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Seeking help from Experienced Meditators.

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posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:07 AM
I need help with meditation techniques. As you cannot always rely on what is posted on the internet, I thought I'd ask some of the more experienced ATS members.

Okay, so my goal is to see what I already know is there....that part of me I haven't seen. The other 'world' I know is there but I cannot see. I want to understand myself better and fix myself from the inside out...There are a lot of things that bother me, most subconsciously...I would like to face them, and I am prepared to encounter some unsettling....realizations. I know there are two sides of me, the good overpowers the 'bad' (I think that is what I am afraid of, finding out that I am actually a bad person & I don't even know it.)I know I need to align my chakras, I know they are are way off at the moment and probably have been for a long time...

I wish to achieve this without the need for the use of mid altering substances such as '___', as I see it as a shortcut. There is a reason we cannot just use/experience the naturally occurring '___' in our brain at the drop of a hat... I feel it takes time and practice for a reason. Such an experience imo, you need to prepare for..It is not for the lighthearted, and it is not a toy.

I don't know if this helps, but a bit of background on my aura colors... I have mostly blues, violets, and magenta. As well as a tinge of tan, with a slight overlay of red. (I know the red is not a great thing, but hey that's me.)

Where do you start with meditation? What techniques would I begin to use...? What music would allow me to get more in tune with what I am trying to achieve....
I gather that each technique has a different outcome...

I think I have set up a mental block, as much as I want to experience full blown meditation I am also afraid of what I might see and experience...I am ready to let go of that block now. I know I am opening myself up to a lot, good and bad- because without the one there is no other.
What do I need to expect?
I have accepted the fact that I might encounter things that scare me....and if so, how do I turn and come back? Do I come back, or do I stay and face it?

So many questions!

Your help would be greatly appreciated...

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:22 AM
the best technique i could advise is patience.
ive known alot of people who have tried meditation and quit because they struggled to sit still and i remember someone saying it was boring lol.
you need to find somewhere you are comfortable and feel safe and secure and of course you need somewhere quiet.
i know alot of people listen to tunes and music but myself personally i just prefer complete.....and utter.... silence..............................................................

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by EyeOnYou

Thank you for your reply

Yes, patience is something that is not abundant withing me,lol. I am trying very hard to work on that, nothing is better motivation than this...I am just keeping my eye on the goal. I find it very difficult to quieten my mind, and not focus on all those little sounds in the background..unfortunately, we have builders across the road... Someone told me to upload meditation music onto my i pod as that will drown out any small sounds in the background.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by jinx880101

That's a great post; thanks for being so open, in-depth, and clear.

Super short background on why I chose to attempt an answer for you: I was very nearly a Tibetan Buddhist monk - I lived that lifestyle for about 2 1/2 years and am a very experienced meditator. I astral travel, see auras (in my mind's eye), have synesthesia, and I'm currently 6 months from getting a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Psychology. I'm also a first-wave Crystal Child.

One main thing I recognized, for me, is that meditation is exceptionally beneficial but it will not accomplish certain things. If you, as nearly everyone, has some anger at their parents or went through some tough times, had abuse, unresolved issues - these will not likely be solved by meditation. I don't recommend drugs either unless after therapy and physical dopamine level tests, etc it is decided that is what's best.

I'd recommend you read up on what it means to be an Indigo Child. I get a feeling you may be one. Your aura and description/thoughts lead me to think that way. Don't worry too much about the red, might be physical pain or some Karmic thing you're working off. If it's in the outer levels (as I got a sense) it would likely be some Karmic/past-life thing so pay attention if you tend to have a specific group you are attracted to or scared of (like you keep running into people who have been stolen from, or something.)

Focusing the mind is really beneficial for many things. I think mindfulness meditation or certain types of yoga will help there. Simple things like counting your breath, visualizing, and focus on manipulating things in your mind's eye can help there. Vipassana Yoga can really delve into unconscious stuff but it's generally a significant cost and a week or two without speaking, but check it out just in case =)

We are all part of one big whole of existence, don't judge yourself as bad - we are all like fingers on a hand and we do exactly as we're supposed to do. You're fine!

Jung talks a lot about the "shadow," that dark side you mentioned. It is normal to fear this, and also to strive to know it. It can be shocking to explore your mind but I'd recommend going for it.

If exploration is scary or your dreams start seeming coerced, you feel weak, angry, etc. Try talking to a therapist or spiritual leader in your community. I personally wouldn't recommend Christian or Muslim. Buddhist or Jewish, or most Eastern philosophies can address some of your concerns.

Best of luck!

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:13 AM
Be still as a mountain,
Move like a great river,
Invest in loss,
Seek the curve in the straight,
There are no masters,
only the seeking together.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:14 AM
I learned to meditate in conjunction with the practice of Shaolin qigong. As mentioned above, meditation is all about patience. Even after years of experience, you will have times where you just can't settle your mind. The patience you must learn is with yourself and you will nearly always be able to find some fault with yourself, particularly if you're female. Just jump into the feeling of that impatience, work through it. It will pass, like all things.

I'm a freeform meditator. I don't use any 'technique' at all. I let whatever energies are moving around at the time take me wherever I need to go. Trances, astral travel, etc., are all accessible without lessons or other guidance. Meditation is about freedom, after all. Or, it is to me.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

Thank you, your post was very insightful & I will look into the meditation techniques you have suggested.
Regarding the anger or resentment towards parents- I have accepted that they are people who did their best they could at the time and even though it might not have been, I no longer blame them or hold them accountable for anything they have I feel it has all happened for a reason. They as people just like me had/have their own mistakes/lesson to deal with & I was probably a part of that.

I have had many strange experiences and dreams that I have recently discovered to be outer body experiences or what some would call astral travel. I have not done them consciously trying but they just happened to me. It all started at about the age of 6/7.

I have somewhat read up on indigo children and the information given there leads me to believe that I fit the criteria quite perfectly. But, as I said before, you cannot always trust the information on the internet, so this is why I would like to find out for myself,that would leave no doubt in my mind.

I would like to read up on the 'First Wave Crystal Child' you sounds very interesting.

Thanks again for the wonderful reply, I will do my best to follow through with what you have suggested.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
reply to post by jinx880101

One main thing I recognized, for me, is that meditation is exceptionally beneficial but it will not accomplish certain things. If you, as nearly everyone, has some anger at their parents or went through some tough times, had abuse, unresolved issues - these will not likely be solved by meditation.

This part caught my interest for its personal relevancy. Lately I've taken a different approach when feelings or sensations arise during meditation where I just dive straight into them rather than trying to clear them out which brings me more in touch, which reveals more about them. It's a bit early to comment on the effectiveness but initial trials show promise.

Any thoughts? Yoga is just a bit strange to me. I'm more freeform in my ways like CosmicEgg who mentions the "jump into" approach as well.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I was quite surprised the one day....I was just playing sacred spirit and sort of 'stretching' as you would in yoga, I could feel every muscle in my body working and burning, by basically doing nothing but slowly bringing body parts together.

I have never done yoga before, I would like to though.

The thing about meditation, I see people doing weird things like moving their eyes up (with lids closed) to focus on the pineal gland...obviously then, it seems quite complicated. It actually hurts to do that,lol...

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 06:40 AM
I can offer a few tips that helped me achieve a deeper experience.

When first starting out and trying to develop your meditative attention span by using breathing as your avenue. The act of focusing on developing a long slow inhale and then exhale in through nose out through nose, mouth closed tongue on roof of mouth, behind front teeth, is of itself meditative. When ever you find yourself distracted or fidgety use your breath as a way of refocusing. To help with this put your hands on your stomach and feel your center rise and fall this will help as "touch" puts awareness in the mind.

Secondly when a distracting image comes into your mind don't panic or get upset or impatient. Identify it and quietly dismiss it. Be persistent, by starting with 5 minutes to 10 minutes to 20 minutes and so on. Its better to start and progress slowly than to force yourself to sit for and hour a couple of days then lose interest and stop practicing all together.

The final tip is more advanced but helps a lot. Many advisors will talk about how you must "imagine" yourself this and "imagine" yourself that, seeing yourself walking in a field of flowers or on the beach etc.. I would recommend you "envision" yourself this and that. Envisioning is when you
imagine seeing through your eyes as opposed to seeing yourself from a far.
So when you are in the field of flowers look down at your hand and pick a flower as if you, yourself are there picking it and not you observing yourself picking it. Anything you experience in a meditative state see it as you would in the waking world. This will help reinforce the notion that the spirit world is just as real as the waking world and make your connection more real.

Be gentle with yourself

and Breath (slowly)
good luck

p.s. A round of acupuncture could do wonders for your chakras alignment.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:06 AM
I stopped meditating when I began to have OBE"s, ... and I was reborn of sorts.

In life, often we think there is some magic solution to all of our problems, and doing work " inside" will change our outside perspective. Meditation is simply a tool, a means to a ficticious end.

Yet sometimes, the only way to make a noticeable difference is to dig our heels in the sand and face the things we fear most, with action and courage.

Face it, we will never be complete beings,.... no matter how hard we try. In ten years of astral travel I have only learned .... that there it is easier to change our perspective than change situations out of our control. There is no struggle.


We find peace where we make it.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:09 AM

'___', as I see it as a shortcut.

Dead end would be more like it.

There is a reason we cannot just use/experience the naturally occurring '___' in our brain at the drop of a hat...

Yes, the concentration is minuscule, and the architecture of the brain is fault-tolerant. '___' is not the only toxic by-product of biochemical activity to which the brain is exposed by continual immersion. So long as the clearance mechanisms are unimpaired (for example, their sink is not flooded with exogenous '___'), the system is robust.

Where do you start with meditation?

A lot of people have been launched by this guy:

A necessary condition for the waking consciousness to engage unconscious contents successfully is that the waking consciousness is not overwhelmed by the contents that emerge. Anything that impairs waking consciousness ensures that it will be overwhelmed.

Nothing can guarantee that it won't be overwhelmed, but a range of ordinary meditation techniques appear to have a good track record. It is at least possible to engage unconscious contents that way.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 07:51 AM
if you can astral project then i can be of help,

if not then i guess i wont be much of the help you are looking for.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 10:22 AM
People have mentioned Astral Projection in conjunction with Meditating. The last person mentioned only being able to help if you can already Astral Project.

I think that Astral Projection is the key though. The ultra-deep, profound state of consciousness that Yogi's, Sifu's, occultist's, Eastern Monks and all the like associate with meditation is essentially the state of consciousness you experience when right on the verge of 'Projecting'. It is that state of consciousness when you are right on the edge of falling asleep, when your head is bobbing and you cant keep your eyes open.
Those moments when you are going through this and you 'catch' yourself as you are 'falling': that moment of falling is the state of consciousness you are looking for: that is the state of 'emptiness' that everyone is talking about.

The only time you are truly meditating is the periods where you are experiencing this emptiness. Any other time you are simply clearing your thoughts. This emptiness is the state right before you have an OBE and you Astral Project.

I have done much research and practice in this field; it has consumed most of my time. I have researched almost a ton of religions, philosophical and spiritual belief systems, this certainly includes all the major ones throughout time, both historical and mythical. I feel that nearly all religious and spiritual 'traditions' and philosophies both contemporary and ancient had the same essence or core beliefs and influences.

In one way or another everyone is talking about the same thing. I will make the leap and say that a HUGE factor in the 'enlightenment' that ALL of these traditions had as their end goal is that of Astral Projection. I do not suggest that Astral Projection is THE end goal but it is a HUGE step in gaining this enlightenment.

The enlightenment that is spoken of that is achieved through meditation, I believe, is Astral Projection, for lack of a better term.

I believe that all metaphysical, 'psychic', shamanic, energy healing, conjuring, gnosis, spirit work, etc., etc. and all the like take place in the Astral Realm. When we Astral Project we are consciously exploring this realm with the highest possible form of lucidity and control. I believe that when you experience the metaphysical, psychic and all of those stated above, you are simply 'dipping in' or 'peeking' into the Astral Realm. When you Astral Project you are actually walking within it and exploring the realm.

If one desires the enlightenment attained through meditation and is looking for actual techniques, study the techniques practiced to attain Astral Projection. Astral Projection techniques will allow you to reach this enlightenment and the infinite possibilities you have heard of FAR faster than experimenting with JUST meditation.

The techniques employed by practitioners of WILD or Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming are almost interchangeable with those of Astral Projection so that is another specific term that you might want to search for.


posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 10:38 AM
jinx -- thanks for sharing. I use nonwestern music as my model for meditation. I took qigong classes from Chunyi Lin who is a master healer working with the top hospital in the world, the Mayo Clinic.

Chunyi Lin did the 49 day full-lotus cave meditation in China, taking no food, no water and no sleep. I did the 8 day meditation on just half glass of water while having no hunger and increasing my chi or electromagnetic energy and then my shen or spirit energy -- the laser-holographic-love energy.

O.K. jinx this is the BEST meditation tool -- the Level 1 Sitting Meditation c.d. -- just scroll down on this page --

You just sit in a chair but there are 12 energy points along the outside of the body -- and this is actually the 12 notes of the music scale with yang as the Perfect 5th 2:3 and yin as the Perfect 4th, 3:4.

This book, freely readable online, explains what you experience as you practice the above "small universe" meditation or "microcosmic orbit"

So that practice will take you to your highest levels if you can really focus on the practice. As the electromagnetic fields get strong enough then you can sit in full-lotus yoga position. The full-lotus is the most efficient for opening the chakras -- 20 minutes of full-lotus is worth 4 hours of any other meditation practice!!

The Level 4 of is the rainbow meditation which is the deep rainbow body found in Buddhism, Taoism and even from taking '___' ayahausca! haha.

Here is a series of video testimonials from people who were healed of very serious disease from Chunyi Lin -- like late-term cancer, M.S., etc.

reply to post by jinx880101

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 11:14 AM
In my studies I have found that nearly all spiritual traditions throughout time were trying to tell us the same things, some however, were more cryptic or secretive than others. Some traditions have also been co-opted for self serving purposes of power and control. When such co-opting takes place, much of the spiritual side and 'guidance' element is lost.

I have found that while traditionally somewhat poetic or cryptic, the Eastern Traditions include some of the most lucid and un-adulterated beliefs of the spiritual traditions.

Not only in their explanations or descriptions but also in practice. Many religions or spiritualities hold the real enlightenment as their 'secret' or mystery that only the 'elite' or for whatever reason; 'special' individuals have the pleasure of ever being made aware of. The Eastern Traditions however, hold it right out in front of you as their main goal.

The 'Immortal Masters' that you hear about in regards to the Eastern Traditions: make no mistake; they are the EXACT same thing that all of these mystery traditions and even mainstream religions are after. While the methods of attainment are closely guarded by the eastern masters, the legends of them and the acknowledgment of their existence is not held with such secrecy as every other tradition has done.

I mention all of this because if you want to learn the practical side, that which you can practice, of attainment or enlightenment the Eastern Traditions and things associated with them are by far the most publicly available material.

You will gain a much better understanding by taking the long way and following The Mystery through personal research and detective work into both western and eastern traditions but, if you want up front, usable information I would suggest looking in to Eastern Traditions.

The study of Inner Martial Arts, that of Qigong, Neikung, Yoga and Tai Chi will get you very far on your journey.

Tai Chi will get you familiar with your body and its movements, Qigong will teach you how to gather or cultivate Chi, Neikung will teach you how to project this Chi, Yoga was designed specifically to send you on the path of enlightenment. Performing yoga is originally intended to eventually induce the state of Emptiness that I have been talking about. Again, this state of emptiness is the state you re in while Astral Projecting.

This is why I say if you are looking for the practical side of this, if technique is what you are after: Astral Projecting techniques will get you there the quickest.

Ok Ok, I am sorry if people feel that everything I just wrote is not necessary for the topic. I feel that it is though. There is information that most everyone is not aware of and more importantly; there are experiences that most everyone are not aware of. Through having certain experiences there exist potentials that are learned of and/or sometimes gained. These 'potentials' are the very 'secrets' that have been so closely guarded throughout our history and our lore. Because these potentials are realized through experience, there have been certain experiences that have been protected and guarded with utmost concern even to this day.

The secrets have been guarded so well in deed, that through time many of these traditions have lost all connection with their original goal: that of attainment and enlightenment.

I very well might catch a lot of flack from certain types of people for saying this so bluntly but, Astral Projection, the deep meditation you speak of, has the potential to be your key to experiencing and discovering The Mysteries.

maybe I will divulge more later?

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Brahmanite
maybe I will divulge more later?

Thank you. I've has this strange feeling that AP is indespensible in all this and more meaningful than just some thrill for the sake of it. It explains my willingness to work at it (really, getting BACK to it) undeterred.

Even though I've ascertained in my own way much of what you say about the purpose of the religions, I would like to hear more. +1 vote for your divulging sans inhibition!

Be blunt. Don't worry about flac. As I see it, it's intended for everyone. Guarding it is somewhat sinful. On the flip side, I understand why from some direct experience but whatever is too advanced really tends to be indecipherable at that moment anyway-- the teachings are hidden in plain sight, like putting a calculus book before someone that hasn't even learned enough about basic algebra.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:02 PM
We are sovereign integrals~
That is to say that we are sovereign consciousness,
in an integral field of conscious energy.
This applies here because we each operate in particular modalities.
One person may be body oriented: Yoga, Tai Chi, Falun Gong.
One person may be mind oriented: Zen meditation, contemplation.
One person may be emotion oriented: Compassion & Empathy.
We all function with varied conscious frequencies within the field of consciousness vibration...and having applied each of these practices over years, it has become apparent to me my path.

A breathing pratice called the Quantum Pause technique, coupled with the practice of the Six Heart Virtues (appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding & valor) has awoke within me the most profound sense of wholeness! Living from the Heart
Simply go to the free downloads section to read the e-paper, Living from the Heart, which describes the Quantum Pause technique and the Six Heart Virtues.

We each are on our own path of growth, so those who are called to this material will resonate inherently with what is read.

A related site contains paintings, poetry, philosophy, novel, interviews, and music; all designed to activate certain centers within those who resonate. WingMakers
And finally, another related site with a discourse between teacher and student which may help those at any mark on their path. Lyricus Discourse


posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:13 PM
Drew, the Microcosmic Orbit is indeed a great exercise. I recommend it to anyone as a great tool for personal growth.

Here are some tips however, I will not necessarily give any 'answers', those can only be found on your own. Google is your friend.

While Intent and an understanding of the theories behind Astral Projection and Meditation are important to really being able to attain anything, there are many specific techniques one can employ in order to expedite the process of altering their consciousness (without drugs).

It will help you tremendously if prior to meditating or attempting to project you carry out some exercises in cultivating Chi. Follow the path of Qigong for this. Again, google is your friend. It is not necessary to go through these measures though. There are certainly people who induce OBE's regularly that do not believe in chakras or chi. I have experimented in mny ways with all of this though and I feel that it does help tremendously. When practicing Qigong you should eventually feel a definite, very obvious sensation. This sensation is what you are looking for, do not stop until you are feeling this sensation. You will definitely know when you are feeling it. Experiment with different Chi (Qi) cultivating techniques, see what works best for you.

I also find that Brain Entrainment or the employment of Binaural beats is very effective. It is said that it generally takes around 20 minutes for your brain to become entrained so you may find it helpful to listen to these audio while practicing Qigong so that when you are ready to move 'into position' your brain is ready as well.

I have found that the area that should be focused on the most when attempting to alter your consciousness in such a way is in developing and becoming familiar with your energy body.

Sensory deprivation is a very useful tool here. Either deny yourself of your senses if possible or drown your senses out with something monotonous.
Find a room in which you can become as secluded from as much external stimulation as possible. No one can disturb you, no light, no sound. Either lay down on a comfortable bed or pad or lay with your torso slightly inverted, experiment with this.

Wear a blindfold, get decent headphones. You may find that you become chilled, you might want to cover yourself with a blanket ahead of time. If possible be in a place with no smells; if there are multiple smells burn an incense or something similar so you can only smell one thing. The blanket can also be important for sensory deprivation; it assures that your entire body is experience a very similar external sensation.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:41 PM
Spend the first period of time clearing your thoughts. Consider EVERYTHING that might be bothering you at the time and actively throw it away, get rid of it. After going through all of your concerns spend some time clearing your thoughts, letting your mind wander. You really do want to dedicate a good period of time to this. Spend AT LEAST 20-30 minutes on the clearing part, once you become more comfortable and experienced this time will be much shorter.

After you have begun to realize that your mind is drifting into places with you only noticing it after the fact you are ready for the next step.

In the next step I will be instructing you to 'look' at certain things. This is not to be done with your physical eyes. You may find it helpful to first attempt to lift your Energy Body's arm. Lift your 'energy arm' straight up as if reaching for a rope hanging from your ceiling and grab the rope, feel the rope's texture in your hands. It is important to note that you are not merely visualizing this, you should actually be feeling a sensation. When you grab the rope you should actually feel a representation of its texture.

Once becoming familiar with this feeling you are ready to use your energy eyes to 'lock' different parts of your body. With your energy eyes look down at your toes, wiggle your energy toes and then tell your toes to go to sleep. Continue this with your foot, ankle, calf, thigh, pelvis, Buttock, abdomen, pectoralis, neck, bicep, tricep, forearms, hands, fingers, chin, jaw, cheeks, eyebrow and finally your skull. Flexing each and then commanding them to go to sleep. Again, once you are experienced, this may not be necessary but, it is a great to to achieve certain levels.

Now, once your mind is in a semi-conscious state where it is constantly drifting 'in and out' without your control, you are really ready.
Study after study has found that no matter if you are actually experiencing something in the physical world or imagining it, the same exact areas of your brain are stimulated. Mental association is KEY with achieving altered states of consciousness and getting results within them.

Someone earlier mentioned visualizing yourself in a field of flowers. I have found that this is an extremely good technique for pushing your consciousness over the edge once you are already drifting.

Once your mind is drifting try to think of a personal memory that you have that involves you being in a field of tall grass or flowers or weeds or something. Completely surrounded by tall flowers. Take few steps with your energy body into this field. Spread your arms out so that your arms and hands are completely submerged in the flowers and begin to sort of twirl your body, spin slowly with your hands and arms running through the flowers, feel every flower scraping up against your skin. By this point you should begin getting waves or rushes of sensation that flow through your body as you feel the flowers. These actual, physical sensations are what you are looking for. It does not matter what technique you use, if you get the waves of sensation you are doing it right. After feeling the flowers scrape up against your arms you should now crouch down, grab a large group of flowers in each hand at their base and then slowly, gripping the flowers pull your hands up as if stripping all the leaves from them. This action should overload your body with so many physical sensations that you will feel very sudden and very intense rushes of energy or sensation. This action alone may be enough to 'pull' your body out. You may want to attempt rolling or lifting out of your physical body with your energy body after this.

I will get in to the relation to The Great Mysteries in a later post.

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