Just found this from your link elsewhere. Is there any ufological subject you haven't covered, karl12?
Arthur Clarke's old, but still sharp saw, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
And maybe that's right, maybe our whole problem/mystery can be explained by a coca-cola bottle:
The more I consider the EDH as opposed to the ETH, however, the deeper I look into past accounts, I wonder why an Extra-Dimensional explanation would
exclude "technology." I don't see it that way.
But not exactly the same technology...they would have more and different materials to work with. Plasmas for instance. The descriptions of "ufos" in
the Abrahamic writings sound, to me, like space/time bending objects and somewhat ethereal machines, but objects and machines created by the
"architects" of nature--able to create, so to speak, from the "raw" materials of the universe...if that makes any sense.
In the ancient writing called The Book of Enoch; the "Watchers" understood the earth, the universe, the stars, medicine, and the fashioning of
So, in a way, if these extra-dimensionals exist, maybe their technology IS magic as far as we're concerned.
And as such, maybe, just maybe, the ufos of today are the creations of those formerly known as "The Watchers."