posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 05:24 AM
Hello there. I was looking for an idea for a tattoo with the Orion Constellation (or at least it's belt) and I came here. It's good to know, I'm not
alone in this World (not my World?).
Since I remember I liked to look at the Orion. Like some of You, I felt then save. 3 years ago (I was 28!) I had a dream about two goods coming to the
Earth: a woman and a men. I knew in this dream that it's gonna happen the end of the world. Those goods have sent the darkness and I felt a strong
pain. After that they cut pieces of this darkness and turned it back (like puzzles) and there was already waiting another world. I walked there (I
felt no pain any more) and met people I used to know. They didn't recognized me and they behaved completely different as I remember them. One of the
goods (woman) came to me and said that I'm different because I know what happened. She took my hand and said: come with me, I'll show you the new
world... I started to dig for more information, what was that and thanks of some of you, I found that were (probably) Isis and Oziris.
Since that dream it happened a lot in my life. I'm looking for the answers: why I don't feel well in this world? Why I don't understand people
terrible behaving. Why I have a feeling, that I must make a tattoo with Orion? Why I saw a blue angel (?) even if I don't believe in any good? Why I
was so many times so close to an accident and in the last moment something led me away from there? Why I'm not afraid of death and I'm looking for my
new life? Not here, not on this planet, in a better world?
Well, if you want to make a club of us crazy people (?), it can't be called "Sons of Orion". I'm definitely a woman
I'm sorry for the language. I come from Poland and learned english by myself.
It would be great to meet once to exchange our experiences. Maybe together we would find answers...