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Norway spiral in China today

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posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 06:50 AM
Hi! As I don't speak Chinese (even though I was born in Hong Kong! lol), would you be able to give some details of what it is in the pictures? Any eyewitness accounts etc would be great and also, I'm pretty sure it's kinda frowned upon on ATS to just post a bunch of linkys. Not having a go, just a heads-up.


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 06:52 AM
Where's the spiral all i see is perhaps a Meteorite?

+7 more 
posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 07:05 AM
Here are the images in all the links above:



I definitely don't see a spiral, however the blue image vaguely looks like the blue corkscrew from the Norway phenomenon.

The green one looks almost like a streetlight - in fact I can see what almost looks like the curved light post to the lower left of the light.

It's all very inconclusive without a translation.

[edit on 15/1/10 by Evasius]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 07:12 AM
Kind of coincides with that whole 'evil day' Chronoclysm thing from that other thread.
I guess I'll be finding out if I get my super powers, get nothing, or become a mindless zombie.
I guess I'm cool with two out of three of those things (because zombies don't have to pay off debt...)
So, are there any more of these spiral things going on aside from the Norway one and apparently this one?
Are these going to be regular occurrences?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by SvenTheBerserK

I am sorry, but my English is bad too.

The news only appeared today in HK, the main point is : on 11 Jan night, a lot of place in Xinjiang China had a lot of people saw a spiral on sky many many miles up. There should be English news & more pics & video very soon.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by Evasius

I've just find some English source :

A twinkling bright object with a comet tail was sighted over Xinjiang
Uyghur Autonomous Region at about 8 pm on January 11, 2010. It was
flashing lights of red, green, blue and white, attracting many

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 08:01 AM
English translation from

Asian Heart Reuters (Ben Wang's Yang Fan) "the sky in the southwest there are clusters of green light back towards the east, and later it issued a blue, almost like a science fiction film was a UFO!" 1 Yue 11 Ri at about 20, many people around the city of Urumqi, Ula park, wood Coal County, as well as the base Toksun Montenegro and other places to see in the sky there are different forms of the mysterious aperture, this marvel.

The beginning is the same bright star, and slowly spread into the red, and eventually the green like a flying saucer, in the end is blue to the last one large eye socket blue smoke.

  Witnessed the way: Toksun

Toksun Montenegro, the work in the coal mine Mr Ma said: "The 11 on the evening around 20 o'clock, I and my 45 colleagues from the mine to come out, I suddenly felt the color of the sky become ever brighter in the southwest there are clusters of green toward the east move slowly into a linear green light to issue blue light waves rotate for several minutes, and then landed on a nearby mountain, like the same spacecraft. "

  Witnessed the way: Mori County

Mori county Daw who lives with excitement, said: "on the 11th about 20 o'clock at night, my friends and I walk the way home, suddenly saw the sky had a bright spot in the west, it is spinning clockwise movement to the south, surrounded by a white fog things like constantly expanded, white mist Center also appeared in a blue iris, when the white mist expanded to twenty to thirty meters in diameter, when the blue iris gradually fades and finally disappeared. "

"Unfortunately, my friends and I do not have a camera phone." Mr. Du said.

  Witness to: ula Park

"At first I thought it was bright spot is the light aircraft, but it suddenly exploded like a similar expansion over and disappear eastward movement that I think it might be unidentified flying object." Ula parked in fertilizer plant in Xinjiang family residential households Wanxue Kwong said.

The plot outside the barber's barber GUO Qian also witnessed the spectacle, she said: "that night around 20:15, I have just left the barber shop, suddenly see the sky there is a green ring, like a flying saucer, which aperture is circular, oval-shaped aperture outside, it is amazing. "

  Observation points: Nanshan Tianshan Grand Canyon Scenic Spot

Tianshan Mountains, head of the Grand Canyon Scenic Shi said: "The 11 on the evening 19:56 or so, we drove off-line 7,8 fellow team members travel to the two peaks at the interval when he suddenly found that there was a light in the sky light blue ball, we see that light blue horizontal fast-moving ball of light, and subsequently with an unknown object collided, resulting in an explosion, and produces two white circular light waves. waves from small quickly formed a halo of larger , two rings in the proliferation of cross-together, aperture lasted about two minutes after the disappearance, at the same time with a tail of blue light-emitting body is also bigger fades slowly. nearly two minutes later, the rings gradually disappear. "

According to Shi introduction, they are a pedestrian in the first saw the light when the blue iris, was attracted by its beautiful color, but the next spectacle, so that they mistakenly thought it was UFO "presence" in Xinjiang, greatly surprised.

  Expert: speculated that the space debris

11, the reporter interviewed on the subject National Astronomical Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi Astronomical Station assistant research fellow Song Hua Gang, that he previously had received Chaiwopu Urumqi, Korla City Qitai, as well as amateur astronomers phone call inquiries.

"They see this strange phenomenon are basically 19:55 assigned to 8:15 p.m., according to their description, I tentatively infer that this may be a space debris falls on Earth, due to landing and the atmosphere generated enormous friction caused. "Hua Song has just said.

Song Hua Gang explained: "Space has tens of thousands to several 100,000 space debris, which are in accordance with a particular orbit, when the debris fell from orbit into the atmosphere, due to intense friction are generally rendered in red, vertical drop, the closer the Earth's surface, its speed and slower, and then it becomes blue. while in the process will appear in different colors. As to why the smog-like conditions, it is also impossible to speculate. "

"Different aperture shapes, it is the fate of space debris from the rotation when the result of the different paths, so that some observers see as the wave-shaped aperture, or the spinning of the aperture and so on." Hua Song has just explained.

According to Song Hua has just introduced, like the sky fall of space debris, the situation appears relatively rare, from the perspective of energy conservation law, and only close to the atmosphere of more recent space debris, there will be cases falling in the intense friction, space in reducing the kinetic energy of debris will only be attracted into the atmosphere and the Earth's gravity, into the earth.

Song Hua Gang said that he received the morning of 12 amateur astronomers call, claiming that there was an unidentified object fell Liuhuanggou.

I find the part where the light collided with another object to form the 2 white rings rather interesting as observed from Nanshan Tianshan Grand Canyon Scenic Spot.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by CONTACT

The news only appeared today in HK, the main point is : on 11 Jan night, a lot of place in Xinjiang China had a lot of people saw a spiral on sky many many miles up. There should be English news & more pics & video very soon.

Good to know, do you have the approximate number of how many people reported this spiral? Was this a large phenomena seen by many people over a large area like a city, or a smaller sighting, like a couple neighborhoods? What are the authorities saying, if anything? And are the sources (newspapers, websites) reporting on the spiral credible, or more like tabloid news?

If this is actually the same phenomena as witnesses reported seeing in Norway, I only have one question: Why does Russia keep firing missiles over other countries?

But seriously, if this really was another spiral, I hope the skeptics are given a more believable excuse to buy into than a "missile" as a cause. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by Evasius

The image probably doesn't appear to be a spiral as this looks like it's only a still from video footage - a fraction of a second - not a timelapse photograph like the Norway spiral.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Evasius

These have more details in English :

January 11 in China marked the latest big UFO sighting to be had by Xinjiang, already famous for its previous high profile UFO events. The mass sightings have been happening with such regularity that all but the most skeptical are giving these cases a second look. Of even greater importance is the incredible way in which the sightings are manifesting before shocked witnesses. The incidents were documented by both film and video footage.

New mass UFO sighting sends Chinese media into frenzy, photos

Michael Cohen

In China the UFO mega-events are continuing unabated and the last few weeks have been extra-ordinary for that nation's UFO community.

A new mass UFO sighting by millions of witnesses that occurred on January 11 has sent the Chinese media into a frenzy. This event occurred in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang and was seen over a very wide area. Photos have come to light (see below) and film footage is expected to surface.

Witnesses to the event described the sudden appearance of what at first looked like star which shortly turned red before turning green and morphing into an enormous traditional flying saucer shaped object.The UFO was then described as rotating, turning blue and vanishing.

Some witnesses claimed to have seen the UFO land on a mountain before shooting off in an easterly direction. Other witnesses described the UFO initially shrouded in white mist.

Many eyewitness reports have already been collected and can be read in the sources below.

The local Astronomy station has declared the object to have been space-junk. Many witnesses however believe that what they saw might have been extraterrestrial in origin.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Warrior of Light

This is a large phenomena seen by millions of people over more than a few cities.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 08:35 AM
The fact that the National Astronomical Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences are claiming it was space debri is plausible, but it doesn't explain the eyewitness acounts of it colliding with a second object which caused the 2 intersecting rings of white light.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 08:43 AM
The more I read about this, the more I suspect HAARP-like technology, or HAARP itself. Just like the Norway Spiral, it seems that tests are being conducted to see what the technology is capable of.

Personally, I believe that this could all be tied to Project Bluebeam, or some top secret project that is similar in nature. Those who are familiar with the theories regarding Project Bluebeam know what the goal of the technology is. And it appears that the people in Hong Kong who witnessed the phenomena were given quite a show. It also seems like there was a lot of different things going. Could this have been a small-scale test? (Small-scale for what the potential capabilities are.)

Does anyone else remember the "Earthquake Lights" over China in 2008?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:02 AM
Evasius's picture of the streetlamp made me laugh

Hopefully some quality footage does surface, if this indeed was a phenomenom seen by many.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:32 AM
Personally, I tend to think we will all get a chance to see this phenomena and may even decide what it is exactly. I don't think it was caused by HAARP, for some reason, I think it is a Stargate, wormhole, or planet we have not seen lately. Of course, I could be wrong on all counts. I would love to see it first hand, though.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Warrior of Light
If this is actually the same phenomena as witnesses reported seeing in Norway, I only have one question: Why does Russia keep firing missiles over other countries?

I have only one question: in a world of spaceflight and google-earth, why are you so geographically-challenged and obstinately ignorant? Even Hoagland has demonstrated that the spiral seen FROM Norway was way east of Finland over the White Sea.

It's easy to believe preposterous theories when you start with preposterous faux-factoids.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by CONTACT
reply to post by Evasius

These have more details in English :

January 11 in China marked the latest big UFO sighting to be had by Xinjiang, already famous for its previous high profile UFO events. The mass sightings have been happening with such regularity that all but the most skeptical are giving these cases a second look. Of even greater importance is the incredible way in which the sightings are manifesting before shocked witnesses. The incidents were documented by both film and video footage.

New mass UFO sighting sends Chinese media into frenzy, photos

Michael Cohen

In China the UFO mega-events are continuing unabated and the last few weeks have been extra-ordinary for that nation's UFO community.

A new mass UFO sighting by millions of witnesses that occurred on January 11 has sent the Chinese media into a frenzy. This event occurred in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang and was seen over a very wide area. Photos have come to light ....

Wouldn't a reasonable first step be to see what else was going on in space over China that day?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:53 AM
I would be watching for further Earthquakes.

There is a wealth of information about the way that certain rocks when put under great pressure create light effects such as: -

What are earthquake lights? Are they real?


Q: What are earthquake lights? Are they real? A: Observations of earthquake lights (EQL), mostly white to bluish flashes or glows lasting several seconds associated with moderate to large earthquakes, have been reported infrequently by observers since ancient times. It wasn't until the phenomenon was captured in photographs, taken during the Matsushiro earthquake swarm in Japan between 1965 and 1967, that the seismological community acknowledged their occurrence. A satisfactory theory to explain EQL, however, has been elusive and is still not agreed upon. Proposed mechanisms include piezoelectricity, frictional heating, exoelectron emissions, sonoluminescence, phosphine gas emissions, and fluid injection (electrokinetics), but the most recent theory suggests that EQL are caused by separation of positive hole charge carriers that turn rocks momentarily into p-type semiconductors (first and second references below).

Rocks that Crackle and Sparkle and Glow — Strange Pre-Earthquake Phenomena

Looking at the energies involved it is easy to realise that the numbers involved would create a great number of variables and thus create a number of unexplained phenomena.


If I lived close to there I would be looking to Evac ASAP just in case.

all the best,


edit to take out the you tube clip that was upped at the same time lol

[edit on 15-1-2010 by Korg Trinity]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 10:09 AM
It's not a spiral, so I don't know why the OP is saying so...

It does however look much like another missile or rocket launch, which is why it does share some similarities with the rocket launch seen over Norway. Of course every rocket/launch is a little different.

Here's a Delta II launch for example:


The "blob" at the end is where the rocket/missile separated from it's precious stages.

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