posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:52 PM
When I was in high school a group of friends and myself used to mess with one, I WILL NEVER be near one again. Two of the girls were familiar with
the boards, they made one and all sorts of protection rituals that were supposed to keep evil spirits at bay, it didn't work. We used the board
nearly every night for a two week period, initially it all seemed pretty harmless and we were curious to catch one of us moving the cursor (we never
did, but some of us were skeptics).
Like I said initially it was harmless, small talk really. Within a few days things started moving in the room, nic knacks fell off of shelves, the
radio turned on by itself, that sort of thing. It was freaky, but not enough to make us stop, especially since some wanted proof of the other side.
Honestly, it was addictive. By the second week, whatever was there would not leave the room, we would tell it good bye thought it left, nope it hung
around. One of the girls mothers was knowledgeable on the workings of the boards (or was supposed to be) she gave us instructions on how to get rid
of it, which of course entailed us forming a final circle. I do not know if it was because the entity never left the room or what exactly, but all
the "protection" procedures did not work and a few of the girls eyes began to glow (not at the same time, mine included I am told) and my voice
changed although I do not ever remember not being in control of myself. I have never been so scared, nor have I ever prayed so much in my entire
life. We ended up having to burn the board and dumping the remains of it in a local lake.
Like I said, I will never be near one again.