reply to post by Austria
Ok I posted this on yellowstone as well:
I got this from wikipedia earth magnetic field. In the German version there is a short paragraph about changes in the earth magnetic field during a
solar storm. I had to translate it, hope I got everything right.
For those who can understand german:
The magnetic field of earth deviates the charged particles of the sunwind and by doing so in great hights it gets deformed a lot. Satellite detection
show, the buildup of a plasma tail on the far side of earth. By magnetic storms, which are caused by sun eruptions and sun wind, the strength of the
earth field varies for short periods of time in the order of magnitude from some 100 to 1000nT.
In addition the solar radiation leads on the dayside to a stronger ionisation in the upper atmospheric layers. The current systems connected to this
phenomen influence the earth magnetic field as well in the order of magnitude of some 10nT. This effect is called Sq-variation.
Geostationary satellites in a hight of 36,000 km detect a earth magnetic field in the order of magnitude of 100nT the disturbances by the sun are in
the same order and are dominant during strong magnetic storms.
Here is a link to the graph.
Temporal variant in the earth magnetic field by a magnetic storm on the 31. of March 2001, recorded in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. The x-cordinate gives the
time in minutes (Greenwich time), The y-cordinate the magnetic field strength in Nanotesla [nT].
The green curve shows the sq-variant (without magnetic storm) in Ile-Ife.
My guess the forces are not so big, but thei might act on a lot of surface, so who knows. I doubt it would be enough to trigger an earthshake in it
self, but help to tip it off?
Ok today I followed a link where I look up my earthshakes, the site is more Europe orientated. So there are smaler european shakes, less US than in
your US sites
So for those who are interested:
Puterman you said you did not know where to find seismic data on Marsili vulcano, I found it the Geostar-Orion Platform to belong to the nereis
Network. I'm still not shure if there is ongoning data available, or not. But if you should be able to find the data on their network.