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Why is it so wrong for me to WANT to fight?

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Nomad451

I wasn't aware that being on the internet meant that I was not being productive. The truth of the matter is that I have been preparing for the last year now. I am close to ready to do whatever needs to be done to ensure freedom.

reply to post by Subjective Truth

I speak with a strong language because I do not wish to be misunderstood. I mean everything I say. I will say everything I mean. When and where are novelties up for debate but regardless, it will happen. However, I am not so ill informed that I will spout off about what I plan to do or how I plan to do it, those I'm involved with, or even what exactly I am targeting in my endeavors. Simply put, I know my rights and I know my boundaries.

Do I think that anyone would follow my lead? Absolutely. There isn't a doubt in my mind. The belief behind 60% of revolutionists are waiting for the spark - the situation that causes others to stand up and fight. The other 40% are waiting on a leader, someone to stand up that they can follow by example. Either I will create that spark or I will try to incite it within the people.

What am I fighting for? I don't think I could be more clear on this. Complete freedom of choice and lifestyle. This country is beautiful and the system does work, but to use a comparison since I am in the computer field - over time a computer will slow down, files will become corrupted, and deep within the framework things will be so screwed up that the only possible way to fix it all is to redo it.

So you format the hard drive, you reinstall the operating system, and before you know it the computer is running like it just came off of a store shelf. Only this time you are smarter. You are sure to install antivirus software and all the protections you have come to know over time. You learn to limit yourself in the unsafe practices which brought you to the drawing board in the first place. All of a sudden the machine is running better than it ever was, every program and file within is happy and running smooth, and at least for now, and hopefully for a good long time, you don't have to worry about the nagging problems that you did in the past.

The government of the United States is exactly like that. This psuedo-Democracy is the operating system, the politicians are viruses, the businesses are programs, and the people are files. Without all of them working seamlessly, life is hell for all of them.

Simply put, I'm going to reinstall America's operating system.

Is all hope for the current system lost? No, not necessarily. However, faith and work towards fixing it has been lost. As I stated with my computer analogy, you can try to fix the problem from every angle but sometimes it is routed so deep that it is quite literally impossible.

I believe there is enough evidence to support the fact that there is corruption within the voting system of this country, but even if their isn't, the fact of how the duopoly of Democrat and Republican parties are sensationalized gives people no view of reasonable exceptions. 99% of the country will never hear of the independent nominees this year who could actually provoke change. Media will boycott them, people will disregard them as being out of wack with the system, and the same sad state of affairs will continue.

If every person stood up and said to the government "Listen here, we're in charge and we aren't going to take it anymore" then there is no doubt that they would be forced to listen. The people would gain back their control.

The people are brainwashed. They are the same people who believe everything that comes from the media, the same people that are distracted by partisan politics, and the same people who have been led to believe that the life they live now - right here and now today - is the best possible thing that it could be.

These people still believe the promises and governance of King George will save them, but all the while they know that the minority, those who we refer to as our Founding Fathers, gave a result that was better than anything they could ever know.

It is all a lie.

Human life has so much more potential to be more, to spark creativity and peaceful debate, to reach new heights in science and technology, to find new facts about history and culture but nobody cares. Everyone is so blinded by this illusion that THIS is life.

This? Life?

Every person, waking every morning, working mindlessly until they go home, sulking in television and fast food, until they go to sleep and repeat it. All leading to what life is REALLY made of. Going out drinking on Friday nights to escape the monotony, switching from fast food to a steakhouse on Saturday to fill your need of taste for the higher class, and of course, enjoying the games on Sunday. We are led to believe that this is the essence of life. All the while we are being indoctrinated, being taught not to think, not to question, not to use our imaginations. Our children are being taught to look the same, act the same, follow the latest trends, wear the same clothes, take the same "career" paths.

Soon it won't be long before not only does everyone act and think the same, but we will look the same as well. Not only will we look the same, but our names will become numbers (as if they haven't already) and we will be nothing more than the fodder to fuel the elite economy that allows those in power to actually do the one thing that we are refused:


I fight because I want to give every single a person a chance to see what they are missing. Some of us will see it and we will strive for it - the life that COULD be. Others will deny it and look to their current lives as "good enough" quite simply because it could be worse.

But it could be better!

Does it not work on the same principle? Don't whine because it could be worse? Should I somehow be thankful that it could be better? How exactly is THAT supposed to work?

To open everyone's eyes to the truth of freedom and actually living life, something it has taken me a decade of study to even see... that is my goal. That... is why I fight.

I wish that you could all see exactly as I see... the beauty of life to the fullest... only a single reach away.

The beauty of what is, the beauty of what was, and the beauty of what could be.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:52 PM
Oh well...I must just be stupid. I really don't think our life here in America is all that grim.

I'm one of those people who work everyday *gasp* to provide for my family...what else would you suggest I do? Further...I have had the FREEDOM to choose what to do for a living...and even further I have had the FREEDOM to choose to quit working for someone and work for myself and am doing very well.

I am also one of those people who will have fun on the weekends...which it seems that you think is evil or somehow me being a sheep. I like football...I played football...I like having family over to watch the games, eat, drink, laugh, and have fun. Occasionally we discuss politics...imagine that...out in the open and no one comes and arrests us.

You know what I had for dinner last night? I had a the middle of winter while it was snowing outside...I had fresh lettuce, tomato, and cucumber. But for some reason you want me to believe that I have it rough? And tonight...I am going to play sounds like a crazy thing to do if things are as bad as you say they are.

You know what I might do tomorrow...go sledding with my kids. Not something I think I would do if I feel like I'm not a free person.

If we have so little freedom...why am I able to do all these things? Am I just stupid and don't realize that I'm actually not having fun or living life?

I'd be curious how you define "TO LIVE LIFE". What else should I be able to do that I can't do right now? "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". I'm alive...I currently only answer to myself...and I am pretty happy. What are you suggesting is missing from my life? That I have to pay taxes? Well...I enjoy having a military protect us, having roads to drive on, and sending my kids to public I have no problem paying taxes. Do I think the system is Do you think if your little "rebellion" is successful that I would think your system is

I just don't understand the people that want I said...maybe I'm stupid...but please fill me in on what you think is missing and what exactly you think you are fighting for.

And btw...if you supported Obama...maybe you should give him more than a year before you give up on him. And since you said you started "planning" a year ago...I don't think I even believe your Obama part of the story.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

That's all well and good. But who exactly do you want to fight? Who's your enemy? The government, your employer, your neighbor, those who don't agree with you. Better to figure out who your enemy really is. Anger is an energy. Use it wisely.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

You want complete freedom? what no laws this is a republic it is founded in laws that are based in religion. You say that the system is bad and needs to be replaced I could not disagree more and I will take Jefferson and Madison over you any day. This is the greatest nation ever on the face of the planet and it will rise form the ashes just like the phoenix as long as we keep our constitution we will endure.

You think such a large percentage will follow you look around where are all your followers.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Freedom is different to different people. You have your ideals and your beliefs and guess what, if everything changes and everyone is given COMPLETE FREEDOM you will still be able to do all the things you listed, and so much more.

If that is everything you have ever striven for then fine. I am happy for you. Your life is complete. Congratulations. And you aren't stupid.

But for everyone else out there who maybe wants to create their own business but is shorthanded by magnanimous regulations on business, to people that see the wrong in paying taxes on your own work, to the people that see the results of a struggling economy and education system - there is plenty more to strive for.

reply to post by concernedcitizan

This is another point I believe I made quite clear but I shall emphasize. WHO do I want to fight? Anyone who stands between the pursuit of true freedom. Anyone who harms another human being for personal gain. This would include a large majority of people in our government, and a large majority of corporate leaders. They are the virus of America.

reply to post by Subjective Truth

Apparently you take only a portion of what I say and use it against me. Allow me to rephrase my statement - COMPLETE FREEDOM within the bounds of our Bill of Rights and Constitution.

Never have I denounced our Constitution or the Republic and never, EVER have I denounced the Founding Fathers. In fact I consider them my inspiration and guides in this endeavor. If not for their example I would not be able to follow. If more people saw what they did and respected it, more people would realize how good and how necessary revolution is.

If you will take Jefferson's word over mine, then why don't you too follow his declaration that revolution was necessary, and that blood would have to be spilled in its name to ensure its effectiveness and longevity.

I said I wanted to RESTORE this nation, not recreate it, and I've said more than once that I believe our nation is built on principles that WORK but are simply corrupted from within by a corruption so strong that it is impossible simply to just "clean it out" as some people will try to make you believe.

The Constitution is the supreme law for a reason - because it should be all we need. People should be allowed to do anything they choose... and let me repeat that - ANYTHING THEY CHOOSE... as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of another.

So yes, obviously laws will still be in place as laws that represent things such as injury or defamation of a person, are simply extensions to the Bill of Rights, and doing such things would infringe on peoples rights.

The Republic needs to be restored to just that - THE REPUBLIC. Not a Democracy. Not an oligarchy. Not a pseudo-fascist entity that we have become. A REPUBLIC.

Obviously even you (and everybody else) should be able to agree that we are not the Constitutional Republic we were supposed to be. You are quite right, America is like a phoenix and will rise from the ashes. But you need to also understand about a phoenix is that it can only rise against once it is DEAD. America may be a walking corpse right now but the current system needs to be reduced to ashed before it is given a chance to rise again, fresh and renewed, with the system of government and the freedom of living as was originally given to us by the hard work and dedication of our Founding Fathers.

Perhaps it is so hard for people to appreciate what true freedom is because none of you have ever experienced it. If you want to see what true freedom is not, then do a little test. Go to the center of your town with a megaphone and favorite book at noon time. Begin to read that book out loud into the megaphone. Give it enough time and you will be arrested. You are not hurting anybody. You are not infringing on anybodies Constitutional rights. You are not inciting violence or causing terror. You would simply be doing what you wanted to do. You might be annoying to some but when has that become a crime? You will simply fall victim to a corrupt and corroded system that has extended well past its bounds.

As far as those who will follow, I have come to know people all too well. No, not many will post here in my topic with their gleeful jumps for joy and reasons for revolting. However, I know I match their sentiments because I have talked with people. I have been a part of the people. I know what they long for. I know what they desire. I have molded my opinions, beliefs, and goals on that of the people I serve.

I serve the people.

There is that "I" again, when will I stop being so egotistical.

People WILL follow when they see hope for change and when they allow themselves to break down their own walls of fear and fight against the chains that bind them.

It takes only one taste of what true freedom is in order for you to long for it forever, to want to fight for that feeling. I hope all who speak so strongly against me sentiments get to understand and experience that at some point. I honestly do.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by gwydionblack
I appologize for my lack of replies but I live on the east coast, I sleep a normal schedule, and I wake in the morning. Now, I shall do all in my power to reply to everybody.

I guess I should've just wrote to your thread instead of u2u you. Maybe you didn't receive my message? If you did, why don't you copy and paste it here, along with your reply? I realize this may sound rude of me, forgive me. I mean only the best intentions. And frankly, I ain't quite sure if I myself can retrieve it to paste here, nor if you have an objection at this juncture to me doing so. I'll keep an eye on my u2u's in the mean-time. Peace


posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:14 PM
Thank you for the reply...and yes I would say for the most part I am content. I'm not and my family lives comfortably.

In response to your reasons to fight...I just don't see those as reasons to fight. Not everyone can own a business, taxes are needed, and the struggling economy is not something that can be fixed with violence.

So I'm just still a little confused for what specifically you would be fighting for...could you give more details??

[edit on 27-1-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

I have found that by volunteering my time at a children's cancer ward, homeless shelters and old folks homes...

I have quit whining and really feel blessed to be in the position I'm in. If you want to fight; fight for those less fortunate than yourself. There are a lot of worthwhile causes that could use a young man to help out. Quit being such a crybaby and pitch in and help us out. You are articulate and obviously have skills that can be put to good use.

Try it! You will be suprised at how much better you feel after being part of the solution.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 07:59 AM
I, for one, am not about to try and piss on someone's fire (dream), to extinguish their energy when so many are so lacking of it.

There's worse than wanting for things to be better. That someone cares deeply about our state of affairs is a rare and delightful quality as well in a land of apathy.

So, God speed, and best wishes.
I think you have the drive to persevere against the mighty odds that will surely rise up against you.
If only you change things in your own life and set an example for others that will be a good thing. If you accomplish more than that, then we will celebrate.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by wayno

I'm not trying to piss on his fire. I'm really just trying to understand what is so bad in our country that an individual thinks it is time for a violent revolution.

Answers like "taxes" aren't good enough for me. What taxes...all taxes? Income taxes? Property taxes? And then if you are against it...what is your solution? No taxes at would a country run with no taxes at all? And how would violent revolution accomplish this solution?

It's very easy to say that he is going to fight to get his "freedom" back. But what "freedom" is he lacking..."freedom" is a very vague term when used like this.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:04 PM
A couple of these posts are seriously silly. I won't quote b/c the one's I'm referring to know who they are; Everynight they go to sleep in their comfortable beds with their heads under the blankets, content that the world isn't crashing around them. While in the back of their minds they hope and pray for something positive to happen, but God forbid "I shall dirty my own hands!"
I apologize for being rude... Just b/c I'm a decent guy.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by gwydionblack

I want to fight.

Why is that so wrong?


Why is it so wrong for me to fight? Why are so many people afraid of the 'fight'?

I vote it's not wrong.
I'm not talking about any current political whatever, but in the broadest general sense ...I always like to misquote/paraphrase e.e. cummings (I think the poem in question is called "My Father") as saying "Hate is why men breathe."
Hatred and violence and cruelty and aggression are an essential or integral or sacred part of our animal inheritance...if humans were not capable of such, we would have been eaten by that leopard in the cave at the start of 2001 A Space Odyssey, so to speak.
The people who tell you fighting and hatred are wrong do so for various reasons, each of which is as selfish in its own way as the desire to fight for yourself is a selfish desire on your part.
For example, some people speak against (hate/fight/aggression) because they are constitutionally (genetically and/or environmentally) poorly tuned for it, i.e. they don't feel it, can't get it, aren't good at it, do better by other methods...would you vote for fishing on a class trip if you seem to never catch any fish?
Some people tell you fighting and hatred is bad because they are hateful toward you, and wish to keep you weak and stupid and incapable of becoming the threat to them that they already are to you.
Some people don't like fighting and hatred because they know that they deserve to be hated and fought against...the whole concept makes them feel guilty and people who make it taboo to be "judgemental" because they secretly already have a bad judgement of themselves...Know what I mean?
But plenty of people temperamentally are on your side, they may not spend their time as poster children for hatred/rude-animal-spirits online but they do tend to recognize and sometimes to help each other out in practice, in real life, in my when they say of someone "He has heart", they're not talking about feeding kittens, type of thing.
Hope these few thoughts are not too obvious.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:33 AM
Double Post

[edit on 3-2-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:33 AM
So did gwydionblack abandon this thread?

I would really like to know his specific motives.

What do you want to fight against...specifically? What is the better solution...again...specifics?

What are you lacking in your life right now that you think is worth fighting for?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I apologize, I didn't realize there were any new posts until now.

The question is, why fight? What are my motives?

To answer this is a little more difficult than I would like to imagine. In fact to sit and think about it I realize that most of my motives are far out of reach. To understand why, you should first understand that I am an idealist. I believe that there is inherent good in all people and that should people be able to utilize their knowledge and self-conscience, this world we live in would be a much better place.

Why do I want to fight? Well, I look at the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and I see very little similarities to the government that was created than, and the pseudo-fascism we live under today. While I understand that some laws were created in the mind knowing that such documents needed to be updated, it is also not hard to realize that we have strayed away from the concepts of limited government as was concluded with our independence. I fight for a government that does the role that was given to it when our nation was founded, and nothing else.

However, I fight for a much larger thing that is more so global, and thus my idealist ways get the best of me. I fight for an informed public globally. A population that is treated to the same information as the self proclaimed elite and is not subject to corporate run mass media, propaganda, or indoctrination of any sort. It isn't so much a political agenda, but a common sense agenda.

Obviously, the powers that be understand the old adage that knowledge is power. They have kept knowledge from the masses for countless years knowing that the more they know, the more they have to fear. This is why the internet is a popular target these days. The suppressed knowledge is getting out and at a pace even they are beginning to have trouble controlling.

I fight for a government that doesn't need to hide what it is doing to keep the people appeased. Sure, someone will always be against some decisions, HOWEVER, there should be no reason that we blatantly disregard the will of the people and try to hide it from them. This needs to change.

I fight for the day when we don't need to fight foreign wars over ghosts and oil. When instead we can used our troops to help boost production in OUR country and secure our borders from illegal immigration. The day when instead of fighting for monetary gain, our troops can instead be sent to areas of the globe where leaders choose to commit genocide or continue slave trade. Not so that we can force our rule of "Corporate Democracy" on other nations, but spread the advancement of humanitarianism around the world, advancements that this nation has been able to overcome in its rich history.

I want a nation and a world where it doesn't require somebody to go into debt to receive an education in the study of their choosing. Where the public is encouraged to use their imaginations to advance technology, energy, and personal growth. Where people are taught to explore and experience the world instead of fearing it at every turn.

I want a nation that if imports stopped today, we would be able to thrive and survive on our own. A nation where thanks to our own production, jobs are plentiful and diverse. Where the monetary system is not based off of something intangible that we can never see with our own eyes.

I want a nation where inventors and thinkers, laborers and families are not separated from athletes and actors by several social classes, where people truly can advance as long as they work hard enough and have the willpower to succeed. Seriously, how screwed up of a world do we live in that people that throw balls around for a living get paid more than people that grow our food supplies? That people who made the stage their living live better lives than the men who protect our country?

I dream of a new social structure where there IS no social structure. But please, do not confuse my views with socialism because not everybody is equal in this structure. There is no distribution of wealth there is simply a realignment of what is deemed necessary. People will be judged not by their skin, religion, or viewpoints, but rather by how productive they are to society and whether they deserve the "dream" or if they are blowing hot air.

But that doesn't mean forcing anything. If you so choose to be a bum in your life it is the understanding of your inalienable right that allow you to do so. However, we can not expect government to keep funding deadbeats and saps to society who would choose to do nothing and try to prosper from it. Government handouts should be limited to the elderly and the disabled, not the lazy and foolhardy. While systems such as food stamps have their inherent good uses, the systems must be revamped and restructured to prevent the abuse that has plagued this nation in the past.

I could go on an on about my ideals and why I fight but allow me to summarize. I fight because the people of this world have their priorities backwards. The sustainability of human life has taken a back seat to indulgence and people have been rewarded for it. The government has used this as a foothold to gain control of everybody's lives and freedoms. So many people won't even question their government because they wouldn't even imagine thinking about living without the support that "Big Brother" provides.

People look at me like these are some kind of new ideologies and what not but there is nothing new about them. Our Forefathers documented them for us to remember, and even they didn't come up with them out of thin air. The combined the best aspects of history and experience to create something that when implemented correctly would guarantee complete freedom and control to the people, with literally no maximum to the heights they could ascend as long as they worked to meet that end.

That is the basic building block of this nation and THAT is what I fight for, and if I could, I would fight for that same freedom for the rest of the world, or at least urge them to fight and stand up for themselves.

That is my believe, my ideology, until my dying breath.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:32 AM
Reply to post by gwydionblack

Blood cries out for blood. Violence only breeds more violence. Pick your clichè.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

I don't cry out for blood any more than our Founding Fathers did before me. I realize it is a necessity only because we the people have failed in following their guidelines to ensuring a free and unified Republic.

Do I blame the government for our problems? Sure. But I also blame the people for allowing us to become this far gone. In my opinion this country went to the hills after the implementation of the Federal Reserve. Albeit it was already into problems, however, that was when, so long ago, the road was paved for a Corporate States of America.

I can't say what I would have done if I was alive then. But I do know that in a perfect world I'd say I would have stood up and said no then. So I have to question why the people instead sat by and let it happen?

After that it was too late. The last vestige of voice people has was bought out by the banksters and soon to be corporate muscles. One after the other as soon as government saw that they people would not stand up to their decrees, they passed more and gave themselves more power.

Finally, when people actually started to cry phony, it was too late. The government had already given itself the power to ignore you at no loss to them, a power they use gleefully today.

I can't say for certain when it was "passed the point of no return" for our country, but I can say that I would have died then before I saw it happen. I would be the same man I am today, preaching for people to wake up and fight the change, assemble in Washington, vote in new politicians - but back then people actually listens to other people instead of the picture boxes in their living rooms. Perhaps they would have had nothing better to do then to face things that actually mattered in place of social networking, reality television, fanatical sports.

Back then, people would have been able to peaceably assemble and be able to learn the problems they face. Today? Not a chance. As I've said countless times before, the people are so misguided and brainwashed that it is literally impossible to get enough people to care much less get off their bums and do something about it.

However... you do something that disrupts their leisure... well then hell breaks loose. American Idol gets replaced with talk of the revolution going on a couple counties over because the fighting caused the cable to be shut down. People will actually have a chance to listen... to think... and to realize truth without being bombarded by the false media.

Yes, the people of the past are to blame in part, but I forgive them for it is the people of today that need to wake up and make the difference they looked past back then.

Blood? I don't want it. The people do. The people need it. Bloodshed has a funny way of waking people up. Making them do things they normally wouldn't think of doing like throwing away their rights for one... or joining a cause perhaps.

Blood unites the people like nothing else, just like it has in the past. The ancient wars of old showed patriotism and unity like no other situations. It is the fear of losing what you have that allows you to realize how little, and how much more, it could actually be.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:36 PM
So I replied yet no comments? Nobody?

Is what I'm fighting for not good enough? Are there any objections?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

The only way I can really be active in this fight is to keep nailing flyers to phone-poles in my community.
I just put links to certain websites for the people interested in whatever claim my flyer(s) pose. My favorite one is; 33 Conspiracy theories that turned-out to be true...Find-out for yourself @;

I don't know what else to do at this point...

Little note; my flyers are on 3x5 index cards like at bus stops and along side-walks, with no links as to who placed 'em there.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:46 AM
Well for one, if everyone "fought" for whatever they wanted it would be a disaster. I want a million dollars but I'm not about to go off and kill someone over it. Peaceful change will come, it just might not be the one you want. So, unhappy, you resort to violence.

Isn't it kind of arrogant of you when you claim "you know this is the right path," when there are plenty of people out there who would say they know this is the wrong path? Who are you to think you know what's best for everyone else, and put yourself as some kind of holier than thou freedom fighter?

I guess if you're just fighting in a metaphorical sense, in that you have passion about what you believe - good for you, I do too.

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