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posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by DarkspARCS

So the big dogs with rockets are now hiding and the ones that were hiding are the big dogs with rockets.... Well this doesn't change my opinion on anything. The entire region is filled with genocidal maniacs. The UN should establish Israelistine and destroy both current nations, and place a strict UN military presence with orders to shoot to kill any militants trying to change it.

I will say this much. There are people I know, who I consider common Americans, who would say "good, they got what they deserve". If you expect the US to care, let alone do something about it, think again.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Think what you like but it's true!

Stop the rockets and you stop being hit back, durhh!

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Thats the worst thing i have ever seen! Hamas was no match for israel and israel new it! Why not send there secret service in a take the ones responsible out?? But then again that would be professional.
israel goverment= butchers

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by minkey53

Yes, you are missing something. You need to look at the larger picture. Reading through this whole thread would be a good start.

Also, check out the formation on the founding of Israel. It was illegal.

Then, check out how many palestinians were kept from returning to their homes.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:36 PM
Personaly I have no interest in arguing with the pro zionists on ATS any longer. They make me sick.

Anyone who wishes to defend these images, has in my view got a serious problem and should seek phychiatric help.

Palestinians will never forget about these attrocities and hence there is never going to be peace in that region.

The backlash against Jews for enabling this genocide could be enormous. I don't blame Jews, they are being used. Pawns in sick game.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by minkey53
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Think what you like but it's true!

Stop the rockets and you stop being hit back, durhh!

Wow, this is intelligence at its best.

Research history, friend, and then we'll talk. If you think this is about Hamas firing rockets recently, you are silly and misinformed.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by seattletruth
American public needs to wake up and lynch anyone who votes to fund these monsters.

Israel should be considered the #1 terrorists. We should be at war with them, not Afghanistan, not Iraq.

The American public needs to wake and realize that WE AMERICANS are funding and providing military equipment ( and the white phosphorous too I believe) to Israel.
I can understand Israel's wanting to defend themselves but time and again what we see is just mass destruction with horrible amounts of civilian casualties.
Tell your legislators to stop funding Israel until these attrocities end.
I, as a taxpayer bear guilt for these attacks; I will not do so quietly anymore.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by minkey53
This probably won't go down well with most people but at the end of the day, don't the Palestinians only have themselves to blame?

I mean, if they didn't keep sending rockets into Israel, smuggling weapons from Iran into the Gaza strip through tunnels from Egypt and blowing themselves up to kill / injure others, then none of this would happen!

You're confusing Hamas with Hezbolla(in Lebanon). Egypt has shut off their borders to Palestine.

I'm not being funny but they could help themselves a lot by stopping the above. Even if they ignore Israel, just don't have anything to do with them, then Israel wouldn't retaliate back.

It's not rocket science guys and gals or am I missing something here.

Well, that's a 2 edged sword. If Israel let medical supplies into Gaza, let the electricity to stay on, the Palestinians wouldn't feel the need to act in the first place. It's like a hockey game. The Israeli's use subtle but major tactics but the "reactor" is the one that is seen and penalized. Used to work but this is the digital age.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:38 PM
Wars hell, it's like this, a lot of what is showed here is innocent life, it's called collateral damage. The guys who are behind bombings and planning of bombings on Israel hide behind the innocent, so you get what is showed in these pictures. Rest assured a lot of the guys you see killed in the photos are not innocent, they look that way because their dead. War is not pretty, understand that Israel is doing what it has to do to try and put an end to the violence that the palastines are commiting as well, Israel is bigger and better equiped for the fight, so you get what the photos show, a lot of collateral damage, but they got a lot of the enemys as well.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Sean48

What Planet are you on?

Israel are just standing up for themselves and if your kid was being bullied at school, you'd tell him to do the same.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by minkey53
reply to post by Sean48

What Planet are you on?

Israel are just standing up for themselves and if your kid was being bullied at school, you'd tell him to do the same.

Israel is being bullied? Wait, who illegally obtained palestinian land and drove the palestinians out? Who would not let palestinians back to their homes?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:41 PM
And thus history repeats itself... Only this time the israelites are the nazis. I cannot believe that people who have been mass murdered in the past could do the same to others.

I know I shouldn`t be saying this, but maybe, someone in the past should have done a better job a doing a certain thing...

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by galloways

That statement is kind of dumb. You can't just pick off the top and expect the rest to fall. They had a large amount of militant imported weapons.

What is seen here can be summed up as district 9 with the aliens as the gaza. Basically, Israel has chocked off all militias. There simply is either not enough, or no more guns to fight Israel with. At this point, Israel is simply doing what every single middle eastern conqueror has ever done to secure their position, with Saladin being a possible exception: slaughter many to convince the rest whose the boss. The tactic works, but at what cost?

Bear in mind that if Hezbollah or Hamas had more resources, they would do the same. If you think there's a right side in this conflict, you're wrong. Everyone of those civilians crying would kill Israeli soldiers if given the chance. And every one of those crying Israelis years ago would kill a Gazians if given the chance too.

No side is right. No side is innocent. This is simply a case arrested development. Nothing will change until either side is exterminated.

Again, there is only one "peaceful" solution, if it can be called that. Destroy both nations, and replace it with a UN state.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by Sean48

And you aren't bothered about Iran's influence that leads to wars? So are you a jew-hater or just deluded?

I dont hate the Jews.

I hate what they do.

Do you also hate Hamas and other western countries for what they do? You do realize there is a difference between Jews and Zionists, right? You do realize that nearly every Jew would be just as horrified at those scenes as you are, right? You do realize that Israel has seen many scenes like that in her own towns, malls, clubs, buses, malls, and streets, right?

Do you think that America's "Shock and Awe" against Iraq was any less graphic? Just because the MSM insulated you from it all doesn't mean it didn't happen. America massacred over 1 million people in Iraq, and every time they do one of their bombing campaigns similar types of pictures could be taken... but they don't, so you won't hate what they do the same way.

Let us not ignore the fact that Hamas repeatedly shoots rockets at Israel, and blows themselves up in Israeli markets, theaters, buses, clubs, and malls! I guess Israel did itself no service whatsoever by shielding the world from the aftermath photos of the Hamas rockets tearing their citizens apart, eh?

By the way, Israel tries to target buildings that contain those rockets, unlike Hamas who intentionally looks for the most heavily populated areas.

Here is a good quote from one of the comments after the pictures:

Uh……….I finally fiqured out the Palestinian process:
shoot rockets, throw rocks, get killed by israelis, wine to media, repeat
shoot rockets, throw rocks, get killed by israelis, wine to media, repeat
shoot rockets, throw rocks, get killed by israelis, wine to media, repeat
Maybe if the above sequence of events was changed, the outcome may be different?

Why don't you and all the others here take your one-way glasses off and realize that all war is ugly and bloody, and BOTH sides commit terrible acts that would turn most stomachs. Women and children get killed in all wars. I do wonder how many were torn to shreds yesterday in Afghanistan... and how many similar acts of suffering occurred during your revolutionary war, civil war, both world wars, Korean war... and the lovely napalm of Vietnam?

I do believe that part of denying ignorance is not falling for obvious acts of propaganda. If these people were honest, they would make a website against war, and they would public pictures showing:

1) Here are some photos of us (Hamas) demolishing some Israeli kids...
2) Here are some photos of Israel demolishing our kids...
3) Here are some photos of us (Hamas) ripping apart an Israeli mall...
4) Here are some photos of Israel tearing apart one of our buildings...
5) Here are some photos of us blowing up an Israeli bus...
6) Here are some photos of Israel shredding one of our neighborhoods...

Etc., etc., etc., etc. ad nauseum...

Here is another quote from a Palestinian comment after the photos:

To the zionists’ apologists & occupiers: Rest assured that YOU SHALL SUFFER the same pain and fate you have meeted upon our Palestianian bretheren. No home, no family, no kibbutz, no village, no town, no city, no settlement, no bunker will protect you. Get the hell out of Palestine while you can before you burn in the same infernoes you begun. Save your dirty, filthy & rotten skins while you can.

Where does it stop? Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth... and the whole world becomes blind and toothless! Tell me, you who hates only what Israel does, do you have the fortitude to let someone repeatedly pummel your face without fighting back? If someone punched you, how many times would they do it before you launched back and entered into a battle to "the last man standing?" And once you entered into that fight, wouldn't you fight until you were assured that he would stop pummeling your face? I'm sure you would... so do you also hate what you do? Do you hate the fact that you have the same heart as Israel?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by minkey53
This probably won't go down well with most people but at the end of the day, don't the Palestinians only have themselves to blame?

I mean, if they didn't keep sending rockets into Israel, smuggling weapons from Iran into the Gaza strip through tunnels from Egypt and blowing themselves up to kill / injure others, then none of this would happen!

I'm not being funny but they could help themselves a lot by stopping the above. Even if they ignore Israel, just don't have anything to do with them, then Israel wouldn't retaliate back.

It's not rocket science guys and gals or am I missing something here?

Iran have got it coming too but that's another thread!

DUDE.. are you insane.. Palatine was there long ago, before even Israel even existed on the map! Are you gonna sit around if Russia or China started invading US and taking your home, kill your family and say it's now our land... BS.. you would fight back to death, specially when you have NOTHING to loose! Wake the SNIP* up, this is an invasion, not just a civil war... it has been for decades!

Basic freaking history would show you that!

[edit on 14-1-2010 by freighttrain]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:48 PM
For people who think there is a God, You just have to look at these Photo's to realise that there is no God.
What sort of God would allow these atrocities?

I'm sitting here watching the news.
They are saying that there's a Doctor who want's to use Marijuana as a Medication to treat MS. They're showing Johnny Depp attending a Festival where a statue of him is being unveiled.
We then hear about the Police not wanting Alcohol being served on Australia Day.
They then show the weather presenter learning to linedance.
The (Heavily Edited) Haiti Earthquake get's mentioned. America donates 100 million dollars while Australia donates 10 million to the rescue effort in Haiti.
Prince Harry get's mentioned, something about him visiting New Zealand.
Melissa Doyle now ask's who is more Sexier out of the two Princes. Prince Harry or Prince William.

This is all presented to us/me from Sunrise on channel 7, here in Australia.

We don't hear about what's happening to people in Gaza. There's no help being sent to the people in Gaza. The Americans and other Countries couldn't care less about the people of Palestine or Israel.

What I'm trying to get at is here is, The news they show us is so Trivial. It's tripe. It's Rubbish and it's condecending. Why does anyone want to know who is more sexy of the 2 British Princes? What are we, 5 year old Children?

Thank the Internets for ATS. This is, at least, where I can see some of the the Truth about Real Subjects that are not Edited Down for us Children to see..

This is what's wrong with us. We are fed Bulls**t everyday about stuff that doesn't matter (Earthquake in Haiti excepted).

I'm not sure most people aren't aware that we are being treated like little Children who can't handle the truth. If we were shown the Truth as it truly exists it would make me Sad and Angry and Maybe want to do something about it.

The news should be about showing us the TRUTH about what is bad in our World and to educate us on the true Happenings in other Countries. No matter how bad it gets. And maybe there lies the problem. If enough people actually see the truth, Maybe we would get up and get angry enough to want our Governments to do something about it.

Did anyone here know just how bad it is in Gaza before seeing these Horrible Photo's? For us Human beings to kill each other in the worst possible ways is just Abhorrent. What we do to other Species is worse again.
It makes me so Angry as to hope that the Human Race does get wiped out and just maybe the whole process of Human Evolution starts again.

Now I'm watching a presenter interviewing an Actor called "The Rock" playing the Tooth Fairy in some new film. Hmmmmmm..

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Damian-007
For people who think there is a God, You just have to look at these Photo's to realise that there is no God.
What sort of God would allow these atrocities?

GOD(s) has nothing to do with it, it's not GOD's fault we're savage creatures.. it's HUMANS to blame! You can build a home with a hammer or crack someone skull open with it, choice is yours, GOD(s) gave you a "CHOICE" what you do with it.. is up to you! GOD(s) are not judgmental, we are and GOD(s) will NEVER judge you when you die, you judge yourself once your ego has been unveiled on the other side!

[edit on 14-1-2010 by freighttrain]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:53 PM
It's an old saying " Don't bite the hand that feeds you" Some people are too dense to figure it out.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Damn. Pretty death metal pictures.

The Dark Ages never really ended, did they? This sucks big time.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:00 PM
My 2 cents:

The Jewish or Israeli people are just as mislead as the Christian or American people by so-called leaders who are equally corrupt. How do they justify their actions, but then again how do we? I'm sick of hearing about the suffering that Jews endured during the holocaust. Not because it wasn't real, although I'm not sure we get an un-embellished truth, but because they have become such hypocrites. Aren't they perpetrating acts equally appalling as those committed by the Germans during the holocaust? Why can they not see that it is not justified; or that because a 3rd party decided without any authority that you could have someone else's property that they still won't just give it to you, nor should they.


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