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This thread will surely convince you the year 2012 has great significance!

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posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:10 AM
All this thread has convinced me in is that this nonsense will continue for another 63 million years.. And that's just one alautun. The world will also end on every 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 13th and 20th katun, baktun, piktun, calabtun, kinchiltun and alautun.

All is nonsense until proven otherwise.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Firstly, the 'Mayan' Calendar isn't originally Mayan at all. The system of cycle counting was in fact borrowed from the Olmec and Toltec peoples, but it may in fact be much older than either of these aswell. This adds no credence to any theory about doomsday scenarios, in fact it heavily detracts from them. The Meso-American Calendar was a calendar just like the ones used in Western society today.
So your point is other cultures have used counting cycles? Point taken.

reply to post by Horza

Originally posted by Horza
The 64 million year significance between 1 alautun and the solar systems wobble around the universe is a coincidence at best and most likely has no connection at all considering the time periods being discussed.
If you choose to believe there is no significant connection between the Mayan calender, the cycle of biodiversity, and the galactic be it...that's your choice.

It is generally accepted that the solar system is moving away from the galactic plane with 30 million or so years to go before it crosses it again and so will not be passing through the plane in 2012.

Here is a quote from an article the OP posted

And if they’re right, we have time to prepare for the next major event, since the Solar System has just passed the mid-plane of the galaxy. The next peak occurs in ten to twelve million years, assuming the KU theorists are onto something.


So by quickly doing the math:

Assuming by peak they mean when the solar system reaches the apex of its up and down wobble, we passed through the galactic plane aprox 4 to 6 millions years ago ... which, in the galactic terms we are talking in, means we have "just passed" through the plane.
Do some research and you'll find scientists aren't exactly sure if we are about to pass, are currently passing, or recently have passed...and as I've stated, it essentially makes no difference which one it is...

I don't think he needs to... just like the Cosmic Convergence where everyone said we were going to have mass earthquakes and everyone had the math to prove it.... and guess what? Nothing happened.

This will also be a non-event.

All this thread has convinced me in is that this nonsense will continue for another 63 million years.. And that's just one alautun. The world will also end on every 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 13th and 20th katun, baktun, piktun, calabtun, kinchiltun and alautun.

All is nonsense until proven otherwise.

I'm becoming quite tedious of these "NON-EVENT!" statements that lack any logical argument what so's fairly close minded, IMO, to state "Oh...we've had people make predictions in the past that never came true, therefore I'll just ignore all the evidence presented, and spew meaningless garbage all over the thread.", I don't mean to be harsh, but if you're going to make such claims, please provide at least some sort of substantial argument other than "I've seen this before, so I know how it all goes"...

Thank you.

[edit on 4/1/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

if you start at the smallest unit of mayan calender calculations - you find that they start with one day - and multiply by 20 there after [ except * 18 ] to calculate 1 ` tun ` - thats 360 days [ an approximate solar year ]
there after all multiplications are * 20

i see co incidence - based on thier use of multiples of 20 - not any special knowledge or alien guidance

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:43 AM
The way I see it people do not want to know and what better way to stay ignorant and blinded by the truth than to slate every argument/thread about this particular issue 2012!

If you look at all the data and I mean all you will find a common theme in amongst it all and that is, by some crazy way (that many debunk because they don't know it themsleves therefore it must be untrue) our ancestors had some kind of knowledge telling them to be prepared for this day.

In modern life because we, when I say we I mean HU-man beings, think we know everything because we have the internet and all sorts of technology to aid us in our life we believe we know it all and that our ancestors (because they didn't have this kind of technology) knew nothing and only jotted down a few ideas here and there.

The truth is after a small amount of research into this subject you will find that it may not be a hoax after all.

The people that turn a blind eye are the same people that would be willing to give up a little bit of their liberty for their freedom. Down with Al qeada I here you cry,

Don't be a puppet - Research and read informative threads to build a picture of thought.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by unicorn1

why have you delibereatly ignored all the doomsday prophecies surroinding the year 2000 new millenium ?

and if we are expanding our horizons to ` astronomical events / predictions ` :

david noone`s ` ` 05th may 2000 `alignment prediction `

what happened there ????????????

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S
I'm becoming quite tedious of these "NON-EVENT!" statements that lack any logical argument what so ever

What is much more tedious and silly are all the claims of events and predictions that never come true, and are not based on any fact, valid source or any evidence at all but it is just meaningless garbage.

And when all these predictions fail the believers just make pathetic excuses as to why they did not true.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by dereks

What is much more tedious and silly are all the claims of events and predictions that never come true, and are not based on any fact, valid source or any evidence at all but it is just meaningless garbage.
It's not like I just went "Woobly Gookly Goop...I predict that the world will end on 2012!!! Mwahahaha" did no such thing...I noticed that throughout our history the year 2012 seemed to have great significance...and I did my research and this is what I came up with, and IMO, it's pretty hard hitting stuff...I certainly didn't expect anything so solid to turn up in my studies...I had no idea whether there was any truth to the 2012 I'm convinced it will be a very significant year...

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:14 AM
Well done on your well researched thread.

I am also backing your Mayan theory up with the Hindu Cycles on a thread here:

The Hindus know all about the different ages and cycles of the Earth and have done for thousands of years.

The Hindus call this the age of Kali:


The Age of Kali for the Hindu is the natural ending of the world in the fourth age . It is one of a series of changes, each of which marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another creation. The central figure in the story is Vishnu, the preserver God, into whose self the world is absorbed before being born again. Vishnu has already saved humanity on a number of occasions, symbolically appearing as a savior in many different forms. Vishnu incarnates in 10 avatars, of which there have been 9, the last three have been: 7. Rama 8. Khishna 9. Buddha It is said that He will appear again , as Kalki 'the avenger', riding a white horse , destined to destroy the present world (the corrupt age of the goddess Kali) and to take humanity to a different, higher plane (the golden age of Krita)."

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:18 AM
great thread, something to really think about.
Now, the sun is in orbit around the galaxy, fine, the 'bobbing up and down' bit I find hard to understand, just why doe's the sun bob up and down? do all the other suns bob up and down?

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S
I noticed that throughout our history the year 2012 seemed to have great significance

It does? where exactly - and not the Mayan calender!

it's pretty hard hitting stuff

No it is not actually

I certainly didn't expect anything so solid to turn up

So what solid has turned up?

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:32 AM
One small point. If the 63 million year cycle is accurate to within 2 million years, how can we make a prediction accurate to within 1 year. ie 2012?

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

It's great that you've taken that point, but the fact that you ignored the rest of my post speaks volumes.


posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by dereks

It does? where exactly - and not the Mayan calender!
Another poster already answered this:

Mayans, Nostradamus, Hopis, Chinese, Hindus and possibly Egyptians all predicted it.

So what solid has turned up?

Mayan calender lasts 63My - Galactic cycle length and our current position matches the calander - Biodiversity cycles also match both the calender and our galactic cycle

And if you still aren't convinced there is a direct link between the Mayan calender and our galactic cycle, read the following, and please explain that to me...

Originally posted by CHA0S
reply to post by OzWeatherman

63 million years ago, the Mayan calender didnt exist. So how can the 63 million year period have elapsed to end in 2012? For one alautun to end in 2012 it must have began 63 million years ago.
That's a good point...I never really thought about that...but wouldn't that mean they didn't start the calender from its beginning? Did they in fact adjust it ahead so that they were in sync with the galactic cycle? And wouldn't that just add more significance to the 2012 date? Why wouldn't they just let the calender run from start instead of essentially right near the end?

I have an extremely hard time believing this is merely all just one BIG coincidence...

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by serbsta

I read the rest of your post and understood what you were saying...but it's an extremely dull argument...obviously it's going to start over...SO WHAT?!?

...the Mayan calender doesn't end, but restarts on 2012...but does that really make one ounce of a difference? doesn' significance at all...the significance is when the mysterious and complex calendar reaches its end after 63My...whether it starts again or not makes no difference.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by spacecowgirl

The relationship between the Hindu (Vedic) cycles and the Mayan calandar is most clearly spelled out in a little known book published in May of 2009, called "The Final Event: Dawn of the Age of Truth".

There the author ties together many different prophetic traditions with astronomical calculations, which suggest that the seven year period between June of 2009 and June of 2016 mark the transition between one (12,960 year) cycle of four yugas to the next. According to the author's calculations, December 2012 marks the midpoint in this transition period, where the tide begins to turn away from darkness toward the light.

But at the same time, he suggests that in order for the new Age of Truth to dawn, the darkness and ignorance on earth will have to be purged. So this suggests that a big "showdown" between the forces of light and darkness will take place in the years following 2012--a showdown in which many, many souls will likely perish.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Sean48

These threads remind me of Y2K


I think it is funny how people can compare a huge thing as the milky way galaxy passing with some computers that could not set the date to the year 2000 !!

Toss the new findings the last 6 from Nasa into the equation and you get a new spin on it.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by dereks

Heres just a wee bit of information using my good old friend, maoris,egyptians,Hopis, Peruvians - civilizations miles away from each other (before planes) yet their ancient prophecies says the same old thing.

Other Ancient prophecies mentioning 2012

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:46 AM
Aliens told Mayans that mass extinction would occur on planet earth in 2012?

That's what this thread boils down too

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S
reply to post by Sean48

Well, thank you for that brilliantly insightful statement...but you made no attempt what so ever to provide a valid argument and debunk the points I am making here.

Dont worry about it, its the usual response. For some people its difficult to believe that anything will happen ever, ever, ever again because nothing happened in 2000.

The logic behind that reasoning? I dont know. Its missing.

The year 2000 had to do with our computer programs storing the year as 2 digits, so they were worried 00 would get interpreted as 1900 instead of 2000. It could have caused malfunctioning computers and some problems that would have been easily fixable. But since they prepared and changed the critical programs before 2000, nothing happened.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by Copernicus]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

where PRECIESLY ?? people keep claiming it - but dont actually provide cites

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