itself the treasury.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:55 AM
Next time you're in Moscow, ask them how well they liked socialism.

36% of Americans are retarded dolts who voted for Barack Hussein Obama, and who actually swallowed the 250 tons of *snip* he fed them.

— Doc Velocity

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention of Censors — Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2/6/2010 by maria_stardust]

Thanks, Maria. Sorry for mouthing-off.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/6/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
Next time you're in Moscow, ask them how well they liked socialism.

38% of Americans are retarded dolts who voted for Barack Hussein Obama, and who actually swallowed the 250 tons of *snip* he fed them.

— Doc Velocity

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2/6/2010 by maria_stardust]

They liked it more than economic disaster of nineties ... Now they love Putin because he stopped the worst mafia capitalism. BTW - Moscow is not Russia, your poll will not be representative.

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