posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 11:38 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I thought if I wrote this in my 1st post people might skip past it..
For me, the largest 'hint' of anything 'occult' is Jay Zs hoodie in the picture above. Like I said, he is a smart (business) man and no doubt has
knowledge of what the phrase means.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but "Do What Thou Wilt" is about finding what your purpose is in life and letting free will take its course to allow
you to get there. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Jay Z followed this teaching and that is how he got where he is. He may feel he owes something
to whoever taught him this.
From what I know, that phrase is from "The Book Of The Law" written by Aleister Crowley.
Alesiter, I believe, while in the O.T.O Organization (Ordo Templi Orientis/Order of the Temple of the East), changed the organizations teachings from
freemasonry to the Law of Thlema - which is what the book is for basically.
The O.T.O, while not satanic or evil (from what I've researched I can't find any indicators of them being 'evil' per se) do use rituals and the
like. Assuming Jay Z used the O.T.O's teachings and got to where he is, then he would certainly owe them a lot. Putting this dark imagery in his
videos would be like playing out the organizations rituals and symbolism to the world.