posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:19 PM
I was glad to come across this thread. Because for sometime now I have been drawn unrelentlessly to the stars, each and every night I find myself
aimlessly looking for something, something I feel inside me. And mainly its looking towards Orion, which yes is dominant in the sky where I live. (BC
, CAN) I as well have an issue with the number 11:11 I find, I wake up too it, see it everywhere I go. And not just in a time sense but on labels,
randomly on adresses I just happen to look up as it goes bye, video game clocks stop and there it is. The time thing just started bothering me
recently. But the stars I must say have had more than my attention for the longest time, and would as well say specifically Orions Belt and mars have
had me perplexed lately.