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Obama: Pledges 100m aid to Haiti. 30BILLION "aid" to Israel - LOL!

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posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Avenginggecko
Unless I misunderstood the point of the thread, this is about the huge disparity in the aid being given to Haiti. Israel doesn't need 30 billion dollars and yet they are getting a blank check for billions and our most powerful war machines. Haiti desperately needs aid and infrastructure to stabilize the country, reduce the extreme systemic poverty, help the injured, and rebuild from the destruction, yet they are only receiving a fraction of the amount of Israel.

They are getting 30B over the next 10 years. It's not a lump sum payment. Also, 75% of it will be spent on military aid from the US, so the money will be employing Americans. At least that the theory.

Also, why is it the responsiblity of the US to stablize Haiti? I mean, we went to Iraq to stablize that country, and it seems like everyone on ATS freaks and geeks over that. So, why Haiti and not Iraq?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Despite the serious financial crisis, the Americans did not raise the possibility of reducing the aid or cancelling it at any stage. Israel is bound by the agreement to use 75% of the security aid in dollars – in other words, to produce military devices in the US in order to help create workplaces there

Obama said the $100 million the government is initialing directing toward the relief effort would certainly grow over the year as the recovery turns from emergency to rebuilding the already deeply impoverished nation.


Also, there is no other country giving even ONE TENTH the amount the US is pledging, unless you count the EVIL WORLD BANK, who matched the pledge of 100 million. Does anyone know the stipulations attached to the world bank's contributions or if there are any?
As a matter of fact, the EVIL WEST seems to be the only ones who give a #!
China.....a million bucks and some supplies!!!

[edit on 14-1-2010 by heyo]

[edit on 14-1-2010 by heyo]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:05 PM

what a sick farce this country and its "leader" have become

Sick country? What right do you have to say it's the country's fault? We have no say so in how much money the government sends. As someone posted earlier, there will be tons of contributions, food and supply drives here. And FYI, I am trying to find a way to go there and volunteer, and if I can't go, you can bet I will be organizing a food and clothing drive.
Next time, before you slam the US, look at China- 1 lousy million, Saudi's- ZERO, as usual, and where's Russia? I'm not saying that Israel deserves 30 billion either, but don't freakin slam US citizens, because some of us are trying to do more.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by heyo

Obama said the $100 million the government is initialing directing toward the relief effort would certainly grow over the year as the recovery turns from emergency to rebuilding the already deeply impoverished nation.

Thanks for posting that. I was having a hard time believing that was all we'd give. Also, I was not aware that the 30B to Israel was over 10 years and supposed to create jobs, that's good news, thanks.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by sickofitall2012

No problem. I think it's important to realize the infrastructure that needs to be set up in order to put money like that to work.
People must realize that corruption is going to be rampant in haiti. There's gonna need to be oversight as to the distribution of funds, and some solid planning as to where it goes, after much assessment.
Hopefully they can turn this aid into something long term.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:18 PM
Not to distract (too much) from the point of this thread, aid to Haiti vs Israel, but if one is going to argue about it, it makes sense to actually know what the policy was/is...

Here's the plan in 25 pages. You all really should read it before jumping to conclusions... BTW, it's an extension of Bush policy beginning in 2007, this is not new...

US Aid to Israel... pdf

Document page 3

A 10-Year Military Aid Agreement
The Second 10-Year Plan: Proposed U.S.
Military Aid to Israel FY2009-FY2018
FY2009 $2.55 billion
FY2010 $2.70 billion
FY2011 $2.85 billion
FY2012 $3.00 billion
FY2013-FY2018 $3.15 billion a year
Source: U.S. State Department

[edit on 14-1-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by Avenginggecko
Unless I misunderstood the point of the thread, this is about the huge disparity in the aid being given to Haiti. Israel doesn't need 30 billion dollars and yet they are getting a blank check for billions and our most powerful war machines. Haiti desperately needs aid and infrastructure to stabilize the country, reduce the extreme systemic poverty, help the injured, and rebuild from the destruction, yet they are only receiving a fraction of the amount of Israel.

They are getting 30B over the next 10 years. It's not a lump sum payment. Also, 75% of it will be spent on military aid from the US, so the money will be employing Americans. At least that the theory.

Also, why is it the responsiblity of the US to stablize Haiti? I mean, we went to Iraq to stablize that country, and it seems like everyone on ATS freaks and geeks over that. So, why Haiti and not Iraq?

Nice job warping history.

We never went to Iraq to stabilize the country. We went to Iraq to get Saddam's WMDs because he had mobile labs creating biological weapons and terrorist training camps, remember?

I never said Israel was getting a lump sum, I said they were getting a blank check, which means they basically get a free pass from the American government and access to our coffers with little or no restrictions.

II agree that it's not the responsibility of the US government to stabilize Haiti. I was making a point that instead of us blowing cash like it's nothing in the Middle East, we could have used it for countries in our own back yard to create a stable continent for ourselves.

Also, stabilizing a country after a decimating Earthquake that has killed tens of thousands of people and left the island in tatters is a far cry from a muscular shock and awe campaign in a Middle Eastern country that had nothing to do with terrorism or the US and didn't want us within their borders.

It's a complete apples and oranges comparison.

Anything else?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by heyo

I know. I was talking to my work mate about that today. In fact, I haven't given money yet, because I haven't found a 100% legit charity. I'd rather send goods. I don't trust our government or the people stealing, I mean running, the Red Cross. Any suggestions on legit organizations?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Avenginggecko

Thanks for owning that guy. He truly has no clue. To him INVADING a country and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians as we did in Iraq is equivalent to sending AID to a country ravaged by an earthquake? What a brainwashed sheeple.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:12 PM
SNL: Obama is China's bitch

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:15 PM
If Haiti was going to use the US aid to buy arms from the US military industrial complex they'd probably get 30 billion too

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:15 PM
This was actually on my heart today,

Why billions are spent on war while only millions to Haiti,

Haiti was a place that many nations should have tried harder to serve.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:19 PM
Well, right or wrong, the US has been giving vast amounts of money to Israel for quite some time wiki and we've always aided nations who've suffered natural disasters.

I understand and agree that the ratio is ridiculously imbalanced, but not quite sure what Obama has to do with it any more than any previous US president in the last 50 years or so.

In any case, this argument is fallacious and fatally flawed ... the two issues are unrelated.

Edit to fix linkie

[edit on 15 Jan 2010 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Avenginggecko
Nice job warping history.

We never went to Iraq to stabilize the country. We went to Iraq to get Saddam's WMDs because he had mobile labs creating biological weapons and terrorist training camps, remember?

Warping history.
Part of the whole Iraq deal was "regime change". Kinda comes under "Stablizing a country" so it's not a threat. Whatever. That's neither here nor there and I got offtopic. My bad.

Originally posted by Avenginggecko
I never said Israel was getting a lump sum, I said they were getting a blank check, which means they basically get a free pass from the American government and access to our coffers with little or no restrictions.

Really? Just free access to our coffers, huh? Doesn't look that way; looks like they are getting a buttload of aid, not just being allowed to take what they want.

And if 75% is being restricted for US produced military aid, how's that a "blank check"? If it were just that, they could spend it whereever and however they pleased.

Originally posted by Avenginggecko
II agree that it's not the responsibility of the US government to stabilize Haiti. I was making a point that instead of us blowing cash like it's nothing in the Middle East, we could have used it for countries in our own back yard to create a stable continent for ourselves.

And how is a stable Haiti good a stable US? I mean, beside the fact they seem to have a disaster down there every year that was have to support with aid?

Shouldn't that be a job for the UN?

Originally posted by Avenginggecko
Also, stabilizing a country after a decimating Earthquake that has killed tens of thousands of people and left the island in tatters is a far cry from a muscular shock and awe campaign in a Middle Eastern country that had nothing to do with terrorism or the US and didn't want us within their borders.

It's a complete apples and oranges comparison.

Exactly, so why is everyone getting all huffy over how much Israel is getting compared to Haiti? It's comparing apples to oranges.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by rufusdrak
Thanks for owning that guy. He truly has no clue. To him INVADING a country and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians as we did in Iraq is equivalent to sending AID to a country ravaged by an earthquake? What a brainwashed sheeple.

Yeah, I got owned.

OK, Gus. The US killed "hundreds of thousands of civilians" in Iraq according to you.

Got a source to back that up, or just running your suck without a clue about what you're talking about?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Back to school for you.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 06:04 PM
yeah..ok...we don't have the money to give "aid" to any country but ours. How about we just mind our own business and let the rest of the world help those in need for once.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 06:47 PM
In no way are my comments meant to make light of the terrible tragedy in Haiti. A very saddening event...


The Federal Government of the US is broke.


If we have that many fiat dollars to freely give then I say give here at home in the US first. I know of many homeless, struggling families that would benefit greatly from any amount of help.


If this does not lay bare much for those with eyes to see and ability to perceive then...

If we were still a nation of production and the economic-engine of the world through entrepreneurial fortitude and liberty then we might be able to afford the much needed charity.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 06:56 PM
Has it occurred to anyone that we have no choice, we HAVE to send money to Israel. Is anyone putting the pieces together yet.
There is absolutely NO LEGITIMATE REASON we would be sending billions of dollars to Israel, unless we OWED it to them. Of course, if YOU and I were not party to the loan, ie, we (citizens) did not receive the proceeds, then we would have NO idea we even owed it.
You have to stop looking at what THEY CALL it.
Who exactly receives our money in Israel?
Why is it such a HUGE priority for ANY administration regardless of how it may turn their stomach?
you and I owe it because we allow criminals to sign papers backed by the credit of the good ole USA. You and me.
When we are all using a credit card issued by an Israeli controlled bank...
and we have to be good Americans and not question things...
and we have to work for whatever they want to pay us...
etc, etc.
or the card is NO GOOD, NO FOOD, NO FUEL, NO JOB,
then those laughing icons will disappear.

Please, put the pieces together. They are all there/here on ATS, actually.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 06:57 PM
Can anyone tell us if Israel is sending any money or aid to Haiti ?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak

Are you saying we should send more money to Haiti?

It seems alot of foreign aid given to Haiti is mis-appropriated or stolen. . .

The World Bank reported last February that virtually all its projects in Haiti in the past fifteen years failed because of ineffective and corrupt government. "The Bank and other donors erred by offering traditional assistance programs without identifying the fundamental governance and political barriers to development." Kidder would have us repeat that error.

In fact, aid to the Haitian government today would be, as Rep. Otto Passman used to say in his incomparable Louisiana drawl, "taking money from the poor folks in the rich countries and giving it to rich folks in the poor countries."

The government officials in Haiti make the people who run the cities of Atlanta, Baltimore and Detroit look like the Swiss in comparison

Former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's government illegally pumped at least $21 million of his country's meager public funds into private firms that existed only on paper and into his charities, government investigators allege.

The investigators reported that about $2.4 million went directly to charities tied to Aristide and his political party, allowing him to take credit for humanitarian works and strengthening his image as a champion of Haiti's poor.

But the bulk of the money is still unaccounted for, according to a report by the Central Unit for Economic and Financial Investigations, or UCREF, created by the interim government that replaced Aristide after his ouster last year.

Keep in mind here im NOT championing for Israel. However just pouring
funds into Haiti is at best high risk.

If you are not satisfied with the aid we're sending them there is always room for you to help out aswell. . . .

The "right" group to give to in this -- or any -- disaster is any of the many with a solid reputation for being even-handed and competent, and -- very importantly -already active where the need is greatest. In other words, one with staff who know the victims and the turf, as well as what assistance and supplies are available, what's coming from outside, and how to get it to where it's needed


A coalition of CARE, Oxfam and Save the Children

1 800 464 9154

Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace

[edit on 14-1-2010 by constantwonder]

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