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Zombie Dogs, Commie Experiments, Video

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posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 08:26 AM
Thats just bloody cruel is all I can say and sickening.

On another note, im sure such experiments have and probs are being carried out on humans. This world is a messed up place.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
Maybe one day when our bodies die we will be able to have our heads alive and talking in a jar O_O

I found the part with the alive dog head rather cruel and disturbing though, was there really any need for the acid?

It was citric in the stuff in oranges and limes etc.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:31 PM

The one benefit that stands out to me is possible human resurrection. They've done it with dogs, I'm sure they've tried it with humans. It might seem sick to you, but just imagine if we could resurrect people who have been murdered, even if for only a few minutes. As long as their brain isn't too badly decayed or damaged they could tell you who murdered them, and possibly say goodbye to their families, maybe even live on indefinitely if the tech was advanced enough. Darth Vader suit anyone?

Good God man, you have got to be #ting me. Where would that lead, immortal people, then we are seriously screwed, its hard enough to limit population.
To solve murders? C'mon man, think. How horrendous to revive somebody brutally and horrifically murdered for the sake of being a witness. Assuming they retain memory, which would be your whole point, that would constitute emotional/mental abuse and cruelty of the highest order.
Live on if the teck was good enough? No thanks pal. Folk living by tecknology are only on borrowed time anyway, no quality of life, and what of the cost to the health system?
If you reanimate me, my first action would be to sue your arse for suffering you caused me.
Horrendous ideas.
Likewise that research was incredible cruel. Science is cold and uncompassionate.

The world is not messed up Q-ball, Humans are. And where the world is messed up, humans did it!

[edit on 14-3-2010 by wayaboveitall]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:35 PM
The video seems kind of odd to does the dog lift his head up at one point when the head isn't attached to anything. Even if moving the head only used neck muscles...they wouldn't be attached to anything. Same with opening it's mouth and using it's tounge.

I'm no expert in anatomy...but that just seemed odd to me.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 06:42 PM
You just answered your own question. Horrible isnt it!
Same way a severed snakes head can bite, excepting the snakes head is also still alive. Reptiles have an enormous resistance to hypoxia.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
The video seems kind of odd to does the dog lift his head up at one point when the head isn't attached to anything. Even if moving the head only used neck muscles...they wouldn't be attached to anything. Same with opening it's mouth and using it's tounge.

I'm no expert in anatomy...but that just seemed odd to me.

This is exactly right. This video is bogus! I can believe the working lungs when they are being inflated and deflated artificially. I can see making a healthy looking heart beat. That heart looks like it was fresh from a body, and we all know that heart transplants work. BUT . . . .

That head is entirely bogus! For one, a "head" is not a single organ like a heart or a lung. A head is a number of things all combined, and all of those things would need kickstarted and made operational. Second, the head should just be lying on the table, but somehow the dog is able to turn and move his head. He doesn't seem to be in any pain either?

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I'm surprised on one seems to care about commenting on this part of the video.

Like I said...I'm not an expert in anatomy...but I don't think the head of the dog should be able to open his mouth, use it's tounge, and not to mention lift his head up. I could see it opening and closing it's eyes...but nothing else.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Well, Zombie Dogs is much more fun and interesting than some silly B-Movie reel.

Ya, the dog looks happy if anything. And those saying, "Oh, was the Acid necessary?" Maybe they didn't notice that it was "Citric Acid" otherwise known as Vitamin C, and typically Orange flavored!
The dog took a moment to notice it, and then he seemed to like it! However, if his head were detached from his body, you would think a tickle on his nose would be the last thing he would notice! If I were that dog, I would be frantically searching for my nuts to lick!

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