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True Event: Alien Interaction Nobody has Ever Heard Before Today

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posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 11:31 AM
While it is good you are not afraid of what others think and now you are willing to share a little bit of your story, I walked away from this feeling like I will never get back the 10 min. I wasted reading your story. I normally don't waste my time even replying anymore, mostly for the same reasons you give for not completing your story.

This felt like all the other threads here and on the other conspiracy forums where someone knows beyond any shadow of doubt that their story is absolutely true and I don't care what you think of me cause it is true.....but......your human brain is too primitive to comprehend any of the important stuff so I am not going to tell you, pray you'll never know what I know......

If in fact you are absolutely correct, please accept my apologies, but please understand where I am coming from.....oh yea......I have a little primitive human brain.....I forgot......

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
Since i am not always around the computer to reply to people, I would like to say I hope the posts do more than entertain, but educate as well.

Sincere respect all.

Good you are still with us. Does your meeting with these entities have anything

to do with the knowledge of the Yellow Book given to former President

Eisenhower by aliens? ^Y^

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 01:30 PM
I wouldn't waste any of our readers time by contending the authenticity of your story, however, your story is just that... a story. when a person has had an experience such as the one(s) you claim to have had, I often wonder why they relay said information in story book fashion?!

Secondly, what is the point of telling all of us something about your personal life that in the end seems like you hold a secret you are unwilling to share? If you claim to be devoid of fear of ridicule, why omit the only piece of information that would lend to such ridicule?

Your entire story is fantastic, in the sense that anyone of us could claim such a meaningless experience. When it comes to offering all us (rhymes with "duck") tards a NEW, MEANINGFUL bit of info, you are more than reluctant. that makes absolutely no sense.

So, in the end, what you've done is waste everyones time, got us to read some of the same'ol BS, from another mind. You gave no credence to your claims by stating "the proof is at the end", then getting to the end and insisting our minds are too feeble to endure 'your' truth. Please... you see, in truth, there are people (such as myself) who have had REAL experiences and are too smart to go posting unsubstantiated stories under the premise of dealing with a midlife crisis and being ready to cope with it.

I've been reading stuff like this on here for years now, and to this day I haven't wasted anyones time with my PERSONAL fantasies. If you can't prove it, if you don't care about us, if you think you're so much better than us, then why the ( duck) are you wasting our precious time? Why don't you hitch a ride on one of the many ships you claim to have be in proximity of?

Again, I don't mean to challenge your story, I have not said it isn't true. I just wonder why 'you people' do this ish to us... to them. It's like you're trying to convince yourself... hell, after all, you only claimed it was "the truth" no less 6 times throughout the post. Sounds like you're not convinced....

Please, to all of us who KNOW what WE'VE experienced, don't go posting unsubstantiated jargon on our community pages!!!! Those of us who KNOW don't want to hear ish about, " your minds with succumb to psychosis" if I tell you the truth. Please...

The real experience is in the mind of those who are actively pursuing their connection with this moderate existence. The ones who have seen the vail and don't require your TOP SECRET clearance code to access said information. The real experience and movement is in the hearts and minds of those of us intelligible to keep our mouths shut, or to open them with answers that will facilitate the growth of feeble minds.

Being an experiencer on many levels myself, here is my advice, close your eyes, clear your mind, and search for your soul. When you realize you can't find it amidst all the hum-drum, do it again, and again, and again. When you realize still that you cannot see 'yourself', you'll understand that the answers aren't going to come from someone elses mouth, more than likely.


posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 02:58 PM
So you saw a "being" that you could describe but we wouldn't understand.

And he told you things that you could tell us, but we couldn't handle it.

And something is going to happen in 2014 or 2015, obviously you have already figured out that 2012 is looking to fizzle out because everyone was saying things should of started happening by now. So let's push the date back a little further and say 2014 and 2015. I just got off of another thread that said that aliens told him (or was it time travelers?) that the big event that is going to wipe us all out (I think he said the earth is going to stop rotating) is going to happen in october 11, 2011. So is his alien right or is yours?

Then in your other basically preach a bible sermon.

Then you create another post that is going to "answer questions"...and all you did was make basic chemistry and biology sound like magic.

So far...I'm not "ducked" up at all. I'm just bored reading about another person who needs attention by saying they "know" something...but can't share it because it's too much for others to handle.

I only have one question for does this make your life better?

Let's assume you are telling the does it make you feel better to attempt to scare people...but then not sharing all the information in an attempt to scare them even more? How does that better your life?

Most likely this is another story because someone needs does that better your life by getting attention by lying?

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 03:48 PM
Hi, I am a musician, and would like to call myself in-tune somewhat. I have perfect pitch hearing. And so on as well... Even if some people are wanna-bee fledglings I still confirm that it's all very real. There are many species including us about of course. Some of them are us. Then on with others from all walks. And the rest are spectral. I have had small relations with the red triangle groups. They like to cause dreamlike states. And let me definite the answer that they are out to manipulate time and space in general in our species. Beware... for it is a wonder what distractions or anomalies that process creates for future sake and for other civilizations. They simply know too much about us in general. And only officially associate with our governments? BS, and leaving the rest of us confused or dead like cattle. Might as well up the food chain from this point. All though I will say recent events have had me on edge of the next thing to happen. And I am proud to be part of a true realization. But people resist thought of species cloning other species. As are we today doing as well. And playing god over the clones we make. DNA is truly something else. Some scientists think they can touch god through this matter. It would seem god is way to busy to care. And that we are not really that important as we would LIKE to be. But part of a process that is needed to create a bigger existence that is not included in our lifetimes. It's funny with this site and place. You can always bank on being judged no matter what name you use. What does a government science lab do when they alter something too far, destroy it. Fire boom! It seems we take some of our own abilities for granted. And expect something way better and advanced in return. Imagine opening a big box for xmas and only getting a small piece of dark matter instead of what you imagined and wanted. But within that that matter comes something else that will matter. This is all I know to say til this point. Live well...

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 04:06 PM
Dude, I used to play with a telescope all the time when I was a kid and I can assure you the moon looks like the moon, mmmkay? All gray and pimply. Just like in books.

My God, how could anybody just keep nodding after that doozie?


Doesn't mean there's no contact. It's like you said, the TERROR involved in stepping past terrestriality... abominable abomination!!! In terror reasonable comprehension flees. Imagination fills in the blanks.

This is why you feel the need to affirm "THIS IS REAL!!!", methinks. Something WAS real, but you know deep down that your memories are inaccurate.

Oceans and forests on the moon... hah! (Unless they're on the inside of a hollow moon with a mini star in the middle?)

As a teeny-tot my yellow parakeet died. My mom replaced it with a blue one and told me that parakeets change color when they're really happy. I believed her because she was older, smarter, and could reach the cupboard.

As a teeny-tiny tot I clipped my fingernail and left it outside my door. That night I saw a sliver moon and knew that my fingernail had become a star.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by Ragu23]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:09 PM
So soon to shoot your load i see . . .

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by amari

Pleased you quoted this, I have read the whole of this story, Its called "Interview with an alien" it can be downloaded as a PDF, a lot to read but I was hooked and really enjoyed the document? It is a must read

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:10 PM
Thank you so much for your post(s) Unleashed68 ! S&F for you !

As a lover of science-fiction, your post is a perfect example of why I love this site so much...such drama...such mystery...such's totally "fear-porn" and I must admit, I'm addicted.

You even threw in a "cliffhanger ending" for those of us who are into that sort of thing...bravo!!!

Please don't ever tell us the's not that we can't handle it or that our heads will's simply that the ending will definitely ruin the whole suspense thing and will undoubtedly disappoint us...especially if you tell us that we're going to become alien slaves, pets, food, etc...most of us have read those books already...been there, done that.'re a brilliant storyteller and should really publish your work...I predict a screenplay in the works ??? I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future...please keep posting more fun stories!

Thanks again, and best regards.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by polychronopolis]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:05 PM
Thanks for posting it was a long thread but worth the time.... Very interesting!!

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:35 PM
[edit on 3-1-2010 by H4W4II4N_PUNCH]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by CHA0S
reply to post by amari

I don't believe that for a second...I know for a fact Earth is full of kind and caring may seem like the Earth is full of evil and corrupt souls to the untrained eye...but I know a lot of people who are anything but evil. The Earth is not a prison or recycle bin for corrupt souls...that I know for sure...

[edit on 1/1/10 by CHA0S]

But.... If that were true, could you handle the truth

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Unleashed68

A very well written story. But then again, so was A Midsummer Night's Dream, and that doesn't mean that fairies are real...

I am a firm believer in tolerance, so you can take whatever you want from these experiences you supposedly had even if they can be explained by scientific reasoning.

However, I personally believe that extraterrestrial life does exist, but that it has neither visited earth nor contacted any of its inhabitants. Unless someone kills an alien dead during one of these encounters and drags the body to my house or a silver disc-like spacecraft crashes into my living room, I will side with evidence rather than speculation in this case...

A good read nonetheless...

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 11:15 PM
I for the most part liked what you posted. Same as everyone else, I'm a little annoyed at the withholding of information but it's alright. I would like to know what it is though, you can pm me about it if you choose.

I was intrigued and checked out your other posts. Just about everything you've written I can kind of agree on and nothing really surprised me or was new. I agree with some others that you simply repackaged old information into your own words which is great. There was one thing you wrote however that raised a red flag in my mind and I am not sure if it's in this post or one of the other ones but something you wrote reminded me of the book of Daniel.

In the book it says the host and sanctuary are going to be trodden underfoot and I always took this to mean that humans (the hosts) and the sanctuary (heaven within) are going to be trodden underfoot. Basically it sounds to me like old fashioned demon posession and I do see it happening all over the globe in an instant to those who are caught unaware of it coming.

The scenario you described about the return of Christ also as being an event taken place in your mind, well this sounds alot like project bluebeam and I actually expected this to be done of the antichrist and not Christ. The abomination of desolation is to stand in the holy place (your mind) showing himself as god and coincidently this is how you say the Messiah is going to return.

I also thought your words reminded me of the movie Avatar (good movie) like some others here. You mentioned how we are to release our spirit somehow and free it from our bodies. In the movie avatar, there is a line about 'emptying your cup' which I think means the same thing as 'releasing your spirit' and actually the exact same thing was said in the movie 2012 in the scene with the monks.

Common sense tells me that Hollywood is no friend of my spirit so I have to wonder about this message. Jesus tells us to watch lest he comes back and finds us naked and this sounds the same as being empty. When it comes to this parable actually there are many other warnings in the bible. I understand you believe bible is only mans book. I like the bible and trust in it but I also think there is a point when you have to let the Holy Spirit guide you the rest of the way.

I do enjoy your reading your posts though, please keep them coming!

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:10 AM
For more info in dreams and death, and the relation to the universe,

Dreams and Death: Doorway to the Universe

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:05 AM
My friend, your story is a reality, i understand it and believe it 100%. I know the feeling of being different, know one to speak to, know one will would have believed it, till just recently. Either way, your brave and highly enlightened
Though i don't recall the details, i do remember the sleeplessness and activity
late at night, i could here something in my room, i could feel something looking at me, another face close to mine, then "Nothing" no memory after that, it happened many times and no recollection after! Since then Ive been addicted to
the paranormal field, mostly the UFO side of the paranormal. As of this time,
I've been communicating with the "Andromedan Tall Greys" almost every clear night in La Selva Beach Ca. I'm currently working on a documentary, of all my communications and recordings, i hoping that entire documentary will be ready for The: "International UFO Congress" in March. Thank you for your insight and truthfulness. [email protected]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:06 AM
You are a talented writer, and it seems that fiction is your forte. However, it also appears that you are a person of insight, and have chosen to dramatize your insights to give them weight, using the anonymity of the web to do so.

Although I believe your story to be largely fiction, I also believe that your insights may be genuine. The scenario you alluded to of a terrible showdown in the time frame of 2014-2015 is consistent with the timeframe given in a recently published book called "The Final Event: Dawn of the Age of Truth", published in May, 2009 by Inner Traditions.

There the author predicts, based upon calculated astronomical, astrological, and prophetic evidence, drawn from the Vedic, Mayan, Christian, and Egyptian traditions, that after terrible events involving the potential loss of millions or even billions of lives, the first "light" of a new Age of Truth (Satya Yuga) will be seen and felt in June of 2016.

As the darkest hour comes just before the dawn, that would suggest that the years 2014-2015 will be terrible indeed, as you have implied. However, the author also suggests that what will follow the cataclysmic events, will be an age of peace, prosperity, and enlightenment unlike anything known in recorded history.

So, just as the balance in nature is restored after a thunderstorm, the balance in human consciousness and society will be restored after the terrible events of 2014-2015 have come to pass, when many of the darker souls inhabiting our planet will make their exit.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:42 AM
I wanted to send you a private message but I couldn't. I will only say I sympathize with you and your situation. I have had some things happen too and like you said I am not sure they happened or were real, though at the time and right after they were more believable to me or more genuine seeming.

I notice that my mind has clouded the events and changed them in small but important ways over time. Sometimes certain memories of these events are so strange that I have a fragment of one and then when I try to focus on that fragment of the memory It goes from being a clear fragment to a very distorted and at times totally diminished recollection.

And it leaves me to wonder..what the hell was I thinking about?

And I go on about my day with a strange pull a strange sensation Something has happened but I do not know what, Something unearthly, I think for me is the not knowing clearly , the not remembering clearly is driving me insane. AT least if I recalled in totality the complete memory and not some screwed up fragment leaving me with questions and speculative confusion I feel I would be better off. for me..this is just the way I am made. for me ignorance is not bliss, I have a fear of unknowing. I would rather know clearly myself and events and be able to apply something. I do not like being left in the dark. SO this memory fux fuzz I need it lifted. every time they come back I need them more and my mind is cloudy and my purpose is just as screwed up. When you see them again. Ask them to help me. and stop hiding my memories from me. It isnt helping me. Somebody has to hear me. I have forgotten so many important things and i think i have more than one kind of species doing this to me. One tells me something and the other set distorts it.


posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:42 AM
I wanted to send you a private message but I couldn't. I will only say I sympathize with you and your situation. I have had some things happen too and like you said I am not sure they happened or were real, though at the time and right after they were more believable to me or more genuine seeming.

I notice that my mind has clouded the events and changed them in small but important ways over time. Sometimes certain memories of these events are so strange that I have a fragment of one and then when I try to focus on that fragment of the memory It goes from being a clear fragment to a very distorted and at times totally diminished recollection.

And it leaves me to wonder..what the hell was I thinking about?

And I go on about my day with a strange pull a strange sensation Something has happened but I do not know what, Something unearthly, I think for me is the not knowing clearly , the not remembering clearly is driving me insane. AT least if I recalled in totality the complete memory and not some screwed up fragment leaving me with questions and speculative confusion I feel I would be better off. for me..this is just the way I am made. for me ignorance is not bliss, I have a fear of unknowing. I would rather know clearly myself and events and be able to apply something. I do not like being left in the dark. SO this memory fux fuzz I need it lifted. every time they come back I need them more and my mind is cloudy and my purpose is just as screwed up. When you see them again. Ask them to help me. and stop hiding my memories from me. It isnt helping me. Somebody has to hear me. I have forgotten so many important things and i think i have more than one kind of species doing this to me. One tells me something and the other set distorts it.


posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:02 AM
Thanks for sharing your experiences with all of us. Many of the events that you have describe have happened to me. The visitations started when I was 4 and lasted till I was 18. Some of these visitations are still very vivid in my mind. I have also witnessed many UFO sightings from the time I was 11 till I was 28.

None of the visitations have ever been traumatic or psychologically scarring. The earliest memory I have is waking up on an operating table with bright lights over head. The figures standing over me, in the operating room, were wearing surgical white outfits and their faces were covered in white masks. They told me to relax and go back to sleep. To this day I associate that event with the time I got my tonsils removed when I was 4. Why, I don't know.

Most of the visitations took place in my bedroom. They usually occurred after 12AM and only during the spring and summer. The other visitation that caught my mind's eye happened when I was 11. I was awaken at the usually time with someone calling my name. The voices would be heard in my head, even thought the person was in my room. Anyway, he told me to look at the wall. Then a projection, or if you like a hologram, was shown to me. It was a big, old pyramid. He said that his ancestors came from there to Earth. When I was 28 I went to a used book store and picked up a copy of Hoagland's book Cydonia and the face on Mars. As I looked through it I came to a picture of the 5 sided pyramid. I stopped breathing for a few seconds and grew very cold. It was the same picture I saw when I was 11, in 1971.

I have many other experiences with visitations and UFO sightings. Whether you believe or not is up to you. As for me I know they happened, and I know there must be a reason for it. I hope some day I can figure out why they happened and what I was supposed to learn from them.

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