posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:55 PM
Yes, the reason that we are in Iraq is to secure the oil for western oil companies, the same companies that were expelled from Iraq by Saddam Hussein
after they refused to support his desire to dramatically expand Iraq's oil output. ( Please see the excellent article by Greg Palast on the hidden
history of the oil companies involvement with the oil fields of Irag. It's eye-opening.) He threw them out and they, in turn, thru their
subsidiaries, refused to sell him the equipment necessary to expand his newly nationalized oil industry on his own. He never achieved his desired goal
of maximizing Iraqi oil output. Instead he was branded a ruthless murderous dictator by the same people who had once praised him as a valuable ally
when he waged our first war on Iran for us. They trumped up a case for war against him, arrested him and tried him in a kangaroo court and,
eventually, hanged him for what amounts to treason against the oil companies, in my opinion.
So, while we're at it, let's talk about Afghanistan for a second. If the goal with the Iraq incursion was, in part, (I say "in part" because there
are a few other major benefits to our global corporate strategy that were achieved by occupying Iraq that I won't talk about right now), was to
re-obtain the oil reserves under Iraqi soil for the big oil companies, then what was the invasion of Aghanistan all about? Arresting Bin Laden for
9-11? Don't make me laugh! If the only thing in Iraq worth coveting is thousands of cubic miles of untapped oil reserves then what does Afghanistan
possess that is of equal or greater value? The poppy plant, silly!
Afghanistan has traditionally been the largest producer of illegal poppies and, therefore, illegal opium and heroine in the world. Before Jimmy Carter
was elected into the presidency, the government that ruled in Afghanistan was Communist and the billions of untraceable dollars that resulted from the
sale of their illicit crop was largely funneled into Soviet coffers. Let's digress here for a moment to explain the significance of the
"untraceable" part of the last statement.
The illicit drug trade is illegal in virtually every nation on earth. In spite of that fact it is the world's second largest industry, just slightly
lagging behind the sale of weapons. The illegal status of the drug trade mandates that all sales transactions are done strictily on a cash basis and
no records are kept as to how much was rendered and who was the receiving party. What this means is that there is no "paper trail" left behind for
foreign intelligence agencies to follow or pesky prosecutors to trace in order to tie the illgotten fortunes to whatever purpose the money was atually
put towards or who actually spent it. All of the major intelligence networks on the planet use the drug trade to launder enormous sums of cash that
they use to finance operations that are not only illegal but also would be highly objectionable to most of their citizenry, if they were actually to
become aware of the sinister crap that their governments were engaged in.
When Carter took office the Taliban were a rag-tag band of Islamic fundies who were opposed to the Communists who ran their country, and were
haphazardly trying to organize a resistance movement. Under Carter the CIA vigorously organized, equipped, and trained the Taliban, (then known as the
Mujahadeen) in order to enable them to fight a proxy war against their Commie adversaries. They even used their connections to recruit young idealists
from across the Middle East to join in the glorious struggle against the Communist oppression in Afghanistan. Among the recruits was a young Osama Bin
Laden. let's be honest here. Was Carter really interested in replacing a Commie state with an Islamic zealot organization? Of course not! He was
interested in redirecting the illicit cash flow from the Communists to us!
Eventually the Commies were deposed and the Taliban took control of thier nation in the name of Islam. At first the Taliban Fundies allowed the poppy
cultivation to continue because they needed the immediate cash flow to stabilize their country's economy, which had been crippled by the prolonged
war. This was exactly what our government wanted, of course, since now most of the invisible cash was going into their coffers and not the
But then, after a year or two, the Fundies got crazy, as Fundies often do. They passes a law forbidding the citizenry from cultivating the poppy, and,
within 8 months, they had almost wiped out the entire poppy trade from their borders. I think you can all guess what America's reaction to this new
development was. They manufactured a pretext for war and invaded Afghanistan, deposing the Taliban and assuming absolute control over the manufacture
of opium.
according to the High Command, our forces are doing everything they can to curb the cultivation of the poppy in the country. In spite of this claim
the New York Times noted that the production of opium was up by 26% over last year's inventory, despite our military's best efforts to eradicate the
cultivation. Gee, it only took the Taliban 8 months to reign it in, but our crack troops can't even begin to put a dent in the dope trade! How
The large objectives then are to secure the oil, secure the dope and surround Iran for the inevitable war that we will wage upon them in the name of
our most sacred of objects; the State of Israel. And they don't care how many of your kid's lives they have to sacrifice for this to happen. These
are the goals of our corporate government, all draped in red, white and blue and validated by the ongoing false-flag terrorism that they wage upon us
and the rest of the world.