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Obama: Pledges 100m aid to Haiti. 30BILLION "aid" to Israel - LOL!

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posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by ProWrestler_Joe
Research a bit on who runs the mainstream media networks and where those people originated from, and you'll see why things like this don't make the msn.

Oh yes I am well aware of that

As you can see

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Originally posted by solarstorm
Would be interesting to see what would happen if a 7.0+ quake hit Israel. No doubt they would find a way to link mother nature to Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran.

If there was a God.

From your lips to his ears.

Well, ironically, seems like Israel DOES have a God... and He pays them well!

Good thing that Mother Nature has destroyed both the hyper-corrupt Haiti regime and the head offices of the UN peacekeeping mission in Port-au-Prince! Sadly, her strike on the colonial infrastructure wasn't accurate enough to spare the lives of the innocent people who died from the earthquake.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by redeyedwonder
Why cant we send aid the old way, on an individual basis from the phone???


And how much money is the Chinese sending? ((snip))

The 100M from odumbo is from china... maybe the chinese will yank the proper string that allows dear party leader to borrow & send more.

If haiti was a wall street bank, a trillion would have already been shoved out the rear of a C-130 by alcohol sweating politicians wielding golden pitch-forks.. during a 'photo op'.. but haiti?, bah.. just non isreali human beings... borrowed chinese israeli chump change will just have to suffice.

30 billion to isreal? as local teachers are laid off....lmao... another sign the empire keeps crumbling from self inflicted 2-party stupidity (applause!! bravo!! bravo!!)

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by ancient_wisdom

I thought the sarcasm was obvious.

Sorry for underestimating your sense of humor.

You might consider taking a supplement for your irony deficiency.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by bigyin
What does concern me is where all the money goes.

back when the sunami hit in indonesia there was a huga amount of cash 'pledged' .... whatever pledged means... but can anyone tell us if the homes and buildings have been rebuilt yet.

Same with the damage from Katrina, areas of new orleans still lye in pieces.

So where does the cash go ?

That's one of my biggest concerns. Haiti is known for it's governmental corruption, so I just wonder how much money and aid will actually go to the people, and how much will be lining the pocket of some elite down there?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak

Is it too much to ask that you read the freaking article before posting a misinfo post title. Bush signed the agreement for the 30B for israel over the next 10 years. BUSH, not Obama.
If you think the US is such a joke - LEAVE!

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Deny Arrogance
reply to post by ancient_wisdom

I thought the sarcasm was obvious.

Sorry for underestimating your sense of humor.

You might consider taking a supplement for your irony deficiency.

Ha Ha Ha, or maybe that is the next line on your pre-written script! When the argument fails, plead sarcasm.

I'll list you as a friend...for now.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by x2Strongx

War is peace

Freedom is slavery

Ignorance is strength

Debt is Money

Google Video Link

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:44 PM
what a joke your reply is!


and you throw israel in as well [SNIP]!!!

100 million is probly just the start [SNIP]!

the US has plege decent aid under the circumstances before this happened as well!

the situation is horrid there and you pop in with your stupid thread!!

a 100 million and sending quick aid from the US is awsome doorknob!!

and theres millions more on the way here [SNIP]!

dont play a reatrd game here [SNIP]!

lets see who out matches the aid game?
Is that you wanna play [SNIP]!

the sistuation there is horrible!

beyond horrible!!

instead of your stupid post and you turn it into israel is sick!

with a stroke of a pen we are on it with aid and help and have ce;ebrities and donations pouring in!!!

theres gonna be a lot more than a 100 million going to them!




Removed several personal attacks

[edit on 15/1/10 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by amyfriend

and you throw israel in as well you big joke!!!

100 million is probly just the start you doorknob!
with a stroke of a pen we are on it with aid and help and have ce;ebrities and donations pouring in!!!

theres gonna be a lot more than a 100 million going to them!

you idiot!!!

LET US KNOW you retard!!!

100 million to a 30 Billion amout is peanuts

The US could do more

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:01 PM
America has so much money to throw around... I am so glad our economy is doing so well and the recession must have been just my imagination running wild.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:34 PM
I was wondering why The US Gov pledged so much. Isnt this going to dig a bigger hole for you guys?

The thing that got me the most was watching a news program on Fox this morning, I cant recall what it was called as it was not something that I normally watch. But he was an older guy! (if I find I will post).
But what shocked me was the over abundance of egotistical pride this guy had. Now I am all for supporting people in Crisis. And I think its a great thing for the US to stick their hands up and say look we are in crisis as well, but we are going to help you (not good for the people at home in the US struggling to survive themselves). But this guy really was blowing wind up peoples butts about how great a savior the US is, and that everyone should be thankful that the US is a super power otherwise there would be no support for those that are in Crisis's like Haiti. That the US are pretty much GODS when it comes to helping those in strife.

WTF is up with that sorta crap. From what I can understand, most countries in the world pledge what they can to start with (only what they can afford, sensible thinking I would assume, NO!) ifs its only a little that still makes a big difference. This guy went on to talk about whom pledged what right, and OMG that was just as disgusting. He went on to comment sarcastically on what Venezuela contributed (one example), a hospital boat, off the top of my head, this, obviously, is all they can afford and possibly all that they have, and he rammed their butts so damn hard about sending ONLY that, it was shameful, they were not the only ones he hit as well.
I was so sickened by this, that I had to turn it off. THE SHAME... HOW BLOODY DARE HE.
Thinking on this, I would think that these other countries like Venezuela can only afford this because the US GOV has been stealing their resources for years. Among other countries, and I would like to also point out that the US GOV is not the saviors they claim to be.
WW2 I think is another good example.
Sorry US Citizens, nothing against you guys, but your gov and media (along with other counties in the world) need to get off their god damn high horses and stop pulling stunts like this pooh! It just makes you guys look so hypocritical and even more egotistical its bloody shameful.

Just trying to look now for the show, and I also recall that it was on a Fox news station.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:34 PM
30 billion to Isreal? With what money? The dollar is steadily declining and we owe China so much money, they basically own us. Yet Obama keeps spending. This is not the man I voted for. Obama has been in office for a year now and has spent more money than all of the presidents combined. This is a little old but an interesting article from The Wall Street Journal, "Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow":

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:40 PM
It was this guy.

I mean did he need to really gloat about it the way he did ox-news-shows-it-has-the-right-stuff-20091028-hl25.html&h=301&w=420&sz=27&tbnid=o1rtdJn62_INJM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=125&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfox%2Bnews%2Bprese nters&hl=en&usg=__0OZWJBTm0Bfc1n2lzn3SOvsQGbE=&ei=vlBRS7D7D9CHkQW1rOmxCg&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=6&ct=image&ved=0CBYQ9QEwBQ

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by The_Seeker
I was wondering why The US Gov pledged so much. Isnt this going to dig a bigger hole for you guys?

The thing that got me the most was watching a news program on Fox this morning, I cant recall what it was called as it was not something that I normally watch. But he was an older guy! (if I find I will post).
But what shocked me was the over abundance of egotistical pride this guy had. Now I am all for supporting people in Crisis. And I think its a great thing for the US to stick their hands up and say look we are in crisis as well, but we are going to help you (not good for the people at home in the US struggling to survive themselves). But this guy really was blowing wind up peoples butts about how great a savior the US is, and that everyone should be thankful that the US is a super power otherwise there would be no support for those that are in Crisis's like Haiti. That the US are pretty much GODS when it comes to helping those in strife.

WTF is up with that sorta crap. From what I can understand, most countries in the world pledge what they can to start with (only what they can afford, sensible thinking I would assume, NO!) ifs its only a little that still makes a big difference. This guy went on to talk about whom pledged what right, and OMG that was just as disgusting. He went on to comment sarcastically on what Venezuela contributed (one example), a hospital boat, off the top of my head, this, obviously, is all they can afford and possibly all that they have, and he rammed their butts so damn hard about sending ONLY that, it was shameful, they were not the only ones he hit as well.
I was so sickened by this, that I had to turn it off. THE SHAME... HOW BLOODY DARE HE.
Thinking on this, I would think that these other countries like Venezuela can only afford this because the US GOV has been stealing their resources for years. Among other countries, and I would like to also point out that the US GOV is not the saviors they claim to be.
WW2 I think is another good example.
Sorry US Citizens, nothing against you guys, but your gov and media (along with other counties in the world) need to get off their god damn high horses and stop pulling stunts like this pooh! It just makes you guys look so hypocritical and even more egotistical its bloody shameful.

Just trying to look now for the show, and I also recall that it was on a Fox news station.

I totally agree with you. When did the US become the world's mama? I don't mean to sound heartless, but let them fight their own war. Why do we always have to get involved? It took the Japs to bomb Pearl Harbor to get us into WW2. Granted, we should have joined the war anyways due to the horrible treatment towards the Jews, but it took that event to finally get us in the war. But why does every country expect the US to get involved? Why do we get involved when it's not our problem? We have our own problems to deal with. We cannot afford spending another penny. Let Isreal deal with it. Haiti, that's a tough call. I feel for the victims over there, but 100m? That check will bounce. Did any countries provide aid to the US after Katrina?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by x2Strongx

I'm just wondering why the U.S. administration is so quick to help other countries in need but delayed in helping the survivors of Huricane Katrina, their own citizens!

Not that I think the people in Haiti don't deserve or need the help, and I applaud the U.S. for rushing to their aid.

I just think they could have showed their own citizens the same decency.

[edit on 1/16/2010 by Hatcookie]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by eurotrash

Where is Obama going to get the money. I mean obviously there will be pledges, but that guy mentioned tax money!!!

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Hatcookie

That was terrible wasnt it, but Bush was in at that time. I dont see that we should be comparing him to the Bush era! That guy was a joke...
What I do see and agree with, IMOO, is that he seems to be spending and committing where he shouldnt with regards to the US's money!

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
Well, right or wrong, the US has been giving vast amounts of money to Israel for quite some time wiki and we've always aided nations who've suffered natural disasters.

I understand and agree that the ratio is ridiculously imbalanced, but not quite sure what Obama has to do with it any more than any previous US president in the last 50 years or so.

In any case, this argument is fallacious and fatally flawed ... the two issues are unrelated.

Edit to fix linkie

[edit on 15 Jan 2010 by schrodingers dog]

Why have we been giving vast amounts of money to Israel? Please don't say "the war on terror". We've been giving them money long before 911.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:31 AM
insanity 2 - u.s 0

somehow this piece of news didnt seam wierd at all,

just reminds me of 9/11 when iraq offered aid and bush refused to accept it.

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