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Being Physically Beautiful

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posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Selahobed
Dragonmusic you are hot, and I fancy you, wow... BET YOU NEVER EXPEXTED THAT.. So what else you got??? Apart from being gorgeous.... I want to find out more.. My u2u channel is open...

Selahobed, you flatter me.
Wow, thanks!
I never expected that at all. I'm sort of speechless! U2U will be forthcoming once I catch my breath again

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I'm pretty sure what I tend to gravitate to physically speaking doesn't necessarily fall in line with these supposed "perfections". But then, I know I'm a bit eccentric. I'll leave it there.

I really don't feel anything was explained. It sounds like a suggestion of what should be considered as beauty, tinged with a pseudoscientific approach more than an explanation. I know preferences vary with cultures as well.

Mark me heavily skeptical on this.


I totally get your skepticism.
Here is a clip from part 3 of the series.
The mathematics behind it are more clearly demonstrated.
Not trying to change your mind!
But it's really, really intersting.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by np6888
reply to post by dragonsmusic

I don't agree with that video. As I've stated before, the three universal characteristics that make a girl attractive are: big eyes, small noses and small lips. Symmetry could be a reason too, but most people are symmetrical anyway.

Here is an article that agrees exactly with me:

Now keep in mind that I arrived at my conclusion simply by looking at a ton of pictures, so people would do well to follow my theory(based on observations) on how to achieve those features also.

If you want a summary of that theory, it's basically to eat as little as possible. And if you must eat, eat turkey, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A, E and C only. The turkey part is important because your eyes are made of muscles, and I believe protein consumption is the reason for the difference between the Western and Asian eyes(according to wiki, slit-eyes are caused by weak muscles.) Protein(or collagen) also helps your skin from sagging, due to the effects of gravity.

If you were born with small eyes, then I would say eating lots of protein is a must.

Now there seems to be a conflict between big eyes and height, yet until we know more about just what exactly control the nose and height, you have to risk being short, in other to maximize your chances of being cute or beautiful(one can say that you have to stay close to being a baby as much as possible.)

Other things you can do to maximize your look is to avoid the sun and use supplements, doing so will help give a very nice glow to your skin.

That said, my advice only applies to girls. I think it's possible for guys to look good with big noses, though I'm not too sure.

That's fine if you don't agree.
What each person likes will of course be relative.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by zysin5

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
Glad you like it!
And you're right , it falls into many other caterories besides nature.

Hey Dragonsmusic! Here is what I found to throw into the discussion here..
Its about Harmony Phi, 1.618 the number expressed in the OP.

The Golden Ratio is represented numerically as 1:1.618 and the number 1.618 has been given the name Phi. It is a constant found throughout nature and is beautifully revealed in the shape of the nautilus shell, the shape of the human ear, in spiral galaxies and even in the rhythm of our own heartbeat its shape has natural appeal to us. It resonates throughout creation connecting us to the universe and to each other.

True beauty and how we see others is a very person topic to each person that will read or research this. I can only offer the artistic side of what I know about such things.

Beauty can be so many things physically for so many people!!

Heres one for fun that will tie beauty into religion...

And now more to topic is the Human body ratio.

The Golden Ratio, plants and the micro world!

Thats just a few more things that this topic can lead into..
So in ending I can say physical beauty is a person thing, but you mind find that the same math that makes you up.. Will in some way connect to those you find yourself attracted too!

It would be a very plain world if we all liked the same thing! It would be like a world full of clones, and we where all the same physically!
NO this universe is so diverse and wonderful, and most of us, God willing can find something beautiful in this world and cherish it.

Music, love, painting, dancing, science, religion, personal choice!


It would be VERY plain if we all liked the same things, you're right.
Man, thanks for enhancing this thread with all those vids! I will check them out.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by np6888

Not true. Everyone has a cheek bone that is slightly lower than the other. Everyone has an eye that is a little "lazier" than the other.

However, a person that is generally considered "not attractive" has these qualities a bit more noticeable than an "attractive" person does.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Selahobed

I just gotta say this - I'm a happily married man but when I look at your pictures and seee that red hair ...WOW
thanks for sharing

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
It's an interesting concept that I'm familliar with anyway, but for me there are too many we feel, how we've learned to perceive people, what our memories and associations are, for it to be simply a matter or proportion. I know from my experience that I have been massively attracted to people who others would consider pot ugly, but there was just something about them that pushed all the right buttons for me. But then I like quirky. And it's more about how the essence of someone manifests in their behaviour that makes them gorgeous to me. I like essence...and passion and intelligence and perception, and none of those can be measured physically.

Beautiful can be really boring, and sometimes lulls the beautiful person into a false sense of not needing to do anything else than be beautiful....I've encountered that. Beautiful but dull. Not even got the lights on.

And as a mostly turnip girl myself, when we make the effort to clean up and do the glam thing....oh god do we get attention!!

[edit on 7-1-2010 by caitlinfae]

It IS an incredibly deep thing. More than just about proportions true.
Passion and intelligence are big for you?
For me too.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by dragonsmusic

Hey Iwas trying to listen to your song but i don;t see it, I use explorer -- is there somewhere else I can listen? thz

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
I'm going to comment before watching the video, so here goes;
Why do we pursue beauty? Beauty represents health and our reproductive urge is to produce healthy children to help ensure their survivability. This is true even in animals, look at the displays of color given by birds and certain insects.
Even the pursuit of money is for what? To get a more beautiful mate, house, car, whatever.
Beauty is also what would consider to be perfection and simply to be close to such gives us feeling of well-being.
Not very complicated at all.
The real challenge for humans is to find the beauty in all things, one of the few things that sets us apart from animals.
I'm ugly but that's ok because I can make beautiful things, that's how I compensate.

We all want what is beautiful. It is natural and it is innate.
It is part of who we are and is relative to each person.
So did you watch the video yet

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by dragonsmusic

Absolutely passion and intelligence, but also creativity and humour...people who can move ideas from abstract to material, and make it happen, on what ever level. I do recognise that they may well be physical mathematical rules that govern what is more generally seen as beautiful, but they can never account for our emotional nature as humans, and the complexity of our individual understanding of beauty. Just my thoughts.....

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

You think too much... Time to DO sweetheart... If you DO then fall flat so what??? Just get up beautifulll... I made myself a fool on this site so you would cotten on... You are amazing..... And wish you could SEE THAT... Its overdue darling, or i am going to get into my battered car, drive up north and prove it... And I WILL... I have nothing better to do.. How could i when a fellow red thinks she is nothing.... I MAY be out of line but I would risk being looked upon like im an idiot for you, not in a lesbo way, but you know... Come on!! Its YOUR time now...

[edit on 063131p://f16Thursday by Selahobed]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
reply to post by dragonsmusic

Hey Iwas trying to listen to your song but i don;t see it, I use explorer -- is there somewhere else I can listen? thz

Hey, man. That's the first time I've put an original up on the BTS podcast , and I didn't do it correctly.
If you scroll down to the third comment or so I have a working link.
It's also in my signature now.
Thanks for asking!

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
It IS an incredibly deep thing. More than just about proportions true.
Passion and intelligence are big for you?
For me too.

An awful personality can mask physical beauty. It's not something anyone can rest on and expect to be given a free pass for everything. Sooner or later it wears thin and something more substantial will also matter. Sooner or later it will be taken away. When it is, they'll be left all alone and with an incredible opportunity for self-reflection.

I have seen it in exaggerated manifestation. There was someone that most every guy would have gone for based on appearance yet none would get anywhere near her with a thousand foot pole because of her noxious personality. It was bad, bad, bad. My words don't begin to describe it. I'd rather Her looks were the only thing that even allowed her to hang by a thin thread at all. Even that was just barely tolerated.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Selahobed
reply to post by caitlinfae

You think too much... Time to DO sweetheart... If you DO then fall flat so what??? Just get up beautifulll... I made myself a fool on this site so you would cotten on... You are amazing..... And wish you could SEE THAT... Its overdue darling, or i am going to get into my battered car, drive up north and prove it... And I WILL... I have nothing better to do.. How could i when a fellow red thinks she is nothing.... I MAY be out of line but I would risk being looked upon like im an idiot for you, not in a lesbo way, but you know... Come on!! Its YOUR time now...

[edit on 063131p://f16Thursday by Selahobed]

You are so beautiful and delicious, you really are, and I want to squeeze you so hard cos you're so damn loveable, but I have to admit.....

* I don't have a bleedin clue what you're talking about babe!!!*

What am I supposed to cotton on to? What am I supposed to do? It really is kinder just to tell me, I think....

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:24 PM
I know symmetry makes one more attractive to the opposit sex.

Butt !!

When i'm walking down the street, a little village, a big city or in a supermarket.

I'm always comforted and above all very pleased with myself.
It's what I call a vertue, to just don't be bothered and by oneselfes appearence and just be satisfied.
Annyway !!
I'm so pleased out in the crowds because. I realize if i do start to feel bad about myself. I know there will always be other people WAY !! WAY MORE UGLY THEN ME !!!

Believe me when I say. Most people probably don't think i'm very good looking.

Most important !!

Don't be shallow !! The beauty within will be capable of much more then just the shell it comes from.

Also !! Beauty is in the eye of the behoulder. It shifts over time.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
reply to post by dragonsmusic

Absolutely passion and intelligence, but also creativity and humour...people who can move ideas from abstract to material, and make it happen, on what ever level. I do recognise that they may well be physical mathematical rules that govern what is more generally seen as beautiful, but they can never account for our emotional nature as humans, and the complexity of our individual understanding of beauty. Just my thoughts.....

Thank you for those thoughts.
They are always welcome

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

You know gorgeous, i aint going to share here, but i think you are amazing, and DESERVE much love.. You have had soo much crap , im just trying to love on you.. Not in a creepy way.. Just trying to be a friend.. Maybe i have got the wrong end of the stick, but I wish you so much love, you deserve it gorgeous...

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
I know symmetry makes one more attractive to the opposit sex.

Butt !!

When i'm walking down the street, a little village, a big city or in a supermarket.

I'm always comforted and above all very pleased with myself.
It's what I call a vertue, to just don't be bothered and by oneselfes appearence and just be satisfied.
Annyway !!
I'm so pleased out in the crowds because. I realize if i do start to feel bad about myself. I know there will always be other people WAY !! WAY MORE UGLY THEN ME !!!

Believe me when I say. Most people probably don't think i'm very good looking.

Most important !!

Don't be shallow !! The beauty within will be capable of much more then just the shell it comes from.

Also !! Beauty is in the eye of the behoulder. It shifts over time.

"Also !! Beauty is in the eye of the behoulder. It shifts over time"

Very cool thought. It DOES shift ! Something to stop and think about.


posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by dragonsmusic

..And as for you sunshine, you are soooo adorable.... Ive u2ud u my addy... The rest is up to you xxx

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by dragonsmusic

Yeah, I watched the video. I think the meaning of the golden ratio to us is that within that ratio we see the hand of creation at work. This is the same fractal principle that makes flowers, crystal, snowflakes, you name it. Small wonder we are attracted to it.
BTW - I checked out your song on myspace - very well done! You have a quality voice and a good sense for melody. You sound a bit unsure of yourself at times but practice will shape that up for you. Good song.

PS - if you think you're cute or beautiful, just remember: there's a whole lot more of ugly mofos than you are - frank zappa

[edit on 7-1-2010 by Asktheanimals]

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