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Videos of soldiers abusing Iraqi children and Animals

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posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by The_Archangel

You have one video of a soldier who might be abusing a dog, so we are supposed to over look the Islamic thugs killing innocent women and children in Iraq on an almost daily basis, supposedly in the name of god?

The rest of the videos are nothing but propaganda garbage.

While a few U.S. soldiers blow off steam on occasion, what they do is nothing compared to what these radical Islamic thugs do on a regular basis because they insist that they get to tell people how to live their lives.

I wasn't a supporter of the war in Iraq, but the more I learn, the more I support this war, and garbage threads like this only convince me even more to support this war against these scum bags who kill innocents for their insane religious beliefs.

Here is a link I started with links to legitimate sources, in case you decide to take a realistic look at who you are supporting.

Afghanistan: The War for Girls

In this small world, with these religious nut jobs treating their women like they all too frequently do, it is like living next door to a guy who constantly abuses his wife and children.

At some point you got to take action.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 11:20 AM
1st of all you are putting thousands of people in a group and saying they are all the same, but they aren't. How can you say ALL soldiers aren't heroes. There are always a few in a bunch that screw it up for everybody else. So, if 1 soldier does something wrong, then they are all bad. Okay, so lets take your wacko way of thinking and see if it makes sense in other situations. For some reason you have rationalized this. God, people are CRAZY!......I will do this in lamance terms so that you could maybe understand. Going with your theory.....
So, 1 man kills a woman and that means ALL men are bad.
1 woman kills a child so that means all woman are bad
1 lion kills a deer so they are all bad
1 shark kills a human, all sharks are bad
1 man rapes a child, so all men are bad

Lets flip it around and see if you get it yet.
1 man gives to charity-so all men give to charity
1 woman adopts a child-all woman adopt children

You are putting everybody in the same category. That makes no sense at all. I guess I can also say----1 moron puts everybody in the same group based on 1 persons actions, then I guess everybody will do the same? NOPE sorry that is not true.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by The_Archangel

Here is a link I started with links to legitimate sources, in case you decide to take a realistic look at who you are supporting.

Who is supporting them? I'm not. Your unfounded, half baked rhetoric is akin to that of Bush and his 'your either with or against us' speech. Just because you are sent to the frontline should never excuse these actions.

Was the Biscari Massacre justified?

Miscari Link

Was the Massacre in My Lai justified?

My Lai Link

Was the Abu Ghraib torture acts justified?

Abu Ghraib Link

The answer to all these questions should be a resounding 'No', but due to a misguided sense of patriotism many posters feel that US troops above reproach. This is not the case. If the US war machine wants to project an image of civility to the 'savages' that they are trying to 'domesticate' then firstly, the actions of the troops must reflect this and the conduct should not decend down to the level of those that they are trying to indoctrinate.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Victoria 1

Who is your post aimed at?

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Occy Anonymous

I appreciate you bringing these topics up, but I have a few issues with the way you describe these videos.

One video says someone is masturbating... dont you think the audio could have been added later as someones sick joke, or a way to make the video that much worse. Sure, the video shows troops beating on people but you dont know the events leading up to that. These troops are fighting a war in a country where sometimes the children are the most dangerous foes. Do you know how many soldiers I know personally that had to shoot a 10 yr old child because the kid was shooting at him? Sometimes these kids are brainwashed by their parents and told to throw rocks or shoot at US troops. Its always a sad sight to see children being harmed. But, believe it or not a well placed rock can kill someone. What should they do, politely ask them to stop ? Keep in mind soldiers are trained to react, if they were being threatened, a beating is much better than being shot.

The rape video makes me sick, but how can you be certain that idiot is an enlisted soldier? All I saw was some drunk P.O.S. telling some story because his idiot friend was egging him on.

The grenade one shows how dumb some soldiers can be. Personally, I hope that individual was caught and forced to clean out the Andy Gumps. Not that it makes it ok, but the child did NOT look afraid

Remember, people are only human after all. There are corrupt police, politicians, soldiers, CEO's, wall street bankers, every profession will have good and bad people. Some people are just evil.

But, as we strive to deny ignorance, lets remember to be subjective with our assumptions

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Occy Anonymous

Beside the occasional sociopath/psychopath who has the opportunity to out his dark compulsions in a warzone there are the men/women that "lost" themselves on the battlefield.

If you'd ask me all the horrific visuals and the necessary killing can change the moral standard of a soldier.

There is also the situation where there are individuals who instigate others with unethical behaviour. The stuff that happened in the Abu Ghraib prison is a good example of that.

These circumstances are not an excuse for behaving like a monster and it sure is something that should be reported to the militairy police.

The soldiers should also be informed during their trainingdays that they should be aware of such changes of conduct within themselves and others and report it if they see such behaviour. That way the militairy staff can take action and prevent it from escalation.

I am not a shrink and do not know if someone can notice such changes within himself but it is clear that such behaviour must be stopped.

That's my take on it....and 0.00002 (euro)cents

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:07 PM
There are bad people everywhere. there are also good people everywhere.!

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:13 PM
It seems to me like you don't support our troops.
You know, the enemy does much worse things.
Remember 9/11?

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Knoen
It seems to me like you don't support our troops.
You know, the enemy does much worse things.
Remember 9/11?

Can you tell me what Iraq or Afganistan had to do with 911?

I can't see the connection is?

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Don't get off topic, Sean48.
Make your own thread if you want to discuss that.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Knoen
It seems to me like you don't support our troops.
You know, the enemy does much worse things.
Remember 9/11?

I didn't bring this topic up, you did .

It seems like you want to justify these actions, wars , by using 911.

I'm just curious as to why this is a valid reason.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Sean48

No, you just assumed I did.
I referred to 9/11 as an example, nothing more.

If someone attacked you, what would you do about it?
Lay down and let them take over your country and culture like the U.K.?
This is America, we don't take that.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Knoen
reply to post by Sean48

No, you just assumed I did.
I referred to 9/11 as an example, nothing more.

If someone attacked you, what would you do about it?
Lay down and let them take over your country and culture like the U.K.?
This is America, we don't take that.

I agree , those attacks were epic in scale , we should get those S.O.B's.

So why are we in Iraq, Afgan, when it was planned, arranged by and paid

for by Pakistan and Saudia Arabia?

That part confuses me.

[edit on 11-1-2010 by Sean48]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by Sean48

We're there for oil, of course.
Are you new?

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Knoen
reply to post by Sean48

We're there for oil, of course.
Are you new?

I'm actually relatively new , yes.

Why bring up 911 then, there was no oil in the WTC complex.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Who said anything about oil in WTC?
I was talking about in the Middle East.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by The_Archangel

Sorry dude, but no one is claiming that U.S. soldiers are above reproach, we just don't support cheaply made propaganda garbage like you do in order to bash U.S. troops.

I haven't seen anyone on this thread who feels that U.S. soldiers should not be punished when they commit crimes.

However your willingness to support the propaganda lies that are posted at the beginning of this threat does support the religious fanatics who kill innocent women and children in Iraq in a regular basis.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Ridhya
The grenade video? Are you serious? I laughed my ass off! You just added it as kindling for the fire right?

reply to post by The time lord

I totally agree with you about crazy laws, but seriously?:

Originally posted by The time lord
So don't be too against your own country and people, sometimes they do wrong but the bigger picture is that the whole army is trying to stop these harsh laws and free people while a few break the moral codes.

Then why the hell arent we in Saudi Arabia, N Korea, Sudan where the laws are worse? Your own reasoning why is PROOF its not the reason why were in A-stan, and you guys are in Iraq. Hell while we liberate Saudis maybe we can, I dunno, arrest people actually involved with 9-11..?

You are also right in what you say, but if the epicentre of the problems are dealt with like Iraq and Afghanistan the rest will follow by example, if the Muslims or persecuted minorities from the rest of the Middle East want a safe haven which is not Europe then they can use Iraq as shelter once the place has become a bit more civilised. Then maybe everyone else without having to Invade the whole Middle East will see that Iraq is good and successful once it sells its oil off and starts trading like the old ancient Babylon. People might follow by example and start calming their laws down a bit and be more tolerant. That is what GWBush was speaking about anyway.

[edit on 11-1-2010 by The time lord]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:41 PM

PS: I can't state this enough, All soldiers are not like this, the majority are good men and women who are truly doing an honorable job and deserve our respect. Just the ones in this video are truly appalling.

I try to bring up as often as I can in every post that these men do not represent all our armed services, I put them up because judging from their attitudes and the sheer number of similar of reports there would appear to definitely a niche in our armed services overseas who are making a sport out of abuse.

While some of the videos have been reported on by various networks there was nowhere near as much coverage as say if this was catholic priests. The army is never going to get rid of this problem if they keep handling it quietly these people need to be publicly shamed as a lesson to those who would follow.

The last video has actually been "reported" on however not publicly and you have to search specifically for it. For such a heinous crime I would imagine it would be hard not to hear about it, yet instead the Army orders it to be a non advertised story and people remain ignorant.

Yes the grenade story to us might be funny but this child has been around explosions and grenades his whole life. he has to worry about suicide bombers and gunfire everyday, he doesn't know who he can trust. He laughed about it, but imagine if he didn't? If he got angry or started crying? You cannot show weakness in a place like that.

The occasional sociopaths soldier perhaps, but these men seem to be getting brainwashed to kill, not to protect. War should be about PROTECTION, not anything else.

I am not against the troops. I am against a government that sent them there. I am against people like you who would blindly support and gave the government the support to do this. But I am not against the troops, I want them to come home and live. You want them to stay and die, who sounds like they're against the troops more?

PPS? I also stated several times that these were not only US soldiers and not assume they were. And yes perhaps the sounds were added in later but perhaps not there is no real way to tell. But judging from some of the other videos I wouldn't put it past them. Also these videos were released to the public by Moral soldiers who felt the need to, if they were out of context why release them in the first place?

[edit on 11-1-2010 by Occy Anonymous]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 05:09 PM
A lot of it has to do with how these soldiers are trained, some are trained to be like bullies, some go through bullying and extreame training which is not in the manual and yet they send these troops out like thugs on drugs and while we are supposed to praise them for that. The teaching of their mental state starts are base 1 which is where they train, maybe their numbness have blunted them down too far and produced emotionless acts of depravity or a reverse mental state of self protection and survival.

But which army behaved like Saints in the history of mankind? No one I bet but it could be much worse if all the troops behaved in such a way.

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