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Pat Robertson: Haiti

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posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 12:41 PM
In this situation what would Jesus do?

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by autowrench

How about praying to your God that Pat Robertson goes directly to the Christian place they call HELL, and reserve for him the same punishment that Hitler gets in the film, "Little Nicky?"

I hate to break it to you- but if they pray to the same God who lets a man like this not only live, but live WELL- do you really and honestly think your prayer is gonna be answered?

Face facts. God enjoys men like him, and prospers them so they can spread what they do around. I've seen it well more than once with others. God and Jesus either dont exist, or laugh their rear ends off at the antics of truly good people screwed like a $2 hooker in a port town.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:54 AM
Because my thread got shut down for pointing out that Pat Robertson was telling the truth that at the birth of Haiti as a nation that they called upon voodoo spirits (devils) to aid them in their struggle to be free, and sealed with a ceremonial pact, I have posted my response here as I was directed to do. Let me point out that Pat was right in saying they did this thing at the start of their own revolution. That was what he was saying. His viewpoint, and mine, is that a nation who calls on the devil for help will not be blessed of God until it rejects such a plea. Haiti never did. Pat's comments were his own and based upon his beliefs. But what he said is written in the historical accounts for all to read. If you must hate him and his views, do so, but don't say they didn't call on their voodoo spirits and give a ceremony in which they made sacrifice is false. If you can prove they did not do it. do so.


Excerpts from sources:

" The Haitian Revolution "

" A slave rebellion of 1791 finally toppled the colony. Launched in August of that year, the revolt represented the culmination of a protracted conspiracy among black leaders. According to accounts of the rebellion that have been told through the years, François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture helped plot the uprising, although this claim has never been substantiated. Among the rebellion's leaders were Boukman, a maroon and voodoo houngan (priest); Georges Biassou, who later made Toussaint his aide; Jean-François, who subsequently commanded forces, along with Biassou and Toussaint, under the Spanish flag; and Jeannot, the bloodthirstiest of them all. These leaders sealed their compact with a voodoo ceremony conducted by Boukman in the Bois Cayman (Alligator Woods) in early August 1791. On August 22, a little more than a week after the ceremony, the uprising of their black followers began. "

" A brief history of voodoo in Haiti "

" Many years passed and the Vodou religion grew stronger among the people which led up to the events of August 1791 the day of one of the most important ceremonies in Vodou history. The Bwa Kayiman, as its known, was where the Haitian revolution began against the French over-rulers. The ceremony saw the spirit, Ezili Dantor, possess a priestess and receive a black pig as an offering, and all those present pledged themselves to the fight for freedom. After this revolution the world saw the first ever establishment of a black people's republic. Following this break of independence Vodou then began to cross the border into America, where it mostly affected the area of New Orleans as early as 1800. The practitioner responsible for this popularity was a famous Vodou Queen, Marie Laveau; however other forms. "

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by wylekat
Face facts. God enjoys men like him, and prospers them so they can spread what they do around. I've seen it well more than once with others. God and Jesus either dont exist, or laugh their rear ends off at the antics of truly good people screwed like a $2 hooker in a port town.

so, either God does not exist or he exists to enjoy discomfort?

Or perhaps you and I (nor this preacherman) can even fathom what such an entity could "think", as if even "thinking" is relevant description of such an entity

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 10:00 AM
Even the USA's highest institution has called him stupid

White House calls Robertson's Haiti comment 'stupid'

Enuff' said

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Fromabove
Because my thread got shut down for pointing out that Pat Robertson was telling the truth that at the birth of Haiti as a nation that they called upon voodoo spirits (devils) to aid them in their struggle to be free, and sealed with a ceremonial pact, I have posted my response here as I was directed to do. Let me point out that Pat was right in saying they did this thing at the start of their own revolution. That was what he was saying. His viewpoint, and mine, is that a nation who calls on the devil for help will not be blessed of God until it rejects such a plea. Haiti never did. Pat's comments were his own and based upon his beliefs. But what he said is written in the historical accounts for all to read. If you must hate him and his views, do so, but don't say they didn't call on their voodoo spirits and give a ceremony in which they made sacrifice is false. If you can prove they did not do it. do so.


Excerpts from sources:

" The Haitian Revolution "

" A slave rebellion of 1791 finally toppled the colony. Launched in August of that year, the revolt represented the culmination of a protracted conspiracy among black leaders. According to accounts of the rebellion that have been told through the years, François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture helped plot the uprising, although this claim has never been substantiated. Among the rebellion's leaders were Boukman, a maroon and voodoo houngan (priest); Georges Biassou, who later made Toussaint his aide; Jean-François, who subsequently commanded forces, along with Biassou and Toussaint, under the Spanish flag; and Jeannot, the bloodthirstiest of them all. These leaders sealed their compact with a voodoo ceremony conducted by Boukman in the Bois Cayman (Alligator Woods) in early August 1791. On August 22, a little more than a week after the ceremony, the uprising of their black followers began. "

" A brief history of voodoo in Haiti "

" Many years passed and the Vodou religion grew stronger among the people which led up to the events of August 1791 the day of one of the most important ceremonies in Vodou history. The Bwa Kayiman, as its known, was where the Haitian revolution began against the French over-rulers. The ceremony saw the spirit, Ezili Dantor, possess a priestess and receive a black pig as an offering, and all those present pledged themselves to the fight for freedom. After this revolution the world saw the first ever establishment of a black people's republic. Following this break of independence Vodou then began to cross the border into America, where it mostly affected the area of New Orleans as early as 1800. The practitioner responsible for this popularity was a famous Vodou Queen, Marie Laveau; however other forms. "

The truth is that most of the biggest Bible-bashing regimes in history had alleged "pacts with Satan". This would probably include John Dee, Francis Bacon and King James. It might also include the Luciferian leg of Freemasonry in the US. In fact, modern Carribbean Voodoo is part Masonry, and a big part Christianity.
And then, in fact modern Christianity is a big part pagan, or where do your biggest feasts of Christmas and Easter come from? Your pastors and altars, and tithes - where in the Bible are they?
Pat is quite likely a black magician and high priest.
He knows the tyrranical approach of the "Fellowship", "The Family" to foreign affairs.
So lets all agree with Pat because he says he is a "Christian".
Well, read the bloodline and fruits of "Operation Blessing" (so-called "charity money" used to haul mining equipment around in Liberia): and compare it to

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:33 AM
I have a friend who is currently in Haiti (was there when the earthquake struck) doing missionary work at an orphanage. He's got his sleeves rolled up and he's actually sticking spoons in mouths and tending the wounded.
I'm not a christian, and I'm not that fond of missionaries, but I'm seeing my friend's Christianity manifesting in providing aid and helping people. I'm very much in awe of his faith in times like this.

The other side of the coin is idiots like Robertson spouting hatred, but because of their high profile they are are seen as the voice of the religion.
Pat Robertson is a stain on humanity. He's why I hate that side of Christianity. I don't hate Christians, just the nasty people that use it to spread hatred.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by halfoldman

Well, Robertson fans should make a disaster scale based on the pH scale. 0-"neutral 7" measures natural and good qualities of the affected people, neutral 7-14 measures whatever one can attach to their "wickedness".
So, considering the Catholicism, voodoo and general lack of goodness, Haiti morally rests as a 12 disaster. God was mad, but He could be madder.
Robertson would acidically measure 2 or 3, just after the KKK and Aryan Nation. Or not?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:44 AM
This jackass will answer for his deception...that is, unless he really believes it himself. Regardless, the ass enjoys high class living and is able to afford the best in life. What right does he have to speak such nonsense about a tragedy in a foreign land? People still tune in with anesthetized brains unfortunately.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

Well SA has three search teams and other charity flying to Haiti, mainly under "The Gift of the Giver" charity. No morality to be sorted out, immediate response, and founded by Dr Sooliman.
I hate to look at it that way, but actions speak louder than words, and some have undeserved power that shouldn't continue.
If evangelical Christianity still wants to grow and continue, it's got to do some pruning.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

Someone already debunked this.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

I think it was you that had recommended operation blessing to me earlier, thanks.

Just for those unfamiliar with good ole Pat's charity Operation Blessing he, as usual, pan handles for money (different than the money he'll pass on to God for you) for charity work. He begged his t.v. congregation for cash to support the airlifting of refugees from Rwanda (remember the genocide). Turns out the douche lord wasn't helping the devastated people of Rwanda, he was helping himself move diamond mining equipment. How gracious and helpful of him. Now, when your flipping through the morning programs and the 700 club comes on, and Pat is standing there with the telephone number to aid and you see the O.B. ontop of it. Know what it is and where your money will most likely not go to, and that is Haitians. There is simply too much dirt on him to type all of his, ahem, errors in judgment, but one thing is clear. Pat Robertson is ONLY out for Pat Robertson, and the devastation in Haiti is only an opportunity for him to make a few extra bucks.

[edit on 15-1-2010 by searching4truth]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 02:09 PM
Im curious for those that do believe this is happening to Haiti due to their beliefs...

Does that make you decide to not send any aid to them? Does that sway you to not help out the children and others who were effected by anothers 'wrong belief'?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Kaploink
Turning to god? Over 80 percent in Haiti are Catholic and the majority of the rest are Protestant.

Regardless of what Robertson believes, Catholics are Christians.

Actually, by you stating that they are Catholics may get many on this site to fall for Robertson's statment.
But I do not agree with his idiotic ramblings in the least. This was a stupid thing to say and one that he should pay for dearly in reputation points.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 02:17 PM
Pat Robertson is not a Christian. He pimps the Son of God like a common twenty dollar whore for wealth and fame. There is nothing Christian about that. There is no mandate in the Bible that gives preachers the right to become rich and famous on the back of Almighty God. I believe Pat Robertson is the one who has made a pact with the devil.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:07 PM
Personally - I have always known this to be true of Haiti. I would NEVER go near a Haitian native living here in America for the very same reasons Robertson is describing. Voodoo and Santaria are pretty much the "state religion" in Haiti. As soon as this happened I was very conscious of the evil and satanic nature of this entire island. This includes the so-called Dominican Republic. Its all one place - what you’re seeing are only apparent contrasts as though the DR were really prosperous and successful especially when placed against their counterparts on the other side of the island. Haiti is condemned and they have condemned themselves by participating in these evil practices.

Pay attention out there - THIS IS A SIGN FOR AMERICA - because you are in virtually the same danger because of your apostasy and the fact that you have turned from Christ and have become a Godless nation - an abomination in the eyes of God. Retribution is not far off - MARK THESE WORDS as the entire nation goes to the flames.

Robertson is just being honest but you Americans - in your trenchant godlessness and outright atheism are too blinded to see and your ears are deaf to the "WORD" who is Jesus Christ...shame on you all and may God have mercy on this nation - be prepared for a cataclysm: a total disaster wrought by the hand of God for your arrogance and disobedience. The cult of ritual human sacrifice - aka ABORTION - is enough, in and of itself, for God to destroy this nation as He did Sodom and Nineveh.........

[edit on 15-1-2010 by de_Genova]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:12 PM
Duplicate post for reasons of SPELL CHECKING - sorry

[edit on 15-1-2010 by de_Genova]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by de_Genova
Robertson is just being honest but you Americans - in your trenchant godlessness and outright atheism are too blinded to see and your ears are deaf to the "WORD" who is Jesus Christ...shame on you all and may God have mercy on this nation

May the good Lord please strike down all the knuckleheads who figure if it ain't their must be Satan.

Get a clue, get a life, get some common sense...get real. It's people like you that turned Christianity into a cult.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Get a clue, get a life, get some common sense...get real. It's people like you that turned Christianity into a cult.

I realize the truth is sometimes very painful. Usually the ones who have the most vociferous response are the ones in the most agony. I understand your suffering and pray that you find relief - one way or another. God may bring you to it in spite of your resistance and your chronic persistence in your atheism. Sometimes the pain gets so bad that we hit bottom. Then you might be ready for a true conversion of heart and mind - and not any sooner, sorta like an addict in the final throe of an addiction. In the meantime I shall pray for the salvation of your troubled soul........Amen - Praise the Lord........

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 06:37 PM
For Fromabove

Thank you for your insightful and intelligent post above. These people are in desperate need of spiritual guidance......thank God there are peopl on here with strength and courage in the face of adversity.......Ugo.

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