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Poll- Would You Be a Draft Dodger?

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posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 11:51 AM
The difference between me and a "wannabe gangbanger" is that a wannabe gangbanger is exactly what you told him to be, a wannabe gangbanger. I, on the other hand, am not a wannabe anything, I'm just me.

I don't 'fail' to recognize my liberty here in America. I'm truly grateful for the liberty I have here in America to someone's 'freedom' in the Middle East, I'm not stupid.

And I also recognize that it was the soldier not the reporter who gave me the freedom of press and speech. I also know that there's no doubt in my mind I would not be writing this, had it not been for that soldier.

It is a shame that you have wasted your potential.

I'm only 18, my life has only began. I'm a New Yorker, the worst kind of any American there is. Mix that in with the way I think and my politics and beliefs and the government has their next big enemy since Malcolm X.

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 12:06 PM
My comments could be considered terroristic to who? You? Not them.

Jedi, your whole post was nothing but pure racism, that's what you are, a racist, why dont you say so?

You saying that I'm a un-American and you claim I hate you "good americans" whatever that means, is exactly what the hyprocrites would tell good black christian black folks to get the hell out their town because they're not fit for "us good white christian folk"

I'm not a Black Supremacist, i'm black intelligence... you say I should leave this country because i'm a 'black supremacist' you should say that to your white supremacists too, seeing that you "hate" the KKK.

Go to Africa live with those you "love". Get the hell of of America!!!

pure racism, I have no time for racists, they're not good enough for the revolution that I wear on my sleeve.

to say your a proud american is to say your proud to be greedy and that your superior to the entire world.

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 12:20 PM
#2 - Ill67, you & your brethren are the reason for the devisiveness that plagues our country today. Every issue is a racial one, every problem is caused by the whitey and every political problem is a class war issue!!

Enough of this garbage!!! This country needs all of its people as one right now and this type of inflamatory trash is just plain sillyness.

The 60's are over, the country is integrated and these issues are dead. Please stop trying to create devisions by racial lines, and grow up to face the real problems that face our country and our world.

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
My comments could be considered terroristic to who? You? Not them.

Jedi, your whole post was nothing but pure racism, that's what you are, a racist, why dont you say so?

You saying that I'm a un-American and you claim I hate you "good americans" whatever that means, is exactly what the hyprocrites would tell good black christian black folks to get the hell out their town because they're not fit for "us good white christian folk"

I'm not a Black Supremacist, i'm black intelligence... you say I should leave this country because i'm a 'black supremacist' you should say that to your white supremacists too, seeing that you "hate" the KKK.

Go to Africa live with those you "love". Get the hell of of America!!!

pure racism, I have no time for racists, they're not good enough for the revolution that I wear on my sleeve.

to say your a proud american is to say your proud to be greedy and that your superior to the entire world.

I am not racist, what I posted was not racsism. You msut realize that whites are not the only racists in town. There are black racists, Arab racists, and Asian racists. Maclom X is a good example of a black racist. He called whites "devils". Osama bin Laden is a good example of Arab racist. He wants to destroy the Catholic world and destroy America. Mao Tse Tung is a good example of a Asian racist. You are using blacks to defend you lies, and your crap.

Ya know what my ancestors were slaves too! You want blacks to be treated better than everyone, when we all should be treated the same.

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 12:38 PM

#2 - Ill67, you & your brethren are the reason for the devisiveness that plagues our country today. Every issue is a racial one, every problem is caused by the whitey and every political problem is a class war issue!!

how could you say that?? you think the black man's problem in America was just brought upon us from out of air? poof, it's there by some genie? how do we plague this country? indeed your right when some blacks do turn everything to a race war and I like you wish they would shut the hell up... but in MOST of the cases it is indeed a race war.. we're not living in the 60's but sometimes it does feel that way. you wanna talk about a plague? let's talk about the plague you and your white brethen still has their confederacy flags in government places such as courts in the deep south, because that's a grade one plague here in America.

jedi, I know whites are not the only racists here in the country... but indeed the worst types of racists are the white people, and you CANNOT deny that... how many cases have you heard in american history of a black, hispanic, or asian lynching a white man? not that many right?

Ya know what my ancestors were slaves too!

and who were this ancestors of yours who were enslaved?

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 01:31 PM
In answer to your question, my ancestors who were Catholic in the days of Rome were slaves. They were feed to lions, and mocked in the streets. Anyone can be a slave a black does not have to be a slave. You too are racist. You seem to imply that you hate whites.


posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 01:33 PM
JM the Romans fed the Christians to lions....

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 01:48 PM

Well ... maybe they teach it differently in bible study.


posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 01:50 PM
who knows....

I never did bible study in any of my school years so if I turn out to be wrong, then my bad

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 02:00 PM
Chirstian, Catholic smame thing. Let me put it this way, my ancestors who followed the teachings of Jesus were feed to lions by the Romans. Is that better???

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 02:34 PM
The difference between me and a "wannabe gangbanger" is that a wannabe gangbanger is exactly what you told him to be, a wannabe gangbanger. I, on the other hand, am not a wannabe anything, I'm just me.
Posted by Illmatic67

Illmatic, thank you for posting something that now makes sense. This is exactly the point I was trying to make, and it does in fact point to an obvious link between yourself and those very same gangbanger wannabes....Lack of personal responsibility.

No, of course you couldn�t be held responsible for your actions, you had the right to kill those people because they �dissed� you.... You, and the entire black race have been held down and repressed for years, so you shouldn�t have to stand on your own two feet and make something of yourself.... The world owes you a free ride...

The gangbanger is a gangbanger for his own reasons... NO ONE MAKES HIM BE A GANGBANGER... Again, I personally consider that to be a sad waste of an otherwise promising individual. You want to hang that responsibility on me? Just because I am white? (Of course, how do you KNOW I am white??? Maybe I�m Hispanic, Asian, American Indian? Maybe I�m BLACK???? Hmmm, wonder what that would do to your way of thinking if I was? Of course, I�ll never tell....) In any event, I have never �told� anyone to be a gangbanger, a bible thumper, a prostitute, or a Black Panther. I also have never abused, put down, or held back anyone on basis of their race, gender, beliefs, orientation, or any other reason. I have also never profitted at the detriment of anyone as above either.... But it�s still somebody else�s fault isn�t it?

A few other tidbits from your posts, that simply shows how inconsistent, contradictory, and hypocritical you are.

Posted by Illmatic67 being a draft dodger doesnt mean your a coward.. send me to iraq with a m-16 and i'll use it on american troops.

I don't 'fail' to recognize my liberty here in America. I'm truly grateful for the liberty I have here in America to someone's 'freedom' in the Middle East, I'm not stupid.
Posted by Illmatic67

Are you prepared to die for a country that has done nothing for you, but everything against you?
Posted by Illmatic67

but my true enemy is not no muslim terrorist because, my true enemy is the American Terrorist... where's the hypocrisy?? they say they're fighting a war on terrorism and they havent even looked here at home first
Posted by Illmatic67

pure racism, I have no time for racists, they're not good enough for the revolution that I wear on my sleeve.
Posted by Illmatic67

Am I the only one that sees the hypocrisy in these statements????

It is a shame that you have wasted your potential.

I'm only 18, my life has only began. I'm a New Yorker, the worst kind of any American there is. Mix that in with the way I think and my politics and beliefs and the government has their next big enemy since Malcolm X.
Posted by Illmatic67

First of all, I see no problem with you being a New Yorker, although it appears you have already made up your mind to be the �worst kind of American that there is�. That would be your choice, but please at least take responsibility for that decision... No one else made it for you.

I think the worst travesty of what you post is this �I�m only 18 and my life has only began�... That is true... but if you are already making decisions to do what you can to be the greatest enemy of the world, that is a true shame to waste a life and an individual that could have such potential.... But then, that is your decision, and your decision alone....

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 02:42 PM
I put other because I am THE last able bodied male in my family all the way up to my grandfather. If I die without passing on the genes, the family name dies. Also, I have some health problems that should prevent me from even being able to get in...

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 02:51 PM
None of us are in charge or control of our lives, none of us make our own decisions. That is all an illusion for those who are unrealistic. Especially insane for a married man to say!

So, you are saying that all the soldiers that have ever served, and all those who have ever died, all those people who have made it possible for you and me to have the illusion of security, were wrong because they allowed others to make decisions for them?

I guess I'll not be able to understand.

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 03:07 PM
"Illuminati" (who lives in the dark. How ironic), whether racism is in your past or not, you are racism personified. Not only that, you are nothing but a bag of hatred poisoning your environment, and also, you are lacking in your own responsibility, looking to blame others. You are also a coward as you spout your nonsense while living in a nation that protects you and your liberties that you so despise, kicking the cow that gives the milk and cursing the comb that holds the honey, instead of having the backbone to leave here and go to an Islamic nation like Sudan.

No, you don't want to leave here, its nice here. You want to spread your poison around, hopefully tainting the minds of other weak people and hopefully destroy this nation's culture and society. You're nothing but a useful idiot, a pawn of those who "educated" you with fiction, lies and twisted "truths". You live in a nation where you can aspire to anything and achieve alot, yet you want to cuss it.

You aren't worth the time.

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 03:19 PM
I think I'd rather die in honor of my country then to die a "normal" death.

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 04:15 PM

I appreciate what they did, but I DO find it wrong for our gov to come over someday out of the blue and tell ME that it's my time to fight. If I wanted to fight, I'd already have joind the military. Since I haven't joined, I obviously have NO intention's of ending my life in another country away from my loved one's. Personnaly ... I find the draft just wrong. We already have plenty of able and willing people to fight, there's no need to 'draft' more people. If the war got to bad and ended up on OUR soil, then and only then should we draft. If it ever came to that though, there would be no need for a draft since most american's would fight if it came to that ... Atleast I'd hope so. I know I would, but I won't fight a war oversea's ...

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 09:53 PM
dragron rider, I have no idea where your going with me and this gangbanger similarity, where did this come from? you think all blacks or thugs or something? That made no sense whatsoever, where are you coming from? you can say my comments are hypocritical but you can't say why.

you don't even know me but you swear you know my whole life from a few posts in a little topic, saying I dont know what responsibility is or nothing, ok whatever you say..

Thomas, I used to have respect for you but I realize now your a nobody, your a phony, a fake.

first of all, stop calling me "illumanti".. like I stand for those people, saying I live in the dark? How? You can't accept the truth because it hurts.. now you may boast yourself with your little intelligent blasts to me but it's nothing.

No, you don't want to leave here, its nice here. You want to spread your poison around, hopefully tainting the minds of other weak people and hopefully destroy this nation's culture and society. You're nothing but a useful idiot, a pawn of those who "educated" you with fiction, lies and twisted "truths". You live in a nation where you can aspire to anything and achieve alot, yet you want to cuss it.

I'm going to be careful on what I say since your a moderator you can say anything to me but I can't return it.

you need to hop off bush's dick, you swear he's a saint because he turns all of his speeches into a religious agenda... you think we should attack those "muslims scumbags" your like every single EMBARRASING person here in america, you never knew anything about Islam until 9-11 came and now you curse those Muslims.

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 12:03 AM

Where am I going with the gangbanger comparison? I thought I described the similarity in great detail. It certainly cannot be based on race, as there are a great number of white, asian, and hispanic gangbanger wannabes in the world, as well as black gangbanger wannabes. But since you missed it the first time, I will mention it again....

Lack of personal responsibility. You believe, for whatever reason (although you rail against racism, it still apparently serves as a convenient crutch for you on many issues) that you have been greatly wronged, and that you are therefore justified in lashing out and causing harm to those who have done nothing to you. As you mentioned, you are only 18 years old.... I remember when I was 18, and I thought I was an industructible genius who knew everything there was to know.... I too saw great injustice in the world, and couldnt understand how it could be so, and that things should be made different. Then I really did grow up, and found that all the idiots around me suddenly developed great intellect, and that the world was the way it was, and try as I might, there wasnt a hell of a lot I could do to change too many things.... Certainly, you should always strive to change what you can, but you will eventually learn that alienating those around you serves no purpose, but to hinder any chance at making a difference... and because you obviously advocate violent confrontation, you will likely find violent confrontation... and one more person of potential will no longer have potential, and the world will still be as it was.... And if you manage to survive this, it will of course, be someone elses fault...

This may come as a shock to you, but I happen to know a good deal about the original Black Muslim movement. I have a friend, who is now quite old, who was an original Black Muslim, and who marched with Malcolm X. I have spoken with this man at length many times (I did eventually learn that true history must be learned before those who still hold it are gone.... this is something I scoffed at when I was your age).

I actually have a deep respect for Malcolm X. I certainly don't agree with all of his ideals, but I still respect him for his drive, determination, and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. I also respect Malcolm X for preaching one of his core values, one that you are obviously missing, and the one that links you back to the gangbanger wannbe mentality... personal responsibility.

I predict, if Malcolm X were with us today, and saw your behaviour and thoughts on these subjects, you would be outcast from his movement.

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 12:35 AM
...And sitting back here & quietly reading this thread, I've noticed that Illmatic (emphasis should be put on the *Ill*) has gotten into a thread about the Draft...And once again turned it to a totally *unrelated* issue about racism...

...I'm surprised that someone displaying such hatred & unreasoning racist behavior against everyone who so much as try to conduct a reaonable debate hasn't been banned yet.

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 03:44 AM
In my family , every one of my uncles (6) are former Marines. My father is also a former Marine. So , its' destined that I too , join the Marines. But its going to have to wait til I finish school here. Currently trying to finishin second year of JC school. Hope to get enough credits to transfer to a unversity after one more year . Then work and get sometype of a Bachlors degree within 2 years. If everything goes right , as I hoped , I'll be 23 years old. Which , to me is young enough to still join the marines. But if they start the draft tomorrow... yah , they can take me. So , nope ... you won't see a draft dodger here. Oh and don't worry , I won't be one of those to be brain washed by the NWO.:beam:

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