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Demon Identification Help Required.

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posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 12:23 AM
Here's the link if anyone would like to intervene!

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Patron Saint
I've read through some of the posts on here, so I'll give you my thoughts.

Demons ARE REAL. They are as real as you or I. I'm 31 years old, and about 4 years ago I gave my life to Jesus Christ. At the time, I was addicted to drugs, alcohol, suffered from PTSD, I had severe knee pain from ACL/MCL re-constructive surgery from Airborne jumps and had numerous other problems at the time. When I walked up to the altar, lifted my arms in the air and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior...I saw a bright flash of white light and it felt like 1 Million pounds came off my shoulders. I have had no more knee pain, I haven't touched a drop of alcohol or a drug since and I've dedicated my entire life to serving Him as an Evangelist.

Hey ther Patron Saint ... can I begin by saying how pleased I am for you in the fact that you have found your connection with the God-source.

You might find it difficult ... if not impossible to believe and accept but if you were to change the words 'Jesus Christ' and 'Evangelist' in your post to 'God' and 'Pagan' my own experience and awakening story would be an almost identicle one.

I believe 100% in the God-source (which is the perfect balance of both feminine and masculine energy) ... but I believe that this is the same God-source as your's and everyone elses ... because there is only 'ONE GOD' no matter which path we take to find and connect with it.

And yes, I totally agree that demons do exist ... but not in the same humanized way that you do ... for me it's all about the natural Earth energies both positive and negative.

If you scroll back up page 19 a little way you will see that I have already covered this point. And whilst certain items may be repulsive to you (pentagrams / crystals / dreamcatchers etc), they are in the end only props ... in exactly the same way that a crucifix / holy water / and bible are to a Christian ... they may be good to have ... but the God-source dwells within us and does not need these props to continue existing ... that is just one of the weaknesses we mortals have ... the need to hold something solid in our hands to make it real ... not really necessary IMHO. For me I just look at the buds starting to form on a tree and watch the tide coming in and out ... things that only the God-ource can manifest.

So you see, whilst we may both acknowledge and connect with the one and only God-source (whatever name we call it by) we have taken very different paths to reach the points we have in our individual lives ... but the reality is just as great for me as it is for you.

But because of our different paths we also need to feel comfortable with our approaches and your way is not my way ... no more than my way would not be yours ... the words we speak when we commune with the God-source have to 'touch' us at the deepest level ... we should not utter someone elses words like a parrot ... that would mean nothing and hold no power.

But thank you so much for your contributuion and sharing your very emotive story.


posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 02:39 PM
Minus the God-source bit, that's practically how I view the world. A balance of male and female energies.

I agree with you about items/objects, I think I've mentioned it before, it's not the objects themselves but how the person views them, what works for one, might not work for another. It's just a way of focusing your energy to the task at hand.


posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by phoenix_zephyr
Minus the God-source bit, that's practically how I view the world. A balance of male and female energies.

I agree with you about items/objects, I think I've mentioned it before, it's not the objects themselves but how the person views them, what works for one, might not work for another. It's just a way of focusing your energy to the task at hand.


Absolutely !


posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

It is incredibly interesting that the name is "Zabeth". From my personal experiences using a Ouija Board and accidentally contacting what I believe to be an Inhuman Entity, I have encountered something similar. After the couple of initial uses that had intelligent responses, I ended up having the same issue over and over again whenever I tried to contact someone else. The planchette would zoom across the board always repeating the letters 'Z' and 'M' and often going around in multiple circles. I know it doesn't sound all that similar, but when I saw that name, I for some reason was reminded of these events.

I understand now that circling of the planchette is usually a strong indicator of something trying to "open a portal" or "make a stronger connection" and isn't normally a positive thing.

As for the similar characteristics being experienced by the young girls: I'm not entirely certain it is an Inhuman [Demonic] Entity based only on those characteristics. Although the red eyes sound like a strong indicator, the other events sound more akin to an intelligent human haunting by possibly a malevolent male spirit that has an interest in the young girls. From my understanding, the smell normally associated with Inhuman Entities is that of rotting flesh or sulfur and not normally pepper-based. Normally, an Inhuman Entity will find interest in one particular person and will "haunt" them for years. I haven't heard much about an Inhuman Entity harassing two people at once.

Though I think there is definitely something going on to these girls, I would check around the girls' bedrooms to try and debunk the red eyes. I've seen multiple television documentaries about hauntings associated with red eyes and sometimes they are debunked as being red lights coming from some sort of electronic in the room i.e. thermostat, security system, and/or smoke detectors. It would be very easy for a young person, frightened and tired, to mistake these lights as something other worldly.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by MissCrissi]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by MissCrissi

Hey there MissCrissi,

I don't know if you've seen the 'Red Eyes' photograph ... if not scroll down page 18 and you'll find it.

The 'eyes' show up on a photograph taken on the landing at the top of the stairs at Girl 1's house ...


... they are outside the bedroom door exactly where Girl 1, can be seen standing in the other photograph.

At first I thought it might be caused by some kind of reflection off the door handle ... but if you look at the other photograph taken in the light you will notice the door handle is actually on the lefthand side of the door ... not the righthand side where the 'eyes' seem to show up.

Finally there was no thermastat light or any other kind of light anywhere along the landing let alone anything that could have caused a reflection ... all bedroomdoors and the bathroom door were closed and there are no window on the landing.

Please scroll back on page 18 and take a look at the 3 photographs I would be keen to here your take on them once you've had a looksee.


[edit on 20-3-2010 by woodwytch]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:28 PM
I do apologize, Wood, I had not see your previous posts with the photos in question.

I took the photo with the "eyes" and did some optimizing in Photoshop to see the eyes in the background better as the light anomaly in the front makes it hard to see the eyes in the back.

This is what I got after some tinkering. I desaturated the image so it's a little clearer.

The anomalies making the "eyes" are definitely free-floating, which was easier to see prior to making the image black & white. The anomalies also appear curved, as if situated upon a face. Of course, it may not literally be "eyes" as we are just associating the anomalies with something we can understand. However, I believe you do have some compelling evidence that something unseen is within the household.

I'm sorry if you have already covered anything I may ask. I don't have a lot of time to go through 20+ pages of comments as I'm sure you understand.

Have the girls continued to have any experiences after your investigation(s)? Did the positive warding techniques you shared with them aid at all in dispersing this, apparently, negative entity? Has either girl used a Ouija Board or some other method of spirit communication prior to these experiences starting?

Also, I am not very familiar with the concept of leylines. Could you explain it in any detail or provide a resource I could read?

Thank you!

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by MissCrissi
I do apologize, Wood, I had not see your previous posts with the photos in question.

I took the photo with the "eyes" and did some optimizing in Photoshop to see the eyes in the background better as the light anomaly in the front makes it hard to see the eyes in the back.

This is what I got after some tinkering. I desaturated the image so it's a little clearer.

The anomalies making the "eyes" are definitely free-floating, which was easier to see prior to making the image black & white. The anomalies also appear curved, as if situated upon a face. Of course, it may not literally be "eyes" as we are just associating the anomalies with something we can understand. However, I believe you do have some compelling evidence that something unseen is within the household.

I'm sorry if you have already covered anything I may ask. I don't have a lot of time to go through 20+ pages of comments as I'm sure you understand.

Have the girls continued to have any experiences after your investigation(s)? Did the positive warding techniques you shared with them aid at all in dispersing this, apparently, negative entity? Has either girl used a Ouija Board or some other method of spirit communication prior to these experiences starting?

Also, I am not very familiar with the concept of leylines. Could you explain it in any detail or provide a resource I could read?

Thank you!

Hey again MissCrissi,

Thanks so much for making a copy of the photo in black and white (I'm totally hopeless with anything of a technological nature)
It certainly shows things more clearly ... including the light anomoly ... which does seem to be radiating light or enenergy of some description ... very interesting.

Neither girl has ever used a ouija board ... in fact until these experiences neither of them had any interest in the supernatural at all.

Since the 2nd cleansing and my showing the girls (and their mothers) some protection techniques all has been quiet.

However, because the houses both sit on the same minor (negative) leyline I don't expect this to be permanent.

I myself am certainly no expert on leylines ... I know that the Earth has a network of natural electromagnetic energy lines running throughout ... some even believe there is a similar grid in the space (around our planet).

The most well known major leyline in Britain is the one that runs through Stonehenge ... but besides the major lines there are many minor leylines and equally whilst some run with positive energy ... others run with negative energy.

I will see if I can google a map that shows the leyline positions and upload it if I find one. The point is that when I discovered the two houses opposite each other were experiencing the same type of activity I also recalled reading an article some time ago by a man who had plotted all the leylines in Britain sometime during the 1980's ... and I was shocked to discover that there was a minor leyline running through my own village.

After looking at a map and working out where the local leyline runs I discovered that both houses sit almost at the centre of this short line.


posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 07:30 PM
Found this if it's of any use, couldn't remember where abouts you're located as my brain is trying to dribble out of my ear through tiredness
Still, day off work tomorrow *dances*


posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Thanks for replying and I understand your open-mindedness...but what I must do is preach the gospel truth, whether people like it or not. I'm not here to get into a great religion debate, but I must tell you the truth.

There is only one true God, and there is only one way to get to Heaven and that's by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart. Buddha can't get you there, Muhammed can't get you there, Hare Crisna can't get you there; no one can get you there but Jesus Christ, period. You can not take multiple path's to God, there is only one. This is a new-age theory, and millions of believers in it will spend eternity in hell. I know what I'm typing on here might not be nice or sugar coated, but it is the gospel truth. There is any enemy out there and his name is Satan. He is a deceiver and the father of lies. These items I list are not repulsive to me, as I know the meanings of what are behind them. Anything that has a Satanic theme behind it (and trust me, there are many that people are not aware of) are not intended to be played with. All in all, people who dabble in this all end up the same. Sometimes they die quick, sometimes not...but it all ends in death and an eternal spot in hell. A crucifix, Holy Water, etc do nothing for me...but the power is in the Holy Ghost and Christ Jesus. The Bible is God's living word!! Satan himself has his own Bible, where he promises things of this world; power, fame, money, sex, etc...but it has a large price attached to it.

I'm not one to judge you for what you believe in, not at all. But just head my words as caution. Satan is real and so aren't his fallen Angels and the only thing he wants to do is take as many souls with him to hell as he possibly can. God didn't create Hell for us, as he wants us to have a personal relationship with him. After all, he made us in His image...and that's why Satan hates us so much. I urge you my friend to turn from your ways and let Jesus Christ into your life.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by Patron Saint]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 09:09 PM
I'd like to also add something...

I didn't grow up in a "church family" or household. I was raised by my Grandfather and Grandmother in a small rural town until my mother married a wealthy man when I was in high school. My father died when I was 4 months old as he was drunk and hit a van head on killing the entire family instantly. He lived a few months after that, but I never knew him. At times, I would go stay with mom for a few days when I was younger but I couldn't stand it. Not that I didn't like my mother, but I was terrified of the different places she lived. Every time I stayed at her house I would see things. Shadowy black figures would come out of the closets, toys and stuffed animals would walk, talk and speak to me. Things would fly around the room, beds would jump up and down and the strangest things would happen. It would happen to my mom at times, but every time I was there it happened to me. I can't describe in words how it made me feel. I would tell my grandparents and they would tell me "don't mention a word of this to anyone". Sometimes, these "things" would follow me from her house and spend a day or two at my grandparents. They would bang on the back door, turn the old black and white tv on and off, stuff like that. The older I got, the less I would really see them or have any form of interaction with them. I'd have the usual "voice" where I heard someone talking but no one was around, a strange figure would pass through the shadows at night, etc. When I was in middle school, my mother bought a house out in the country and I went to stay with her for awhile. I was out in the yard playing baseball with some neighborhood friends when I looked up on the top of our hill towards the house. What I saw that evening right before dark I would never forget. It was a tall, dark shadowy figure with red eyes. He had a large, tall Abraham Lincoln hat and it appeared that he had on a large, long black trench coat but it was hard to tell. I knew this "thing" wasn't a human. All I could do was stare at this thing in fear. It never left me and I didn't tell a soul about. Later on in life I joined the service where I spent 2 tours in Iraq and 1 in Afghanistan. My mother gave her heart to Christ and would always talk to me about it, but I wanted nothing to do with that...why would I? I worked a job making over $90,000 a year. I had a beautiful home on a lake, fast women, any drug you could want...I had it all. I became addicted to drugs and alcohol over my PTSD from combat. Later on down the years when I did give my life to Christ is when I found out that my older sister, young sister and younger brother all had seen this same figure at some point in their lives. At this time, I was going to a Christian College for my B.S. in theology. It was a "spirit-filled" school, believing in the Holy Ghost. In there, I learned more about demons thnt I wanted to. I remember when I was around 14 I wanted to contact my dad since I never knew him through a Ouija board (so for jumping all over the place here). That was a pretty bad idea. We contacted something, but it wasn't my dad. For months upon months crazy thing happened around us and to us. I've learned that demons are assigned to each family and they work through various ways. They will throw everything at you until you bite on something, then they still will keep throwing things your way.

I was working with my pastor about a year and a half after I had an Apostle Paul deliverance and a young couple was having problems at home, some of the same problems I encountered at a young age. When we went into the home, the guy had one room full of Jimmi Hendrix posters and other rock stuff from that area; Eagles, Doors, Led Zeppelin, etc. I told him about how Satan uses music to influence us, just as he has used those rock artists (no, not all musicians sell their souls) to do his bidding. We took all of his stuff out in the yard and burned them. A purple smoke rose from the fire and you...

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 09:19 PM
...could literally hear "screaming" coming from a Demon that was inside of that stuff. A very interesting and educational DVD series is called "They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll" which covers a lot of what I am talking about here.

I can't really list everything that I've been through in life or what I have encountered here...but I know, with all of my heart that their is a Satan and he is only here to kill, steal and destroy. He uses people like Marilyn Manson, The Eagles, Crowley and the like to do his bidding and send as many people to hell with him as he possibly can.

When I moved back, before I gave my heart to the Lord I stayed with sister and her family while I transitioned from the Service and was looking for work. I stayed in their basement and would always hear and feel strange things. I was talking to my mom about Iraq at the time and went down stairs to get some Iraqi money and some medals that I was awarded in theater. When I got down to the end of the steps I was completely frozen still. I couldn't move my arms, legs or even speak a word. It felt like I was covered in a thick blanket, being paralyzed. I tried with everything I had to scream and yell for help, but nothing happened. After about 10 minutes, my mother started coming down the steps and saw me just standing there stiff as a board. It just left me within an instant and I explained to my mom what just happened. Not too long after this, my mother would talk about Jesus and for the first time in my life I would listen. As a huge metal head, my sister encouraged me to watch "They Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll". I laughed at it for the first hour or two, but ended up listening to it and watched the entire 4 DVD set. I remember doing a project in High School about backwards masking and how their was hidden Satanic messages in it. This DVD set talked about all kinds of stuff. I decided to throw out every music CD I had and was determined to set my life straight with the Lord. The night before Sunday, or the day I gave my heart to the Lord I was out at my mom's house talking with her. I went to the kitchen to grab a glass or water and came back into the living room. We were talking about God, Jesus Christ and so forth and at the back door came a loud pounding noise. I jumped up and ran to the back door thinking "what dumba$$ wants a beat-down" when I opened it and no one was there. I went back and the same thing happened again. The power cut in and out and the glass I was drinking exploded into about 5 million pieces right in front of us. The Demons (or Demon) knew I was going to give my heart to the Lord.

Some will think I am crazy, delusional, paranoid, etc...and that's ok. Ever since I have accepted my calling into the ministry it has been nothing but an up hill fight. There are things that we cannot explain in this life, but I assure you that Demons or so called "spirits" do Satan's bidding and will trick you into all kinds of things. More and more, you will start becoming less of who you are and you will walk in the flesh.

I urge anyone who reads this page to considering turning their life over to Jesus Christ. While it is a tough, long hard walk...we have a greater reward awaiting us if you can just hold fast.

I pray that the Holy Spirit draws you near and that they may come to the foot of the cross. May you take the binders off their eyes that Satan has placed upon them and open their eyes and ears, that they may hear and understand the truth. Comfort and guide them father, surround them with mercy, grace and love. May you dispatch Angels to surround them and place a hedge of protection around them. In Jesus mighty and precious name I pray, Amen and Amen.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by Patron Saint]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Patron Saint

Hey there Patron Saint,

I don't think you're crazy, paranoid or delusional ... I just think you have a very strong faith and I respect you for that.

That being said I'm sure you already know that my faith is equally as strong and so we must agree to disagree ... because you are correct ... this is not the place to get into a debate about whose idea of God is right or wrong ... we will never agree on that point !

That said if you ever start your own thread about this (your previous post was very interesting and well written with a very strong sense of passion for your beliefs that comes through in your writing), I would certainly be interested in the debate.

But on this thread we must stay on topic and not let it be derailed. Other than a minor glitch a couple of pages back this thread has maintained it's purpose and stayed on track ... as the OP, this is very important to me because I believe the information being put forward ... by a variety of sources is valuable to me and everyone else who has taken time to participate by posting or just reading this thread.

But thank-you for your input anyway.


posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

woody picrat here . i went through the rivergoddesses oobe pages and found the post for the dreamers staff for you .it was posted 2/13/2008 on page 117 hope this helps .

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by picrat
reply to post by woodwytch

woody picrat here . i went through the rivergoddesses oobe pages and found the post for the dreamers staff for you .it was posted 2/13/2008 on page 117 hope this helps .

Aww bless you ... thanks for taking thwe time to find that for me ... I shall take a look at that and let you know


posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:55 AM
Hey woody.
Interesting phenomena you have going here.
My suggestion to you is, get in contact with your local church and synagogue. Usually they don't offer excorsism services if their faith is based on a modern concept.
You can however request a blessed copy of the Roman rites through your Christian church and if the synagogue is related to any older Jewish practice they usually have tomes of spirits and things of that nature.

Sorry if this was posted prior, I felt you needed the information now to support your cause.
Also these practices are not necessarily Christian or Jewish based, they mostly are derivatives of old pagan techniques. In any case, concerning demons or other entities of folklore or such its important to use each weapon at your disposal.
Though I'm sure you don't need me to preach that to you

P.s. suggest to the families to get a cat or dog. Most of the time they alone are good at warding of demons and other spirits.
Good luck!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:33 PM
A couple things. I saw someone posted a very christian approach to things. Not all demons are judeochristian. Most predate those religons entirely. Rituals of excorcism, real ones, not Joe blow tent revival, all have similar elements. It's the process more than the particular God. But the belief in that faith and the rite itself is wwhat purges the demons. Even had a catholic excorcist in Kenya explain it to me after witnessing several.

The objecs can attract an initial encounter. But for the encounter to progress there has to be a degree of acceptance by the host in some respect. For possession anyway. A home isn't possessed because it has an inhuman entity. And there are several degrees of possession.

Then you have various cleansing rituals. No ritual works on everthing. Just like Raid Ant and wasp killer wont kill all bugs. Sage may be good for some not for anothers just like not everyone is allergic to seafood or poison ivy.

This is why proper identifacation is the most important part of the process. It's just like combatting an infection, is it a virus or bacterial? Once that is sorted out and identifacation is made then we can properly remove the infection.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Tail-Eater
Hey woody.
Interesting phenomena you have going here.
My suggestion to you is, get in contact with your local church and synagogue. Usually they don't offer excorsism services if their faith is based on a modern concept.
You can however request a blessed copy of the Roman rites through your Christian church and if the synagogue is related to any older Jewish practice they usually have tomes of spirits and things of that nature.

Sorry if this was posted prior, I felt you needed the information now to support your cause.
Also these practices are not necessarily Christian or Jewish based, they mostly are derivatives of old pagan techniques. In any case, concerning demons or other entities of folklore or such its important to use each weapon at your disposal.
Though I'm sure you don't need me to preach that to you

P.s. suggest to the families to get a cat or dog. Most of the time they alone are good at warding of demons and other spirits.
Good luck!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

This actulally sounds interesting ... worth looking into ... Girl 1's household actually have a cat but she is very old now. Prior to the activity she used to sleep on Girl 1's bed ... since the activity she won't even go upstairs.

The last time we were there to do the 2nd cleansing ... we were all upstairs on the landing and the cat was peeping arounf the corner of the lounge door yowling (is that a word ?) at us.


posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by DrJay1975
A couple things. I saw someone posted a very christian approach to things. Not all demons are judeochristian. Most predate those religons entirely. Rituals of excorcism, real ones, not Joe blow tent revival, all have similar elements. It's the process more than the particular God. But the belief in that faith and the rite itself is wwhat purges the demons. Even had a catholic excorcist in Kenya explain it to me after witnessing several.

The objecs can attract an initial encounter. But for the encounter to progress there has to be a degree of acceptance by the host in some respect. For possession anyway. A home isn't possessed because it has an inhuman entity. And there are several degrees of possession.

Then you have various cleansing rituals. No ritual works on everthing. Just like Raid Ant and wasp killer wont kill all bugs. Sage may be good for some not for anothers just like not everyone is allergic to seafood or poison ivy.

This is why proper identifacation is the most important part of the process. It's just like combatting an infection, is it a virus or bacterial? Once that is sorted out and identifacation is made then we can properly remove the infection.

Loving this explanation DrJ ... and I agree on every level.

I am open minded enough to try anything that works ... I just had my doubts that Christian words would work if I didn't 'feel' what I was saying (as I explained some pages back) ... it's all about the counter-energy you raise within yourself to combat the relevent entity.

As I've said numerous times throughout this thread I am not anti-Christian ...or in fact anti-anything that works productivley ... my only problem is with those who do think that there way is the only way and preach 'at' you.

That's why I have enjoyed (and continue to enjoy), this thread so much because we have had some truly inspiring posts from people following a variety of paths ... which at the risk of sounding all pink and fluffy ... proves that whatever our personal beliefs we can share our ideas ... and respect the opinions of others whatever their approach ... if only that would work on a bigger scale ...


posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch

Originally posted by picrat
reply to post by woodwytch

woody picrat here . i went through the rivergoddesses oobe pages and found the post for the dreamers staff for you .it was posted 2/13/2008 on page 117 hope this helps .

Aww bless you ... thanks for taking thwe time to find that for me ... I shall take a look at that and let you know


I don't think I'm meant to see this information ... I have just gon over the entire page pluss a couple on either side in case you made a mistake and still I cannot find the info you mentioned.

Is there any way you could copy and paste it here ?

So sorry to be such a pain.


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