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911 Commission Senior Counsel: Report is a lie

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posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by trueforger

The site of the Penta-con was the most heavily protected building of the most highly sensitive area in the most tech savvy time and nation of it;s time.

Protected by what exactly? Other than the Security police on site....there wasnt any protection there.

Yep, just a couple of rent-a-cops at the front door.

Oh yeah, you almost forgot about the Pentagon's missile batteries that would've immediately shot down any aircraft not squawking the correct friend-or-foe transponder code.

Take it from "F-16 fixer" Swampy -- the country that spends more on "defense" and "intelligence" than the rest of the world combined is also the world's most incompetent military.

Move along folks, nothing to see here.

[edit on 16-1-2010 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Ya and they'd be tracking it from space as it came in.There's a freaking airport named for the forgetful president real close by,too.There was a helicopter pad right there at the scene of the now certain-but-alleged con at the Pentagon fer crying out loud.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by seethelight
reply to post by jimmyx

Go look at the site... it definitely is written by an ET/Miracle expert.

More proof that it's not too difficult to become an engineer.

About my credentials as an engineer. I am a graduate of a 5 year program at Cornell Univ.

I was the inventor of the 1st Display Word Processor (predecessor of the Personal Computer), Developed a new flat panel display technology, was the 1st non TIME Magazine employee to be a "ByLine" section editor, three years running, was a founding stockholder in Sullivan Computer Corp. (supercomputer company).

And the invention of the ET Corn Gods language/game is a very major engineering achievement.

I am an expert in Miracles, and have healed about 20 people of terminal illness such as Brain Tumors and cancer.


[edit on 16-1-2010 by etcorngods]


Removed link tp personal blog

[edit on 16/1/10 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by etcorngods

I'm sure all that is true, and Im happy for you.

But this is a 911 thread sir

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by seethelight

Not missing the point,I had a much more realistic perspective.New orleans had been warned way ahead of time,which is the main similarity to 9-11.The ship that initially caused the breach in the levy was in play by negligence,so the comparison would be to what happened to the captain's sorry donkey.

I bet there were snipers and spotters 24/7 at the Pentagon..Rocket launchers for sure,guess what if a SNAFU goes FUBAR and a missile goes astray in some very highly densely populated,highly litigous real estate that's a huge deal.These guys don't screw it up,and not as on 9-11 after two other planes were known to be hijacked and crashed.The old all of 'em are incompetent don't fly with me,I've seen too much military discipline in my day.Ingrained reflexes don't majorly malfunction.To a Sidewinder,a commercial aircraft is a turkey shoot.I bet there are machine guns of shotgun type ammo that could just vape a non armoured plane incoming.This stuff is secret,that;s why it;s so important to have people of the highest calibre(sorry)running things.

[edit on 16-1-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Wanna read something TOTALLY ABSURD and bordering on the Bizzare regarding the MYTH of Al Queda/BinLaden .....

Spanish lawmaker's photo used for bin Laden poster.

Talk about a bunch of sick pups that comprise our "security" operations...

[edit on 16-1-2010 by de_Genova]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:01 PM
I do not know if anyone has posted this link, but these videos by alienscientist on youtube is the most concise summary of 9/11 conspiracy that I have seen. I was unaware of the electronics pod that was obviously present on the underside of the second plane to hit the twin towers. It is the single most incriminating piece of evidence I have seen. I guess after seeing these videos I am now officially a "truther". Pretty disgusting when you realize that there is a high probability that elements of your own government have done such a thing.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by etcorngods

I'm sure all that is true, and Im happy for you.

But this is a 911 thread sir

I know it is a 911 thread. I authored a post saying that neither theory of the "plane's did it" or "the controlled demolition did it".

Neither was possible. Brutal as it might seem, it was an act of GOD that imploded the buildings.


[edit on 16-1-2010 by etcorngods]


removed link to blog

[edit on 16/1/10 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:08 PM

Hey Mr expat2368
Hey man.......Bama be lookin like a freakin LIZARD MAN in your sure you want to be associated with something as evil as he any incarnation?

[edit on 16-1-2010 by de_Genova]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by aspx
9/11 is and was a inside job


next big event will be a nuke in DC so the gov can fight some more wars

They wont nuke DC. They'll get rid of useless eaters not themselves. Youre probably correct but it wont be DC.
West coast, fallout will blow across the states, lock down.

On topic, Specter never had a change of heart on the JFK report maybe Farmer is growing a conscience.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Oh yeah, you almost forgot about the Pentagon's missile batteries that would've immediately shot down any aircraft not squawking the correct friend-or-foe transponder code

Back to the non-existant missile batteries again? The IFF code you are referring to is IFF Mode IV. That is not used on civilian aircraft. So, under your scenario, and since Reagan National's approach/departure is basically over the Pentagon, we should have seen aircraft shot down on a daily basis.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 06:36 PM
more people need to be banned much quicker

this was a very interesting topic, i wouldve loved to read it, but just scrolling through theres nothing but bickering and posts removed, makes me not even want to bother to read it because i probably already know what im going to read, nothing but ridiculous bickering

i say dont just delete posts or edit them, get rid of them and the posters completely

im sure somewhere within this thread is some important information that could make for some useful discussion but ignorance and stupid selfishness get in the way of finding that information

id sure like to see a 9/11 thread on ats one day that i can actually read a whole page without having to sift through ignorance and the same old truther vs debunker nonsense that plagues every thread

sure its great to debate, what ive come across time and time again in a 9/11 thread is not debate, but just childish back and forth, from seeing all the edited posts here im sure this thread is no different now

the op started off great then our ats community destroyed it

great job guys

and people wonder why others think there are disinfo agents around

how can you think anything else when every thread turns into something childish before ever having a chance

and before anyone says it, yes i see the little banner at the bottom of the page talking about close scrutiny due to member demand blah blah blah

that never accomplishes anything, and even editing the worst posts to say nothing doesnt really work because who wants to sift through a bunch of posts that say edited by, and nothing else, except mention what part of t and c was violated

i say lets end the nonsense, anyone who wants to be childish about 911 in any way, ban em erase the posts completely, make them disappear like they were never there

[edit on 16-1-2010 by Dramey]

edited to say, just browsed the last page of the thread, doesnt seem theres a single post discussing the ops topic, which is farmer and the report

its really honestly ludicrous how fast and how often every single 9/11 thread is derailed

[edit on 16-1-2010 by Dramey]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
Bottom line either way is, the "Official" story that many Americans still believe simply isn't true. False flag Op version or the Terrorist version.

What the debunkers can't admit is that even if their belief is somehow true and Terrorists acted alone, the 9/11 report is still wrong. I would think that would disturb them. But strangely it doesn't?

BlueJay, I'll tell you why it doesn't disturb them. And this should be very obvious if you pay attention to their comments and views/positions and how they change with OS.

Debunkers believe and reiterate whatever the official, government, mainstream, and/or politically correct(by whatever name you want to call it) version is. Whenever a new version is accepted as the "correct" version they automatically adapt, accept, and repeat it to anyone who will listen.

They don't even think twice about it.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 09:32 PM
I seem to remember that there were several polls done in 2006 and 2007 on this matter and over three-quarters of the population believed 9/11 to be an inside job. I think a CNN poll had it at 89%, so there wouldn't be much "disputing" from the other side. There was also a recent post on here somewhere, I believe in the "cognitive infiltration of 9/11 conspiracy groups" thread that linked to a news video showing a live poll at like 73% saying the government was involved in 9/11. "Truthers" are no longer the minority, we are the majority.

[edit on 16-1-2010 by Kratos1220]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Kratos1220

More evidence of the "dumbing down" of American society in general? Or confirmation of what PT Barnum thought....

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by Kratos1220

More evidence of the "dumbing down" of American society in general? Or confirmation of what PT Barnum thought....

Joke and sling insults to your heart's content way out there on the shrinking fringe that is the OS theory.
Doesn't bother me any.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Kratos1220

Joke and sling insults to your heart's content way out there on the shrinking fringe that is the OS theory. Doesn't bother me any.

Well I didnt think it would. But then again, the truth has never bothered the fringe movement known as truthers.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 10:11 PM
"Debunkers believe and reiterate whatever the official, government, mainstream, and/or politically correct(by whatever name you want to call it) version is. Whenever a new version is accepted as the "correct" version they automatically adapt, accept, and repeat it to anyone who will listen."

Excellent point. You have the ever evolving Official Story, which primarily relies on the excuse of Government and Military incompetence. One can reasonably conclude that if the American Government was unable to plan such an attack, they are unable to defend such an attack.

Anyway you spin 9/11, Americans are screwed. If it was high level incompetence (OS theory), the country is defenseless and has no way of protecting itself from similar attacks in the future. If it was an inside job (truthers' theory), the enemy is within the gates and will continue with their offensive.

And, a once great and proud country has been reduced to the humiliating prospect of having to accept the lesser of two evils. 'Dumbing down' doesn't even begin to describe the beaten down and haggard mentality of the American public.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

"High level incompetence" is just a fancy political term for cover up.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 11:41 PM
The people that matter dont believe this. At least the people that matter to me. Its incitement at the least. Basically Cnn, BBC, FOX, ABC ..all the MSM, Mr. Obama (even though he chose an odd bow to Japans Emperor) are telling the truth. Maybe direct tactics arent discussed in real time on PBS, but for the most part I would say the major facts are all there. People are dying, buildings are falling and somebody has to be held accountable, right? Not many have the honor to gracefully concede without sacrificing, I suppose its because that method may lead to a more painful end.

I would propose that purvayors of this garbage be shunned in the community and forefit any financial gains from the marketing of such written vomit.

Call me a sheep, slave, ignorant uninformed member of the herd, but I honestly believe that unless authorized by a survivor or immediate family member of a victim of the terrorist attacks in NYC 2001 that no money, advertising or otherwise should be put into any pockets other than that of the victims.
The actual lie are those who would intentionally cause disorder on a large scale by spreading lies. Every political protest is aimed at one thing...Cash Money. I dont stand to make any money off of this so why would I buy into it?

I heard bigfoot actually had a huge den underneath the trade towers and thats why they were brought down.

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