posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 01:25 AM
***if you are frightened or offended by the thought of someone knowing the future and its events do not read this following post***
Hi I'm Anthony, now in my family there is a unquie ability that allows us to see into the future (and past and other # happening in the world(s) )
Anyway many of you are going on about how you can feel a major change about to happen, you are correct.
and it has to do with serveral differnt topics
One of them is Alien contact (although they have been in contact with our goverment they arent publicly open) but soon will be.
What you must understand though our planet is very important, there are others like it but not as many as they would like, and seeing as we are
destorying our (only) planet, logical action on thier part must be taken.
Which will lead into one of two ways
1) humanity ceases all wars unties under one banner, finding alternate ways for power and rescourses and ultimatly heading into a new era of peace
2) humanity continues its sucidal rein on the planet and its many differnt species inhabitants, thus causing extreme but logical actions to be taken,
such us the human race being nearly (or fully) wiped out.
Because if the earth dies so does humanity and all life on it, but if humanity dies then the earth lives
And seeing how the earth is a being beyond most people(s) comperhen, many of you will not accept this as a vaild answerm which is understandable
considering your situation.
Just remeber treat others how you wish to be treated, and an eye for and eye makes the whole world blind