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To Those Who Think 9/11 truthers are crazy

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by aristocrat2

And just to play along, how did KBR manage to hijack and crash the planes into the building

Removal of circuit board from HMS Trafalgar's fire and control systmes and in a Tomahawk's systems. The Trafalgar thinks its fired a missile that has been safely destroy, but actually then flies on either...
a. Under a pre-determined course according to the corrupted circuit board.
b. Under a pre-determined course to another place where someone else can fly it by remote.
c. By remote by someone else who can immediately take control of it.

Remember, once the circuit board is in place, the question of passwords no longer applies if the entire circuitry has been replaced.


and also find demolition experts willing to go along with the murder of thousands of innocent civilians?

Considering that the company that now owns the Turner Corporation is the same one that built most of Hitler's Death Camps that murdered MILLIONS of innocent Jews, not thousands of innocent people, that would seem an easy thing to do.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by aristocrat2
There were only two ways to beat the Pentagon systems

Except you still have not shown any evidence at all that the Pentagon had any such system...

Are you seriously challenging whether the Pentagon has access to a radar system?

For the Pentagon to have been hit by a "friendly" missile

except it was hit by a 757 plane,

A BALD LIE. There si no evidence to support this. This is the SECOND TIME you've come up with this lie.

thus the 757 engines,

ANOTHER BALD LIE. Again, this is the second time that you have come up with this bald lie. The engine parts were NOT from a 757.


YET ANOTHER BALD LIE. Yet again, this is the same bald lie that you've spouted previously. The undercarriage is clearly not from a 757.

etc etc. found inside the pentagon

What exactly is the ETC, ETC, because there are NO KNOWN PARTS from a 757 found in the Pentagon.

Langley still has access and made use of the APQ-166 system installed in its B52's by Norden,

Slight problem, Langley does not have B-52's, also that radar is for ground mapping, weather and navigation, not AI

Straight untrue. Whilst it might be used for ground mapping, there is no reason for it to be limited to this.

So once again the same old BALD LIES pumped out by someone having no clue at all!

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by aristocrat2

In standard criminology, whoever is found at the scene of the crime is considered to be a grade A suspect... so why is it that t=in the case of 9/11, some dude in a cave in Afghanistan is the prie suspect, when KBR and their associate contracting companies were at the scene of the crime?

Now could it be that, just maybe, because the murder weapon was a commercial jet airliner going 500 mph that the investigators concluded that anybody standing at the crash site was probably not behind the wheel?

They would have to be VERY, VERY STUPID investigators or just downright corrupt to conclude that. The US Air Force amongst many others have innumerable drones flown from d=some distant location these days. Raytheon has been involved in developing such technology for years and many of their directors died on that day. It is not that Raytheon was necessarily involved, and it might be even by accident, but their deaths would have hindered anyone giving evidence as to the level of advancement of technology in this regard.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by aristocrat2
Are you seriously challenging whether the Pentagon has access to a radar system?

The Pentagon had neither any air defence system, or a radar system....

What exactly is the ETC, ETC, because there are NO KNOWN PARTS from a 757 found in the Pentagon.

Another "truther" lie, 757 engines, wheels and undercarriage were all found inside the pentagon...

Straight untrue. Whilst it might be used for ground mapping, there is no reason for it to be limited to this.

yes there is, as they are mounted in B-52's, and Langley AFB does not have any B-52's. The "truthers" are now really losing it, they have no clue at all the langley AFB never had B-52's!

So once again all we have are more "truther" lies from someone without a clue

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by spiritualzombie


a. In concluding that if Bin Laden did not do it, it could only have been the Government. This is patently crass as a Government-wide conspiracy would have certainly been so big that someone somewhere would have broken cover and confessed by now. Furthermore, by insisting that it was a Government-wide conspiracy of "they're all in it" has totally discredited it as numerous highly patriotic and honest men and women serving their country are left angry and resentful at being smeared when they knew that they had nothing to do with 9/11. The hard fact is that 9/11 COULD have been done by a third group, in my thoughts listed here, I have shown how KBR could, feasibly done with little or no help from any Government agency apart from the odd minor unwitting action.
b. In concluding that there were either "NO PLANES" or "NO MISSILES". This makes again no sense. ANyone in a conspiracy will simply be concerned with "getting the job done" and would not impose such restrictions on themselves.
c. In assuming that all "official" doctrine is false. There is no reason not to suppose that some matters were true. Whilst it might have been intended for the Shanksville jet to be replaced, maybe the passengers did revolt and overrun the cockpit and chuck a spanner in the works of whoever was planning 9/11.
d. In assuming that despite being "absolute traitors", the "inside job" people were all patriotic enough to use only All-American kit. Having people run all over the USA checking out missile inventories has gone nowhere.
e. In latching on to any politician who'll listen has allowed concerns to be hijacked as surely as jetliner with an Al Qaeda operative in the cockpit and used for cheap political gain by folk like Canada's NDP and cause honest people to be retagged as loony lefties.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:52 AM
Cedntral to my thinking is this...

If a single theory can show that someone else had...


Then that alone means that the official story can no longer be held as fact.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by aristocrat2

I have to disagree with you.
We have proof that OBL did not do 911.

Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US until 9/11

Whistleblower: Bin Laden was US proxy until 9/11

Enough circumstantial evidences points to a military operation from the United States. We are talking about the United States Government doing a false flag operation.

When I say the Government I do not mean the whole government or the entire military I am talking about a handful of military experts in advances chemical demolition (Only top secrete military science) and retired top gun experts pilots who are experts in handling remote control aircraft.

In my opinion they had to be loyal to Dick Cheney and only answered to Dick Cheney, remember It has now been proven Cheney had his own assassination squad working exclusively for him.
Dick Cheney was in charge of the operations. Remembers we still do not know why Pentagon officials, and members in the Bush administration lied to the 911 commission they lied so much that the commissioners wanted a criminal investigation done by the Justices department.

This was not a cover-up of some sloppy incompetence, of who wasn’t doing their jobs in protecting the United States on the morning of 911. If you all want to fall for that pack of lies, then your welcome to do so.
However, If that really was the case then we would have had some people heads in the ringer and there would have been some accountability in different braches of the Bush administration and the Pentagon.

However, no one has not been held accountable for not doing their jobs in protection the US citizens, or the United States.
In fact, most the players in high positions in the White House and Pentagon have been promoted and their friends rewarded war contracts worth billions.
It is really disgusting when you think about it, the very leaders we counted on into protecting us, wants Americans to think they were to stupid and didn’t know, that airplanes could be used as weapons, or could be used to fly them in our buildings.

Not only are they bad lairs, but our military has been doing war exercises right up to the day of 911. What sloppy lairs.

This false flag operation was carried out with such “perfection” and “expertise” that had one thing fell apart then the whole false flag operation would have been exposed.

Someone knew, or they would not have put option on United or AA.

Well folks, it did fall apart, yet we didn’t recognized it until years later, when outside experts started to reexamine the OS and looking at the evidences this government gave us to support their OS.
The problem is none of the evidences is creditable or can be verified. The FBI working with the Bush administration destroyed most of the physical evidences.
The FBI did a wonderful job of not allowing out side investigators get near ground zero to collect samples of debris, at any of the crash sites to collected, or sample the crash debris. The FBI put gag orders on the NYC fire departments, police department, and Airline companies, so people would not talk or risk losing their jobs. What was so secretive that the FBI did not want people talking about? What were they hiding?

The smoking gun proof of 911 being a false flag operation is WTC 7. The explanation of the NIST hypothesis does not stand up to creditable sciences.
NIST is trying to convince us, that a few firers in WTC 7 burning on different floors caused every floor to simultaneously from corner to corner to drop all at once! Faster than free fall?

This is not natural, and real sciences tells us that.
All three WTC were demolished by a sophisticated chemical demolition, a technology not known outside the US military.
We are talking about “military sciences” and I am convinced of that.

The American people have not been told why four commercial Airliners were allowed to fly off their “given courses” and ignore ATS instructions, from the beginning. These four planes flew around highly secured air- space including flying over our nuclear power plants for an hour without being intercepted.

For a whole hour! This was a first time? What was everyone doing? Ill, tell you all what they were doing, NOTHING!

The proof is this folks, the powers for the military to make their own decisions to intercept any aircraft that stayed off course was taken away from NORAD several months before 911. Donald Rumsfeld made these changes to give "only Dick Cheney full power." No one else was allowed to give any orders to dispatch interceptors, it was all placed in the hands of vice President Dick Cheney.

On the morning of 911 NORAD tried persistently to reach Cheney’s official, Mr. Cheney did not answer the phone when NORAD was trying to get his permission to dispatch interceptors to these Airliners.

FAA watched in horror, on their radar where these planes were heading. FAA did their part, they did contact NORAD in a timely manner.
This whole problem falls in the laps of Dick Cheney.

The orders to give the miliatary, NORAD full decision to intercept planes flying off thier courses were handed back to NORAD shortly after 911.
One can clearly see how this treasonous vice President, took complete control of our military by not responding, by not allowing NORAD to intercept these planes.

Cheney and his privet covert operators where able to pull off the greatest “magic show,” of terror, live on TV, to fool and frighten every American to give up their precious freedom for security.

We do not need proof of a “stand down” orders to intercept those Airliners. Their response of doing nothing simply answered that question for us, thanks to Dick Cheney.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by impressme]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by aristocrat2
Are you seriously challenging whether the Pentagon has access to a radar system?

The Pentagon had neither any air defence system, or a radar system....

LAUGHABLY UNTRUE...Of course the Pentagon has access to Radar.

What exactly is the ETC, ETC, because there are NO KNOWN PARTS from a 757 found in the Pentagon.

Another "truther" lie, 757 engines, wheels and undercarriage were all found inside the pentagon...

VERY VERY BALDLY UNTRUE...NO PARTS FROM A 757 were found at the Pentagon. Parts put on display there are obviously and clearly not from a 757.

Straight untrue. Whilst it might be used for ground mapping, there is no reason for it to be limited to this.

yes there is, as they are mounted in B-52's, and Langley AFB does not have any B-52's. The "truthers" are now really losing it, they have no clue at all the langley AFB never had B-52's!

BALDLY UNTRUE. Look, Sonny, you've both claimed that the APQ-166 is not at Langley and is used at Langley for ground mapping only...does this not seem somewhat contradictory? Besides this, as I pointed out, as Langley was one of the first places in the USA to have radar, developing it largely there, other systems may still be in operation.

So once again all we have are more "debunker" who has to depend on made up stories.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by aristocrat2

Just for the record - the term is "bald faced" or "bare faced" or even "bold faced" lie.

The first two refer to men and beards. The third term refers to print.

But I don't have to tell you about lying, do I?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by aristocrat2
LAUGHABLY UNTRUE...Of course the Pentagon has access to Radar.

So show us the proof of that - why would they need it?

...NO PARTS FROM A 757 were found at the Pentagon. Parts put on display there are obviously and clearly not from a 757.

Wrong, but your ignorance of aircraft is obvious

yes there is, as they are mounted in B-52's, and Langley AFB does not have any B-52's. The "truthers" are now really losing it, they have no clue at all the langley AFB never had B-52's!

and is used at Langley for ground mapping only

Where did I say that? stop making things up

Besides this, as I pointed out, as Langley was one of the first places in the USA to have radar, developing it largely there,

still lying, I see
radar was not developed at Langley, Langley never had B-52's so how could they have had the AN/APQ-166

So this is typical of all "truthers" just make stories up, but they are very easily shown to be just that, lies.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:32 PM
The 911 attack was a diversionary operation to camouflage 70 trillion dollars worth of catastrophe bonds & derivative carbon credit trading at the Chicago Merc through KPMG's hedge funds to UN's environmental trust banker Zug (Al Gore & Maurice Strong Generation Investments) during a 30 hr standown of American and Canadian military forces.
The failed attempt of the flight that exploded over Pennsylvania, most likely headed to the Capitol forced Chinese Naval and Russian Air Forces to standown their war games occurring at the same time in the Straights of Formosa and the arctic above Canada.
Operation Mockingbird

[edit on 29-1-2010 by Heritical Monkey]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:26 PM

The United States is the nation that put men on the Moon. That required knowledge of Newtonian physics and a lot of sophisticated technology and it was 40 YEARS AGO.

The WTC was destroyed 70 years after the Empire State Building was completed. Gravity hasn't changed since then.

But the nation that put men on the Moon can't tell the world the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level of the building and most Americans can't figure out the significance of the information.

If I didn't live in this country I would find it hysterically funny, but as far as I can tell over the internet most of the reast of the world is about as bad. But nobody else did the Moon landing and made the first electronic computer and microprocessor and first heavier than air flight, etc. etc. etc.

How do our engineering schools expect to teach physics for the next 1000 years? ROFL

DUH, what does the distribution of steel and concrete have to do with a skyscraper holding itself up?


posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by psikeyhackr

How do our engineering schools expect to teach physics for the next 1000 years? ROFL

DUH, what does the distribution of steel and concrete have to do with a skyscraper holding itself up?

A large number of independent architects, qualified structural engineers, demolition experts, have written detailed analysis and published papers on the subject. Recommended reading on the subject. Particularly on the loss of support strength in on buildings with overheated steel frames.

Of course everyone considers himself an expert on science these days. Check the vast archives on this site with some really knowledgeable people weighing in,

I enjoyed the Youtube video and would nominate it for some kind of award. The best demonstration of tape dispensers falling down a broom handle I've ever seen.

What do you do to simulate the 100 ton fuel filled planes crashing into your model?

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