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Israel should be tried for war crimes

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+37 more 
posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:24 PM

Israel should be tried for war crimes

Israelis who authorized the use of white phosphorous in densely populated Gaza should be tried for war crimes, a British Labour Party legislator said Friday, after entering the Hamas-ruled territory with 60 European parliamentarians.
(visit the link for the full news article)

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:24 PM
The lawmakers are visiting Gaza to draw attention to the territory’s “evil blockade” by Israel and Egypt. Will it do any good? The world seems to think Israel can do no wron. IMO they are the true terrorists!!!! Israel has been attacking their neighbors and trying to get the world into another world war since 1948. They may be close if we let them. Come on America, distance yourselves from Israel before they pull you into the cesspool with them.
(visit the link for the full news article)

+13 more 
posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:45 PM
They should be tried for many many many many other crimes they committed over the years, IE: Creating the Gaza and West Bank Prisons, not letting in food and water, cutting electricity, using people as human shields... etc...

But Israel can do no wrong...


posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:58 PM
War crimes are such a joke to me. We are civilized in how we state we kill each other.....

Its like asking a guy who is bashing another mans head in to only bash in his bad side so that at least he can get a good side for his casket showing.

I remember reading white phosphorus was not a war crime also. I'm also pretty sure that letting people starve from not letting in supplies is called "sanctions" and is done every day in the world by the UN.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by whoshotJR

I'm also pretty sure that letting people starve from not letting in supplies is called "sanctions" and is done every day in the world by the UN.

I know about that, I just don't want to start discussing crimes against humanity committed by the 2 faced UN here...

I still think that enabling Israel to do such things should also be considered as a crime against humanity...



posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:09 PM
One people's War Criminal is another people's Peace keeper...

Also, how exactly can "Israel" be tried for War Crimes? Can "Russia" be tried for War Crimes? "England"? You can't lump members of Government with average citizens as though they are all the same. Well, you shouldn't anyway...

+8 more 
posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Palestinians have been sending missiles and shells into Israel trying to kill people there. Israel retaliates.

Meanwhile in the Sudan a Muslim regime enacted a systematic genoicide of the poorer blacks in the country's Darfur region which contains oil resources.

Something approaching half a million have been murdered, raped, starved by this program. The government actually sends Arab militias called janjaweed to make sure the maximum number of homes are burned to the ground and people are brutally murdered to further intimidate them.

OF course on ATS this isn't a concern, neither are the hundreds of thousands of government sanctioned murders in the Congo and elsewhere.

On ATS the only concern is to find reasons to criticize Jews and Israel.

IT has been suggested that apart from the ignorant racists that swamp this forum, there are people actually being paid specifically to foment Jew hatred.

[edit on 16-1-2010 by mmiichael]

+14 more 
posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

Next time I have a mosquito in my room I'll take out my 12 Gauge with slugs and blow the thing to bits... That's the way Israel deals with Palestine...

As far as Jewish hate, self victimization is the #1 tactic of justifying the Zionist agenda...
Everyone hates us, we were hurt 65 years ago, we are targeted all the time...
... Now let's "Kill Em!" without regards for laws. Let's defy international law too! Let's defy U.N. resolutions... Defy the group who gave us this land and helped us get rid of the "Palestinian vermin" that was rampant on our "chosen land"...

Makes sooooo much sense...


posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Palestinians have been sending missiles and shells into Israel trying to kill people there. Israel retaliates.

Meanwhile in the Sudan a Muslim regime enacted a systematic gewnoicide of the poorer blacks in the country's Darfur region which contains oil resources.

Something approaching half a million have been murdered, raped, starved by this program. The government actually sends Arab militias called janjaweed to make sure the maximum number of homes are burned to the ground and people are brutally murdered to further intimidate them.

OF course on ATS this isn't a concern, neither are the hundreds of thousands of government sanctioned murders in the Congo and elsewhere.

On ATS the only concern is to find reasons to criticize Jews and Israel.

IT has been suggested that apart from the ignorant racists that swamp this forum, there are people actually being paid specifically to foment Jew hatred.

[edit on 16-1-2010 by socrateeze]

[edit on 16-1-2010 by socrateeze]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:03 PM
The article quoted by the OP is from a German and Arabic language site run by Austrian Kawther Salam who is well known for spreading disinformation.

Radical Moonbat Gallery – Kawther Salam

This girl has been a darling of the radical left for a number of years.

Apart from the leftist and neo-Nazi radical websites I could not find any meaningful information about this fearless Anti-Semite and Anti-American heroine.

At the present she lives in a comfortable exile in Austria after being “forced” by the Israelis form her “home” in Palestine.

Apart from the fact that the Israelis are not aware that they forced the poor girl from her home the only other true fact I can quote here is that she is a self proclaimed expert on Qu’ran and on the Middle East politics.

Here are some examples from the vast depths of Kawther’s intellectual abyss:


“During the past weeks, two American hostages have been killed and decapitated in Iraq and in Saudi Arabia. The media say that these crimes were comitted by Islamic Terrorists.

I have never read any Islamic Rule in the Koran which allows the decapitation of people whether they are Moslems, Christians or Jews, for any reason whatsoever.”

Probably she overlooked these:

Qu’ran 8:12:

When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.

Qu’ran 47:4

Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens.


“I have never read an Islamic Rule which states that the killing of hostages is allowed. All what I remember that Islam has to say in this matter is that somebody who kills a “believer” unlawfully is sanctioned the same as if he had killed all the worlds nations. The word “believer” means “anyone who believes in God” in this context, not only Muslims.”

Obviously Kawther the Qu’ran expert refers to Sura 4 verse 92 but she forgets to mention this verse:

Qu’ran 4:89

They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them (disbelievers) till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them.


“The Koran states that the place where faith in God is held, and equally where the faith in God is broken, is in the heart. The Koran states that nobody can read what is in the hearts of others, or judge them as a believers or disbelievers. Even if their hearts are cut open, it is not possible to know if a person is a believer or not. Knowledge in this matter belongs only to God himself. This should be understood as meaning that Islam expressly forbids killing for religious reasons.”

So Qu’ran forbids killing of infidels?

This sounds like apostasy to me.

Qu’ran 4:76 (see also above 4:89)

Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah; and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the minions of the devil. Lo! the devil’s strategy is ever weak.


“To kidnap, torture and execute people are terrorist actions which are in no way related to God or to Islam, and these actions are not rewarded by paradise as some ignorant Western media figures would like to believe.”

Ah, these ignorant Westerners.

Qu’ran 4:74:

Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.

Just to summarize why Kawther became such a prominent idol for the radicals of the left and right;

It was the Jooos and the CIA who created Al-Qaeda and staged 9/11 to better themselves.

“The Al-Qaeda terror organization has caused immense damage to Islam, to Moslems worldwide and to the interests of the peoples of all Arab and Muslim countries. The actions of Al-Qaeda have only served to promote the interests of the U.S. and Israel, which are clearly interested in “reshaping” the Middle East in such a way that they can more easily rape and plunder the region at will.”

[edit on 16-1-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

You have been known to do the same

I believe the article

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:15 PM
america supports their terrorist behavior so sadly i dont see this happening.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:15 PM
Israel Regime are calculated killers that hide behind first-strike propaganda publications and accusations.

Those that defend them or justify them are either heartless, or ignorant.


posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:33 PM
Funny thing is the head of the delegation making the demands is a Zionist

I already did a thread on it

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by mmiichael

You have been known to do the same

I believe the article

A common misperception around here, because I use reliable information from demonstrably credible sources rather than popularized disinformation from the usual agenda driven and lunatic fringe sites and videos. Repeating the same lies does not make them become true. An important distinction many still have to learn.

The illegal use of white phosphorus is just more misinformation spread by people like Khaled Mashaal hidden away in Damascus, Syria who purposefully jeopardized the lives of Palestinian men, women, and children insisting thousands of rocket be sent from Gaza into Israel. All at the behest of his Iranian paymasters who use groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to fight their battles with Israel. Were the United Nations not corrupted beyond hope the guilt of war mongers like Mashaal would be international scandals.

Israel used White Phosphorus against HAMAS targets in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead in January 2009. This violated no international laws or conventions.

White Phosphorus (WP), known as Willy Pete, is used for signaling, screening, and incendiary purposes. White Phosphorus can be used to destroy the enemy's equipment or to limit his vision. It is used against vehicles, petroleum, oils and lubricants (POL) and ammunition storage areas, and enemy observers. WP can be used as an aid in target location and navigation. It is usually dispersed by explosive munitions. It can be fired with fuze time to obtain an airburst. White phosphorus was used most often during World War II in military formulations for smoke screens, marker shells, incendiaries, hand grenades, smoke markers, colored flares, and tracer bullets.


White phosphorus is not banned by any treaty to which the United States is a signatory. Smokes and obscurants comprise a category of materials that are not used militarily as direct chemical agents. The United States retains its ability to employ incendiaries to hold high-priority military targets at risk in a manner consistent with the principle of proportionality that governs the use of all weapons under existing law.

The use of white phosphorus or fuel air explosives are not prohibited or restricted by Protocol III of the Certain Conventional Weapons Convention (CCWC), the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects, which regulates the use of "any weapon or munition which is primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons . . ."

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

Yeh nice one try to derail the topic, this post is not about the Congo and Sudan, it's about Israel war crimes it's a totally different subject, stop getting butt hurt and compose a post about African genocide if it makes you feel better no ones stopping you and I think it's well overdue as it's never mentioned or questioned especially as the main excuse for recent middle east wars is to topple unjust governments.

As for Jews the criticize has been going on for thousands of years it's nothing exclusive to ATS, can you tell me why?

The majority of American foreign aid is being invested into the Israelite war machine to quash a nation robbed of there country, land, houses and livelihood fighting back armed with fireworks, the illegal nation of Israel are nothing but coward and deserve all that’s coming to them, during the troubles involving the British and the IRA did you ever hear of hospitals and school being flattened in Belfast, no because that’s the work of spineless bas***ds, so don't give us this bull about racism there's a reason for the hatred.

If you justify the blood bath committed by Israel in recent years there's not much separating you from the Nazi’s.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:36 PM
You guys must be joking right? For EIGHT i mean eight years hamas has been attacking Israel there has been a lot of damage done and a lot of people killed including one of my relatives.... and as soon as Israel backfires at them the world opens their eyes again and claims that it is isrealis fault... think of it this way someone pushes you around constantly what you going to do stand there? If i would remember the site i would show you guys of all hamas damage they have done BEFORE the attack...

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Palestinians have been sending missiles and shells into Israel trying to kill people there. Israel retaliates.

Meanwhile in the Sudan a Muslim regime enacted a systematic gewnoicide of the poorer blacks in the country's Darfur region which contains oil resources.

Something approaching half a million have been murdered, raped, starved by this program. The government actually sends Arab militias called janjaweed to make sure the maximum number of homes are burned to the ground and people are brutally murdered to further intimidate them.

OF course on ATS this isn't a concern, neither are the hundreds of thousands of government sanctioned murders in the Congo and elsewhere.

On ATS the only concern is to find reasons to criticize Jews and Israel.

IT has been suggested that apart from the ignorant racists that swamp this forum, there are people actually being paid specifically to foment Jew hatred.

While this isn't a post to defend israel, I'd just like to say that because ATS is a conspiracy site, and because alot of theorists seem to think that jewish people are the root cause of most conspiracies, ATS is home to a dispraportionate number of anti-semites.

It's shameful that any of you could lump the citizenry in with its leaders. It happens all the time in the "Blame Americans/Blame Israelis" type threads.

For our motto being deny ignorance these types of views definately perpetuate ignorance. As ATS'ers should it not be your duty to seperate the people from the tyrants?

The huge numbers of hate israel hate america threads should be proof enough of what i say. However it seems to me that the vast majority of these types of threads are complete idiocy. They have a news snippet and then one paragraph about how bad people are.

Take a look around for god sake. People all over the world are suffering at the hands of every single governing body on the planet.

It is your duty to fight the good fight, lift the people up, elevate their hope, and treat them as human beings. Fight the opressors, the genocidal, the empire builders. Help educate the people to the truth, stop bashing joe everyman for not having all the tools they need to fight the PTB.

Not everyone has been able to see the truth, alot of the sheeple aren't sheeple by choice they just don't know they have an alternative. It's the call of ATS to reach these people. Spewing hate filled rhetoric about the general populous is bad for both the people of earth aswell as the "truth" movement.

People need a finer brush, the strokes they paint at present time are far to wide.

Deny Ignorance, Deny Hatred, Uplift Your Fellow Man, Fight the PTB not each other.

Regular people aren't the enemy.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:39 PM
after 911 seeing the palestinans dance in the streets you dont hold crap weight with me!!!

they blew it!

a lot here see their true color.

i wouldnt send 1 penny to them,

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:43 PM

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