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Sun Jan 10th: Richard Gage vs. Ron Craig

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posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 11:53 AM
Hello all,

just wanted to share this with the rest of the board as I'm sure many of you will enjoy tuning in. For those of you unaware, there is a radio program based out of Toronto, Canada called, 'The Conspiracy Show' w/Richard Syrett. He's done a lot for the cause and has always pushed for further investigation into the events of 9/11. Over the years, he's had some fantastic guests and some really groundbreaking information presented on his program.

This Sunday, January 10th should be another one of those programs as he has Richard Gage on his program debating Ron Craig.

This week's program is called:

A special two hour debate

Richard Syrett holds court as two experts debate whether World Trade Centre Buildings 1, 2, and 7 were brought down by Controlled Demolition.

More than 8 years after the last fires were extinguished at Ground Zero in New York City, the debate still rages like an inferno: What brought down the World Trade Centre Buildings? Members of the 911 Truth Movement continue to argue vigorously that the collapse of the World Trade Center was not caused by the plane crash damage that occurred as part of the September 11, 2001 attacks, nor by resulting fire damage, but by explosives installed in WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7 in advance. Some proponents of World Trade Center controlled demolition conspiracy theories suggest that 7 WTC was demolished because it served as an operational center for the alleged conspiracy, while others believe the government also wanted to destroy key files held there about corporate fraud. According to a statement reported by the BBC, Dylan Avery thinks the building was suspicious because it had some unusual tenants such as a CIA field office and several government agencies.

Engineers, on the otherhand, who have investigated the collapses, generally disagree that controlled demolition is required to understand the structural response of the buildings. While the top of one of the towers did tilt significantly, it could not ultimately have fallen into the street, they argue, because any such tilting would place sufficient stress on the lower story (acting as a pivot) that it would collapse long before the top had sufficiently shifted its center of gravity. Indeed, they argue, there is very little difference between progressive collapse with or without explosives in terms of the resistance that the structures could provide after collapse began.

Guest: Richard Gage is a San Francisco Bay area architect AIA, member of the American Institute of Architects and founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Gage has been a practicing Architect for 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings.

Ron Craig is a member of the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators, and member of the Society for Explosives Engineers. He's also an experienced Special Effects Supervisor with over 25 years experience. He has worked on over 50 feature films, 10 television series and numerous commercials. Ron has worked on projects with major studios such as Paramount, HBO, CBS, NBC, and Warner Brothers. In 2007-2008 he was the executive in charge of production for Fraud Squad TV, a prime time television series.

I'm sure Richard Gage will come out on top as per usual. Regardless, I will be tuning in to hear both sides and hope that some of you can tune in also.

If you're in the Toronto area, you can tune in at AM740 Toronto on Sunday nights between the hours of 11pm - 1am EST.

If you're outside the broadcasting area, you can catch the free, live stream at the website:

Cheers and keep well.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 12:49 PM
Thanks for the heads up. Richard Gage is the quinessential conspiracy monger- he's all right when he's churning out his conspiracy stories by himself or with people who don't have all the facts, but his debating someone with actual hard experience with explosives and controlled demolitions only means he's going to have his butt handed to him. There's no way Gage will be able to BS someone who can recognize right away when someone is BSing them.

If Gage can't get past the fact that the towers were *occupied* buildings and it'd be impossible to rig controlled demolitiong there without being discovered, then Gage's conspiracy stories can't even get out of the gate. Two plus two still equals four regardless of how many calculations he works out that suggests it's really five.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by fattyp

Thanks for the heads up.

As a truther , I will tune in to hear this , I feel no need to slander the

guy taking the OS side.

Let the facts determine the winner.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
If Gage can't get past the fact that the towers were *occupied* buildings and it'd be impossible to rig controlled demolitiong there without being discovered

If these are your kinds of "facts" then it's no wonder we have such a hard time with you here, calling things we post lies when they are based on actual witness testimonies and then saying totally baseless crap like this.

It is not impossible to bring things into occupied buildings. Case in point: the Murrah Federal building. Look up "Oklahoma City bombs affadavit" and see what comes back. There are actual memos from different government agencies (FEMA, DoD, etc.) and also civilian testimonies of a 2nd and 3rd unexploded bombs removed from that building after the bombing. Again, not some twisted/warped "lie" like you would probably automatically claim out of psychological defense but actually documented by the government.

Now all you have to do is figure out how someone smuggled two military bombs into an occupied federal building and you will have an idea how someone could also do it in the towers.

There was a guy wandering around in the basements of the building days prior to 9/11 with a fake security pass. Where were the most witness accounts of explosions coming from? The basement floors. Oh yeah, there's another couple of factual 'lies' for you, Dave.

People are naive. Look how much airport security sucks, and those guys are a lot harder to get by than building security for either 110-story building with numerous entrances and exits and no armed guards monitoring everything everyone is carrying into the building at all times. It's just too easy to get past that kind of stuff. And if you are talking about construction work, hiring a front company and making it look legit is what the CIA does. They have experience with that kind of thing, and no doubt other groups in the world also have similar experience from foreign governments.

Just all in all it is nowhere near a fact that you can't set things up inside an occupied building. It is completely naive to assume such a thing could never happen based on nothing but your faith in someone else (that you don't even know) to catch on to it eventually.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by bsbray11]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:25 PM
Will Richard be bringing his cardboard boxes again??

I encourage everyone to listen to Gage babble. He constantly talks out both sides of his mouth. Maybe during the debate he will bring up the Red Cross being involved with the WTC7 demolition. (i was at a presentation of his when he did this)

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:36 PM
Debunking 101

"When you find yourself losing the debate , attack the opponent"

The OS peeps are very edgy in this thread.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Any time, when there is something positive to talk about 911, in discovering more Truth, the OS believers come in here in droves playing their tag team games of insulting everyone because creditable experts that speak out continue to poke more holes in their OS fantasies and hurt their little, witty, bitty, feelings and they sure demonstrated it right here in this thread. None of you OS believer can hold a candle to Gage expertise so, go on with your insults most casual reader will only ignore you.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by impressme
None of you OS believer can hold a candle to Gage expertise so, go on with your insults most casual reader will only ignore you.

BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! Expertise in what? Really impressme, what in fact has Gage produced? Where are his technical papers? What evidence has he presented? Let us not forget that I approached the snake oil salesman AND his group of brainless drones. He was clueless!

Anyone want to ask him why the Red Cross was involved in the destruction of WTC-7? No, I didn't think so. It wont matter. He refused to answer me when I asked him.

It's the feeble minded that follow a crook like Gage. It is the mentally challenged that give him part of their pay check.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by ImAPepper

BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! Expertise in what?

Not only does this show your emotional knee jerk responds to my above comment but also it shows your lack of understanding.

You are who again? Your expertise is what again?

I do not know if Gage made any claims to the Red Cross being involved in pulling of 911.
You have been using that statement as if you have the goods on Gage. Apparently, you think you have discredited everything he has ever written or spoken about concerning 911.
It appears your only motive on here is not to discuss the problems with the OS but, to find ways to ridicule and discredit “anyone of important” that people who are looking for answers might listen to or believe, don’t you agree.

what in fact has Gage produced?

More than you have ever done, He is a professor, and again YOU are who again? What are YOUR credentials again? I will gladly take his word over yours any day.

Where are his technical papers?

Where is your technical paper of discrediting Gage’s hypothesis?

Let us not forget that I approached the snake oil salesman AND his group of brainless drones. He was clueless!

Name calling and insulting everyone will win ATS casual readers to listen to you. Yes, this is acting as a mature adult who emotions are questionable.

Anyone want to ask him why the Red Cross was involved in the destruction of WTC-7? No, I didn't think so. It wont matter. He refused to answer me when I asked him.

Perhaps, had you behaved like a rational adult, Gage might had answered your questions.

It's the feeble minded that follow a crook like Gage. It is the mentally challenged that give him part of their pay check.

You mean the “feeble minded that follow a crook like,” Dick Cheney and George Bush and the OS. It is that “mentally challenged” that helped support their lies and helped in protecting those criminals and traitors who were involved in pulling off 911. Any fifth grader can see that.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by impressme

I for one , will be listening to this debate from 2

points of view.

All the truth movement wants is to be heard , things like these

will help

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by impressme

Well, here is you "god" Richard Gage, at his finest:

If ever I heard someone scrambling to make spit up as he's going along, this is it....

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by impressme

Well, here is you "god" Richard Gage, at his finest:

If ever I heard someone scrambling to make spit up as he's going along, this is it....

Really WW

You gonna go that way.

Maybe I did give you too much credit before.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 03:24 PM
Our Richard who art in towers, guts and intelligence be thy name.
Give us this day our daily nano-thermite
lesson and protect us from wacky grim reaper evil.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by ImAPepper

BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! Expertise in what?

Not only does this show your emotional knee jerk responds to my above comment but also it shows your lack of understanding.

You are who again? Your expertise is what again?

I am a professional. What I do is irrelevant, actually. I prove Gage wrong (as do countless others)

I do not know if Gage made any claims to the Red Cross being involved in pulling of 911.

Why don't you dig deep, Impressme and by his DVD. HE talks about it there. Go to his presentation. He does it there.

You have been using that statement as if you have the goods on Gage. Apparently, you think you have discredited everything he has ever written or spoken about concerning 911.

This is your problem. He hasn't "written" anything.

It appears your only motive on here is not to discuss the problems with the OS but, to find ways to ridicule and discredit “anyone of important” that people who are looking for answers might listen to or believe, don’t you agree.

Gage is important only to those that refuse you listen to the answers the are given. Truthers don't want facts, they want to be fed garbage like Gage spreads. Heck, they are even PAYING for it.

by ImAPepperwhat in fact has Gage produced?

More than you have ever done, He is a professor, and again YOU are who again? What are YOUR credentials again? I will gladly take his word over yours any day.

You don't know who I am or what I have done. Again, you are appealing to authority. You only take his word because it fits your bias.

Where is your technical paper of discrediting Gage’s hypothesis?

I asked Gage several questions that he refused to answer. This was recorded in a church and simulcasted live on the internet.

Technical paper? As I have explained in the past, Gage has followed the footsteps of fell snake oil salesman David Ray Griffin. Gage states this during his presentation.
I presented Gage with a complete discrediting of DRG's book which Gage quotes on many occasions. Gage said to me "THIS IS A TECHNICAL PAPER, I WILL GIVE IT TO MY ENGINEERS TO READ."

Do you know what he did? He forwarded to David Ray Griffin. He KNEW that Griffin was given several copies of it already and to date has not even responded to it.

I gave Gage an open letter from an Engineer that was a member of his cult. Gage told me he was going to answer it. Been 2 years, IIRC since he first received it.

Name calling and insulting everyone will win ATS casual readers to listen to you. Yes, this is acting as a mature adult who emotions are questionable.

Calling him a snake oil salesman is a fact. IT has been proven. If you are unable to see this AND give him a part of your paycheck every month (sustaining members)sorry, I question your mental stability.

Perhaps, had you behaved like a rational adult, Gage might had answered your questions.

You were not there, sir. I was incredibly rational and quite friendly to him. Prior to departing, I shook his hand. His last words to me: "Thank you for being a good sport".

You mean the “feeble minded that follow a crook like,” Dick Cheney and George Bush and the OS. It is that “mentally challenged” that helped support their lies and helped in protecting those criminals and traitors who were involved in pulling off 911. Any fifth grader can see that.

I am not a follower of Cheney or Bush. I am a bleeding heart liberal if you must know. I live in one of the most liberal states in our country.

I placed the emphasis on the last part of your post. You pretty much nailed it, right on the head!

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:47 PM
"I am a professional."

"Gage is important only to those that refuse you listen to the answers the are given."

Does your job require you to write in comprehensible English?

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:52 PM
"If Gage can't get past the fact that the towers were *occupied* buildings and it'd be impossible to rig controlled demolitiong there without being discovered, then Gage's conspiracy stories can't even get out of the gate."

Yeah, how those demo guys snuck by the watchdog cleaning lady and cafeteria cook to allegedly wire the explosives is beyond me. I'm sure every employee in that building had advanced training to spot demo rigging.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by ImAPepper

Looks like you have an obsession on Gage.

You have not disproved anything about Gage but, you have proved how good you are at insulting and ridiculing everything Gage has written and said.

I happened to think Gage has put together some very interesting arguments, against your OS fairytale. In fact, he shows how laughable the OS is, and you hate it.

A bleeding hart Liberal,
Yeah right!

I have yet to see any of you OS believers prove Gage wrong.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by impressme]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
"I am a professional."

"Gage is important only to those that refuse you listen to the answers the are given."

Does your job require you to write in comprehensible English?

Good thing your house is made from straw not glass.
Does your job require you to be a silly proffessional.
Let us look at why our LORD RICHARD is important .

'Gage is important only to those that refuse you listen to the answers the are given"

Wait a second, the whole freakin sentence makes no sense.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
"If Gage can't get past the fact that the towers were *occupied* buildings and it'd be impossible to rig controlled demolitiong there without being discovered, then Gage's conspiracy stories can't even get out of the gate."

Yeah, how those demo guys snuck by the watchdog cleaning lady and cafeteria cook to allegedly wire the explosives is beyond me. I'm sure every employee in that building had advanced training to spot demo rigging.

Wow, controlled DEMOLITIONG is way more difficult to accomplish.
You could be right about this one aspect.
Stick to PULL IT like Larry.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
"I am a professional."

"Gage is important only to those that refuse you listen to the answers the are given."

Does your job require you to write in comprehensible English?

I am not perfect...especially on a Friday evening after a few cocktails...

Here is what I meant to say, "Mr. MENSA":

Gage is important, only to those that refuse to listen to the answers they are given.

Get it? Truthers don't want the truth, they thrive on conspiracies.

Is that better, Einstein?

[edit on 9-1-2010 by ImAPepper]

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