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sense of something major about to happen

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posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 11:46 AM
well i remember before something very significant (always bad) happens in my life i get this little sort of shock in my body its so weird i cant even explain it. I just get this weird feeling somethings gonna happen
then bang minutes later shi* goes down....

so anyway who has felt like this or senses death or danger before it happens?

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 11:49 AM
Sometimes I could be doing something like walking down the street or just watching TV and id just have to stop because something just feels different, is that what you mean? Or is what you feel?

Also what has happened when you have these feelings in the past then, Im curious?

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:10 PM
I can always tell something is going to happen before it does. For example, I know when me and my friends are going to get pulled over by the cops, or when something is wrong with someone I know why. I just see it for a split second then BAM it happens. I can feel peoples feelings even when they are hiding them. I know when someone likes and doesn't like me, even when they act all nice around me. When something bad is going to happen, I usually get a sick stomach. So if I wake up in the morning with a sick stomach I know that something is going to go down. I also can tell when someone is staring at me even if I don't see them actually doing it.

[edit on 12-1-2010 by capgirl]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

I have felt that before, I have been outside in the yard, no birds, no noise, my dog would run near me, his hair stand and growl, then then birds would start chirpping, I could hear other noises. Its really weird, it happens in my house two but the dog will show his teeth and track what I cant see, the Cats hiss and arch there backs, my hair stands up then it stops. The dog and cats run to the spot following a trail until it stops at a wall or door...

Freaking weird stufff eh...

Check this weird one out.. 2004 I was in Samara, Iraq dead asleep on FOB Pacesetter/Mackenzie. I feel this pushing down on my chest I cant move but I can hear the guy in the next cubilce over play Madden 03. I am barley able to open my eyes and see blackness and two red eyes looking back at me, I hear growling, harder and harder pushing on my chest, I know I am awake though, I can barely move my hand and I am tapping on the wood next to me its freaking weird, I mutter a name and trhe weight is gone...

That really Scared the crap out of me.,

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by Rising Against

Check this weird one out.. 2004 I was in Samara, Iraq dead asleep on FOB Pacesetter/Mackenzie. I feel this pushing down on my chest I cant move but I can hear the guy in the next cubilce over play Madden 03. I am barley able to open my eyes and see blackness and two red eyes looking back at me, I hear growling, harder and harder pushing on my chest, I know I am awake though, I can barely move my hand and I am tapping on the wood next to me its freaking weird, I mutter a name and trhe weight is gone...

That really Scared the crap out of me.,

That would scare anyone! Are you sure it wasn't sleep paralysis? I have sleep paralysis and everytime I wake up with it I see a black mass over me and it changes into different shapes. Then I snap out of it.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Sorry double post

[edit on 12-1-2010 by capgirl]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by capgirl

No Its only happened Once. The funny thing the guy next to me said it was hot in there, which is unusal for December.

Edit to add After that is when what I posted about other things happening. like the Cats and Dogs.. Any Ideas??

[edit on 12-1-2010 by poedxsoldiervet]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

well....the most recent one had to do with not gonna get into that but yes

once someone died and before that i just felt something different sort of like a wave of energy that made me feel differnet then minutes later we get the call that hes dead...i dont know its pretty messed up

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by capgirl

yeah same here thats exactly what happened to me.......damn cops pull anyone over these days.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet


that has happened to me to and ive experienced it many times its sleep paralysis exxpect to see anything when your in that cant scream or move its a horrible feeling next time it happens, close your eyes and try to move your toes because their the only part that moves eventually itl pass quick

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:30 PM
Wow i used to have sleep paralysis aswell.

Really freaked me out at first.

Does anyone know what causes it? Or why we have it?

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

pretty sure it happens if we wake up from REM (rapid eye movement) sleep or....our body is awake but our mind is just comming out of a dream state

its so messed up have you heard of lucid dreams? i have a crazy experience to tell you

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by piero

When we wake up from? But when I have it im not sleeping or anything (bar maybe half of the times I’ve had it) sometimes I’ve had it in the middle of the day??

I think I’ve had a few lucid dreams before

It’s where you’re aware you’re dreaming

Oh and go on im curious now lol.........

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:46 PM
I can't really relate to the feeling of something bad happening before it does but I did have a weird... I don't know what you would call it but I'll try and explain

When I was in grade two I was still undiagnosed but suffering from tourettes. My ticks were just starting to manifest themsevles that year and I remember being in my class listening to the teacher and knowing what he would say before he said it and I'd blurt it out loud. At first he was annoyed but it kept happening and he got really worried because he couldn't figure out how I could know what he would say. Later that year I was diagnosed and put on impramine and that particular "ability" (in want of a more accurate word) disapeared. I assume that it might have been simple odds. Like my brain could narrow down in fractions of a second the least likely possible things he would say or something like that. I don't believe it was something extraordinary just something I have never been able to explain properly.

Good thread OP


posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:46 PM
When I was younger I decided to Hitchhike to a different state, for a vacation, a semi-trailer truck stopped to pick me up, and before I climbed into the cab, the hairs on my body stood on end. I dismissed it and got in anyway, 3 hours later the truck jack knifed, and I was thrown through the winshield. It was raining and I contracted pneumonia laying out in the rain. My whole vacation was shot, I attribute this electrical feeling as a bad omen now, is that what you are asking?

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by redeyedwonder

Most of my family (on my mum’s side) have reported things like that (coincidentally there mostly spiritual people also) like for example my cousin and my uncle was walking home and they took a shortcut which wasn’t unusual they often took it but my cousin had this awful feeling about going through a certain part of it which was underneath this bridge and she just didn’t want to go down in fact she refused to so eventually they just went a different way.

Weirdly underneath that same bridge someone got stabbed and killed later that day.

So many times have I got bad feelings about things like my cousin in the story above and it’s come true though.

Weirdly I haven’t heard of anything like this from my dad’s side who are mainly closed minded people.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

I just take for granted that we all can sense danger, and I am not aware of other people in my family who were psychic. If I had paid attention I probably would have waited for a different ride, needless to say I pay attention now.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by redeyedwonder

Im really sorry to hear that happened to you aswell btw

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by thebulldog

When I was in grade two I was still undiagnosed but suffering from tourettes. My ticks were just starting to manifest themsevles that year and I remember being in my class listening to the teacher and knowing what he would say before he said it and I'd blurt it out loud. At first he was annoyed but it kept happening and he got really worried because he couldn't figure out how I could know what he would say. Later that year I was diagnosed and put on impramine and that particular "ability" (in want of a more accurate word) disapeared. I assume that it might have been simple odds. Like my brain could narrow down in fractions of a second the least likely possible things he would say or something like that. I don't believe it was something extraordinary just something I have never been able to explain properly.

I think this is a quantum energy experience.
You were likely receiving the information in a pure form -
ie: not going through the regular mental channels that deter us from what is really being transmitted -

The "knowing" is something we all have -
we just have not learned how to relax into it and trust.

Our senses pick up multiple cues -
Our senses are way ahead of our "thinking" -
It's because we live in a controlled boxed-up
manipulated, and overly stimuli orientated
society that keeps us from this "gift".

It's only a matter of time we recognize and put this into action -
That's if we don't destroy ourselves up first.
Our hope and growth and survival - doesn't lie within a figurehead,
a religion or a political group -
It lies here -

[edit on 12-1-2010 by spinkyboo]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

No sorries necessary, for a past long gone, but it is weird how it follows after a couple hours afterward? Thanks again

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