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Obama: Pledges 100m aid to Haiti. 30BILLION "aid" to Israel - LOL!

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posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
30b to Israel?

I wonder how much help our country would get if we had a hurricane hit, lets say.. the southern US. I Bet we would be all over that with all of our resources and money. It would probably be cleaned up in no time.

Wait! It did happen, and its still not cleaned up. WTF? Can we not use some of that money to repair our own backyard?

thats the hypocrisy of the world:

Bash on American until Disaster Strikes, then come running for help like you never said a sour word.

I wish we could get a President in office with big enough cojanes to say "Screw me? No SCREW YOU" to foreign countries.

I'm all for sealing my borders & living happily ever after....but thats just me, im the pre-oldman-on-the-porch-yelling-at-children kind of guy....only thing separating the current me from the me throwing cans at kids on my lawn is time.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 04:21 AM
We voted for Obama we must learn to deal with it. I wrote an interesting
song about Obama and the Afghanistan war and post it on youtube.
The song predicts that Afghanistan will be the fall of Obama. some of the lines goes like this:

Now the eagle roams the mountains
of the treacherous terrains
with the world's greatest warriors
ignoring history once again

The black eagle setting sight
in the dawn of the new era
spreading wide mighty wings
aim the eyes of Al-Qaeda..............

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by rufusdrak

I am not amused. I support Isreal, after all its the only democracy in the middle east. But it's also an advanced, prosperous nation. It shoud not need our money. (I have no doubt they like getting it) If that aid was cut or eliminated they might get the hell out of the west bank and gaza strip. Being there is the main reason most of the Arab nations hate them. The US has benifited from our relationship with Isreal at least as much as they have with us. In the military and intelligence fields were almost joined at the hip.

My view is there must be another reason for Isreal to benifit from our largess. I just don't know what it is. And no, I'm not anti-Jewish or anti-Isreal. My grandfather on my moms side was Jewish.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by The_Seeker

Your quite right to be annoyed buddy.

I asked earlier if Israel is giving to Haiti and so far I see a few hundred personnel being sent and some equipment.

Big deal eh ? Out of $30 billiion in handouts they gonna give up a million or two, plus we all get to hear about it like it was oh so hearty of them.

Whereas other countries who get nothing from anyone are sending what they can and get little or no recogition for it.

I laughed this morning at Gordon Brown the UK PM. He said with great gusto that he was pledging £10 million to the fund. How does that compare to the billions upon billions given to the bankers.

Just one of the top bankers could give £10 million out of his back pocket.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by arbiture

So you don't mind that israeli lobbies continuously blackmail and slander senators,professors,journalists etc If they speak out against the Israeli government? You don't mind that the relationship is one sided. America asking Israel to stop illegal settlement building gets snubbed while america sends over cash and weapons? You don't mind that Israel intentionally attacked the USS liberty in a false flag to try and bring America into their war? You don't mind that Israeli spies found in America somehow always seem to escape being brought to trial and are deported on the behest of the israeli government?

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by rufusdrak

This only proves one thing....

Obama is about as in charge of the Government as GWB was.
The Illuminati still control the Government.

The US always has and always will (I don't know why) spend more money
on the 7 Million Jews than all the other countries in the world combined needing
assistance which is in the Hundreds of Millions.

And you wonder why the Muslims of the World are so Pissed at the US

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by jerico65
Well, if everyone is whining about the 100M that Obama is sending to Haiti, he can always just take it back.

Then you'd really having something to piss and moan about, huh?

Also, remember, the US will be transporting the majority of the aid into Haiti. Wanna guess how much it is to fuel the fleet that will be sailing there with hospital ships and supplies? The C130s and C17s flying in aid? The Marines on the ground that will probably be transporting the aid to where it needs to be?

Yeah, didn't think that anyone thought of that before they started to run their suck.

LOL to your first comment (at you, not with you...)

As for the second half of your post, do you think the transporting of aid and the rest of the stuff you mentioned will make up the 100million - 30billion disparity?

After looking at those figures I find it hard to believe that anyone could respond with anything so ridiculously pointless.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 10:45 AM
The US provide Israel with aid for 2 reasons:

1) Important staging point for operations in the Middle East.
2) VOTES!!!

The Jewish population in the US is large, and helping Israel brings a lot of votes during presidential elections. Abandoning Israel would cost a LOT of votes.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by rufusdrak
oh please keep in mind Haiti has a larger population than Israel by over 3 million people (10m to 7m)

What a sham!

Also keep in mind that Haiti's GDP is roughly 7 billion, and Israel's is 215 billion. Each country getting a proportionate amount.

Either way I can agree that I don't believe Israel should get A) Jack, or B) #e. The day I realized that my tax dollars were going to fund kabutz living is the day I started balking.

I used to work for an all-Israeli company in NYC. I was the only American (and the only one they'd ever hired). They were nice, very cool, non-religious, but gave me quite an eye-opener on just how their government is bilking the U.S.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 11:29 AM
Somehow I get the feeling that this thread has nothing to do with helping the unfortunate people of Haiti affected by the recent earthquakes.

Funny to see the anti "never-let-a-crisis-go-to-waste" crowd doing the exact same thing they continually denounce. The irony is startling...

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
Somehow I get the feeling that this thread has nothing to do with helping the unfortunate people of Haiti affected by the recent earthquakes.

Funny to see the anti "never-let-a-crisis-go-to-waste" crowd doing the exact same thing they continually denounce. The irony is startling...

You are correct the thread has nothing to do with helping Haiti.

It is to do with highlighting the ridiculous situation where heaps of cash is given to Israel that doesnt need it, while paltry amounts are given to places in dire need.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:38 PM
These figures are disgusting, and I ask simply, what business does the already dominant force in middle east has with that ridiculous amount of money? "Aid"? What aid do they need? Aid in what, exactly? More nukes? Which btw they have already threatened to use on Europe. Nice guys, huh.

Like others said above, you still havent even cleaned after katrina... Something is seriously messed up with this situation.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by rufusdrak
Thanks for owning that guy. He truly has no clue. To him INVADING a country and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians as we did in Iraq is equivalent to sending AID to a country ravaged by an earthquake? What a brainwashed sheeple.

Yeah, I got owned.

OK, Gus. The US killed "hundreds of thousands of civilians" in Iraq according to you.

Got a source to back that up, or just running your suck without a clue about what you're talking about?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Back to school for you.

Not to sound tart but I believe you are the one who needs a little schooling on the matter.

The Lancet : 601,926 violent deaths out of 654,965 war-related deaths.

Opinion Research Business survey: 1,033,000 violent deaths as a consequence of the invasion and occupation.

Associated Press: 116,600 violent deaths.

Average: 573,842. Colloquially known as "hundreds of thousands".

Thanks for playing.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 02:22 PM
Obama never ceases to amaze me , I recalled him saying there would be no more free handed outs to Israel . Funny thing , I remember back in 2000 Bush saying the same thing . And sure enough another another 3 Bil in aid , in 2001.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by bigyin

The more that the world suffers the more the cockroaches come out and show their true colours.
The more I see this the more it saddens and disgusts me. I know the "Elite" in this world are scum, but to do this sorta crap is really really below the belt, no matter the intentions.
This is not a fight on terrorism, this is not a fight to help those that are stuggling, this is not a fight for the poor and neglected, its a fight to see whom can be the greatest martyr in times of strain!

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Rikhart

I state again COCKROACHES honey
There is nothing fair in this world at the moment, and the scales are getting really wobbly now, the fight is on

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 01:45 AM
Yea3h, last I checked haiti just got hit with an earthquake, and israel didn't. So you do the math, it might kill you.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by 517.101
Yea3h, last I checked haiti just got hit with an earthquake, and israel didn't. So you do the math, it might kill you.

Hmm, so....are you saying that we should give less to Israel, more to Haiti, or both?

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