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Can we live without currency?

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posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:49 PM
Hello friends! This will be my first thread here on ATS and I am hoping for feedback from both sides of the fence.

The question I want to put to you is this:

"Can we live without money and the daily grind?"

We live in a world that is rich in resources and space so why do we have to work everyday of our lives just to survive? Can we not just share the planet we live on and give everyone an equal portion? It seems to be that most of our problems stem from money (starving nations, wars over oil, our inability to leave fossil fuels alone, etc). Personally I think we would live in a much nicer world if we did share it all.

Also please don't get me wrong, I am not someone who thinks I have the right to sit at home while other people do the work. I work hard for a living but I think it is such a waste of our gift of life.

What say you?

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:08 PM
I too have strugled with the very same question, and honestly I always come up with yes. As to can we do it nowadays? No. There is too much greed on this little blue planet of ours, and it's sad to watch. I mean "we" as a species created money, and have placed value on things such as gold and diamonds...etc. So who's to say we can't live without them? I honestly think that we will never be able to make strides as a civilization unless the stifiling chains of greed and religion are removed. IMO, in 1000 years we will look back as a species (Granted we haven't completley wiped ourselves out by then) and we will refer to these times we are all living in now as the "Stupid Ages"... Our current way of life is rickity @ best, and we will inevitably end up in a world free of cash or money...etc,but sadly I fear the road to this future will not be a pleasant one...

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:14 PM
I totally agree with you friend, me as many others have dreamed of a society with no currency to enslave its people, no wars to destroy its people.
We have plenty of resources to go around like we do now with air and water,but..

When the Power of Love overcomes
the Love for Power, the world will
know Peace.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:19 PM
Sure basics would be Trade skills and people not stacked on top of each other like chickens being raised to go in the KFC buckets.
Self sustainable living chickens for eggs and a big garden. Rain water filtration. Wood stoves etc. Maybe some low impact homes! They Look like little hobbit houses!

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:28 PM
Sorry to say but there always has been currency and there always will be. In the past it was easily traded goods such as salt, animal skins and weapons and today it is the £. It simply won't happen because you always get people who want more and will kill out of greed. It would be nice if we could all share as equals, black, white, christian, muslim but there is always somebody who wants more.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 04:59 PM
With the onset of the imminent release of 0 point energy a little black box that will power all of your cars your houses and all of all of your needs. There would be no need of money or oil or a large use of it or governments or large governments you would be free from all things and people.

This will be a day of major change and that will bring on a new era where we can all live in united world for piece.

That what I think.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 05:29 PM
I feel humanity's obsession with gems and metals is retarded and primitive.
what happens when we find a golden asteroid or the diamond oceans on uranus(snickers)

the ONLY logical currency i would ever have real faith in-- the kilowatt/hour

[edit on 24-1-2010 by the_grand_pooh-bah]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by jsettica
With the onset of the imminent release of 0 point energy a little black box that will power all of your cars your houses and all of all of your needs. There would be no need of money or oil or a large use of it or governments or large governments you would be free from all things and people.

This will be a day of major change and that will bring on a new era where we can all live in united world for piece.

That what I think.

Can you elaborate on this "little black box" please, it sounds a great idea.

And without wanting to change the subject of the thread, religion is also a major source of war/terroism so disbanding currency isn't quite going to bring peace.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:14 PM
Too many own lands and other property. Try getting stuff for free off those lands and properties and there will be a problem with the law you might come across.

But you can live in jail without money.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:22 PM
I've thought of this before and I think if it happened it would work, but on the otherhand we would no longer advance in technology unless those people actually enjoy doing what they do... otherwise they would have the mind set of "Why am I working when I could be doing this or that"

Unless people would be willing to give certain things up and stop selfishness it could work, but it may also not. If we began like this from the very beginning and up to this very day, In my opinion we would be far more advanced than we are now simply because if every single person grew up into the mindset of helping each other out, everysingle person contributing to the advancement of our species. Instead of a minority of people doing all the work while the rest are doing other jobs which honestly wouldn't be needed if things were like that today.

I think if we were to switch over in the future it would never work. Something as major as this would need to be started off fresh.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by Byakuya]

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:25 PM
As long as there is property tax you will be a slave to the system. Even if you were to get a piece of land and work it for all the things you need the tax man will still be coming by with his hand open.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Tormentations

But you can live in jail without money.

Lol could not be more true. If you get sent to prison you get three meals a day, free gym, free sky tv in your cells, free sports facilities and free money to spend on tobacco and sweets.

Originally posted by Byakuya

Instead of a minority of people doing all the work while the rest are doing other jobs which honestly wouldn't be needed if things were like that today.

Or they just sit at home on their backsides claiming benefits.

[edit on 25-1-2010 by zepar]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 08:26 AM
Once the PTB have considated their plans for one world 'currency', all current forms of currency will be done away with.

We will be imprinted with the 'chip/pin/tattoo', and this will be 'topped up' automatically, via wireless technology, at regular intervals. Taxes etc will already have been deducted. The dependent, children, the elderly or infirm, disabled etc, will receive their share via their carers.

Any 'purchases' will be scanned and the information will be held along with our DNA and details concerning our 'known associates', indefinitely.

Each chip will contain GPRS technology that will track each individuals 'buying' habits. We will each be allotted according to need and some will have skills or knowledge that afford them greater 'equality'.

For me, the question is; once cash is done away with and our spending power and consumor choice further controlled, will we still be actively encouraged to overspend, and still be living a culture of debt?

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 01:56 PM
Yes of course we this current society...probably wouldn't work...we all want to be better than others and money is a great value to show how much beter we are than others

I am using We as a general term

I strongly support the concept of getting rid of money


posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 02:08 PM
Don't think so, at least not in a large interconnected society like ours.

Sure, we can share resources, but if you have a workforce, who is doing a certain job, you have to be ale to provide a return for them.
To a degree, that could be food, lodging, ect, bu if they have enough of one, they'll want the option to choose another goo.
There'd have to be some sort of recognized mark, that you can give to your work force as promissory towards receiving goods in exchange for work done.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by WeShallBeFree
Hello friends! This will be my first thread here on ATS and I am hoping for feedback from both sides of the fence.

The question I want to put to you is this:

"Can we live without money and the daily grind?"

We live in a world that is rich in resources and space so why do we have to work everyday of our lives just to survive? Can we not just share the planet we live on and give everyone an equal portion? It seems to be that most of our problems stem from money (starving nations, wars over oil, our inability to leave fossil fuels alone, etc). Personally I think we would live in a much nicer world if we did share it all.

Also please don't get me wrong, I am not someone who thinks I have the right to sit at home while other people do the work. I work hard for a living but I think it is such a waste of our gift of life.

What say you?

A world w/o money would almost be perfect. Sad thing is those who enjoy power need money to seperate themselves from everyone else so they feel special even if the POOR ARE THE TRUE SPECIAL SMH.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Silly first question

what is the acronym SMH?

Also I totally agree...I wish we could all stop being so damned greedy

If you really think about it there is no physical reason that money has to exist


posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by KyoZero
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Silly first question

what is the acronym SMH?

Also I totally agree...I wish we could all stop being so damned greedy

If you really think about it there is no physical reason that money has to exist


shaken my head =SMH, and I think we can do w/o it imagine how much of life would be effected if there was none (and we shared all our global resources = mabey we would dodge all e.l.e.s) with our positive energy output as a species WE WOULD BE HAPPIER GLOBALLY

[edit on 1/25/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 03:21 PM
So basically Earth in Star Trek; work to better yourself and civilization?

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 03:21 PM
I was thinking about this the other day. How can there be recessions/depressions really as long as people have the same desire to work, 40 hours a week? Money is an illusion, doesn't exist. What exists though is human labor, that's all. The only *real* depression in an economy would be if the population started to become lazy. As far as people looking for work, as a society there is always work that needs to be done, even if only simple things, so why the joblessness?

But the problem I see is that tech might not advance as fast, but sort of a trade off. Quality of life would improve but we might just have to tolerate each other a little better (heaven forbid) since we'd all be closer.

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