posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:21 PM
I have predicted Iran strike for years, also here in ATS - and seen thats inevitable result of long time planning - its coming allright - and surely
this is not first time we are in the edge of it. In Bush era we were probably twice in very close of all out war...
Question is now, is there still some hope left - or really has the time come?
I say time is up now - preparations in both sides are, or we can say - in every side are ready to step to war. Gaza op was the beginning of new era in
ME, truce was just temporary prepration stage for much larger scale war to begin.
Are we in all-out war in February or March is not the question - main question is what then, and how we are going to survive from it?
U.S. Army chief to visit Israel for talks on Iran, joint defense issues
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Military is set to arrive in Israel on Sunday for a meeting with the Israel Defense
Forces Chief of Staff to discuss the situation in Iran.
What we are talking is about who is giving the green light... Bibi is going to Moscow in monday and Iran has already warned Russia to stay behind
- If Russia gives green light, what is probable outcome, US and Israel are ready to strike any moment what suits them. China alone cant defeat this
storyboard from happening, but Taiwan and Korean peninsula are going to the very edge of confrontations.
Pieces in great puzzle is taking their places - and in my eyes in the end of next week everything can be ready in huge chessboard... But which side
will begin and make the first turn?
Keep eye on Georgia, where Russia van make some fast moves. Paksitan and India are very near to go all out war, if Pakistan turns to Irans side. Fast
escalation on ME - Syria and Lebanon are in Horizon.
Who will use Nukes first and where?
--- Soon we will see - but peace now, get ready for next great war.