posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 05:30 PM
I put other ... why ???
Well, I'm not to coward to fight for this country, but I am coward enough to not want to go oversea's to another country I know squat about and die
there away from my family.
For me, family before country. I serve and protect them most of all. So if anyone came here and started some #, I'll blow there friggan head's off.
I did try joining the army and navy, but I checkened out. First of all, I don't need some asshole screaming at me left and right (sorry, THAT will
just piss me off not make me more of a man), second ... I don't think the benefits out way the risk ... Pay me a hell of alot more than what they
offer now THEN I'll risk death.
My grandfather was in the navy for 20 year's .... The benefit's my grandma is getting from that is just barley getting her through life ... I can't
do that to my wife and children ... they need a husband and a father, not some guy who died in his first war .....
That's just how I see it ... I know someone's gunna call me a pussy for it, but screw them!