posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating
You've hit the nail on the head and pounded in a pin with a sledge hammer at the same time. In other words IMHO you're 110% correct.
Take that Google is now teaming up with NSA to *help keep us safe* (cough choke gag) and again, you've got it right there Skyfloating.
In fact I was going to post a video about the very same thing, but, guess what? On three separate sites the video (including You Tube and Google) are
having *errors* and you need to *try again later*...
I'll post if it ever clears up.
Thanks for a great thread... And a completely disturbing one too...
Star Flag and Dug...
[edit on 12-2-2010 by silo13]