posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 04:12 PM
I never really believed in the abilities granted to Ouija Boards, and I'm still not entirely sure if I do now, though I am certainly more
cautious than I was at one point, and here's why.
One random night, a year or two ago, me and two of my closest friends decided to use a Ouiji Board out of boredom. Irresponsible, idiotic, and naive
some of you may say, but irregardless, this is how the event came to be.
We set up the board, and sat in a rough circle, each with a finger on a pointer. At this point, I will mention that one of the friends I was with has
previous experience with Ouiji Boards (he has used them with his family members on several occassions) and believes in the power of them, so
naturally, he had a pen and paper at his side, ready to note anything/everything down which may happen.
We began quite subtle, simple asking out loud that old chestnut; "Is there anybody there? If so, please make contact."
After a while of sitting around, joking, laughing, and even casually chatting to one another, the pointer began to move. Oh how we laughed! My
"experienced" friend implored us to stop laughing and take things seriously (though he too couldn't restrain a giggle), and we watched at the
pointer slowly moved around. It spelled out a few things, mostly a garbled mess of letters, and one name; 'William'.
By this time, we were each convinced that one of us was pushing the pointer, and after much back and forth, we decided to simply end what we
were doing, and put a movie on or something.
Now this is where it gets weird...
Shortly after wrapping things up, roughly ten minutes or so, I noticed a faint tapping on one of the bedroom walls. I informed my friends, telling
them that it was probably my younger brother playing some kind of trick as he must've overheard us using the Ouiji Board a little while earlier. The
tapping moved along the wall slowly, and around onto the wall which my bedroom door was on. Watching the door, we all expected the tapping to reach
the door and then for my brother to burst in triumphantly.
...But instead, the tapping went past the door and onto the next wall - on which the other side was nothing, only outside, and we were one
floor up.
Now, assuming that my brother hasn't infact suddenly developed the ability to phase through walls and then float around the side of the house tapping
as he goes, we all became suitably creeped out.
Passing the tapping off as just a rat inside the walls, or something else to that effect, we carried on and forgot about the tapping until it
eventually simply stopped. "I'm going to get a glass of juice, anyone want?" Then I get up from the bed and head to the door, and just before the
door I stopped dead.
The spot in front of my door, roughly one yard by one yard, was stone cold. One spot, and only that spot. You could literally step in
and out of it. I called my friends over and asked them to step into the spot, mostly just to check that I wasn't have a paranoia episode, and low and
behold, they felt it too.
So there you have it. I'm not saying this story is concrete proof of supernatural phenomenon, it obviously isn't. I'm just adding it here simply as
an experience story from somebody else who doesn't really even know if they believe in ghosts, yet have experienced something quite... ghostly.
Do with your Ouiji Board as you will, but based on my own experiences; be careful.