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This thread will surely convince you the year 2012 has great significance!

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posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:39 PM

I doubt the 2012 solar storms will have any sort of significant effect...there are much worse things to worry about between 2012 and me...

OP: I noticed you posted this in the other thread. Does this mean you don't even believe what you are preaching in THIS thread?..

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Copperflower
reply to post by Alien Mind

Some other information from PBS:

Human fossils as old as 4.4 million years old have been found.


It says hominid or humanlike species.

[edit on 4/1/2010 by DGFenrir]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:32 PM
The only prediction "similar" to this one is the Y2K one. However, I didn't pay any attention to this back then, nor the web as common a communicating tool, so I can't say how prevalent that prediction was, and what the arguments behind it were.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by np6888

y2k was/is nothing like this... there was nothing about y2k until a few years before it happened, this 2012 stuff has been goin on for i dont even know how long, at least since zecharia sitchin's 12th planet... im sure longer (mayan calendar) i dont know when modern man found it to be signifigant...

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:28 PM
Great Post! Your research was very well organized and presented in a logical fashion. Don't worry about nay-sayers, all opinions are worth hearing and yours is backed up by great "digging". I look forward to hearing more.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:37 PM
Before I drink the Kool aid, on the mayan, 2012, perdictions,

I want a scientific method, that proves their calendar ends on dec. 21, or 22, or whatever in 2012..

until someone can show me a acheologist showing me how he or she figured out WHERE, to start on there calendar and where to end, and how he or she can prove it and how it can correspond with our roman modified calendars of today..

Don't even go their with the stars or some crap either.

I want to see a scientific method..

My mind is not rudiment..

[edit on 4-1-2010 by Bicent76]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:55 PM

I aked for carlification earlier.
We pass the "belt" or the "galactic equator" each 36.000 years not 64my as i understand OP is saying. If OP meens 64my for a complete circle around the galaxy i dont see why it shoud affect us.
Please refer to page 6.

For all those people stating "the Mayans never predicted anything such as the end of the world on 2012"...of course they didn't, if I'm correct, they aren't even the ones who devised the calender in the first place. I'm guessing they were told about cosmic cycles, and our current position in our cycle. They then built the worlds most complex calender and set it to when they were told, so that it synchronized with our current galactic position perfectly. Why would they start it near the end? It lasts for 63My and they made that calender only a few thousand years ago...why did they start it where they did?

Also, I'm not even sure what will happen, I'm not claiming it will be the end of the world...we are talking about biodiversity could be something for the could in fact be the next step in our evolution as we move into a higher state of awareness and vibrational state, as others have been predicting. Like many others here, I too feel it coming, I can feel it all around me, getting closer and closer...the "static" charge rising...the dawn of a new age is upon was the fact that I could sense this change coming that I found myself researching this subject so that I might get some answers.

In my search, I've come across theories of Nibiru, Galactic SuperWaves, Timewave Zero, Galactic Alignment, Solar Storms, the Web Bot Project, Pole Reversal...and countless other theories...but I could find no solid backing to any of these theories...mind you, there were a few compelling theories...but it wasn't until I found the theory involving the Galactic Plane and it's connection to the Mayan calender and biodiversity cycles until I started realize I was onto something big...I know it, others know it, and we ALL feel it somewhere deep inside us whether we like to admit it or not.

reply to post by Bicent76's the "end" (please don't start that senseless bull) of the long count...anyone can agree on this...there is no doubt about it...this isn't a question of if the Mayan calender reaches the end of it's long count (and starts again) does...just do a little research on your own and you can learn about the counting system should make perfect sense to you....

reply to post by serbsta

But see you just answered your own question. If it start's over, it means it never had an end, simply a milestone which served as a marker for the counting system.
You fail to see the point...the calender has a start and an end...just like our calenders count through the 12 months in a year...until reaching the end and starting again...the fact is...the Mayan calender lasts for 63My before it reaches the end, restarts and starts from the beginning of it's makes no difference whether it suddenly halts or keeps going...and I'm sick of people trying to use such an illogical argument...I couldn't care less if the calender is set to explode on 2012...

[edit on 4/1/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by ChemBreather

I think it is funny how people can compare a huge thing as the milky way galaxy passing with some computers that could not set the date to the year 2000 !!

I'm sure the ending of our 2009 calendar had some great galactic significance too. I would bet Y2K and the Mayan calendar has more in common than you might think, and that commonality has nothing to do with the two events as much as how we humans like to perceive things.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by CHA0S
You fail to see the point...the calender has a start and an end...just like our calenders count through the 12 months in a year...until reaching the end and starting again...the fact is...the Mayan calender lasts for 63My before it reaches the end, restarts and starts from the beginning of it's makes no difference whether it suddenly halts or keeps going...and I'm sick of people trying to use such an illogical argument...I couldn't care less if the calender is set to explode on 2012...

[edit on 4/1/10 by CHA0S]

I agree,

As I said in an earlier post the ability to multiply 20x20x20x20x20x20=64 million in creating their calendar is not math from another world, but I think where the alien influence is actually present is that the aliens taught them the advance math of not only using their fingers to count to ten, but to also to use their toes and count to 20, hence their system based on 20 and not 10 as we use.

I'm just glad that the aliens didn't have an odd number of fingers and toes....

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S

You fail to see the point...the calender has a start and an end...just like our calenders count through the 12 months in a year...until reaching the end and starting again...the fact is...the Mayan calender lasts for 63My before it reaches the end, restarts and starts from the beginning of it's makes no difference whether it suddenly halts or keeps going...and I'm sick of people trying to use such an illogical argument...I couldn't care less if the calender is set to explode on 2012...

[edit on 4/1/10 by CHA0S]

No need to get upset, we're just having a discussion.

Note the part in bold. You are saying it's just like "our calendar" yet you are also saying it's different. I don't see how it doesn't make a difference whether it halts or keeps going, isn't this central to your argument. If it doesn't make a difference and it simply keeps going or 'restarting', then the date 23/12/2012 has no significance. You are disproving yourself.

Further, you did not respond to my inquiry about the claims you made in your earlier post.

Please post some evidence backing up that the Hopis, Hindus, Chinese and the Egyptians all predicted 2012.

[edit on 5/1/2010 by serbsta]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by serbsta

serbsta you're just trolling. seriously, we all understand what the op is saying your'e just going to great lenghts to drag this into your corner.

the OBVIOUS point he's making is taht whether or not the calender resets, stops, explodes, turns into cheeseburgers, or whistles the star spangled banner out of it's ass the point is how HUGE of an undertaking the calender is.

you're like someone standing in a crowd of people looking at a hot naked woman and yelling "it's only a living organism composed of flesh and blood!"

the calender is light years ahead of any drug induced hippy fantasy you've ever come close to. yes, even on those nights where you stayed up late after surfing porn.

please quit trolling and let these poeple be amazed at something amazing.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Moodle

You've got it wrong, my intention isn't to troll.

I'm just trying to work my way up to some statements made by the OP which did not just simply address the complexity of the calendar and how big of an undertaking it was, as you seem to think.

My theory (and that of many others): They were told by an extraterrestrial civilization whom they considered as Gods.

The only thing left to figure out exactly what might happen around 2012.

something will happen on, or very close to 2012

I'm trying to understand why the date is so significant when the calendar is just like our own, as the OP himself stated. You may need to refine your definition of trolling.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Note the part in bold. You are saying it's just like "our calendar" yet you are also saying it's different. I don't see how it doesn't make a difference whether it halts or keeps going, isn't this central to your argument. If it doesn't make a difference and it simply keeps going or 'restarting', then the date 23/12/2012 has no significance. You are disproving yourself.
Yes, there is a difference, the Mayan calender signifies a much more significant event when it reaches the end of it's 65My long count, rather than just a new year, and that is why the year 2012 does have significance. I never believed the calender totally stopped, and it is in no way central to my argument, therefore I'm not disproving anything...that's ridiculous.

I bet the first people to talk about the Mayan calender ending were completely aware it was just restarting and possibly didn't choose their words perfectly...because they didn't expect highly illogical and skeptical people to come along grasping for straws..."Oh...they said it ends...booyah...I'll get them there...what a perfect argument I've provided...they can't get past that..."

And as for the historical references to 2012...I just noticed 2012 seemed to be a significant year...there were a lot of theories about it and people seemed to claim ancient cultures were very interested in I started researching it...someone provided a link earlier (page 7 I think) that may be of talked about the Egyptians:

Egyp­tians were especially interested in (remember this would have been when Orion was directly "above" and corresponded to the outline of the three Giza pyramids). Although our researchers do not mention it, 12,500 years ago corresponds to the last time a solstice sun coincided with the Milky Way. The next time this happens--you guessed it--will be in 2012, the Mayan calen­dar end-date.
I'm not sure how much truth there is to that...they also talked of a few other cultures...and the article spoke of Nostradamus...I don't think it actually cited anything...but my Mom has the book of Nostradamus and some translations...I'll have a look and ask her about it...and we also have the largest solar storms ever predicted to happen close to 2012...and as is clear, we are extremely close to the galactic belt...

[edit on 5/1/10 by CHA0S]

[edit on 5/1/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by coastalite
If you look at it scientifically, the evidence does suggest that a mass extinction event on Earth happens every 60-some million years.

The problem is - we don't know if there is a PRECISE amount of time between each mass extinction event, therefore, it could happen tomorrow or 2 million years from now. We just don't know when.

When looking at in on a scale of millions of years, the odds of it happening in 2012 are slim, but it is still entirely possible.

But then again, my gut is telling me that December 21st, 2012 could be the beginning of a mass extinction event. It is troubling if you believe the Mayan calendar and other prophecies, the building of a doomsday seed vault, and on top of it all the reports about deep underground bases being built so that the elite and chosen few could survive a solar or cosmic event to prevent our species from becoming extinct.

It's not time, it's growth....7 Billion is the number....


BUT....Will it blend?



posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

The crux of your argument has been that our solar system will pass through the galactic plane in 2012 (as per your diagram on page 6)

As I have said in previous posts, to say that something that occurs on a galactic scale will happen on a particular day or even a particular year is, and I am not trying to be rude, ridiculous.

Here is some food for thought:

It is thought that our Sun will take approximately 900 years to cross the Galaxy's visible central region. We may have started crossing the eastern edge about 450 years ago. More precisely, crossing the Galactic ecliptic will take the Sun, measuring half a degree, about 18 years.


And I want to address the connection you are trying to make between an alautun and the biodiversity cycle/solar systems galactic orbit.

I can see why it gets you excited.

63 My, 64 My/62 My

These numbers are all so tantalisingly close together that it seems on the surface that there must be a connection!

But when you look a little closer you can see how that is most likely not the case.

The alautun is an exact number - 23,040,000,000 days. If we knew when the alautin we are in right now started then we would know exactly when it will end. The problem is that we don't. There in lies your first problem.

The galactic orbit is thought to take, depending on which source you look at, anywhere between 26 My to 40 My. That is approximately a 35% discrepancy. The biodiversity cycle is thought to occur with significant peaks at 30 My, 62 My and 140 My with a margin of error of at least 3 million years. This is your second problem.

We don't know when the current alautin ends and we can only make a guesstimate about the galactic orbit/biodiversity cycle, with a margin of error of several MILLION years.

And therein lies the third problem.

you are trying to match up an exact number, an exact passage of time with something that has a massive margin of error ... it's a square peg in a round hole scenario.

So we can not, in all good faith and honesty, make a correlation between the two simply based on the premise that the numbers are close in size to each other.

Continuing on that point, when you lay the numbers out, including the margin of error and based on a full up and down galactic orbit cycle, things look quite different.

alautin - 23,202,000,000 days = 63 081 377.441 My

Solar system's Galactic Orbit (Up and down wobble) - 52 - 80 million years - Source 1
Source 2

Biodiversity cycle - 26-30 My, 59-65My, 140My - Source 1
Source 2

Now we have a more complete set of numbers, the correlation between the Mayan alautin and the galactic orbit/biodiversity cycle is, as I said previously, coincidental at best and realistically just not there.

[edit on 5/1/10 by Horza]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 02:12 AM
if something does happen, i hope it's something that changes the course of human history for the better. a change from the hundreds of years misguided control. the extinction of the human race doesn't sound appealing, i believe we still have many years of progress ahead of us; but this is all just speculation at this point regardless...

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

An inteeresting thread with many points to contemplate however I am not sold on your ideas, here's some of my thoughts;

The presentation that you have delivered does not "convince" me of any "significant" importance of 2012 (as your title states) other than the fact that date represents, according to the Mayans the alignment of the centre of the Sun with the Earth and the galactic plane.

The winter solstice of 2012 is the date when the centre of the Sun will cross the Galactic plane, on this date the Earths axis will also align with the galactic plane and this phenomena occurs in unison every 26,000 yrs. To them it represented the movement of the sun from one world into another and therefore re-birth.

You seem to be mixing in 63 million year extinction cycles quoted in the links you provided buy do not mention the 24 million and 140 million year cycles that are also mentioned with equal importance by the authors, perhaps these do not tie in with your conclusions as convincingly.

You say that for one cycle of the solar system through the galactic plane it takes 63 Million years and it is at a time when the position of the solar system is on one of the peaks or troughs of this cycle that it is farthest from the galactic plane and therefore most exposed to damaging cosmic rays. Well if it takes 220 million years for the solar system to pass around the milky way that would give a total number of your cylcles of about 3.5 so it would look nothing like the model that you pasted.

Also, I think we can agree that at the winter solstice of 2012, the sun will be ON the galactic plane as it moves into Aquarius (The dawning of the new age of Aquarius), so it will take another 31.5 million years until it either peaks or troughs outside of the plane according to your model.


[edit on 5-1-2010 by Rigel Kent]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by Horza

I fully understand what your getting at, and I also fully agree. Theoretically, if there is any truth to these cycles of biodiversity, we still can't pin down the exact time of the galactic passing, especially to a year. I just don't believe in such coincidences...and I can't understand why they started it near the end so that it apparently synchronizes with our current galactic position...there are many other factors also, which lead me to believe 2012 will be significant...but who really knows, I guess we'll just have to wait and see

EDIT: The other question would be: Why build a calender that lasts so long? What was the point of it? IMO it must be to map our galactic cycle, and I think one day (if we don't go extinct) we will discover the Mayan calender maps exactly our galactic cycle with extreme precision.

reply to post by Rigel Kent

I think you have a few misconceptions about several things...I suggest reading over this thread...and the diagram of our galactic cycle isn't meant to be's just there to give an idea of what our orbit looks like.

[edit on 5/1/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by Moodle

Light years ahead of any drug induced hippy fantasy?

Might make it even longer by adding a few more x20s.

23.12.2012 is when the 14th baktun starts. The only thing special about it is the number 13. And it doesn't end. It continues counting to 20 baktuns.
The calendar really never ends. Just like ours. Our advantage is that we are not limited to a certain number, we can count years til infinity.

[edit on 5/1/2010 by DGFenrir]

[edit on 5/1/2010 by DGFenrir]

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by DGFenrir

That reminded me of something I wanted to say...lets consider this:

1 pictun = 20 baktun = 2,880,000 days = approx. 7885 years
1 calabtun = 20 pictun = 57,600,000 days = approx. 158,000 years
1 kinchiltun = 20 calabtun = 1,152,000,000 days = approx. 3 million years
1 alautun = 20 kinchiltun = 23,040,000,000 days = approx. 63 million years

It comes down to 20...but the question is...why did they make 1 pictun = 2,880,000 days? Because that's what leads us to's still not an easily explainable coincidence IMO...

[edit on 5/1/10 by CHA0S]

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