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U.S. Soldier Captured by Taliban: Latest Video

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posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:44 AM

these 'taliban' and other 'terrorist' orginisations speak about the same 'conspiracies' that we speak about on here. Difference is they are on the ground fighting for what they beleive in.

I dont condone them or support them, but I have to say if they are fighting for what they beleive in then they have honor.

Everyone said Gillad Shalit was butchered by Hamas, deep down I knew Shalit was not murdered by Hamas, why? they have something the Israelis and the Americans will never have, respect for prisoners of war.

This man is probably upset because he knows his family is going to watch this, he is wearing the glasses to hide his tears.

His speech of his hands is clearly stating he is not bull#ting.

Everything he has said is historically accurate.

Do not confuse the taliban with Al Queda they are two seperate entities.

Al Queda was trained by the USA as a mercenary army which fought in the Balkan wars.

on the other hand the taliban fought the Russians and was funded by the USA.

Did you know that the Taliban offered to give up Bin Laden several times to the US before it was invaded?

NO... you didnt.

These guys also controlled down the opium levels in Afghanistan, and suddenly the amounts of heroin are exploding all over the world because of hamid karzais brother who runs the entrie opium trade in afghanistan and has his crops under the protection of US forces.

Who is Hamid Karzai? He was head of an energy board and knew George Bush senior and junior personally.

I hate to tell you this people but the Taliban as 'barbaric' in some instances that you might say, they are the good guys.

Heroin is now an epidemic in afghanistan, and it is encroaching on Iran, and all over the world, it is now cheaper than ever before.

If you can put 1 and 1 together to make 2 you soon get the idea that these people are not the enemy.

I do not beleive they will exectue him and you can hold me that to my word.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:47 AM
Don't think for a second this kid is doing anything but staying alive. Not that I condone what he is saying, and I can't prove or disprove that he has gone through SERE training, but he is reading from a script and there is a 100% chance they literally have a gun pointed at his head which you don't see. He is trying to stay alive and doing or saying anything that will do that for him. &^%$ the Taliban!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:50 AM
So anyone knows what's the source of the video?

How do you know it's not made somewhere in Kansas?

What did media say about it (the source)?

Fact that this video is shown on MSM but cut gives a better message than the video itself

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by spy66

Really, you really believe what you are saying. If he left and deserted would he still be wearing his uniform. If someone is a deserter and feels so strongly as you say he does he would wear the clothes of those that either captured or took him in. Wearing a Uniform is supporting your country, which contradicts what you are saying. If you haven't been through SERE training then you are not privy to the strategies involved with staying alive. Its and escalation and de-escalation of words and other techniques to help keep you alive. If this kid is facing death which anyone caught these days knows the chances of survival with these types is next to nothing. This kid knows that and is probably desperate. Plus, unless you have walked a mile in his shoes you shouldn't be so quick to judge him. Way to support your country and Fellow countrymen!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:59 AM
useless soldier.

If you don't want to do this stuff, don't enlist.
It's that simple.

How do you think your society works? how is it that you can freely waste energy or food without a second thought. Do you not think there is a price for that sort of wasteful luxury.

People have become stupid overall to how the world works.

Grunts waking up? Give me a break. I'd dishonorably discharge any soldier that willingly made this kind of counter propaganda.

If you're a soldier, you enlisted to do what you were told to9 do. Now do it and make your political ramblings later. In the meantime, there's a war to fight. Stop pitying your enemy and kill him or be branded as worthless and a coward.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by djusdjus]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:18 AM
Not a script, vocabulary is not that of a foreigner or a foreign terrorist.
We hear alot more Anti American rhetoric used.

He pauses and appears to formulate his words, also an indicator that there is no script involved.

He doesn't appear to be in poor health, and his uniform even looks unusually neat. Not as if he's been rolling around in it unwashed for the past 6 months or so.

Just maybe he is telling the truth.

I mean who invaded who's country ?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:22 AM
Who tells us that this guy didn't make this video HIMSELF to express his opinion on war and then simply deserted? I mean, is there any HARD PROOF that this guy was ever made a pow? It would seem a very intelligent move: make yourself some good footage, disappear and then send someone the tape so that someone believes you've been captured. if it's true, though, I believe he is saying what he feels: that this war is a tumor ready to be extracted and that it should have ended before it even started.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:54 AM
war casualties, sucks to be him !

hey Guess where Mr Bush is right now ?
playing Golf with his buddies dick cheney.

what are you people fighting for in afghanistan and iraq ? somebody will say to protect our country from terrorist attacks ! well sorry buddy its not working and you know why im freaking right , look at the date
" Detroit Judge Enters Not Guilty Plea for Nigerian Air Terrorist
World | January 9, 2010, Saturday "

there will always be freaking terrorist attacks they will find ways as those drug dealers do. this guy on video is a stupid dude ! should've asked his family what they think about the war and if it was a good idea to go.

im just telling you how it is. americans fighting around the world, while they can't protect their own homeland. its crazy

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:03 AM
It's all perspective people...

what he said is what people like Ron Paul would have said.

Whether or not you believe that it was his own will or if he was forced is all based on your beliefs.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Sianara

An important point he makes is about the numbers of casualties. He says there is a real number vs. what we've been told. I recently discovered that the DoD has a deceptive way of counting casualties. Only if a soldier dies on the battlefield is he/she considered a casualty. If the soldier is injured but makes it off the battlefield (by helicopter, etc..) and then dies he/she is NOT considered a casualty. This is ridiculous. I want the REAL casualty numbers (aka the truth). Anyone know the real number of casualties or how to find out?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by donhuangenaro

Yeah right...Peace in the World if nobody would enlist. That would be funny if not so sad. Its idealistic crap. I wish it could be true but humans which we all are, both Taliban and Soldiers, are not capable of peace. The Taliban does not believe in Peace as they were killing their own people that did not conform to the what they believe long ago and Americans are not capable of peace in our own country with ourselves much less any one else. Read the newspaper once in awhile and see how many people die from stupid arguments not related to any War other than the played on the streets of America every day. Humans are Human and will always kill maim and die because of other humans. As for the soldier I hope he is able to return and live his life as he wants whether it being against the war or not. But that Peace in the World crap is just that!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Faustian Spirit

Military personal just don't sneak away from their units in Iraq and Afghanistan. Where would they go? Who could they trust? Even if you knew somebody you thought you could trust there is still a price on your head.

When I was watching the video I thought that sun glasses could be to avoid blinking. Do a search on Jeremiah A. Denton who was a POW in Vietnam and blinked out the message "Torture" while being video taped. Making sure people could tell he was not reading from a script could also be a good reason as well.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by djusdjus
useless soldier.

If you don't want to do this stuff, don't enlist.
It's that simple.

How do you think your society works? how is it that you can freely waste energy or food without a second thought. Do you not think there is a price for that sort of wasteful luxury.

People have become stupid overall to how the world works.

Grunts waking up? Give me a break. I'd dishonorably discharge any soldier that willingly made this kind of counter propaganda.

If you're a soldier, you enlisted to do what you were told to9 do. Now do it and make your political ramblings later. In the meantime, there's a war to fight. Stop pitying your enemy and kill him or be branded as worthless and a coward.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by djusdjus]

I don't think this is a "willing" statement unless you mean intimidation and threats of execution and a will to stay alive imply "willingness".

I simply can't believe all these people like rainfall who say things like, "Illegal occupation" yada yada yada.

I got news for you, THEY ATTACKED FIRST!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:40 AM
I am really torn on everything about Afghanistan.

I'm pretty sure that at least one of the reasons he said such things in the video was because he was worried for his own safety.

But then again, there are many soldiers, and veterans, as shown in the video, who speak the exact same words.

I feel like it would be best if NATO would leave Afghanistan, but if they did leave, I feel like the Taliban would easily be able to regain control of the country. A bloody civil war, ending with the same oppression, be-headings and beatings that existed prior to their downfall.

Seeing those parts of the video where the bombs are hitting the vehicles hits pretty hard; I have a friend whose uncle was killed in Afghanistan by an IED.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:00 PM
Its interesting to here opinions about this. Especially those who think that this guy is being forced or somehow reading from a script. With the release of the last video of the soldier giving his speech about the war and the people over there, then that must have been scripted by the Taliban also. And i guess all the other vets that were expressing there feeling were too reading scripts and being forced by the Taliban to say what they told them.

Its easy to hate a person or group of people if I never ever interact with them and only listen to what the "Government" tells us that the "bully" is doing. All these s called "Patriots" that support this bullshhhhhhh war really need to put on their "Thinking for yourself hats" and look at the situation from the peoples perspective over there. I got a friend that saw the soldiers speech video and he called the guy a PUSSY for speaking out against the war. He' s a pussy because he doesn't want to kill poor innocent women, men and children. Thats interesting.

If we were truly fighting a "War on Terror" then after the 9/11 event our borders should have been shut down until all this mess could be resolved or the "Terrorist" eliminated. I don't give a damned if we had to shut the borders down for 15years. If your a country supposedly protecting your people then a little border closing wouldn't hurt. But yet America has done nothing to secure its borders. NOTHING. Well you cant close down all the boarders that takes away our freedom to move in and out of the country, we just cant do that is what I have been told. So its ok to take away peoples freedoms via documents such as the Patriot Act, but protecting the borders isnt a good idea. LOL, ok. War is for the insecure and weak, BOTTOM LINE!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by spy66

Here you go.

Stockholm syndrome

In psychology, the Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express adulation and have positive feelings towards their captors that appear irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims.

Stockholm syndrome requires time. How long has this man been missing?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Lavey2

Did you know that the Taliban offered to give up Bin Laden several times to the US before it was invaded?

Your right I didnt. It's not that I dont believe you... but can you post the credible material that establishes this as fact and not hearsay?

I also heard Stockholm Syndrome takes a while. One full day of waterboarding can be the 'a while' you talk about. Hypnosis, and mind altering drugs can be used as well. Ali Mohammed had a psychology degree and he stole training manuals from inside of JFK Special Warfare Center, of which has a PSYOPS program. He translated the manuals and the manuals were spread out throughout the fanatical extremist networks. It isnt like they dont know what to do once they capture one of our guys.

While I agree he seems passionate about what he is saying... I am not sure that he is in his 'ultimate paradigm'. I think he is speaking through a paradigm engineered by both his survival mechanisms and the real threat of torture/death. Once we get him back home (because they wont kill him) he will be saying something completely different.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:23 PM
Wait some of you seriously believe that he's doing this voluntarily?

Oh wait, it all makes sense. He deserted the Army for Taliban, who like to shoot people in his uniform or capture them and chop their heads off on national television. He thought that he could make friends, and they'd all spread their message of American Imperialism!

Grow up. I say send in the Rescue Rangers and bring him home (as well as all of the other troops while they're at it

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by minigunner
reply to post by spy66

Really, you really believe what you are saying. If he left and deserted would he still be wearing his uniform. If someone is a deserter and feels so strongly as you say he does he would wear the clothes of those that either captured or took him in. Wearing a Uniform is supporting your country, which contradicts what you are saying. If you haven't been through SERE training then you are not privy to the strategies involved with staying alive. Its and escalation and de-escalation of words and other techniques to help keep you alive. If this kid is facing death which anyone caught these days knows the chances of survival with these types is next to nothing. This kid knows that and is probably desperate. Plus, unless you have walked a mile in his shoes you shouldn't be so quick to judge him. Way to support your country and Fellow countrymen!

Yes i believe what i am saying lol.

Why would he sit in front of the camera with he's uniform if he was a deserter?
Because he dosent think he is a deserter. He is against the American cause and the war in Afghanistan. Thats why.

IF he was a prisoner of war. He would never have been allowed to sit in front of the camera with a helmet and dark glasses on. They would have wanted every one to see his face. And they would also have wanted him to look very sorry. Not just for what the US army is doing. But also for he's involvement in this war.
But this guy dosent look sorry or scared when he speaks.

Just by looking at his face while he speaks you can clearly see that he is not reading from a speech. When he looks down he speaks to long of sentences to be reading from a projector or a BIG NOTE. The way he uses his arms, tells you that he is actually speaking is mind.

If he is reading words displayed on a projector. He must be speaking from a big city, because no other Village would have any power to run a projector.

If he was reading from notes. The words would have had to be written on a very big piece of paper for him to be able to read them. And we should have been able to notice or hear when they change the paper. He would most likely have had to pause his speech while they change notes.

And sometimes in the video he sits like he owns the room. He is way to relaxed.

The story about this guy is as wage as fog. No one really know why he left his post. And the official story is that the US army have not made a official statement to how he disappeared. Some say he left his post. Got drunk and got caught. The other story is that he got to far behind his unite on a patrol and was ambushed and taken.

tja which one is it?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:41 PM
Some of the usual suspects on here. I guess thinking all American military are somehow stupid or worth less in the grand scheme of things somehow makes their pathetic lives seem better. To those of you rejoicing in this mans misfortune, remember, if/when the shtf don't expect anything from these same people It's all fine and well to sit behind your keyboard and post drivel from the safety of home..........try making a difference or living a life outside of your bitter little bubble.

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