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Audiences experience 'Avatar' blues

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posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 12:52 PM
What I found most amazing about this film is how people are on the side of the "savages" (or terrorists?) because they are clearly being abused, and yet they can't draw the same parallels between that and what we're doing around the World to other people.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

I have thought about living in pokemon land. would be awsome.

A wild Charizard appears!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 01:37 PM
"Once the message of a tribal self is re-introduced into public consciousness, it may lie dormant in the minds of individuals for a long time, but it is never entirely forgotten again, as it was in childhood. This message is the catalyst for an intellectual awakening among the population, accompanied by the feeling that something old and familiar has been uncovered.

The power of this message to move an individual is due to the psychological fact that, although repression shuts down deep thinking, tribal ideas continue to push for entrance into consciousness."

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

agreed, what is the point of getting so worked up over a good movie. People shouldnt take things so seriously all the time they tend to over-analyze things.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by maximiliian]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 01:51 PM
I loved the film, but have no idea why anyone would feel depressed afterwards.

(Unless like me being 5 months pregnant - busting to use the WC but not wanting to miss anything made me feel more then slightly uncomfortable.)

What really killed any kind of fantasy for me was the simple fact they called this precious ore - Unobtainum.

Great film though.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Monts

Again, change into what exactly?.... Obama, and his Socialist regime have been claiming they will bring "CHANGE" which is the same excuse other Socialists/Communists have used in the past...

I made a post about the real reasons why James Cameron made this movie, and most members of course didn't believe it...even though it came straight from James Cameron's mouth...

James Cameron is a Liberal with many Socialist ideals.... He, like many other Liberals think that "Socialism is the answer to all our problems"...

If you read, or hear the speeches of Socialist dictators the world over, they also claim that "it is all the fault of the Imperialist/Capitalists in the U.S, and they are destroying the Earth... To save the Earth the evil Capitalists must cease to exist"..... and that's pretty much what James Cameron is trying to convey with this movie...

What people don't seem to realize is that Capitalism is the natural economic policy that most, if not all ancient civilizations used to better their lives...

No Liberal seems to want to admit this, but even native Americans had to trade with other tribes for goods they couldn't make, or they didn't have...and this was before the "evil imperialistic Europeans" came over to the Americas...

There is also the fact that MANY Native American tribes, and other tribes the world over were warmongering, and would kill people in other tribes to get their goods, or just for the land..... and this happened with people that were "close to nature"...

There is a spiritual world, and there are spiritual experiences which one can have even if one is "Capitalistic"...

the world of Pandora "might" exist in some other world...but if you look at the film even the people of Pandora were "warmongers" they were prepared to kill most outsiders....

Likewise there were many ancient tribes, and there still are, who are very "warmongering" even though they only use esentials and don't have any technology...

Through Capitalism, and technology we have been able to better our lives, and to save millions of lives...

If you don't like your life CHANGE IT... that is the beauty of living in a Capitalistic nation....

Do any of you have any idea how many people living in Socialist/Communist dictatorships would LOVE to live your life?....

In real Socialist/Communist dictatorships people CAN'T change their lives.... They can't even leave their own Socialist/Communist dictatorial country....

Capitalism is NOT evil...although the Socialist elites are working hard on making you believe that...and James Cameron is also trying to make you believe "Capitalism is evil"...

[edited to add comments]

[edit on 13-1-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:29 PM
Just a question... Any of you actually think you can change the world into "Pandora" by being Socialists?...or by accepting Socialist policies?....

Even i play LOTRO from time to time...but that is just a "fantary" you can't, and you won't CHANGE this world into that sort of world...

Again, even though there were some incredible effects on that movie, which was made thanks to TECHNOLOGY, that movie is trying to convey something which is NOT TRUE....

[edit on 13-1-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:34 PM
That has nothing much to do with the movie itself... rather with the way many film geeks have become entangled to the visual spectacle that big cult blockbusters such as Avatar, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter are. They are being mentally enslaved in the same way than many felled in the trap of World of Warcraft and LAN games in general.

There are very good remedies... just get to pay music with people, go have walks in the nature, and studying how the whole universe lives by itself. This is what Cameron wanted to reflect in his "immersion" into Pandora.. Pandora is nothing else than Nature! it's there... somewhere outside! So just go back to it and stop loathing for some brainsucking virtual realms!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:10 PM
Silly... Just Silly

I would say One aspect of the movie is about trusting your body and your instincts to a lesser degree than main plot...

I think... to walk out of that movie and feel helplessness, defeat, weakness, sadness... is to miss an entire aspect of the flick...

Far more than feeling "depressed" because they can not live in such a place, feeling "depressed" is really a sign and result of recognition that from within one's self you lack the kind of Faith and Courage to live in such a place...

Truth is, the world we live in can be a lot like that... "depression" ? I think it would have a lot more to do with the Epiphany of one's owns actions and deeds and capacities in not being capable of making it happen.

"I want to live like that waaaaaaaaaaa"

simply sounds like roughly translated " I don't know how to live and feel like that waaaaaaaaa"

Maybe it's just a recognition at how far removed they really are from themselves?

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:43 PM
Maybe this movie has another purpose altogether - perhaps it's a litmus test to see just how people would react to the revelation of the disclosure of another, benevolent culture living in our galaxy that has made contact with us?

Get people engrossed in the movie and then gauge their reactions to the introduced superior super-culture.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:47 PM
So let people be depressed. I say if they are depressed over a fantasy that they cannot make a reality then let them kill themselves and seek out that fantasy after death. They would be doing the rest of us a favor by not having to listen to their whining. The fantasy of Pandora is never going to happen in this screwed up world. Get over it, people.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:20 PM
It was a good movie....not depression worthy

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Careful, you're making too much sense!

I completely agree with your posts and would love to give you more stars if I could.

When watching these ideal Utopian realities on the big screen, people forget how human civilization began, why it started expanding, and how/why borders were created. If everyone on this planet knew how to control their anger, jealousy, fear of death and all those other human traits then maybe...just maybe such a reality might be possible, but that won't happen until/unless the human race learns to live off air alone. Even then we'll find a way to control it and charge for it.

Pandora might be possible somewhere on another planet with creatures completely unlike ourselves. This place is a dog eat dog world where every living being must compete or fight for their own survival.

The reason we're not living in the jungle anymore is because we saw the light and realized it's to our advantage to stay out of the cold, rain and snow, or burning sun. It's better to have medicines to treat common diseases that might kill us in the wild otherwise. It's better to have flushing toilets than to have to look for a spot in the woods. It's better to have grocery stores where you can buy your meals instead of going hungry for days before you catch your prey, where you don't have to worry about your crops freezing and leaving you devastated.

If I could live in a virtual world such as Pandora for a couple of hours a day, great. Would I want to live like the many African or Amazon tribes do today for the rest of my life? Hell no!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Power_Semi
What I found most amazing about this film is how people are on the side of the "savages" (or terrorists?) because they are clearly being abused, and yet they can't draw the same parallels between that and what we're doing around the World to other people.

Maybe they can, at least subconsciously, and feel conflicted. Perhaps that's part of the depression this movie is causing.

Personally, I found it visually beautiful and enticing, yet something about this disturbed me on a very visceral level...I can't quite put my finger on it, but I felt the film had "bad energy" of some sort.

As somebody who has lived in many different countries over the last few decades, I understand the various pushes and pulls of conflicting loyalties, which may be part it in my own case. I was also a bit put off by the "Dances with Wolves"/"Last Samurai" -type theme: Outsider from "oppressive" bad place comes into a perfect world and "goes native." Mastering the language, getting the girl, and moving from enemy to savior in a few months. Its very simplistic and black-and-white. In reality, there are no "perfect worlds," and human violence, greed, and moral weakness are universal, whether you are in the Amazon basin or on Wall Street. Most creatures take what they can, when they can, in order to survive. The morality involved is always complex, and the film glosses over this aspect of life with its enormous ethical brushstrokes. Despite all the lush colors, there is simplistic black-and-white romanticization going on.

I also thought the messages in the movie were conflicting: If it is about humanity versus nature, than why is everyone seemingly American? Is this an anti-American stance? An anti-human stance? Anti-war? Environmental? All/none of the above? Somehow the lack of clarity combined with the intensity left a bad taste in my mouth.

Part of me even sees this as a Hollywood "swan song" as it turns its back on America and attempts to pander to a global audience by bashing the U.S. But maybe I'm reading too much into it...

Finally, as others here have noted, I think its sad that so many people's only contact with the real natural world is through increasingly "virtual" experiences like this. Nature is violent, boring, exciting, ugly, and beautiful all at once. No matter how many pixels you use, the screen can never capture the feeling of real sun on your face or real dirt in your shoes.

[edit on 1/13/10 by silent thunder]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:35 PM
People who get the "Avatar Blues" are probably the ATSers who think that Avatar is preparing us for disclosure

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Aggie Man]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by sos37
Maybe this movie has another purpose altogether - perhaps it's a litmus test to see just how people would react to the revelation of the disclosure of another, benevolent culture living in our galaxy that has made contact with us?

Get people engrossed in the movie and then gauge their reactions to the introduced superior super-culture.

It has been said that Stanley Kubrick knew about UFO's and alien life through the govt., and that was why they let him make almost any movie he wanted because he had something on them about the moon.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 10:38 PM
While I was blown away by the technology and caught myself ducking from time to time in the battle scenes and wanting to grab the fireflies or touch the flowers in the forest...

It still to me, was "dances With wolves" (movie) meets Startreck...a simple and common story-line about innocence and getting back to nature...and greed and power

It was non-the less awe inspiring.

I was sad Sigourny Weaver died...she survived in all the other alien movies..this time, alas, though unfair...she died.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by wiseone11
I was sad Sigourny Weaver died...she survived in all the other alien movies..this time, alas, though unfair...she died.

It wouldn't be a James Cameron tear-jerker without at least one heroic death...

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:48 PM
(double post, sorry).

[edit on 1/13/10 by silent thunder]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by EMPIRE
What it tells me is many of those people have mental issues and live meager lives.

Yes, they do. They think the goal of life is to get an education and to be a productive corporate slave, to get a mortgage and "earn" the right to live on the planet they were born on.

Having their bubbles burst must have been very painful.

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