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True Event: Alien Interaction Nobody has Ever Heard Before Today

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posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:32 AM
This story is incredible. I have always believed in the theory stated at the end as well. The end paragraph is something that i have thought for years. That our perception and this world, and our bodies included are all just an illusion to help us feel like we have meaning and help us feel secure by giving us companions and a world to live in. And that instead of this "reality" there is a much different existence that we are living in as well.
I didn't think that anyone else would think of this possibility, until i read the end of your article.
I will soon attempt to message you about this. Please read my message when you receive it. But it will also be awhile before i send it.

Thank You for this knowledge Sir. I hope to hear from you in the future.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:49 AM
I will say, coincidentally, that tonight I was rereading this vanilla envelope full of local news articles from a mass sighting in 1978 in my area, north of Stillwater, Minnesota, along the St. Croix river, adjacent to Wisconsin. There was a mass sighting of a triangle craft UFO.

I had read these articles before but tonight was the first time I noticed one reference to a housewife who had missing time and so went under hypnosis and realized she had been abducted up into the craft. She had been gone for a little over an hour.

There is no follow up to this report.

Strangely though in the summer of 1997 a triangle craft -- with NO FUSELAGE -- flew right over the north end of our yard -- it was slow and making a humming noise. My sister had seen lights on the horizon which I saw as well. She went inside and then I saw the lights turn into a craft coming towards our house from the horizon. I could triangulate the craft's size and distance and I could clearly see the craft. There were green and red lights on the corner and one in the center -- a perfect equilateral triangle. There was no fuselage at all.

Anyway I could have hit the craft if I had thrown something up above the tree that the craft slowly flew over. But I didn't dare take my eyes off the craft since I didn't want to have "missing time." I didn't think it a reasonable worry but also I didn't want to risk any possibilities. Strangely that night I did dream of "gray aliens" hovering over me. When I told me sister she said she had the same dream. But I immediately dismissed these dreams as just artifacts of all the cultural propaganda about the gray aliens. My sister had a copy of Whitley Streiber's Communion book around the house with the prominent gray alien on the cover.

Also the person who gave me the news articles from the previous local sighting told me that there was an air force base nearby and this was a "military flight test corridor." I still think this triangle craft is a MILITARY craft -- not an extraterrestrial craft with aliens. Still there was also cattle mutilation associated with the sighting back in 1978 and the rancher was scared out of the area. I looked on MUFON and there have been many very similar big black triangle sightings in this area. The craft have been seen to also vanish and jump around -- move so fast you can not see any acceleration.

reply to post by Unleashed68

[edit on 3-1-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 01:20 AM
[edit on 3-1-2010 by Lilthunda00]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 01:25 AM
I honestly found two posts that made me was that we are all prisoners on earth and naturally, that is true if you substitute sinners for prisoners and know that the only way out is naturally Jesus Christ...who is like the one and only lifeboat afloat on the sea of iniquity but all who believe can come aboard and find themselves transported into some Heavenly realm somewhere...the other post unfortunately has been zapped from my memory by one of those aliens who has decided to block my thinking right now...erased it totally from my mind, but it is amongst the posts I read, as I tired of many of them after a while...the original post had some elements of possible truth in it, but it began with the fall so that I am thinking this is one of the fallen angels who is trying so hard to find that Light which is the only way back into Heaven...perhaps after all, that is how the demons on earth or fallen angels come to know the anguish of having fallen due to their wanting to be in a higher unfortunately, for that kind of soul, or fallen spirit, the truth would annihilate his being, his psyche...the old gray matter could probably handle the truth, but a fallen angel's psyche would be seriously imploded when confronted with the truth...take heed and consider what you are saying after all...whose thoughts are you speaking? your own? or others? the word thought transference alone was a dead giveaway to me, while others pointed out the element of plagiarism with aliens hiding in mountains so that one could get no fuel...a bogus story told by a fallen doubt...but go ahead, regale us with no tales of woes, if you have any followers yet...

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by SpiritOfMan
reply to post by light2012

From my perspective, these extra-terrestrials are nothing less than demons.
Many have and will succumb to this seductive aroma of pseudo-enlightenment.

An attitude like that will guarantee you a negative experience no matter what.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by kozmo

I'm not knocking your whole post, as i agree with some of your reply, but come on mate...stop putting imaginary limits, on the limits of our imaginations!

We CAN imagine...anything. We may not be able to 'know' certain mental creations, in a classic sense of mechanical workings or procedure, or put another way, we know we have jigsaw pieces, but we don't know what the finished picture will be..but we can still imagine how the jigsaw might fit together, even without sight of the completed picture.

Why everyone and his dog these days, seems to try and convince themselves that their minds are not able to make leaps of understanding, is beyond me.

Don't sell yourselves and us short...we are more capable that we are being 'trained' to believe.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 04:40 AM
I can believe that this story is true, and I am very AWARE of spirit reality, but I am still unsure when you refer to 100 million people disappearing every year for 70 years. That is a very BIG statement.

Could you kindly elaborate on that? Otherwise, yours is just another one of big predictions that NEVER came true. There are so many in this forum. And there is no need for that.

I like spirit-related uplifting posts, instead of doom predictions.
I have plenty of dreams about the future: there are some changes, but society is still here in 2020! So, why do we see contradictory things? Maybe I am an optimist?

Lots of peace,

[edit on 3-1-2010 by segurelha]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by LiteraryOneTwo

OK..while i'm vehemently anti organised religion (but not anti-'good'), i'm confused about some aspects of the beliefs of others.

One particular question has been doing the rounds in my mind lately, since many of the posters in this thread, and others on ATS seem to have a belief in a 'heaven'. I've often heard it said that time is irrelevant when a soul reaches 'heaven' (or whatever your religion calls this area)

Q1. Does (according to your beliefs) time exist in heaven, as we perceive time and the passage of time here on Earth? Can a soul traverse time in all directions, assuming it exists there?

In other words, is a day a day, or can a day be a nano second or a millennia?

If time is immaterial in heaven...then that means that everyone we have ever known or ever will know, from kids you met at Kindergarten, through school, further education, all of the people you've met or will meet in your jobs, all of your family whether they are born or as yet unborn, all of the people you have met or will meet in the old folks home.

In fact, everyone you've met or yet to meet..ARE IN HEAVEN NOW and always have/will be.

Think about it.

There's no Earth shattering conclusion here, just something doing the mental rounds.

[edit on 3/1/2010 by spikey]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:43 AM
Maybe the OP wants people to draw their own conclusions or see our reactions. I imagine the spirit forces behind this communiqué would want to do this. (See the book "War in Heaven" by Kyle Griffith - easy to search and read online.) I have also had important dreams and visions of "aliens" but I think these are from another dimension or density. They may have been the same ones as appeared to the Celts as fairies. The Strieber material also points to this direction.
Then again, it is also conceivable that we all exist in two places at once, and the other is an "alien planet" or something to that effect. In fact, some threads here and on glp on reincarnational philosophy by so-called elite insiders hint at that possibility.
What if humankind is in some kind of "swarm" recently, and the planet will downgrade us after that? The OP hints at a "mother of all wars" to come. I have held the belief that at least one third of humans will survive no matter what happens, as a specific reincarnational station in a long spiritual saga.
Also, if you saw the movie Avatar, you can conclude that our culture at this point as humans is toxic. No matter what we do, for spiritual or ecological reasons we should try to reassert a unity with the rest of the forces of the planet peacefully. If that fails to succeed, it will prove a point about this form of existence.
Oriental astrology (which uses the zodiac of the actual constellations) also confirms that 2015-2016 will be a difficult time collectively. I will try and find out more about that.
I add that despite my own musings it would be indeed great if the OP gave us a change to have the last bits of information that he considered dangerous.
I could also quote my dream I had I asked people about on a few threads here. It is interesting that it also happened around the year when this OP was having first contact. I think there could be something in background history that is considered a breakthrough around the years 1970-73.

Dream #1: Set in the early 20th century. I am an officer at a British outpost in Western India near a jungle (in retrospect, it could be Brazil), courting the daughter of the former head of the garrison. Her father has disappeared in the forest; his hobby was finding the ancient ruins of an extinct civilisation. Everyone considers him mad except his daughter who believes he has found what he was looking for, a sensational discovery worthy of Schliemann, and was determined to find him despite no one wanting to help. I agree to go with her to the jungle. We talk to natives who say they would not venture beyond a certain point: there are ‘weird spirits’ there. We learn they know more about the Colonel and also about a ‘City of Spirits,’ but that white people would simply never take them seriously. They point out the direction where the Colonel was heading and accompany us to a certain point where they all turn back, frightened.

Soon we arrive at the ancient ruins, no trace of the colonel, though. Among the walls (a mix between Sumerian and Mayan), in the open air, there is a strange machine resembling an old railway track changer: people operate it by pulling levers.
They are overseen by tall Greys patrolling from the top walls. (Up to that point, I have never ever seen a depiction in sci-fi or UFO literature of this kind of creature. This was around 1970 or 1971 in Eastern Europe.) No one tries to escape, anybody working with the machine gets instantly hypnotised. The Colonel’s daughter approaches the machine and tries to talk to the humans – she gets instantly sucked into the hypnosis. I sense danger. The Greys come down for me and peacefully escort me through the top of ruined fortress walls to the head chamber. There is a different alien, I guess it could have been a Reptilian although I am not sure. All I recall is s/he was unlike the others. I briefly talk to this Commander, and s/he reinforces my observation that the humans down there are hypnotised by the machine. I learn they would never leave it, neglecting food and other necessities. Then the Commander instructs his/her troops to let me go. I run back and no one is after me. I try to pull the girl away from the machine; I succeed after quite some struggle. She is literally fighting me. As soon as she is in a safe distance, though, she recovers and thanks me for freeing her. We try to free some more people before the aliens notice but they either collapse as soon as they are pulled away, or directly fight our attempts.
We head back to the forest, afraid the aliens would mount chase, but they do not. We know no one would ever believe us – we do not have to discuss that.

Dream #2: This was very brief but traumatic. I am taken off-planet by a spaceship of Greys and shown how Earth is going to be destroyed soon by mankind’s environmental policies. It literally turns into a stinking industrial desert. I am shocked and cry for a long time when I wake up.

This was last inserted by myself at the following thread:

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:57 AM
Since i am not always around the computer to reply to people, I would like to say I hope the posts do more than entertain, but educate as well.

Sincere respect all.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
Since i am not always around the computer to reply to people, I would like to say I hope the posts do more than entertain, but educate as well.

Sincere respect all.

Well you could start by answering some of them.

Now I'm somewhat skeptical by nature, but why would you drop such a statement as the things about 'our minds being unable to comprehend' certain things? A human brain isn't fragile, it adapts. Now if you would present a decent enough explanation, things would be rather easy to understand.

So, aliens are in spirit-form, communicate through emotions and we're currently in our earthly bodies, which originate from the earth? So far so good, not sure I would agree on all points, but what do I know. Nonetheless, it hasn't really been any problems whatsoever imagining this. Heck, it's barely out of the box thinking having read and played numerous Role-playing games and books.

And sure, you might not want/expect everyone to believe you, but since you tried you must've had SOME reason to post it, be it fame or other, so do try further. If our brains 'splode it's our bad for reading, innit?

[edit on 3-1-2010 by aboveGoos]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:58 AM
This thread, so far, is speculation without any firm evidence. Of course, every important invention starts like that.

Not unusual to think that all of life, all of what we know as "physical", is an illusion, that we as humans are simply computerized robots in one large virtual game.

Proof of such a game -- that's something else.

For the last 25 years, I have been involved in developing the proof. In fact, the entire English language was pre-formed to contain hidden messages, millions of them.

Such a thing as a predefined language is, in fact, proof of predestination, proof that such a game exists. Proof that this thread can go somewhere other than pure speculation.



Removed link to personal blog

[edit on 16/1/10 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:49 AM
I think you were deceived by them.
Even in your post it is clear that you think they are superior to us.
Let me tell you something no matter how worthless they made you think you are it is not true my friend.
A true being would inspire you,it would tell you to never give up to keep fighting till the end because the future is not set in stone.
They are not gods,we are not their slaves so do not think for one second that we are worthless,that we are evil.
Even if we all die in the end we will just have to make the best of it.
Hug your family,drink a beer and stop listening to them.
Why do they hide in the shadows,why do they come when you are the most vulnerable is it not a sign that they are cowards?
They starve us to death,they put chemicals in our water,they bombard us with all kinds of stuff and yet they pass laws in secrecy,they make us fight one another.
Keep your head up high my friend.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:58 AM
The whole OP is a mishmash of previously told stories.

One example being the description of the craft being so close you could throw a ball at it. Those exact words can be found in the Missler video posted in the Enoch thread.

It reads like science fiction because it is, its just not the OPs.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by xSeraphim
I think you were deceived by them.
Even in your post it is clear that you think they are superior to us.
Let me tell you something no matter how worthless they made you think you are it is not true my friend.
A true being would inspire you,it would tell you to never give up to keep fighting till the end because the future is not set in stone.
They are not gods,we are not their slaves so do not think for one second that we are worthless,that we are evil.
Even if we all die in the end we will just have to make the best of it.
Hug your family,drink a beer and stop listening to them.
Why do they hide in the shadows,why do they come when you are the most vulnerable is it not a sign that they are cowards?
They starve us to death,they put chemicals in our water,they bombard us with all kinds of stuff and yet they pass laws in secrecy,they make us fight one another.
Keep your head up high my friend.

What a spirited fool you are. You have the mindless zeal of Obama. Saying it isn't true does not make it not true.

The ET's are in control, or "God" who presents the ET's as an example of how terrible being controlled by others is --- is in control.

Want proof that we are under the control of "others"?

Study the translation examples (there are over 16,000 of them) at:



Removed link to personal blog

[edit on 16/1/10 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
You are an illusion of cellular form, an extension of the nutrients of the Earth, your bodies are mere mannequins under the control of a consciousness, one that formed the mannequin from mere nothingness. The mannequin or human body, the mind that interprets what is being read right now, was created from a single invisible cell, and it is controlled by this invisible presence called a spirit right now.

I enjoyed reading of your experiences. I have to also admit I was a bit disappointed though because of the last paragraph. This is something I have known for a long time and didn't need aliens to visit to understand this. I am not screwed up knowing this on the contrary I live a full life enjoying my experiences good and bad.

Your reluctance to share communications is your business but I really think it defeats the purpose of even sharing your experience. There are so many people who come to this sight and share the same events. Unfortunately you are not unique.

Let me finish by saying you were told these things for a reason and it is up to you to figure out what to do with it.

p.s. Sorry if this has been covered in the prior pages, I did not read through all the posts.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:28 AM
you're like my girlfriend. every once in a while she would tell me she has a secret to tell me if i go buy some snacks. of course at 2am i would not. she would then proceed to rub my curiosity. it's very annoying some times because what if there was one? i make her swear that she has a secret and she does, that just keeps me thinking.

when i do go get the snack it'll be something really stupid.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by etcorngods

Originally posted by xSeraphim
I think you were deceived by them.
Even in your post it is clear that you think they are superior to us.
Let me tell you something no matter how worthless they made you think you are it is not true my friend.
A true being would inspire you,it would tell you to never give up to keep fighting till the end because the future is not set in stone.
They are not gods,we are not their slaves so do not think for one second that we are worthless,that we are evil.
Even if we all die in the end we will just have to make the best of it.
Hug your family,drink a beer and stop listening to them.
Why do they hide in the shadows,why do they come when you are the most vulnerable is it not a sign that they are cowards?
They starve us to death,they put chemicals in our water,they bombard us with all kinds of stuff and yet they pass laws in secrecy,they make us fight one another.
Keep your head up high my friend.

What a spirited fool you are. You have the mindless zeal of Obama. Saying it isn't true does not make it not true.

The ET's are in control, or "God" who presents the ET's as an example of how terrible being controlled by others is --- is in control.

Want proof that we are under the control of "others"?

Study the translation examples (there are over 16,000 of them) at: and

Do you have to be a prick to prove something?
It is my opinion, if you wanna be controlled then by all means try some bondage

you made my day.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 10:40 AM

You are an illusion of cellular form, an extension of the nutrients of the Earth, your bodies are mere mannequins under the control of a consciousness, one that formed the mannequin from mere nothingness. The mannequin or human body, the mind that interprets what is being read right now, was created from a single invisible cell, and it is controlled by this invisible presence called a spirit right now.

Thou art giveth us information nigh old as the sun itself, sir.

I do wish you'd give us this information that (rhymes with "ducks") you up. I've encountered many strange revelations in my life that seemed absurd and beyond human comprehension and so ridiculous that they made me fear for my sanity. Mostly I wish to know if the messages you've been given relate at all with the hippies in the 'Philosophy, Metaphysics and Psychology' board, or if they can relate more with my own theories (which I hold higher than the recycled hogwash the New-Agers continuously spit up in some attempt to sound enlightened) If you feel it's too heavy for the public of ATS I would ask you U2U! it to me,

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 11:29 AM
[edit on 3-1-2010 by Aliensun]

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