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I saw the light, each one, there is only one.

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posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Mykahel

Doesn't mean your interpretation is right either. You call this all the truth yet have no proof of it. Now you may have felt God's presence and I will never argue you for saying so but I haven't. I felt another and that is the truth to me. Christians scoff at me because I don't follow the 'truth'

well...their interpretation of it anyway. Just because it was written does not make it true. If it does then I will point out that the Book of the Dead was written much earlier than the bible. Long story short, you have your truth and I have mine. I never said we make our own, I said we find our own. I searched and sought out many paths...depply...intensely and finally found my way and it works and it is true...for me


posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by KyoZero

Please understand I am not trying to be disrespectful in this, that is not my intention at all.

Even by "finding" your own truth there is error. This suggests that there are multiple truths, even though they can contradict each other. I do not see how this can be possible.

There is only one truth, there are not multiple truths to be found. I will agree to leave it at that though, as the post-modern mindset makes it impossible to argue one faith as being right and another as being wrong since they have all become relative and everything is now up to an individuals interpretation, even if none is needed.

I will agree to disagree, even though I must strongly maintain that you are in error. Hopefully this has not come off as rude or disrespectful, I did not mean it to be.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Mykahel

pssh brother please...that was about the most repectful disagreeal I have seen here

See folks? It is possibleto disagree and yet at the end of the day say "hey that guy is alright"

so thank you

Now I feel I should clarify a bit and I will accept the knock on this one. I do believe that God exists...your God I mean. The difference is that I don't think he is the one and only. When I sayfinding my truth it is like walking down a path. You hit a HUGE fork in the road that has...I dunno like 100 different directions. (totally making numbers up here)

You pick one after studying the paths and you go with what feels right and what speaks to you. And you end up at the truth. So I guess the difference between me and many other people is that my truth is just different. Bear in mind of course this is simply my belief. I think there are many ways to achieve what would be descred as heaven. Many paths and they take you to where you want to go IF you play by the rules while on te road. So yeah don't get me wrong I know you and I are on very different belief structures here...but damn good to know I can share mine with you witout ridicule. You're a good person fo it

IMO of course...and trust me I will never do the same (the name calling and stupidity I mean)

Thanks for the frank and interesting discussion.


posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by KyoZero

Glad you felt that way. I've commented in other threads in a very similar manner and was greeted with... well... the typical stuff that you see on forums.

If you haven't already read through the scriptures, I would recommend that you do. Matthew or Luke would be great places to start. Even when you are sure of the truth you believe in, you can never stop learning. Perhaps it will be insightful for you in one way or another?

Anyway, It was great talking with you. God Bless!

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:31 PM
Actually I was raised Catholic before I turned to Wiccan. Yes I agree we will probably never agree but you give me hope friend...we've had such a good-natured back and forth no matter how short and yet we are both on the opposite sides of this particular fence.

Thanks again


posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:01 AM
There is not too much difference between the world religions and the mystery school trinity, which includes Isis. The language is heavily coded, and we're immeshed in a Matrix, Ma's--tricks.
The Code To The Matrix

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:12 AM
Ah. I must admit that I feel that the Catholic church has done a disservice to the body of Christ in that it has done too many things that are just unacceptable and teaches too many things that simply aren't true, even according to the Bible itself. This is not to say that all Catholics are bad or anything, I just have major disagreements with much of their doctrine (As do many believers and non-believers alike).

I must admit I know very little if anything about the Wiccan belief system and what all it entails. I've studied up on quite a few religions but it never really made it to my list. I was most concerned with those I saw as truly dangerous, such as Scientology and Islam. (Discussions on these are more likely to get me in trouble as they appall me in so many ways)

Your comment on selecting a path from among many in a road that forks is understandable. Regrettfully, this is where most Christians are simply seen as being backwards and bigots because of all those paths that so many people see as options, we claim that there is only one that leads to the truth we have been speaking of. The most common verses used are:

John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."


Matthew 7:13-14
13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Many faiths today make the claim that any of the paths available will eventually lead to truth, where there are a few (Usually Jews, Christians and Muslims) who claim a monopoly on the way to God. This is seen as a lack of tolerance for other belief systems. Where so many people misunderstand is that many Christians can tolerate other faiths and co-exist with them, but they will still maintain that only they are right. Too many have confused toleration with approval/endorsement. I am glad you have not done so.

[edit on 10-2-2010 by Mykahel]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Your right. All that is not needed and what we find useless is thrown away, just as in life. Its garbage. So send it away and let god take it where it needs to go. Why take everything into your own hands, instead let god deal with what is beyond us, he knows what to do, when we do not. We are doing what we can and that is all we need to do. God sees all of us as allready perfect. To someone that might be gold. In truth, nothing is wasted. And theres a reason for everything, in my opinion that is fate. Things are going to get easier.

[edit on 17-2-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

I'm sorry but I don't think I could disagree more. I think there is a time coming where many will be fooled into thinking things are getting better, but in truth their lives will be rotting out from the core. I see troubles times like none has ever seen before lying ahead, even if they at first take the appearance of something good.

I suppose only time will tell eh?

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