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Maitreya steps forward?

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:22 AM
More facts, some of them already pointed out:
1. Maitreya, according to Creme, was not born but created a body, a "mayavi-rupa". That means his age cannot be defined, for it is said those bodies last for several hundreds years.
2. If Maitreya is living with the Asian community, it is highly possible that he has an Indian appearance.
3. Patel is "the" candidate, but he has already given interviews and the way he expresses seems to have little in common to the "messages of Maitreya" shown in Share International, where we can read a direct and simple style, rather slow and reflective in its development, as well as transmiting a deep joy.
Thank you all, see you.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:36 AM
Does it matter how we call him?
If somebody comes and speaks about the importance of sharing, about living in peace and with right relationships, I would listen. Who would not?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Hazma Qi
More facts, some of them already pointed out:
1. Maitreya, according to Creme, was not born but created a body, a "mayavi-rupa". That means his age cannot be defined, for it is said those bodies last for several hundreds years.
2. If Maitreya is living with the Asian community, it is highly possible that he has an Indian appearance.
3. Patel is "the" candidate, but he has already given interviews and the way he expresses seems to have little in common to the "messages of Maitreya" shown in Share International, where we can read a direct and simple style, rather slow and reflective in its development, as well as transmiting a deep joy.
Thank you all, see you.

Raj Patel has already responded to the question of him being Maitreya and he flat out said on his blog that he is not the messiah.

I guess that rules him out.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:16 PM
Anti-Christ means to be against the anointing of God. More so, this means to contradict the idea that God established and sustains us as God spoke us into existence and also bridged our impermanent/failing natures with the permanent nature of Themselves. So then, this man and his teachings are anti-christ. They teach that we created ourselves and sustain ourselves. This is a great deception and is easily proven wrong on a basic logical level of a created things not being able to be created by itself, and furthermore, on a historical level of our greatest orders manifesting as Pride without Charity and our great needs manifesting as Chaos without Order.

I am thankful to my Creator. My Creator has promised to unify Their Children with Them to be One eternally in Order AND Charity. God is the Provider and the only worthy Provision. All other doctrine is useless babbling and will fall as a tower built to reach heaven. There is a great purpose in the teaching of the city and the tower. It may or not have literally happened, but the core of it's communication/word is that man cannot obtain spiritual progression by natural means. Spiritual understanding and manifestation is a gift.

Philippians 2:13 - For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.

I understand that people will think my words false, but to say that the anti-christ is a literal person, even to say that they are reincarnated into different people, is a gross misunderstanding of what anti-christ is and manifests more anti-christ hearts, souls, and minds, than most corrupt doctrine. The spirit of anti-christ is strong and apparent in this man and his teachings. Thank God His Children cannot be led astray by false shepherds. Thank God that His Children are raised up to shepherd themselves away from the wolves and thieves. Thank God that They call Their Children by name and comfort them.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Hazma Qi
Does it matter how we call him?
If somebody comes and speaks about the importance of sharing, about living in peace and with right relationships, I would listen. Who would not?

This is what I am curious about - I wonder how much of Ben's wealth is or has been shared? When I was living in the UK it was quite clear that he had a lovely big house and a huge painting studio - probably the size of the appartment I was living in! I don't think he is short of a penny. Maybe he should share a little before he pontificates to the rest of humanity. As for the appearance of Maitreya - it is all a con. He has been saying the same thing since his big splash on "Thames News" in the early 80s.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by pogliaghi]

[edit on 26-1-2010 by pogliaghi]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by juliette83
it can´t be raj because he was intervier in 2008, someone can explain?

Raj was interviewed in 2008 by Democracy Now! but that wasn't a major US network and it wasn't televised (if I'm not mistaken).

The interview on ColbertNation on 12 Jan 2010 was his first ever on a major US network.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Hazma Qi
Does it matter how we call him?
If somebody comes and speaks about the importance of sharing, about living in peace and with right relationships, I would listen. Who would not?

For christians, it was prophecied that the antichrist would come in peace, that is the only reason.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:22 AM
Well, as with everything in this world, I'm taking this whole thing with a grain of salt. IMHO if this "maitreya" guy is the anti-christ or the anti-christ's religious leader, obviously christians (including myself) have very good reason for dissent.

Here's the messed up part.

I am christian, so obviously in my view point if things turn out as predicted, this guy WILL come in peace, perform near-miracles if not pure miracles themselves; the general public will fall to his feet as a leader, and those who don't will be persecuted under the guise of "not being tolerant" or "not accepting peace"....when in reality, they are ushering in the end of physical world as we know it.

I'll keep an eye on, nothing more.

I'll still live my life, and if I happen to see some guy like this on CNN or FOX, then i know he's infiltrated the US media at which point i will begin preparing...other than that, could be another hoax or nutjob...never know.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by xfiler

oh no , i was talking about the guy in the first page talking about mabus. i can see how you though i was talking about maitreya.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by Icecoldfm

Raj Patel has already responded to the question of him being Maitreya and he flat out said on his blog that he is not the messiah.

I guess that rules him out.

Read Raj's blog again. He neither explicitly denied nor confirm that he's Maitreya. He merely wrote, "Sadly, I’m not the Messiah. I’m just a very naughty boy." Which makes sense: a true Messiah will not call himself such; it's up to the people to see him and accept him as their saviour.

And then he drops all those clues: his carrying a water bottle during his speeches (Maitreya comes in the Age of Aquarius, the water-carrier), his stutter (the 12th Imam Mahdi is prophesied to have a slight stutter), his plane trip from India to London in 1977, his fervent boyhood 'wish' to be a prince, and so on.

Go figure.

All in all, his response is as Benjamin Creme said he'd do — come as an ordinary man and have people focus on the message rather than the person.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by Icecoldfm

Raj Patel has already responded to the question of him being Maitreya and he flat out said on his blog that he is not the messiah.

I guess that rules him out.

Read Raj's blog again. He neither explicitly denied nor confirmed that he's Maitreya. He merely wrote, "Sadly, I’m not the Messiah. I’m just a very naughty boy." Which makes sense: a true Messiah will not call himself such; it's up to the people to see him and accept him as their saviour.

And then he drops all those clues: his carrying a water bottle during his speeches (Maitreya comes in the Age of Aquarius, the water-carrier), his stutter (the 12th Imam Mahdi is prophesied to have a slight stutter), his plane trip from India to London in 1977, his fervent boyhood 'wish' to be a prince, and so on.

Go figure.

All in all, his response is as Benjamin Creme said he'd do — come as an ordinary man and have people focus on the message rather than the person.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by Yan Hoi]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 02:28 AM
omg are you serious.... have you read the site on this post?

"When humanity sees Maitreya, whether they recognize Him or not, they will feel obliged to support Him or to reject Him and all He stands for: sharing, justice and peace"

lmao there is a mesiah coming and you might recognize him and you might not recognize him but if you do recognize him then after you must chose to support or reject him.... just like when you meet a stranger... and you decide to approve or disaprove of them... year of the tiger where does the koran go into chinese zodiac? this old man is senile p.s LOLZ >

"Please note: Share International has no further details about this interview (date, time, network, etc), for the following reason: it is very important that everyone has the opportunity to respond to Maitreya because they want for the world what He is advocating — sharing, justice and peace — rather than because they think He may be the World Teacher."

we dont know about the interview... date time if its even going down... lmao oh and million probably 12 13 14 will watch this ohhh but the reason we have no info is becaause its important that everyone can respond to maitreya and theres people that think hes the world teacher and people who think that are bad?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:35 PM
There is no time and date for this event, only 'windows of opportunity'. And these windows are constantly changing depending on conditions. Read the following questions from the free online book The Awakening of Humanity:

Q. Is there any specific date for Maitreya’s appearance?

A. Most people imagine that world events (and the coming of a World Teacher is certainly a world event) take place according to precise dates. They imagine that all Hierarchical decisions are designed for dates written in stone. This is assuredly not the case. The Masters predict certain happenings to take place around a certain time, but They know that humanity has freewill and therefore has an enormous influence on the precise timing of a given event. The Masters work in 2,000 year cycles, so for Them really precise timing is not a major consideration. No one knows the exact date on which Maitreya will take up His open work, but everyone can understand that it is very soon.

‘Windows of opportunity’
As far as Maitreya is concerned, there is no set date, not even to appear on television. There are ‘windows of opportunity’. These windows are constantly changing. They are the result of His understanding of the cosmic energies as they flow. These are positive and negative, and they change all the time. This is the difficulty for Maitreya. With all His insight and wisdom – and two levels of cosmic consciousness – and overshadowed by two colossal Avatars (Spirit of Peace or Equilibrium and Avatar of Synthesis), with the cosmic understanding that that gives Him, He sees the window of opportunity as only a possibility. As soon as it approaches,
something else can happen to change the scene again. This occurs over and over again.

He can see there will be a window of opportunity coming up on the horizon, because certain cosmic energies will be flowing and should sustain themselves for some set cycle. But is humanity ready in that window of opportunity? Are the media responsive then? What other factors we cannot even begin to imagine does He have to take into account as making up that window of opportunity? We should rid our minds of this sense of impatience. What is the date for the Day of Declaration? Maitreya, Himself, does not know. I do not mean He has no idea, but the Masters do not think in time so it is irrelevant to set a date.

What He sees is a series of windows in which all the forces which make up the statistics whereby He can judge a moment have to be taken into account – all these different things like the state of humanity, what we do for ourselves, and especially the activity of the Lords of Materiality, the forces of chaos, who are not sitting twiddling their thumbs. They are active as never before, because they know their time is over – as soon as Maitreya comes forward, and humanity sees the Masters and begins the process of reconstruction, lifting humanity above the level where they can be influenced. Through their agents: men and women in the world, some of them very well known in the media and other fields; the leaders of certain countries; certain groups of financiers who are set against this happening; various reactionary groups, political and religious, these destructive forces work to prevent the Christ’s open appearance.

Q. Why is Maitreya taking so long to manifest openly?

A. Maitreya seems to be taking a long time. From our point of view it is a long time. From the Masters’ point of view, it is like the blink of an eye. What Maitreya has been waiting for, above all, is the actual collapse of the world’s economic system, the breakdown of the bourses around the world. These represent the great disease of humanity – that is, speculation. Humanity is speculating all the time in order to become richer – we are focused on becoming rich. We have descended into a depth of materiality which is now dangerous for the continued existence of ourselves and the world. Maitreya calls it the blind following of market forces. He says that market forces have their role, but the blind following of market forces leads only to destruction. He calls market forces the ‘forces of evil’ – because they have in-built, inherent in them, division, separation, inequality – they benefit the rich and the few at the expense of the many.

Q. (1) Will Maitreya look as he did in Nairobi when he makes his first television appearance? (2) What about on the Day of Declaration?

A. (1) No. (2) No.

Q. (1) Is Maitreya known personally by the person who will interview Him for the first large interview in America? (2) Does this person believe that Maitreya is the World Teacher? (3) Is s/he sympathetic to your information even if s/he doesn’t believe the story totally?

A. (1) No. (2) Probably not. (3) I do not know.

Q. How will people invite Him on television? What will His qualifications be?

A. He will have a name, but it will not be Maitreya. The point is: He does not want the ideas to be coming from a Being so high that people become devotees. He does not want devotees, He does not want followers. He says: “If you follow Me you will lose Me. If you try to put Me in your pocket you will never find me.” The Christians will try to put Him in their pocket. So will Muslims, so will Hindus, and especially Buddhists. It is not a problem; if He is invited on television to speak, He can be invited on another channel to speak to more people. It is as simple as that. On the Day of Declaration He will acknowledge what many people suspect but may be unsure of: that He is the World Teacher. He will be invited as Mr So-and-So to speak about his ideas. It will be restrained at first; He will not say what I am saying at first, but He will grow in intensity as people around Him respond. If He said what I would say He would drive people away from Him. He does not make a difference between fundamentalist Christians, fundamentalist Jews, fundamentalist Muslims, and so on, and non-fundamentalists. He does not make that difference. He has thousands of followers who at some level have experienced Him, and they know Him. It is hard to describe. He is totally tolerant, non exclusive.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 03:07 AM
Guys, I only registered here so I could reply to this thread. I am a very critical person by nature, so I dont just take Mr. Creme's story for sweet pie, but that does not mean that you should bash it just because it does not fit in your frame of reference. And well, not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy...

Take the fact that the specifics about Maitreya's alleged interviews won't be posted on the share-site before hand. Yes, of course, you could easiliy see this in a -we're just bull#ting you- way. You can do this with a lot of information nowadays. Or, you could see this information from another perspective, and actually see some sense in it. It's not about the person, it is about the message. What, according to creme, is not the aim, is a new religion, or cult to follow Maitreya. So it would make sense that they would not make any references to who maitreya is at this moment, or what he looks like. Because, like they say on the site, it is about the message.

To the Christians on this site. Yes I know about the Anti-Christ, and I know Maitreya kinda fits the bill. But so do a lot of things. An interesting example from Creme himself is Capitalism or Materialism. Both these things have become kinda like a God to modern men. They lead men stray from the path of God, because all they care about is superficial things.

In the Bible it says:
"John 2:18-19 "Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, in order that it might be shown that they all are not of us." "

Doesn't this actually go against the modern day believe regarding the antichrist? Reading the passage above it sounds more like an influence or negative energy if you will., not one person perse.

The Bible also mentions "Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son". Maitreya doesn't deny the Father and the Son. If you're really picky, yes, according to Creme, Maitreya is the Christ, not Jesus. But Jesus was the Christ back in the day (exactly how this went according to creme can be found on their site I believe). And, as in the former passage, it again reads like every person could be an "antichrist", when this person denies the Father and Son.

Do you really think that scaring people, because that is what you're doing now, is really helping? Of course, it's a matter of perspective, but please consider your own judgments for a minute. Maybe you're a strong believer, and I can understand to some degree that the message of Creme is somewhat disturbing, whether its true or not, but holding on to a belief just because that's what you're used to, is not right.

And one last thing. I went to two of Mr. Creme's talks, and both times I felt really good afterwards, not sick like some people are claiming here and elsewhere. It is a message of hope, and it should be taken as such. Whether Maitreya is real or not, the message is true, and should be regarded as an important one at that.


[edit on 31-1-2010 by Amun86]

[edit on 31-1-2010 by Amun86]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 09:55 AM
Well put Amun86. Finally someone that has an objective point of view.
I don't understand what al the fear is about. I think that if you actually read Creme's website, instead of those crazy clips on youtube, you find out that the most important aspect of his story is that humanity has free will. How can someone who respects that (isn't that pretty rare these days) be evil or decieving? Are they afraid he's going to kill everone with food, peace and love?

My hope is that the fanatic scared bible people replying on most forums aren't representative of humanity as a whole, cause then we are really doomed. If people cannot even discern good from evil then we are lost.

I would say, wait until you've actually heard and seen him and then judge him by his actions, if he then tries to steal someone's soul you have my blessing in opposing him. I highly doubt that would happen though
, if he shows up at all.

Like Amun86 said: It's all about the message. It's about hope. I'm hopeful.

Peace out.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by Kickit]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Amun86

What you are neglecting is that the Anointed had a specific role to fill. Furthermore, that role had to be filled by a "spirit from above" as "spirits from below" are unable to attain heaven by any means of their own, whether by lineage, choice, or earthly payment.

Jhn 1:12-14
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

More so, now that the Anointed came to us, there is no need for a furthering of the work of the Anointed, but rather, what is left is for a separation of the Brethren of the Anointed and those who remain in Pride and Chaos. This man's teachings are not one of Provision from the Providers, but is one of, "forget the providers, we are the providers and we have the power to take the throne." This, of course, is super basic heresy, but, in theory, no worse than any other daily sin of ignorance or selfishness which leads to death (separation from Truth/Life).

My Father has provided all things. This man offers nothing but a distraction from the gifts of the Creators which are, perpetually, establishment and sustenance.

No created being can reap and offer fruit from where they cannot plant.

For this man to claim to be creator when he is clearly created is simply a lie which draws upon each individual's ignorance and desire for self, regardless of how much his teachings are sweetened with words to the contrary. If you do not think it possible, just look to the current Christian churches and see how there is much talk of Charity and Order and yet OrderCharity (who is the Creators) do not necessarily live within them.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Dasher

Dasher, I'm really trying to understand what you're saying, but I just don't. Could you put your thoughts in a somewhat less grandeur way, and just tell me what you think is going on? Although, I highly doubt there will be any possibility of a true discussion, since you're mind seems pretty much made up.

I don't mind people who have made up their minds, I wish I could. However, if your mind/belief is static, rigid, not capable of incorporating new ideas, I think you put yourself in a prison of sorts. Because although you may believe God is absolute, your understanding of God is not. Meaning, you don't have perfect knowledge of God, nor perfect knowledge regarding Scripture. Not having perfect knowledge means having an open mind about new ideas, means being dynamic. You would pretty much be the only thing being static, in an dynamic world. Thinking that once you've found God, your knowledge of God should be static, seems pretty unnatural to me.

This of course, is only based on your words I've read so far, and you're welcome to correct me. Though somehow I think I'm talking to a wall here...hope you will, prove me wrong.

[edit on 1-2-2010 by Amun86]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Amun86

By claiming to be God, you must also have the power of God or you will be judged according to the power you claim and which you do not really have. We all come from weakness. Strength is a gift.

There is a drastic difference between theft and receiving a gift. A created thing cannot claim to be the Creators. It is not logical on any level except one in which the "creator" is as badly flawed and restricted as we each are.

What is true is that the Children of God have been adopted from the Void and been gifted eternal life and glory. This means that the Children of God will be and are, for now in part, one with the Creators by Their provision of Themselves as the Anointed who is commonly known as Christ. As the ability to bring life into this world, spiritual understanding is a gift lest any man should boast. It is God who works in us both to desire and complete His good pleasure.

Creme and his teachings are based upon a theft of the same inheritance of eternal life and glory. We are not the Creators by nature (or else the world would not exude the character of ungodliness or, for that matter, even need maitreya or Christ). The Children of God are gifted eternal life and glory and God lives within them and, in parting from this world through physical death, will becomes one with them eternally.

We come from the Void. The Void is subject to Gods' creative power. We are subject to our nature which is the Void. We are like God in our abilities to judge and create, but we fail because the nature of Void is manifested as Pride and Chaos which naturally returns to itself (Void). God is one OrderCharity and passes through the Void without being overtaken by the death that is Void. God is strong where we are not and have provided Their strength and glory to Their Children.

While you claim that I am rigid, it is a false claim. I am not speaking of anything that is odd (the gifts of all things). To take claim to a title such as "Creator" is quite odd (read arrogant and ignorant). I only have that which I am given.

I do not understand my Father in fullness, but I do know that I have been promised full unity with Them. I am eager and yet happy to wait for that time. I have no need for another teacher than Gods' provision of themselves inside of me (historically known as Christ and also the Comforter that He sent after and with Himself). This maitreya and his prophet are easily seen as liars using selfish forms of "self-enlightenment" as a sweetener.

The flies are drawn to sweetness, but the wise understand the traps of death.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 04:01 PM
something occured to me that didnt quite add up.

Creme said that the antichrist had already come and gone in an interview.
He said that the energy of the antichrist came up at the time of Nero to help with the dispensation of Rome and then again through Hitler.

So according to creme Maitreya is actually the 2nd coming of christ.

Now what i dont get is that Creme is saying that he believes in the antichrist in the same way he believs in the bible.

Yet the bible states the antcihrist will come before the end of days.
That the beast shall rise and and fight at the war of armageddon with christ.

Only this hasnt yet taken place.

So how can Creme say the antichrist has come and gone? Wouldnt that mean that armegeddon has come and gone?

How did i miss this? Was i asleep?

The bible also states that the antichrist will be accomplanied by a false prophet.

The bible is warning us that benjamin creme is the false prophet and maitreya is the antichrist.

And the system of the beast is the illunminati or new world order and the UN and EU.

These are the Ten heads including america, britain and russia and china.

The beast is rising people hold on to your faith and do not missplace it for the power of the beast will deceive the very elect.

You will have no chance without faith in God and Christ.

Dont believe Maitreya when he comes because he will come promting the dream and it will be beautiful and will solve all your problems.

So when the time comes be very careful of this crew.

They are starting to flex their muscles.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Icecoldfm

Actually, the scriptures clearly state that the anti-christ is not singular and encapsulates all who oppose the teaching of the provision of God by God. So, for Creme to say that anti-christ has gone is a very large lie and displays a very weak understanding of who/what the provision of God by God is. Likewise, the majority of those who claim to follow Christ hold to similarly
unwise understandings.

Remember, anti-christ means anti-anointed. I am anointed by God through Christ who completed that which I cannot, which is mastery of death and God sent Themselves again as Comforter just as understanding is always with counsel, order is always with charity, and spirit (wisdom of God/understanding) is always with word (strength of God/communication). These things a Father gives to His Children. The Anointed as our strength through His mercy, and the Comforter as our wisdom through His long-suffering.

To take claim to these things as though they are not gifts is a claim which tries to be thievery, but in it's weakness condemns itself to judgment.

By claiming to be God, you must also have the power of God or you will be judged according to the power you claim and which you do not really have. We all come from weakness. Strength and Wisdom are eternal gifts to the Children of Gods bringing Gods and Their Children glory Strength and Wisdom are temporary gifts to the Children of Darkness, but are exercised in self-vanity, only bringing glory to the Givers of life.

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