hats off to you op.
let me add my 2cents to this.
i lived in new york for almost 8years. I went to one of the best high schools there is in northern new jersey. the school was dominantly white, with a
large jewish population followed by asians. Everything was top notch. A few towns over, it was easy to forget you were in america, signs were mostly
in korean but people accepeted you there, it was easy on their community to write in their own language but you were always welcome to come in. i
guess they understood that it was better for them to speak english to you otherwise your dollar could go somewhere else. See these people work really
hard to become wealthy, they do not care what the system has available for them. Hats off to them.
in 2006. Me and my wife decided to move to Texas, more precisely Austin, deadsmack in the middle. I thought Austin was awsome. I found a job when i
got there, loved the music scene, my son was born there and we named him Austin, how cool?! Well, not everything was easy, 2 kids, me being the sole
provider we decided to look for a little help untill my wife could go back to work. You guessed it, we went to apply for food stamps. Well, my wife
took care of it, i was always working. When she told me that we got it, i thought it was great relief. $200 a month for food, boy me and my wife could
make that stretch for a very long time.
Here is the part where my judgement started to change. I thought the $200 was awsome. However my wife explained to me that this was probably the
lowest you could get there. i asked her if it was because i earned too much. No. the answer was much simpler. it was because i'm a ligal immigrant on
a green card and that therefore I was not allowed to apply, only my wife. the $200 was for my wife and my 2 kids. i was not counted, yet in order for
them decide of the amount given to us, they neded to know how much i made. Well now there's a nice piece to choke on. Apparently, on a green card
i'm not entitled to food stamps eventhought my taxes help pay for that.
We went back 3months later to reapply and while i was there, i was in shock. the familly next to me applying for food stamps did not speak english,
and did not have any legal documentation yet received $500 a month. I know this because i understand spanish pretty well. i was furious, and again, i
was told i wasnt allowed to have it so i told them to just keep it for some other persons because obviously if i could pay taxes i shouldn't ask for
food stamps or help from the government.
This, is what started to change my view on illegal immigration. Later on it got worse. I worked on job sites and there the spanish workers would tell
me their stories and how they use the system. Imagine this, i know how to cheat the system like they do, except i can't do it because i'm not an
Quick example: An illegal couple just moved in town. They are happy and make money, they want to stay here but don't want to take the risk to get
kicked out. Well, the wife will take a few punches from her husband, he will then leave to a friends house. she will call the cops and they will come
and she will tell them what happened. Most likely the guy won't get caught but meanwhile she will file a domestic abuse. This right there entitles
her to apply for any kind of government help, she will even be allowed to apply for citizenship.
Oh and wait, if you ever get hit by an illegal, well you'll be SOL.
It's ok though, i'll let them have California, Texas, Arizona and NM. Once La Raza takes over, there won't be much help left for them. I'm sure
whites will leave, eventualy turning those states into a replica of Mexico and they will be forced to migrate somewhere else, if they can this time.
Go ahead and call me racist if you want but let me tell you this. I'm a french national, i pay taxes, my wife is an american and as a bonus she's
puerto rican, and we have two kids born in the US, we are a mix familly.