posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 12:35 PM
We need to understand that we cannot abandon government and religon completely for ANYTHING ,we need to CLEAN THESE INSTITUTIONS UP NOW.The lies that
have been told to all of humanity by these groups are unforgivable and we need to clean house immediatly.
We need to preserve a global democracy and the freedom to believe what you choose,but this time with the codicile that your life actions including
worship cannot have a detrimental effect on humanity,and unfortunately cults that have a belief system based on an divine creator with the ability to
dispense divine forgiveness to its followers even for murder of another human is DETRIMENTAL TO HUMANITY.
Thou shalt not kill is obviously written into most religons but THE IDEA OF DIVINE FORGIVENESS FOR MURDER IS A WORSE THREAT TO HUMANITY THAN PEOPLE
You see ,no killing allowed ,even in the name of your god because humanitys survival and condition are more important than your personal choice of
belief system,in effect when we have a global democracy and we abolish cults designed to keep humanity seperated and at war there will be no more
killing and murder,a moneyless society would also all but eliminate non-war related murders,the world would be a better place.
Our governments and religons have lied to us for so long that they are afraid right now,they are in survival mode.
Disclosure enabled by the internet will not slow down,it will snowball,and at the end of the day which is coming faster and faster these institutions
will be held accountable by the people for their actions.
The real threat now is that one or possibly both of these groups will in a collusional manner instigate a war,because a war is the only thing big
enough to take our attention away from the reality of disclosure .The only way to keep us in the dark is by once again limiting humanities acess to
information and knowledge.A world war would do this.
Think about it this way,lets say that the only way that our governments could deal with a technological threat that was more advanced than us was to
threaten MADD or mutually assured destruction,using our NOW UNDERSTANDABLY INSANE STOCKPILE OF NUKES.And all the threat of MADD would do would be to
stall for time and try to find an advantageous field of battle that we could use to fight for our survival.
That field of battle turned out to be the information battlefield and the perception or shared reality of mankind.While our governments have been
fighting to keep everything under wraps hoping to make some technological breakthroughs of our own the enemy has been using money and subversive
influence to infiltrate mass media and begin to wage information war against us by teaching generations of us through mass brainwashing that spacemen
are good,that E.T is harmless,other species want to be our friends,our governments have fought back with Alien and Predator trying to influence public
perception back into humanities favor,showing us that the universe is just like here,it can be predatory.
Right now our governments and religons are being forced into disclosure at a time when humanitys perceptions are skewed or fogged up.This is advantage
enemy,because the only way we can be defeated is from within,we are more powerful than we think.Madd is a great deterrant .at least from a seige
mentality point of view.
If disclosure happens without governments and religons being involved humanity will rebel against its own strongest asset,its cumulative or group
realities.If we all feel betrayed and lied to we will be less likely to believe in the structures we now have.These groups are deeply infiltrated and
have been deeply influenced,AND ARE CORRUPT AND MISDIRECTED RIGHT NOW,but this is not the time to abandon them it is the time to change them into
something stronger than they have ever been.We need to clean these institutions up and now.
We will need them shortly.
The US military is probably the tip of humanitys spear so we better respect that.I was told of a war humanity is involved in,that we are fighting
right now,I wasnt told who we were fighting or why.There are many groups I believe and many choices humanity has to make so step one is a true global
democracy.We can only choose properly as one group or one cumulative reality.Every human must be accounted for and have a realtime vote in humanitys
I was also told that earth was a hidden resource of materials and people and if we were found out war might come here.Maybe this is why we are
sequestered here and our probes are monitored and stopped before they can give our position away.
If this war comes here MADD wont apply because the general intent will be to scorch us period.
We need to clean up government and religon now because if war comes to humanity we will need to be strong in our convictions and beliefs strongly
supporting humanity survival not our regional interests.
Why do I still hear Ronald Reagan?Did he know what I know?
The military liason with every enemy they have it is necessary.
no one should ever be willing to abandon our institutions of religon and government but WE MUST NOT INSIST ON CHANGE ANYMORE WE MUST INITIATE CHANGE
the proper, legal and morally right ways WITHIN THESE GROUPS IMMEDIATLY IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY.