posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:48 AM
I already contacted the mods and site said I thought I was banned and deleted, and maybe shouldve been in the past. I said maybe never post again
sometimes worked up in a frenzy. I shouldnt talked about certain things and trying to imagine what might have happened I couldnt deal. People play
games with speech in hospitals , make up things , dillusions. I used to refuse my meds sometimes , sleep in the fetal position next to a wall cause I
didnt want anyone touch ing me since 06 when people joked around about money. You can be pushed into a psychosis, reading some of my old stuff sounded
incoherent nonsense. I apologize for my behavior in the past people everywher e I go static in the backround or make fun of me , the cards I was
Music is something beautiful , the bad memories sometimes resonate the most. Sometimes feel like ostrasized or target of witchunt for national smear
campaign or people trying to rip me apart. I was on a mattress on a pillow , there was a dresser next to me and not a lot of realistic possibility. I
am sorry for the long slow ride of going by a burning car. I couldnt deal and in the past a victum of physical abuse (13)and it messes you up
sometimes carry weapons or try to think what could I do to get out of any situation. I am sorry , for unproper conduct , I was sorta out of my mind. I
tried to leave the site in the past and ban myself , but I will not continue the threads.
Shouldnt of sorta kept a collection of online thought s just had years of nerves problems cause of some of this. Just I dont know whats going on ever,
maybe like truman or real world reality show that might be underground if even real. Open to interpretation.
[edit on 11-3-2010 by P. O. W.]