I despise the Grammer Police...
For starters it's a forum not a thesis, kudos to those who occassionally post that way, ats needs you! But not every thread is important enough for
MLA standards lol, certyainly not at 2:00 am...
Mostly I find there are 2 people...
1: Communicates and thinks freely
2: the other more controlling and can't cope or even comprehend without an exact structure (this usually goes for daily life too)
Personally I think the "Rule Bearers" are the less intelligent of the two always striving for order so they can make sense of things, same people
that want a Black and White answer for everything...
I am Mopus Vindictus... The Vindictive Mope, partially at least a character, comedic along the lines of a Lewis Black ranting about society, mean,
viscious and out of control within parameters i can get away with...
I am a serious scholar, particular in regards to a few subjects like Health and Nutrition and Longevity
And sometimes... I'm just me pouring out some feelings....
And sometimes... I'm the crazy guy in the trailer that has a small in on every thing conspiracy...
Regardless, each persona has different needs... Grammer doesn't apply when conveying the guy who grew up in brooklyn and speaks with a certain
Am I ranting? Am I being serious? An I just trying to be funny adopting an "attitude"
Grammer and spelling carry varying degrees of importance...
Any writer needs to express, different voices, different moods, different emotions...
Traditional English hardly covers it....
Mostly though, when someone comes at you with a response of "you can't spell or blah blah" it's for One reason... they are stupid and have
nothiong original to say as a comeback... i'd say 99% of the time this is the case...
There is the odd truely illiterate drunked Thread sure... but they are RARE!
Anyone who can read between the lines can make sense of the vast majority of posts and "get" what is being said... The "GRammer" attack....
almost always for lack of anything relevant to cme back with
Truth be told when I get those... I consider it an automatic win of a debate, the person has NOTHING, it is... firing a gun sideways at a Swat team
at that point, a last failed attempt to score points with no actual insight or information... or ability to get a win in a debate.