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Dead Celebrities That Are Now Alive

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posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by daisyglaze

I think it is more likely, for most of us, normal human deficits in memory processing. If you read about how memories are made and stored and retrieved, it's a delicate process prone to glitches. I do suppose what you are proposing is possible. I just don't think it is probable. It would be far too much risk for very little payoff. They would be more likely to work with volunteers or a carefully selected and controllable pool of test subjects than random members of the public at large.

I just happen to be revisiting this thread because I recently discovered Doris Day is still alive and I could have sworn she had passed some time ago. I do chalk that one up to lack of attention and faulty memory. Still I wanted to see if anyone else had mentioned her on this thread.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by LifeInDeath

Maybe you heard that his career had died, and you misheard what was dead?
You are correct on one thing though, Rico Suave was a God awful song!!!

edit on (29/8/11) by SLAPurMAMA because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

I have had this same phenomenon happen with peoples birthdays and wether I got them a present. What really gets me is how they change their drivers liscence so fast. LOL . Media is pOWNED!!!!

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by DeathShield
Dana Carvey, i remember hearing that he underwent heart surgery and DIED on the operating table. The news ran a biopic on him and i remember Headline News and some other station running the story as well as " a look back" on his acting career. Even my dad saw this , he was the one who called me to turn on the news. A few months ago i find out not only was he alive BUT he also survived the surgery.

[edit on 1-1-2010 by DeathShield]

I remember this too!
I'm actually finding this whole thread quite shocking. I remember the news talking about Billy Graham and vaguely remember George Wendt.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by srsen
Gotta weigh in on this one.

Only the other day i was stunned to hear Brett 'The Hitman' Hart, of WWE wrestling fame, is set to return to the WWE.

I was CONVINCED he had died. Not sure why, but when i heard it i thought they were joking - "but he's been dead for ages" i thought....

I am so confused...I remember plain as day that he was dead. I remember someone I went to high school with and talked to often online a few years back was obsessed with him and had tons of In Memory Of stuff...My fiance is a HUGE wrestling fan...he and I talked about him dying...when he gets in from work, I am going to ask him about it.
I relaize this is like a year after your post...but this flipped me out!!

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by SouthernRain55

Originally posted by srsen
Gotta weigh in on this one.

Only the other day i was stunned to hear Brett 'The Hitman' Hart, of WWE wrestling fame, is set to return to the WWE.

I was CONVINCED he had died. Not sure why, but when i heard it i thought they were joking - "but he's been dead for ages" i thought....

I am so confused...I remember plain as day that he was dead. I remember someone I went to high school with and talked to often online a few years back was obsessed with him and had tons of In Memory Of stuff...My fiance is a HUGE wrestling fan...he and I talked about him dying...when he gets in from work, I am going to ask him about it.
I relaize this is like a year after your post...but this flipped me out!!

My husband remembers Bret Hart dying too. His friend had even linked him a news article about it when it happened.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by ryliem

My husband remembers Bret Hart dying too. His friend had even linked him a news article about it when it happened.

I asked my fiance this morning about it and he gave me a look like I was losing my mind. *sigh*
I told him how I remembered it and that he and I discussed it, etc, etc...nothing.

He doesn't recall this at all...

I am losing my mind...

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by SouthernRain55

I don't remember Bret Hart died but I do remember his brother
Owen had died,It was in my home town when it happened.Owen
was playing blue blaser and fell from the top of the arena.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:47 AM
This regularly happens to me and my family. We all remember the same news of a specific celebrity death, or in some other cases a favorite spot closures, etc. only to find that we were wrong. How can we all be wrong? (I have a fairly large family).

We now just chalk it up to our 'craziness'.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by emos75
reply to post by SouthernRain55

I don't remember Bret Hart died but I do remember his brother
Owen had died,It was in my home town when it happened.Owen
was playing blue blaser and fell from the top of the arena.

That's exactly what my fiance said...I feel about loony...but I suppose I probably just got them mixed up.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by invetro
On a similar note, there was a childrens TV presenter called Mark Speight who I remember watching when I was younger. I remember being on youtube one day and I was looking for an old TV program he used to do so I could show my then partner how whacky it looked. I came across a memorial video for him, and was quite shocked because I had no idea he was dead. I had heard nothing, but all the replies on this video were leaving the usual RIP comments like it was common knowledge. I actually looked through a couple pages of comments before googling it to see if it was true, and there it was. I can't remember the cause.

It wasn't until well over a year later that Mark Speight made big news for his arrest when his fiance had been found dead (he was aqquited from all charges). I looked for the memorial again on youtube, because I know for a fact I watched it, but it wasn't there. I could find nothing about his death anywhere. Mark Speight took his own life a few months after that, at which point I was beyond confused.

I remember about Mark Speight too!

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 02:12 PM
OK - I am conducting an experiment with friends/family.

I asked my grandmother who does NOT get on the net very much at all, if Billy Graham was dead or alive. She told me he was dead, had died a few years ago. I asked her why she thought that. She told me she saw it all over the TV & also from the paper. She even mentioned the bit about how she read or saw that Billy Graham's son was basically going to take over the family business.

I then asked her about Nelson Mandela. She says she thought he was dead. I said why? She said she remembers him being freed from prison, and becoming president of his country but then died. She was shocked when I told her both were still alive and does NOT believe me about Billy Graham being alive!

I asked my mother the same questions. She told me they were both dead. I asked why she thought that. She shook her head, thought about it some more, shook her head again and said I don't know, I vaguely remember both of them dying.

So, in my family, we have 3 of us who remember both being dead and we have varying degrees of recall about the events. How can this be?

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by geek101
Like alot of people here, i am sure i heard that Billy Graham died too. I am 100% sure of it. But it wasn't a month ago, it was a few months ago, but i even remember people in the media commenting on him dying and i even remember George W Bush attending the funeral.

Did any other big time evangelist die last year? Maybe we're confusing him with someone else. If no other evangelist died (famous one) last year, then this is freaky.


After Billy Graham's death, his son took over the ministry! The one that had been into drugs.

Please somebody remember that.

Regards and Nmaeste,


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by ChungTsuU

Originally posted by geek101
Like alot of people here, i am sure i heard that Billy Graham died too. I am 100% sure of it. But it wasn't a month ago, it was a few months ago, but i even remember people in the media commenting on him dying and i even remember George W Bush attending the funeral.

Did any other big time evangelist die last year? Maybe we're confusing him with someone else. If no other evangelist died (famous one) last year, then this is freaky.


After Billy Graham's death, his son took over the ministry! The one that had been into drugs.

Please somebody remember that.

Regards and Nmaeste,


Read my post above yours.
My grandmother and I both remember that too.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by LazerTron

LazorTron, quick question, Nelson Mandela dead or alive?

After your response I will tell you what I recall.

Regards and Nameste,


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:01 PM
wow its crazy to me that this thread is still going and people are still remembering that Billy Grahm is dead, i dont care what any one says i remember it clear as day........

thank you and good day/night depending on your location in this universe.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by mrsoul2009
My friend, its a simple matter of mistaken identity. No time travel, no alternate universe. Maybe a little too much weed but other than that nothing out of the ordinary.

The story was started because of the death of George Wendt SR. (Norm's father) He passed away in Chicago and it was reported as George Wendt without the initial reports qualifying it as the Sr. Wendt, not Jr..

OK I've read several pages beyond this post and nobody has pointed out that this is absolutely false. George Wendt's father died in 1993 in Newport, Rhode Island.

I remember George Wendt being announced dead several years ago. What gives??? I am a fan of his and was really sad. I also remember very clearly that Billy Graham was announced dead. Oral Roberts, I am fairly sure I heard he was dead also. I've seen Bob Dylan on TV singing as an older guy so I know he was never "dead"... at least in my Universe.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by sylvie

Originally posted by alienesque
yep..very odd...i remember hering that the singer from frankie goes to hollywood..holly johnson...had died..only to find out a few weeks ago that he is alive and well...

good thread

I remember that too. Was quite a few years ago that he died (in my reality).

The further I get in this thread the more freaked out I am getting. It was all over VH1, this must have been in the early 90's, that the lead singer of Frankie Goes to Hollywood died of AIDS. I remember that distinctly!!

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:57 PM
Okay, I have two to add to this thread today! I was on TMZ today and found a thing called: "Memba them?" and they had pics of stars from their height of fame and then pics of them from recent times.

First I saw Gene Wilder and I thought that they must be including deceased stars in the slideshow. But I googled him and he is alive.

Second I saw John Astin and lo and behold, he is alive too.

I know that both of these guys were deceased. I am a huge John Astin fan due to the Addams Family, and I remember being sad when I heard that he had passed.

Also, I have always loved Gene Wilder and I don't have a distinct memory of his death. He is just one of those people that in the back of my mind, I knew he had passed on. But I guess either I was wrong or things have changed!

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:36 PM
I remembered John Astin dying too! I even said something to my wife when he "died" She had no idea what addams family was and i made her watch the original series and the movies(minus the tim curry one) and I remember her arguing that raul juilia was a better gomez. then I recently saw him on something, and went wait..... what?

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