posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:43 AM
Don't we just enjoy Israel's empty accusations. Who would have though that someone with a name such as "Goldstone" would be a Jew.
Anyway, soon everyone will be applauding Obama for a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine. They have more important places to focus on now,
such as Yemen and Iran. At least Palestine won't go out of western hands, as they are prisoners.
China, Russia and Iran won the deals in Turkmenistan with their pipelines crossing Kazakhstan. Obviously they have won over the Caspian area, so the
least the US and Europe can do is take control of the Persian gulf area and block China and Russia from ever reaching the port in Aden, Yemen.
Hence, from a geopolitical point of view, it's time to set a peace deal between Israel and Palestine. The US, Israel and Europe won't lose control
over Palestine anyway. It's time they focus on Iran and Yemen instead, and show Obama as the peacemaker who in fact did deserve his Nobel peace prize
The US and Israel will be the good guys, while Iran continue to be the bad guys, despite them being the only country that most resembles a
democracy in the middle east.
[edit on 29-1-2010 by MightyAl]